Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 228 Temper

The crying and howl in Nie's house gradually faded away. When Cui Wei and others returned home, Cui Shifu and his son were already sitting in the room and waiting uneasily. Two dead sheep were resting on the stone table in the yard. The black back was smelling and smelling it in the rain. He looked extremely excited. The hair ball Many of them almost didn't go out easily. At this time, even if there were two sheep outside, it squatted at the door and did not go out. When he saw Cui Wei and others coming back, he shouted a few times.

"Are you back? What did the Nie family say? Cui Shifu hadn't gone home to change his clothes yet. His hair was wet and stuck to his head, looking very embarrassed. When he saw Cui Wei and others coming back, he hurriedly greeted him and asked repeatedly.

"Dad, forget about this matter. Nie Er won't go to the sheep pen again in the future. You should pay more attention in the future. Fortunately, there are not many sheep, otherwise it would be a pity if they were all ruined." Cui Wei forced a smile. Just now, Nie Qiuran looked at her. In fact, she remembered it in her heart. Somehow, she felt a little uncomfortable when she remembered it. She said a few words to Cui Shifu. Looking at his disappointed and uncomfortable face, she was afraid that he couldn't think of it. She quickly comforted him and said, "Dad It is said that Brother Nie also has a lot of silver in his hand, but it's just a few sheep. As long as you can raise it, I can afford to buy ten more heads and a hundred heads.

After she said this, Cui Shifu didn't feel much better. He quickly took his sleeve and pressed his eyes with the action of wiping his head. He said, "Buy more, buy more, and I don't want to pay. Your elder brother and I wait on these sheep with you every day. After a long time, I can always take more ..." Cui Jinghuai listened to him say this and nodded in a hurry.

Seeing him like this, Cui Wei hurriedly said, "Dad, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's Nie Er who did it. What do you do like this really has nothing to do with you. Don't worry, I can't lack this little money. How can I make a lot of money like this?" When she was young, she said that she couldn't make a fortune. Cui Shifu felt uncomfortable and funny, but he was not good at words. Cui Wei finally coaxed him away.

As soon as Cui Shifu left, Cui Wei was not in the mood to cook any dishes. She only hurriedly fried a few things to eat. Cui Jingping only thought that she was still worried about the sheep. After dinner, he boiled water by himself, washed his face and feet and hurried back to his room. He left Nie Qiuran and left them outside. Cui After taking a shower, Nie Qiuran didn't know why. She always felt that she seemed to be angry with herself, but after thinking about it, she really had no place to provoke her. Suddenly, he was puzzled. He didn't know what was going on. He always felt that Cui Wei ignored him so much that made him a little annoyed. Anyway. I couldn't calm down. I simply took water and went to the other side to take a shower. As soon as I came out, I put the bucket and tied the door. When I entered the room, I saw that Cui Wei had been sitting by the bed and took a veil to wipe her hair. I hurried over and said:

"I'll wipe it for you." Cui Wei ignored him, opened her body sideways, avoided his hand, and wiped it a few times. The head of Nie Qiuran quickly took out the bamboo charcoal cage and put it at her feet. She let her turn her body and put her hair over to bake it. She was afraid that her hair would fall into the charcoal and be scorched. She quickly held it Just take a look at her.

Nie Qiuran always looked at herself from time to time. Cui Wei felt it, but she ignored him. I don't know why. Today, Nie Qiuran's look at herself made her feel a little uncomfortable, as if through whom she was looking at, Cui Wei happened to take advantage of Nie Qiuwen. I ignored him! He wiped his hair dry and felt that the water gas on his head had almost disappeared. Cui Wei shivered and took off her clothes and climbed to bed. Nie Qiuran took out the bamboo charcoal cage and sprinkled some water to put out the fire. Then she tied the door into the room again. When she turned off the light, she saw that Cui Wei had turned her

I don't know what kind of temper this girl is making trouble with. Nie Qiuran was a little helpless. Although he had not experienced such a scene, he instinctively knew that it would be absolutely unfavorable for him to let Cui Wei go on like this. Thinking of this, Nie Qiuran simply took Cui Wei into his arms as soon as she went to bed. Regardless of her struggle, she hugged her tightly in her arms. She felt that she struggled constantly. There were not many places to provoke her. If she really wanted to, it was only what Nie Qiuwen provoked today. Already, he quickly said, "Okay, okay, don't be angry. I will definitely vent my anger on you again."

The more he said this, the more uncomfortable Cui Wei felt. She didn't know what he was doing. Her hands were so strong that she was so strong that she was out of breath for a while, and she didn't struggle. She simply didn't move and closed her eyes to sleep. When Nie Qiuran saw her like this, she only thought that she was still having a little sex, and she also fell asleep.

