Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 190 Golden Autumn

As usual, he went to the Lin family first with things on his back. In recent years, Cui Wei's brother and sister have also been regarded as the great celebrity of the Lin family. Naturally, the gatekeeper will not stop Cui Wei, but politely let him in. When Cui Wei entered the room, she handed a few pieces of milk candy to the doorkeepers, which made her laugh more flatteringly, and some people even led Cui Wei to see Manager Lin in person.

The brewer Lin was talking to someone at this time. When he saw that someone had brought Cui Wei in, he couldn't help but smile on his face. He waved to the people in the room and sent the crowd out. Then he motioned Cui Wei and the others to come in.

"Dang Cui, what did you send me again?" Cui Wei has been sending food to Lin's house for a long time. Although she is familiar with Manager Lin, Manager Lin is usually a busy person. She is not sure to see it every time. Only when she brings fresh food will Manager Lin meet her in person and send it to the masters of the Lin family, and let him bring a reward of silver. Come here. Now that he asked, the boy who brought Cui Wei in thought that he had received candy in order to please Cui Wei and was impulsive. He couldn't help lowering his head, sticking out his tongue, and slipped out quietly.

Cui Wei had already prepared for this trip. Naturally, she would not be as guilty as the boy thought. While taking the cake from the back of the basket and handing it over to Manager Lin, he said, "Uncle Lin, I made a new thing and specially sent it to you to taste. In addition to my wife, Another one is for Uncle Lin!" As she spoke, she took out the jam containing about a big jar of slap and put it in front of Manager Lin.

This jar doesn't look good on the outside, but steward Lin has known Cui Wei for several years. He knows that the objects used by this little girl to hold things are not necessarily exquisite, but it's good to be brought food by her. Even the lady is always full of praise. He really likes it, so he doesn't He was polite to Cui Wei. Instead, he smiled and opened the cloth tied to the cake, while laughing: "I'll see what's good, but I want to try it." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the light yellow transparent crystal jam stuck on the cake and a grain of squarely cut pulp, and he was stunned.

"Uncle Lin, please try it!" Cui Wei looked at him with a deep breath, her eyes lit up, and she immediately handed over the spoon she had already prepared. The stalker Lin took the things she handed over, and did not hesitate to scoop some cakes and put them into his mouth. The cream was wrapped in a soft cake, and a thin layer of jam was spread on it. Three different flavors were sent to the mouth at the same time. The stodian Lin involuntarily patted the table and shouted Nod his head. Cui Wei was relieved to see that he liked it. This sguan guan guan lin is also a very picky person. Now even he likes it so much, which proves that she doesn't have to worry about what the ancients don't like in the future. She handed over the veil with a smile and said, "Uncle Lin, the small jar I gave you is the jam. You can eat it first. If you That's right, I'll send it to you again!"

The Lin couldn't help nodding his head and ate the cake in the little blue three or two times. Then he took a veil and wiped his mouth. While restoring his previous indifferent and calm image, he said, "Mr. Cui, I'm not polite to you. I don't know how you got this thing. It's delicious. Our dessert chef can't make your dessert. Why don't you come to our Lin family to make cakes for your wife? He said this sounded like a joke, but in fact, Manager Lin and Cui Wei have not only said it once or twice. Every time Cui Wei heard him say this, she just smiled and did not answer. Manager Lin also knew that he could not force her. After knowing her for so many years, he also knew Cui Wei more or less. This girl seemed to be She is just an ordinary country girl. In fact, she is a little arrogant. Besides, she can make a lot of money by sending snacks now. How can she invest in her own house to be a subordinate? Therefore, he just mentioned this. Seeing that Cui Wei didn't speak, she did it.

As expected, these cakes with jam are really liked by Mrs. Lin's wife. When Cui Wei came out of Lin's house again, she already had already had ten taels of silver brought by Manager Lin. This is the price for her to send the same cake ten more times next. Relatively speaking, the Lin family's money is indeed a lot of money Compared with Qiu Ran's classmates, it's actually not much. In Qinhuai's place alone, the cake given every time is five to ten taels of silver. I don't know how much more than the Lin family gave, but Cui Wei gradually lived a good life by relying on the Lin family at the beginning. She was not the one who didn't I don't want to earn much money from the Lin family, but it's just for the kindness of Manager Lin to help her at the beginning.

