Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 247 Theft

Cui Wei listened absent-mindedly to the singing on the stage and leaned half on Nie Qiuran's body. The two clenched their hands, otherwise she was afraid that if it was not so, she would be nervous again. After a while, the figure of the Pan family swayed. Cui Wei took a look at the corners of her eyes and saw that Pan Shiquan had sat back in the chair and talked and laughed with a young and beautiful woman beside her. She did not dare to stare for a long time, and began to look at the stage again.

I don't know how long the play has been sung, and finally the crowd began to disperse. Cui Wei breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she remembered, Nie Fuzi waved to the two of them. Cui Wei had to reluctantly took the stool and walked towards Nie Fuzi. Master Pan led his family over again. He didn't know what he said. After a long time, he turned his head and smiled at Nie Qiuran and said, "Please be honored. The little old man is going to have a banquet tomorrow to celebrate the dog, so that everyone can be happy. Nie Juren must come. As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Wei's hand hidden under her sleeve shook gently.

Nie Qiuran's expression did not change. He dealt with Master Pan skillfully and old-fashionedly. He neither agreed to his request, but it made people think that he was not rude. On the contrary, he was very happy. Several people laughed, and a male voice suddenly sounded: "I don't know why the lady looks a little wrong. I don't know if it's uncomfortable?" When Cui Wei heard this strange voice, she looked up and looked at a pair of inquiring eyes. Suddenly, her body stiffened. She subconsciously looked up at Nie Qiuran. The other head of Nie Qiuran simply reached out and took her into her arms. She said helplessly, "I have been sitting in it for a long time. I just said that I wanted It's rare to be lively, so I'm sitting until now. It was indeed a little uncomfortable to sit there. As soon as Master Pan and others heard this, they immediately responded. When Sun saw that everyone's eyes fell on Cui Wei, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He quickly snorted coldly and said, "Wild boars can't eat fine bran, so they can only eat the wild boar grass!" It's like this to watch a play. It's really not lucky.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Cui Wei breathed a sigh of relief and naturally admitted her mistake. When Sun saw that she was so soft to herself for the first time, she couldn't help but feel a little fluttered. She taught her a few sentences in a row. It was not until she saw Nie Qiu's face dark on the side that she

Everyone dispersed one after another, and Nie Qiuran was kept by Master Pan for a long time, so the couple walked behind. If he hadn't been hugging Cui Wei all the time, I'm afraid Cui Wei would have been so soft that she would have sat on the ground. When she came out, Nie Qiuran simply picked her up after saying goodbye to Nie Fuzi. Everyone dispersed in twos and threes, and met a lot of people who went back with torches all the way. The couple did not speak. On the way, they met the Cui family. When Wang saw Nie Qiuran carrying Cui Wei on his back, his eyes were almost jealous, and subconsciously looked at Cui Jinghuai.

When the two went home, Cui Wei jumped down and tied the door tightly. Then she was relieved. It seemed that she didn't even have the strength to go back to the house. Nie Qiuran was not in a hurry to ask her. Instead, she opened the door, closed the stool and put it away, lit the lights again, and pulled Cui Wei into the When the two of them came out on the stove, they had already heated the water, and now they poured it out directly to wash their faces and hands. It's just that when Cui Wei saw such a thing in the Pan family, she was too nervous and inevitably uncomfortable. When she watched the play, she was in the shed and sweated all over. At this time, Cui Wei twisted her body and looked at Nie Qiuran pitifully, while saying, "Brother Nie, I want to take a shower."

She wanted to take a shower, but she didn't have the strength to carry water again. Nie Qiuran nodded silently, went out and changed the water for her again. He even put away the sweat towel and mentioned it to the toilet for her. Cui Wei took a hot bath, and then saw that Nie Qiuran seemed to have washed it. The two quickly went to bed. Cui Wei told him what she saw today, "I saw Nie Qing."

When Cui Wei finished saying this, she subconsciously stood up and looked at Nie Qiuran. Nie Qiuran's eyes were gentle, as if she didn't hear what she said at all. She just nodded: "Hmm."

"I saw Nie Qing." Cui Wei repeated it again and raised her voice slightly: "I saw Nie Qing with a man." As soon as he finished saying this, Nie Qiuran's expression changed slightly.

That's right.

