Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 164 Backing People

When Kong came, she happened to see that the door was closed. Just after Cui Wei and the old doctor entered the room, she tied the door. She held two eggs in her hand, quickly put one in her skirt, and quickly knocked on the door. The old doctor in the room was diagnosing Cui Jingping's pulse, and he didn't know who it was. At this time, Cui Wei hurriedly looked at Cui Jingping's room and saw that others were confused. At least she opened her eyes. There was nothing valuable in his room, so she quickly got up and went out to open the door. After the previous Kong's affairs, Cui Wei was really afraid of losing things in the room. Unexpectedly, when she opened the door this time, she just read someone, and this time she appeared.

Cui Wei immediately frowned, raised her head in front of the door, and said to Confucius, "Second sister-in-law? What's the matter?" She didn't mean to invite Kong to come in. Kong suddenly lowered her head in a panic and hooked her hair in her ear, hooked her hair behind her ear, and said softly, "My sister-in-law, I saw that you invited a doctor. I'm afraid you're sick, so she specially asked me to come and have a look. Are As she finished speaking, she took out a smooth white-skinned egg from her chest and handed it to Cui Wei: "Mother said let me have a look and bring you an egg to eat."

In Yang's heart, Cui Jingping is the most important thing. She sent an egg here. The eight achievements are for Cui Jingping to eat, but Kong can also speak, but it is for herself. Cui Wei raised her eyebrows and heard Kong say that Yang saw that she had hired a doctor, but she didn't hide it. She simply said directly, "The third brother is sick. The doctor invited him. I have eggs in my house, and this one is not missing. If my mother has nothing to eat at home, she will take the eggs back and eat by herself." Kong's eyes flashed and he didn't speak. Just as he wanted to say that he wanted to go in and see Cui Jingping, Cui Wei turned sideways. Kong Shi hurriedly put the egg into the skirt and twisted the skirt and stepped in. Cui Wei also followed her step by step. A pair of eyes made Kong blush, and there were tears in her eyes. She turned around and said to Cui Wei, "What gossip did your sister-in-law listen to? Do you really believe that I am such a clean person?"

What's the point of her saying such a thing at this time? Isn't she the most clear in her heart? Cui Wei knows that she doesn't take anything important, but once she takes some, she feels uncomfortable. What's more, Kong is Cui Jingzhong's wife. She doesn't want to deal with her, so she listened to her He said calmly, "What did the second sister-in-law say? Last time I met my second sister-in-law's mother and brother. As soon as Cui Wei said this, Kong's eyes suddenly stared at him and hurriedly said, "Weier, although my brother is weaker, he has always been kind, and my mother is not a difficult person to get along with. You..."

I don't know where Kong Shi thought of. Is it possible that she thought she fell in love with Kong Pengshou? Cui Wei was sneerable in her heart, and she ignored her. She just said directly, "Sister-in-law, I made my eldest brother's jacket." The meaning of her words was that Kong didn't understand at the beginning, and it took a long time to finally recall the taste. Cui Jinghuai's coat was made and sent by her, and Cui Wei saw Kong Pengshou and naturally saw the clothes he was wearing. Just now, Kong said that she had never stolen anything and her hands and feet were clean, but how did she get the clothes she made for Cui Jinghuai to Kong Pengshou? Kong Shi hit her mouth with a word, and her face suddenly turned red with shame, and she was embarrassed to stay. What's more, she was also guilty. Cui Wei's eyes seemed to see that she had fished something here last time, as if she was not smiling, which made her heart trem scared.

Although he wished to escape immediately, Kong thought of his mother-in-law Yang's instructions, but he did not dare to disobey. He took a look at Cui Jingping and asked the doctor about the situation. Then he hurriedly retreated, and he had no face to stay for a moment. Fortunately, she also knew that she was embarrassed. If she met a shameless person like Wang, she asked for satin at the beginning, and finally stole something and dared to let Yang help hang it. This Kong looked much easier to deal with than Wang now.

Cui Wei didn't put more attention on Kong's. While waiting for the doctor to prescribe the prescription and leave the medicine, she just counted the money and gave it to him. Before she could send him out, Yang's outside rushed over. The doctor was still wearing a medicine box on his shoulder. As soon as he saw Yang's posture, he was shocked. He was originally a temporary resident in the village. He didn't know what happened to the Cui family. At this moment, when he saw Yang's expression, he knew that the mother and daughter would have trouble again. Anyway, he was sick, took the I had to get into trouble, so I hurriedly arched my hand to the Yang family. After saying hello, I was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the Yang family caught him and said harshly, "Brother You, what's wrong with my son? What kind of disease is it? I didn't ask clearly.