Originally, I thought that Cui Wei's temper would be fine the next day. Unexpectedly, Nie Qiuran knew that something was wrong when she got up early the next morning. The little girl got up early in the morning and ignored him. Her little face was expressionless and she didn't talk to him, which made him always feel that something was wrong. Cui Jingping seemed to know that Cui Wei was uncomfortable. He dodged early in the morning, left Nie Qiuran in the room, and coaxed her for a while. Two more sheep were killed today, and the sheep in the sheep pen were probably frightened yesterday. They couldn't squeeze out much milk this morning, and they were extremely irritable. Once someone approached, they had to resist. Cui Shifu was almost stabbed by the sheep. Cui Wei didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up in the end of I also feel a little helpless in my heart.

Fortunately, there is still a lot of milk powder at home, and the store is not open now. Even if there is no supply of sheep's milk for a while, there can't be anything wrong. However, the wolf here still makes her heart fluder. Previously, she heard that there was a wolf in the mountain. She only thought it was a After being spoiled by the wolf, she believed it. In the morning, Cui Shifu and others summoned the villagers to go up the mountain to fight the wolf. In the room, Cui Wei looked at several sheep corpses sent and was thinking about what to do, and Nie Fuzi had already come over.

Although she didn't like the Nie family, Nie Fuzi finally took a breath for her yesterday. Cui Wei hurriedly invited someone in, and there was no tea at home. She simply took the boiling water in the pot and put a cup of milk powder in front of Nie Fuzi. Before she sat down, she heard Nie Fuzi slowly say, "Nie Ming My father-in-law is gone this morning. They are all relatives. Today, we will go with me.

The old man of the Luo family has been gone for a long time. He was just trying to survive. He originally wanted to marry Nie Ming back to wash him, but he didn't expect to survive. Nie Fuzi came here in person today, and what he said was to let others go with him, which proved that the Sun family could not go. In this way, he should have come forward by himself. Of course, Cui Wei agreed. Now it's getting late, it's a funeral, and the time doesn't wait for anyone. She simply didn't change her clothes. Thinking of the child named Luo Stone last time, she went into Cui Jingping's room to collect a few old jackets that he could no longer wear. She wrapped a large bundle before she was ready to go out with Nie Qiu

The gift that the Luo family wanted to give, Nie Fuzi had already prepared, but Nie Qiuran was now separated from the Nie family, so he had to prepare another one. Therefore, when several people locked themselves and got into the carriage and went out, they passed by the butcher's house in the village, and simply waved to let the family cut a few At this time, it is a big gift to give a few catties of meat. Generally, relatives only give a bag of sucrose and a catty of liquor. If it is not, ten eggs are also a decent gift. Cui Wei's meat cut like this is naturally not much worse. Nie Fuzi took a look and didn't make a sound. He just

When I arrived at Luo's house, I saw from afar that the thick oil paper from the outside of the yard had been pulled open, and the table was set up. Many villagers who came to help were doing things in high heat. There was already a parked coffin outside, and the door was still pasted with the red letter of Nie Ming's wedding. Several people were kneeling in the room and crying. When Nie Fuzi came over, the person who was doing something was suddenly in an uproar and hurried to welcome him.

The people in the room heard the noise outside and hurried to welcome it out. Cui Wei lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw a white filial pie tied on Nie Ming's head. He hung it directly to his waist and tied it up again with a hemp rope. At this time, she stood in front of everyone. When she saw Nie Fuzi coming over Yes." It seemed that he didn't see Cui Wei and didn't greet her.

Cui Wei didn't care. She just walked through the scene when she came over. She was not familiar with the Luo family, but it was because of Nie Qiuran that she came for a walk. It didn't matter if Nie Ming ignored her. As soon as she jumped out of the car, she gave her gift to Nie Ming's hand, and retreated Luo Dacheng, next to Nie Ming, turned his eyes on the dripping carriage, with a greedy look on his face. Nie Ming twisted him several times and pinched him a little impatiently. He raised his fist. Nie Ming stared at him coldly, but saw that he obediently put his hand down again, while approaching her and stopped talking.

Nie Ming is also a trick. It hasn't been a few days since he got married. Luo Dacheng is not easy to mess with at first glance, but she can clean up people up. It hasn't been a few days since she got married. Cui Wei looked at her, looked around and asked curiously, "Where is your little stone? Why didn't you see it?" As soon as she finished speaking, Luo Dacheng laughed a few times and came over flatteringly. With a grin, he showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, which made people frown. Cui Wei subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and Nie Qiuran blocked half of her body in front of her. Luo Dacheng didn't care. He touched his nose and smiled at Nie Qiuran: "My brother-in-law asked the broom star what he was doing. On a good day, I didn't have to mention him. My father was the one who killed him. Don't mention him as a wonderful person as his sister-in-law. It's dirty RS