When she saw Nie Qing, she was already very surprised, and when Nie Qiuran heard that Nie Qing was indifferent with a man, Cui Wei was really surprised. Thinking of this, she simply turned over and sat up, lay on Nie Qiuran, stared at him and said, "More than that, I also saw Nie Qing with Pan Dalangjun." As soon as she said this, she couldn't help thinking of the scene of Pan Shiquan and Nie Qing together. Suddenly, two pieces of bright red appeared on her face, and her eyes seemed to contain water, looking pink and cute. But Nie Qiuran didn't notice her appearance at this time. He just heard Cui Wei say that when he saw Nie Qing with Pan Shiquan, he couldn't help squinting his eyes and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Before Nie Qiuran opened his mouth, suddenly there was a sharp cry outside: "... Kill thousands of knives, steal things..." The sound was not close, but because it was at night, it seemed to be particularly clear. Listening to the sound, it seemed to come from the Cui family, but although the sound was sharp, it didn't sound like It's Yang and others. Cui Wei paused and suddenly looked at Nie Qiuran: "It's my grandmother!" As she spoke, she sat up.

I don't know what happened next door. Nie Qiuran frowned and sat up and took a quilt to wrap her in her body. While admitting his fate, he got out of bed and prepared to light an oil lamp. As soon as the lights were lit on the two side, there was a walking sound next door. Nie Qiuran threw her clothes to Cui Wei and motioned her to put them in the quilt and cover them for a while. Before she had put on her clothes, there was a sound of slapped on the door suddenly outside the door.

'Wang Wang'' strong and powerful cry on the black back also sounded. The knock on the door seemed very urgent. Nie Qiuran looked back at Cui Wei and motioned her to dress slowly. While slowly pulling the door over, she opened the door.

Cui Shifu's face outside the door was full of anxiety, and there was some despair in his eyes. When he saw Nie Qiuran coming to open the door, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he hurriedly said, "Uncle, do you see anyone here? My mother has been robred." He didn't suspect that there was someone hiding in Nie Qiuran's side, but he was afraid that if the thief saw that the room here was connected, he would get to Cui Wei's side. Nie Qiuran shook his head and looked at the black back: "Father-in-law, if there is a thief, how can the black back fall asleep at this time?"

This is also true. The black back is extremely fierce. It's too late for ordinary people to hide when they see it. The Cui family is not far from here. If you encounter an outsider stealing, you should call it. Cui Shifu was so anxious that he was an old man, but now he was so anxious that he was about to cry. Nie Qiuran saw his appearance and hurriedly let him come in and sit down first. It's just that Cui Shifu can't sit down at this moment, and he is about to go home to set the torch and look around.

"Father-in-law, it's getting late. I lost something. Come in and talk to me slowly. Maybe I can give you an idea." Nie Qiuran's attitude was gentle and calm, which made Cui Shifu, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, calm down a little. Thinking that what he said was also reasonable, now his mother Lin's things have been stolen for a while. If the thief intends to run away, I'm afraid it's not easy to catch it now. He is a scholar. Maybe he can come up with an idea. As soon as Cui Shifu thought of this, he immediately nodded, endured his anxiety and went into the yard.

Before Nie Qiuran tied the door, Lin and others followed him. At this time, the Lin family had collapsed on the two daughters-in-law. They cried so much that they screamed fiercely. Nie Qiuran simply tied the dog up and locked it in the kennel, which made Cui Shicai and others in. In the room, Cui Wei had put on her clothes and got up and lit the lamp. As soon as Lin came in, she cried. She looked a little confused and didn't know what she had lost. She cried like this. Cui Wei was shocked, but the Yang family quickly reached out and pinched it among her people. Lin just woke up and turned around. When she came to her senses, she patted her thigh and cried again:

"Which one kills a thousand knives and cuts the head and is hit by the plague? If you steal my things, you will die!" Lin's nose cried out, and it was indeed a little sad. Yang's and Liu's two daughters-in-law waited for her side. Cui Wei looked at Lin's appearance and hurried into the kitchen to take the sucrose, added some salt and mixed some water, and saw that Nie Qiuran had already told Lin at this time.

Everyone in the Cui family's big room came over. Except for Cui Wei's sister-in-law who took a child to sleep at home, everyone else came. Wang in the second room came with Cui Youzu in his arms, and the room was full for a moment.

"Father-in-law, what on earth has been lost?" At this time, the people of the Cui family were already panicked. Even Cui Shicai, who was usually the boss, looked frightened, not to mention a few women. Everyone seemed to have lost an inch, and occasionally only heard Lin's sobbing voice. At this time, Nie Qiuran's cold attitude is undoubtedly very effective in stabilizing people's hearts. Everyone vaguely regards him as the backbone. Before Cui Shifu could speak, Cui Shicai had already said:

"This evening, Pan's family invited someone to sing a play. We all went to have a look. When we came back in the evening, my mother found that her cabinet had been turned over, and it contained more than four taels of silver from the old two. This time, it was all gone. It was my mother's coffin book. Some of After he finished his words, Lin cried again in the room, and even Yang and Liu cried. Lin's coffin was stolen. In the future, once she had something long or short, she had to ask her two sons to pay her. This was not good news for any of them. Naturally, Yang's concubines also cried extremely sadly. RS