Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 260 Men

The Yang family invited Dr. You to come over in a panic. Dr. You trotted with her all the way, carrying a huge medical wooden box on his body. As soon as everyone saw them coming, they came to make way for the two people. The doctor went straight in. Before long, there was a shock from him, which made everyone outside more curious. They didn't hear Kong's voice for a long time. Everyone couldn't help guessing whether Kong was dead and didn't want to stay for a long time.

It was getting dark, and some people went back home to cook one after another. As Cui Wei was about to leave, Cui Shifu came out with a decadent face. Before long, Cui Jingzhong's voice sounded in the room. Cui Shifu was silent. When he heard Cui Jingzhong's voice, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then With a look of rage, he clenched his fist and went to the room again. In the room, Cui Jingzhong's painful scolding sounded in a short time!

"Old man, if you have something to say, don't always beat the child. He is not young, and his legs and feet are not good enough." Lin stood outside the wall and shouted. She was too old to be frightened. Hearing that Cui Shifu was very angry in the room, Yang cried bitterly again and couldn't help shouting through the wall. Although Cui Wei knew that Lin wanted the family to be well, she couldn't help but feel helpless and angry at this time.

Kong Shi hanged himself, and Cui Jingzhong was in the room. Just now, everyone was busy with Kong's affairs. They didn't notice him for a moment, and they didn't know where he had just hid and what he was doing. His wife hanged himself, but his husband didn't say a word. It was more likely that Kong Kong herself is a person who drags her widowed mother and younger brother. If she doesn't settle down, how can she be willing to die? Although Cui Jingzhong's legs and feet are inconvenient now, maybe he also said something to stimulate Kong's family!

Cui Wei knew that she was a little extreme at the moment, but when she thought of Cui Jingzhong and his wolf heart, she became more and more sure that Kong's death was related to Cui Jingzhong. Hearing that Lin was still persuading Cui Shifu, she immediately pulled her and said, "Grandma, you are old. Why don't Chen, I haven't had dinner yet, so I won't be hungry. When Liu Shi wanted to see the bustle, Cui Shicai and others were also there. No one urged her to cook. She was not willing to go back, so she pretended not to hear Cui Wei's words. She pulled Lin Shi and wanted to stand on tiptoe at the small window about a foot square on the side wall.

The sound of footsteps came from the door. Cui Shifu's face was full of breath, dragging like a dead dog. Cui Jingzhong, who was still crying and howling in his mouth, came out. Just in time, Cui Jinghuai and his wife also came over. He hurriedly said, "Dalang, your second sister-in-law is gone Shu first went to the village to borrow some cloth from Loli and quickly came out with a shroud. Dalang, go and inform the Kong family and take your in-law's aunt over. Cui Shifu ordered him, and he still held Cui Jingzhong, who was moaning in his mouth, tightly in his hand. The blue veins on the back of his hand burst out, and he was obviously very angry.

Lin was stunned when he heard that Kong's people were gone. She was given a white-haired man to a black-haired man. Although the Kong family and her are not the direct relatives, they married into the Cui family. In addition to the unclean hands and feet, the Kong family is actually very hard-working. If she hadn't had a younger brother and a widowed mother to raise, this granddaughter-in-law It's gone.

Cui Shicai took a cigarette and said, "Lao 2, our master went to inform you to the villagers to help. I still have a few pigs..." He originally wanted to say that he would drag the pigs over and kill them first, but he thought of the way Liu's lion asked for money last time. I was embarrassed to say it, so he stopped immediately. Cui Shifu also knew what he meant. He nodded and said, "Brother, I'll thank you again for this later. I bought the pork at Li Butcher's house in the village. I still have some money there. It's not enough. Wei Er can lend me some first." Cui Jingzhong was even raised by others. When his wife died, I'm afraid he couldn't even take out the money for a shroud, let alone a funeral. Cui Shifu didn't point to him at all, but looked at Cui Wei with some guilt.

"Dad just does it. Tell me if it's not enough." The Kong family is dead. Even if there is any grudge between the two, but the people die like the lamp is out, and it will naturally disappear. Cui Wei is not small enough to care about the dead. Besides, Kong's death is also pitiful. If she can help her and make her less desolate after death, she can do it.

