Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 206 Anger

What is the situation of Cui Jingzhong? Yang is the clearest in his heart. If he goes out like this, Cui Jingzhong is penniless, how can he live? Kong always wants to move the food from her own home to paste her dead brother. Once she divides the family, even if she goes to work in the field, I'm afraid it's not enough for Cui Jingzhong to eat. Yang suddenly panicked and looked at Cui Shifu and said, "Master, Erlang is still young. You let him a How do people get along when they go out?

"I haven't settled accounts with you yet. Why are you interrupting?" As soon as Cui Shifu saw Yang's family, he was so angry: "People say that a loving mother is a failure. If you think you can't bear it, don't worry about him. You can also share it with him! I haven't told you about Violet yet. If you don't like it, get out of here!"

This is the first time that Yang Shifu has seen Cui Shifu so angry. That is, when he demolished Cui Wei's house at that time, although Cui Shifu was angry, his voice was not as cold as he spoke as this time. The look at her eyes made her scared in her heart. Yang didn't dare to say more. She was afraid that she would say another sentence, which would make Cui Shifu more angry, but she couldn't ignore Cui Jingzhong's side. Yang only has three sons. Now the boss is only a man who knows how to farm. Although he is honest, he is not promising after all. The third brother is not very close to her now. He usually doesn't even want to say hello. He was taught badly by Cui Wei's dead girl. Now this Erlang is the only one who is flexible and willing to study. If he even destroys his life, what will happen?

"Master, Erlang is also your flesh and blood. You can't let him separate the family." His son himself knew that Yang knew what Cui Jingzhong was like. When he went out, he would definitely not be allowed to support himself. Without Cui Shifu's care and Dalang's care, Cui Jingzhong would even have a problem with eating, let alone reading. Although this is a little unfair to Dalang, the palms and backs of her hands are full of meat, and she can't be too harsh on Erlang.

Seeing that Yang was still helping Cui Jingzhong talk at this time, Cui Shifu was impatient. He patted the table fiercely, took a cigarette rod and shook the edge of the table. He said harshly, "He is such a big man, can he still rely on his parents? Here's what I'm saying. Whether you like it or not, I'll go to Rory's side in the afternoon! I gave him five taels of silver to buy an official, and he had to pay off the debt with me. Is it possible that he became an official and couldn't even support himself? This is already unfair. Try it again!"

Cui Shifu's tone already had a trace of warning. At this point, Yang did not dare to hide it any more. He knelt down with a 'plop', his eyes flashed a little, and he lowered his head and said, "Actually, Erlang did not buy an official. How can he buy an official?" The more Yang said, the smaller his voice became. When Cui Shifu heard this, he widened his eyes and looked at Yang's speechless. He pointed to her. His face was pale, and there was a sound of 'Huo Huo' in his throat. Suddenly, his eyes turned over. Suddenly, he couldn't lift it up in one breath, and he fell straight back. Yang Shi exclaimed. Cui Jing The blessing was in my arms.

Now the situation of Cui's family is difficult enough. Yang is also afraid that Cui Shifu will be pissed off by his son in one breath. You know, Cui Shifu is a pillar in this family. If he falls, how can the family hold up? Yang was anxious and panicked, but she couldn't take out a penny at hand. She accused her eldest son of carrying her husband into the house and couldn't help crying happily.

Cui Jingzhong's eyes flashed, his face was slightly pale, and his expression was gloomy. After thinking about it, he wanted to get close to Yang's side and said, "Mom, my father is down now, and our family can't afford it. I think Cui Wei must have money in her hand!" When he said this, his eyes were sure. Yang wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve and hesitated: "She is married now. Can she give silver to see your father?" Cui Jingzhong frowned and said, "The family can't afford the money now, and Dad has always protected her. If Dad is sick and we don't have money, is it possible to watch Dad die?"

When he said this, his expression was like a poisonous snake. Yang was shocked. He stood up, raised his hand and wiped his tears. Unexpectedly, his son would say such a thing. He suddenly felt strange and a little angry: "What are you talking about? Are you cursing your father?"

"Mother." Cui Jingzhong looked at Yang's expression and knew that he had said something wrong to make her unhappy. Suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable. However, when he thought of his future, he put up with this breath and came close to Yang's ear and said, "Mom, try it and let her give her silver. If she is willing to pay, let her give it If you get the official position in the county, this position in the classic history can't wait for anyone!"

