Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 138 Fight the Dog

The stewed pig's trotters at night was also fragrant. Cui Wei grabbed dried beans and stewed them down. In the evening, Nie Qiuran ate dinner and went back. Cui Wei thought of the five taels of silver she received today, and she couldn't sit still. When she sent her away, she thought about Nie Qiuran's figure In the second year of junior high school, it was said that the Yang family spent the days of relatives here. Although Cui Jingping lived in Cui Wei's side, I'm afraid he would have to go there. Even if he didn't stay there for lunch, at least when he came back, he had to show his face to Wu and others. Therefore, the brother and Looking at the cabinets in the room that had not been changed, she decided to find someone to replace the furniture in the house at the beginning of the year. Now she is not short of money. The house was only built in a hurry at the beginning. If it hadn't been for her young now, I'm afraid the house should have been changed again.

On the second day, the next door was really lively. The laughter of children and the sound of firecrackers made people unable to sleep. There was crackling everywhere. There was gradually laughter in the village, and there were relatives everywhere. As soon as Cui Wei got up and opened the door, she saw Cui Jingping also got up in clothes and rubbed. With his eyes, he obviously didn't sleep well. There was a ringing of the door outside, mixed with the sound of Yang's calling his son. In the past two days, some people in the village also heard about Cui Jingping's return, and rushed to Cui's house to see the bustle. This is also a good thing. Yang is going to set Go.

At this time, he had such a hard time with the Cui family before. Naturally, Cui Wei would not pass. Cui Jingping put on his clothes, and Cui Wei combed his hair again, and then he went out tremoping by himself.

It was still early outside. It was foggy. As soon as he went out, he shivered. He slept in the kitchen with a black back. As soon as he heard the sound, he also came out and shook his body energetically. Cui Wei simply let him out of the door and let him go to the toilet by the way. This guy s To solve the problem, I have to go out. I would rather put up with it. At this time, when I saw the door open, I was so happy that I couldn't help but rushed out. There are few dogs in Xiaowan Village. It has been a few months like Blackback, and there are fewer dogs that look majestic. Many children are afraid and curious when they see it, and they want to reach out to touch it. Cui Wei stood at the door for a while, then closed the door and turned into the house to heat up the goat's milk.

As soon as the goat's milk was cooked, and before she could take a sip of it into the pot, the barking of the dog, the crying of the children and the shouts of the adults sounded outside. Cui Wei was stunned for a moment, quickly put the milk bottle and went out. She was almost the only one who raised a dog in the neighborhood. As soon as possible, the bark sounded like a black back. When Cui Wei ran to the door, she saw a large group of people who had turned around. A large ball of hair on the dog's tail was blown open, and there was a place on the top that was blurred. Obviously, it was blown At the bottom, he cried heartbreakingly. The Tang family, dressed in new clothes, was taking the things in his hand and hitting the black back. Cui Wei was suddenly furious. She turned around and picked up a stone and smashed it at the Tang family, angrily:

"What are you doing?" Tang's coldness was as good as he was hit like this. Seeing that his son was thrown on the ground by a dog, the dog seemed to eat people. He was originally afraid. The stone thrown by Cui Wei hit her on her back. Even if she was wearing thick clothes, it didn't hurt much, but he also shocked Tang. Looking back and saw Cui Wei, Open it, it bites my son, and I want it to pay for my life!" Tang's face turned pale with a hurry. He picked up a thin bamboo stick from nowhere and smoked it on the dog. Cui Wei was furious. While calling the black back, she pushed the Tang family fiercely. She stared and said angrily, "If you hit it again, I'll let it bite you!"

"A beast, how can it be so obedient!" Tang refused to believe it. He was angry from his heart and slapped the black back twice. Cui Wei was suddenly furious and turned her head and said to the dog, "Black back, go, bite her!" The wolf dog is already smart, and it can understand some simple commands. This move to call the dog to bite people has been taught by Cui Wei for a long time. Hearing this, the instinctive loyalty in the black vest made it endure the pain on its tail and let go of the child on the ground and rushed to the Tang family!

I didn't expect that the dog was really obedient to bite people. Tang was shocked. At this time, he couldn't even take care of his son. He scared the black back twice with a bamboo stick, but what role such a small thing can do in front of such a big dog? It was suddenly bitten off. As soon as he came back from the A cannon exploded in the back of the stock. He was shocked, and it hurt. The guy was also crazy. He chased Tang and began to bite. Tang screamed and ran to the Cui family desperately. He threw his son here. He cried and howled in his mouth, and disappeared suddenly disappeared.

Yang Liquan stayed here alone. The handkerchief on his head fell off, and the new clothes he wore rubbed a lot of plaster on the ground. When he sat up, he saw Cui Wei squinting coldly and staring at him, he was shocked. But then he instinctively grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and smashed it into Cui Wei's face: "Fuck you to death! You little bitch, little bitch, kill people!"