When the two brothers and sisters came out of the Lin family, the beggars who were originally surrounded outside the Lin family all knocked on the bamboo poles in their hands, rushed up, raised the bowl to Cui Wei, and shouted, "Miss, please feel free!" Cui Wei has to go to Lin's house every time she goes to the market. These people also know it well. However, Cui Wei usually comes to the town because she wants to buy and sell things. The clothes she wear are old and dirty. These beggars only regard that she doesn't have much money in her hand. In addition, Cui Wei has a good relationship with I came to trouble her. Cui Wei did not give these people copper money on this trip. She just took out a bag of cakes given by Manager Lin and handed them to these beggars. Everyone was not disappointed. On the contrary, they thanked them repeatedly in surprise, and then returned to their original place with satisfaction.

This is the usual practice every time they go out of Lin's house. These people are all outside the Lin's house. If they give them copper money, they will rush up and ask for money. These people often beg for food. They don't necessarily have a copper plate in their hands, but they just want to surround the Lin family and wait to eat They were also happy with the pastries. Lin's cakes are not often eaten. Only when Cui Wei comes can she share some for these people. She didn't take the money, and everyone only thought that she had no money and ate the pastries she gave them. In addition, the doorkeeper of the Lin family has a good relationship with Cui Wei's brother and sister in Under some circumstances, Cui Wei has a good reputation among this group of beggars. Compared with many people who are rushed up and asked for money as soon as they leave Lin's house, it is extremely difficult for Cui Wei's two brothers and sisters to come out safely and have a good reputation.

took the pastry and sent these people away. Cui Jingping then took his sister to the mountain goods seller. This time, he was also lucky. He bought honey, and the honey seller said that he would find some honey to sell next time. Many men selling dried mushrooms and other things next to him listened to him. In it, many people recognized Cui Wei, a little girl who often came to buy honey. A man who sold unknown herbs rolled the things in front of him cleanly under his armpits, and came over to Cui Wei. After the honey seller carefully moved the honey into her back, he smiled a little simplely. "Little girl, I don't know if you still want the honey of this bee? If you still want it, I'll bring you some to the market next time.

Cui Wei looked back at the man. He looked about thirty years old, and his face was darkened by the sun. When she looked at him like this, he was a little embarrassed. He quickly reached out and scratched his head and smiled a few times. Cui Wei was overjoyed. What she lacked now was honey. If someone could send it to her, she would naturally be happy. So when she heard what the man said, she quickly nodded: "If uncle has honey, I'll bring it next time. I'll give it to you as much as I want!" As soon as she said it, many people suddenly felt happy. The man nodded quickly and didn't even sell the herbs. He turned around and left first.

I made some money this time. At least I had some money in my bag and made up for some of those who had just gone out. Cui Wei was somewhat at ease. She seems to be rich now, but in fact she doesn't have much money on her. Some of them are changed to land instead of a house. Now there is not much left on hand, and the pineapple can be cut for another season at most. Although this jam can be sold, the cake shop seems to be good at present, but she is actually a little nervous, even if It was the cake shop that finally made money, but she didn't have silver in her hand now. She always felt a little uneasy. Today, she received ten taels, and at least she was relieved.

With Cui Wei's promise to buy honey, there were several more people selling honey at the market again. Fortunately, Cui Wei and Cui Jingping usually went to the town to buy things. They were all carried by one person, so they almost put the honey back. Now there is no shortage of honey, and there is a lot of pineapples. Cui Wei went to the The ordered ironware to peel the pineapple was returned to the house for half a month. While it was dark, the pineapple in the field was cut clean! The room was full of jars, and now it's the beginning of September. Nie Qiuran and others had already finished the exam, but he hasn't come back yet. He should have to wait for the list. Nie Fuzi in Xiaowan Village has quit the teaching work in the county and focused on waiting for Nie Qiuran to bring back the news in Xiaowan Village.

At the eighth day of September, it was still a day before the Double Ninth Festival. Cui Wei took advantage of the recent weather before it was completely cold, took the sheets and bedspreads and took them to the ditch to wash them. When she came back with her back, she happened to meet a group of people such as Yang and other people who came back With Yang's smile, Kong stood in the crowd with a shy face, but she has been married for several years now, and she usually has the habit of touching things to subsidize her mother's family. In order to deal with her, the Yang family usually let her do a lot of things. Even if she is a little white huā, she has become a The little face disappeared, replaced by a slightly yellow skin. Even if he was still dressed up, he was dressed in a coarse cloth, and his expression was a little uneasy. He stood beside Cui Jingzhong, who was dressed in brand-new blue clothes and his face was cold and arrogant. He suddenly looked several years older than him. ( To be continued.