Although Yang spoiled her son, she also knew that this son was not as reliable as she thought. Now when she heard that he had hit Cui Shifu's life-saving money, she was immediately disappointed. She looked at him and said, "Erlang, don't say I haven't asked for the money yet. Even if I get it, the money You can't make that idea."

"What did you say?" Cui Jingzhong's expression was a little sad. While holding Yang's hand to the door, he said, "Let me buy the official first. When I become an official, can't I get the money back? When I have money, someone will come to see my father's illness. He was able to coax and speak, and soon he coaxed Yang's family to a little hesitation. The mother and son had already left the yard while talking. Cui Jingzhong pointed to Cui Wei's house and said, "Mom, go quickly. I'm waiting for your good news!"

Yang's heart was heavy. While struggling, he still walked to Cui Wei's side. After hesitating for a long time, he still reached out and knocked on the door.

When Cui Wei came to open the door and saw that it was Yang, her face suddenly sank, and she subconsciously wanted to close the door. Yang quickly reached out and blocked the door. At this time, she couldn't take care of her face. She quickly pleaded, "Weier, my mother also knew that there were many things wrong with you before, but your father suddenly fell down today. Now that there is no money at home, you have to ask the doctor to grab the medicine. Please do it..."

This was the first time Cui Wei saw Yang whispering in front of her, but when she heard the meaning of Yang's words, she was immediately shocked and didn't care about Yang. She hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, my father is sick?" A few days ago, Cui Shifu was fine. How could he get sick so quickly? Cui Wei didn't believe it. She was afraid that Yang had played any tricks again, but who knew that Yang nodded quickly, with a little panic on her face. Her hair was a little scattered, her eyes were red, and she didn't look like a fake.

If it's fake, it's okay, but if Cui Shifu is really sick, Cui Wei really can't sit idly by. After thinking about it, she simply stood up and said to Yang Shi, "I'll go with you to have a look." As soon as she finished saying this, Cui Wei didn't wait for Yang's answer. She turned her head and shouted to the house and hurried to close the door.

Yang's face was a little uncomfortable. He quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, you give me the money, and I'll go by myself." As she spoke, there was a panic in her eyes. Cui Wei suddenly had doubts in her heart and couldn't help sneer: "You think I'm a cash cow, and I'll give you some money. I'm going to have a look. If Dad is really bad, I will naturally make it together to treat him. If it's someone else As soon as Cui Wei said this, Yang immediately lowered his head. She didn't understand anything about Cui Wei, so she sneered in her heart and didn't bother to pay attention to the Yang family. She closed the door and walked to the Cui family first.

At this time, Cui Shifu's situation is indeed not very good. He lies in ** with anger and his face is pale. He looked at him well before. I don't know why it has become like this in a long time. Cui Wei was suspicious. When she entered the room, she saw Cui Jinghuai guarding by the bed. Cui Youzu Cui Youzu also followed in.

"How can a good father be like this?" According to reason, Cui Jingzhong is also here, but as a son, he is not with Cui Shifu now, and Yang and others are a little uncomfortable. Cui Wei's heart sinks. As she stood in front of the bed, she took Cui Shifu's hand and called a few times: "Dad, Dad, wake up."

"It's useless." Yang wiped her tears and cried, "I can't wake up. I pinched someone, and I didn't wake up." As soon as Cui Youzu heard that he was pinching people, he quickly jumped to Cui Shifu's side. He opened his legs and was about to climb to **. As he reached out and pulled Cui Shifu's beard, he smiled and made Cui Jinghuai angry. He reached out and slapped ** on his buttocks and shouted at him, "Get out If you mess around here again, I'll treat you to fried meat with bamboo shoots today!" Cui Jinghuai's eyes were red and his face was ferocious. This was the first time he reached out to hit Cui Youzu. Cui Youzu was scared by him and immediately opened his mouth and cried.

The room was suddenly in chaos. Cui Wei frowned and said to Cui Jinghuai, "Brother, I can't wait for my father's illness. Please go to the village and invite Dr. You to come over. If Dr. You doesn't look good, you have to go to town again!" Dr. You in the village is just a barefoot doctor. Usually, people can only see some simple pains, but Cui Shifu's illness is evil. Cui Wei looks at him like this, not like an ordinary cold. Cui Jinghuai's face turned red with shame, and he stood up. Before he went out, Cui Wei said again, "Big brother, just go. Dad, I'll give you the money for this disease." RS