I haven't seen him for several months. This dead child is still so annoying. Cui Wei suddenly got angry. The last account hasn't been calculated with him. This time, the injury on the black back must have been caused by this little thing, and there should be a limit to mischievousness. It's really annoying like Yang Liquan. Cui When I got to the bamboo stick that had been bitten by the black back before, I immediately picked it up. While patting it twice on my hand, I asked Yang Liquan, "Did you make my dog's tail?"

"What about me? Do you dare to touch one of my fingers? I'll let my aunt beat you to death!" This little thing usually does a lot of bad things. Although he was beaten by Cui Wei last time, I guess he has forgotten it for a long time. Cui Wei was still angry. As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help it. At that time, she didn't care about the shame of a child. She quickly took a bamboo stick and pulled it on him: It's so annoying. I dared to get my sheep last time. I'll kill you today!" Although it's not a glorious thing to beat a child, Yang Liquan is really annoying, and Cui Wei naturally does not show mercy.

I guess I didn't expect Cui Wei to really do it. The child who just had a hard mouth was hit a few times and then cried. He dressed thickly. In fact, he didn't get hit a few times, and it didn't hurt much. However, the palm of his hand just blocked it, which was really hot. The most important thing I was scared. There was a sound of shouting and shouting and scolding from Cui's family. Cui Wei was also afraid that her black back would suffer losses. She didn't care about hitting Yang Liquan again. She snorted coldly and pointed to him and said, "If you dare to touch my things next time, I'll kill you!" Yang Liquan still had tears on his face. He stared at Cui Wei and hurriedly ran to Cui's house. After a long time, he realized that he could complain. He also quickly wiped his tears. His face showed resentment and quickly followed.

When Cui Wei came here, she saw Cui Jingping protecting his black back in his arms. Yang Shi and others held poles and hoes in their hands. Lin was still persuading Cui Jingping to get out of the way. Tang Shi wiped his tears, and Diao Shi and others all looked ugly. When he saw Cui Wei coming, Tang Shi was stunned for a moment, and then pointed to Cui Wei angrily and said, "Uncle, this is the dead girl who instructed her dog to bite me, and the dog also threw Quan to the ground." At this point, Tang thought of his son. Suddenly, he howled, called Brother Quan, and ran out.

When Blackback saw her running, he quickly blew up his hair and wanted to keep up. As soon as Yang saw it like this, he quickly said, "Sanlang, get out of the way, this beast is going to bite."

"Who dares to beat my dog?" Cui Wei was also angry. Tang didn't look like she had been bitten just now, which made her feel a little regretful. Looking at the movements of Yang and others, she sneered and called the dog back. Just now, the dog was protected by Cui Jingping, and it didn't look bad. Although his tail was injured, he still looked very docile when he saw Cui Wei. He put out his tongue and licked her hand.

"Weier, this vicious dog bites people. Look, your cousin-in-law was almost bitten just now. If she hadn't dressed thickly, wouldn't she have seen blood? How unlucky it would be if you were bitten by a dog on the second day of the Chinese New Year!" Wu stood up and advised Cui Wei softly. The Diao family snorted coldly. She was still a little dissatisfied with the last time Nie Qiuran asked Tang to write an IOU. After thinking about it, she thought that the Cui family had set a trap for the Yang family. She deliberately wanted to come to Yinzi. She didn't want to come this trip, but she couldn't stand that Wu was Unexpectedly, Tang was chased by the dog again, and he suddenly got angry: "Isn't it just a dog? If you bite someone, you can't bite for nothing. You have to pay!"

"You can give the money according to the injured. My dog's tail was injured by Yang Liquan, and my aunt just gave me half a tael of silver casually!" When Cui Wei heard Diao's words, she immediately sneered. During the Spring Festival, since she was not happy to find herself, Cui Wei would naturally take advantage of her wish and point to the dog's tail and say. After saying that, Cui Wei looked at the black-backed tail again. At this time, she became more and more angry. As soon as she was far away, she couldn't see clearly. When she got closer, she saw that half of the dog's tail had been blown up. The original tail had no meat. As soon as she opened the skin, she even saw

"Half two silver? Can't you make a lie? It's just a dog!" Tang came back with her son in her arms and couldn't help saying angrily. The money she owed last time has been delayed until now, and even the Cui family did not dare to come over. If it hadn't been for watching the Spring Festival to play for a day and accompanied by her family, she would not have dared to come. Yang Liquan had just Zi, Tang Shi was even more angry: "You haven't counted if you hit my son yet. You just want half a half of silver. It's almost enough to kill your dog to suppress the shock!" RS