She was so anxious that she almost got angry. She turned around and stared at Kong fiercely. Obviously, she thought she was useless. Kong was stared at by her with some grievances. She sucked her nose and lowered her head. The visiting doctor caught by Yang is about 50 years old. He is old and not strong. He usually takes some medicine to see a doctor and earn some copper money to make a living. It's not Yang's opponent, a woman who often does farm work. As soon as she pulls her, her arm is like an iron pliers, and she immediately takes a cold breath He said, "Cui Ersister-in-law, let go first! Your Erlang just suffered a little cold last night, and it was hot again during the day, so he was a little hot. After taking a pair of medicine, he covered the quilt and sweated. It's okay..." Before he finished his words, Yang patted his thigh and cried anxiously:

"My son is good. How can it be hot and cold? Damn girl, how do you take care of your third brother? When Yang heard that his son was ill, he was so anxious that he got angry. Cui Jingping has been in good health since he was a child. He is as strong as a cow. Few times he fell out of bed when he was sick. He ran once last time, which almost broke Yang's heart. Now when he hears that he is sick, he only feels that Cui Jingping has had bad luck in the past few years. On the one hand, "No, I'm going to take him back. My son has never been sick. Now he is sick. I don't know if you are made up!"

Cui Wei didn't bother to pay attention to her. She sneered and said, "I'm two years younger than my third brother. I don't know who will take care of her. If you want to pick up my third brother back, it's fine. If you don't have no place to live at home one day, you will This sentence is obviously not to save face for the Yang family. Last year, the Cui family had no room during the Spring Festival, and Cui Jingzhong had no place to live. The Yang family insisted on letting her son live on her side. Cui Jingping didn't want to go back. The Cui family's place was not lenient, so it has made trouble until now Generally, he suddenly stalked his neck: "Don't worry! No matter how big your place is, I don't care about it. My own son is distressed by myself, so as not to be harmed by those who have killed a thousand knives and suffered from the plague!"

Inexplicably, she was held by Yang Shi as a harmful hat. Cui Wei was also a little angry. Yang Shi wanted to take her son back. Now Cui Jingping is in a coma, and she can't help it. In fact, she also felt a little guilty last night. When she called Cui Jingping up She was confused. At that time, if she had cooked a bowl of hot ginger soup for him first to drive away the cold, she might not have been offended today. Although she felt guilty, the Yang family's scolded her like this, which made Cui Wei extremely uncomfortable. Seeing that Yang family carried people out, she looked unhappy with an unhappy face. After thinking about it Well, he handed it to Kong Shi: "This is the medicine that the third brother wants to take. The second sister-in-law will take it back and fry it for him!"

Yang Shi originally wanted to ask Kong Shi not to take this medicine, but when he thought of the scene at home, now in order to provide Cui Jingzhong, the family has really scraped half of the copper. Usually, the family saves simple use. I don't know how economical it is. Where is the money to grab the medicine for Cui Jingping, so He went out with his son on his back, and he was simply upset.

However, Kong is still a little ashamed. Just now, Cui Wei directly pointed out her clothes, which made her unable to raise her head. She quickly said thank you and chased Yang and ran out. As soon as these people left, Cui Wei's heart was also a little complicated. Cui Jingping was used to living at home in the past. As soon as he left, he seemed to be a little deserted in the yard. Since the doctor came, the black back has been screaming desperately. Later, Kong Shi came and Yang Shi came again, which made it a little irritable. Cui Wei was afraid that it had just bit the wandering doctor, so she tied it up. At this time, as soon as the others left, they quickly let go of its chain.

In the evening, there was no news from the Cui family. I don't know if Cui Jingping has recovered. However, Cui Shifu came over and brought a few blues to Cui Wei. I heard him say that Cui Jingping was not well, and the fever did not fade.

On the second day, Cui Wei didn't get up until she slept until three times a day. She just put on her clothes and washed them. She brewed a cup of goat milk powder and drank it, cushioned her stomach. Before she could go out with her black back, Yang Shi came again. As soon as Cui Wei opened the door, she arched up at her. Her front paws were digging on the ground and whining in her mouth. In that way, if it hadn't been for Cui Wei's greeting, I'm afraid she would jump on her up at any time. Looking at the black back, Yang Shi was also a little scared. He didn't dare to get close to Cui Wei's house, but stood far away and said:

"Weier, do you still have the medicine yesterday? Your third brother is getting worse and worse. How on earth did you get him? The fever hasn't subsided yet. I'm confused. Give me some more medicine, and I'll boil it for him. RS