Cui Shifu nodded to her with relief and guilt. While dragging Cui Jingzhong, who couldn't help moaning and crying, he walked to Cui's lobby. Wang followed with excitement and had forgotten what Cui Shifu had told her to boil water before. It was not until Cui Shifu turned around and looked at her coldly that Wang hurriedly ran to the The water is gone. She was severely beaten by Cui Jinghuai last time and almost didn't beat her to death. Now Wang was also afraid. How dare she bump into her at this juncture? She hurriedly greeted Cui Youzu to go into the kitchen with her.

In the room, Lin ordered Liu to light up the candlelight. At the same time, Cui Shifu threw Cui Jingzhong with soft bones on the ground. Seeing his help but look, he couldn't help but get angry again and kicked him hard! This kick seemed to hit Cui Jingzhong's painful place. He jumped up all of a sudden, which made Yang's heart twitching. He quickly stood in front of Cui Jingzhong and cried, "Master, you can't fight. Erlang is like this now. Don't you feel sad?" Yang was shocked a lot today, and his whole face looked terrible. Cui Shifu looked at her appearance of protecting the young and sneered, "Don't think that I won't hit you if you stop him. I just ask you, why did the old two family hang himself today? What does this have to do with him? When the old two family hanged, What the hell is going on in the room?"

After a series of questions, Yang couldn't help crying when she thought of her daughter-in-law Kong's death, and her heart was also scared. At this time, everyone believed in the theory of ghosts. Yang's death just saw Kong's death, and now he was so scared that he still sweated coldly when he remembered it. Cui What are you doing? What kind of temperament is he? You know it very well in your heart. Just protect it. One day, the old two will be your future!" One sentence made Yang Shi tremble, and she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Cui Jingzhong's son is really cold-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te He can move now, and he can still go to the field to support him. He is so fierce to himself. One day when he can't move, won't he become worse for himself? In other words, even if Cui Jingzhong no longer beats and scolds himself, but says nice words to himself, but when he is old, is it possible that the mother and son can only starve to death?

Yang understood that Cui Jingzhong had experienced a big change before, and she had always felt sorry for this son for a long time. She didn't think about anything else. Even when he beat and scolded him, she also felt sorry for him and suffered. Now that Cui Shifu said this, she felt cold and dull. I couldn't speak for a long time.

"I didn't, I didn't force her. That bitch can't figure it out by himself. I don't know, mother, you know me, I won't." After Cui Jingzhong's eyes flashed for a while, he then moved on the ground with difficulty, hugged Yang's thigh and cried. His miserable situation made Yang's heart sad. Seeing him move on the ground like a snake, he cried so miserably, which made Yang suddenly forget what he had just thought. While holding him, he cried: "Son, what on earth did Kong Fang do? Tell me." Yang has to do farm work now. She spends almost all day in the field. She goes out in the morning, brings a few nests, and comes back at night. It's really hard to go out early and come back late. Otherwise, she will work alone in the field, which is really not as good as others.

After she went out in the morning, when she came back in the evening, she saw that Kong was dead. Looking at her face, I'm afraid she had been dead for several hours. Yang didn't know anything about it. When she asked Cui Jingzhong, he shook his head and cried heartbreakingly: "How do I know what that bitch thinks? I I'm going to sleep. How do I know how she will die! Something unspeaking!" The last sentence seemed to be contained in his mouth, and his eyes suddenly showed a gloomy look. His eyes were vicious and cold, which made people feel cold.

As soon as Cui Shifu heard Cui Jingzhong's words, he was so angry that he wanted to get up and look for the pole: "Sin-law, she is your daughter-in-law. You only care about sleeping. Regardless of her life or death, you, you..." Cui Shifu was really disappointed and chilled with Cui Jingzhong at this I slept as if nothing had happened. No wonder I didn't hear him make a sound before. It turned out that he was lying **. Cui Shifu has everything in her heart at this time. Kong has married Cui Jingzhong for several years, and she has had no credit and hard work. Besides, in addition to her unclean hands and feet, and she wanted to force Cui Wei to marry her brother Chongxi before, to be honest, this daughter-in-law Cui Shifu still has few complaints. She is diligent Fortunately, she was single-minded to Cui Jingzhong. At the beginning, she had to support Cui Jingzhong when she went out to work, which was enough to prove that she was good.

After the two of them have been together for so many years, it's time to raise feelings for raising a cat or a dog, but the Kong family can't warm Cui Jingzhong's heart. At this time, she is dead, and Cui Jingzhong is still thinking about sleeping, which really makes Cui Shifu so disappointed that he can't speak. Although I knew that this son's character was not good, as a father, I always hoped that he could change more or less. After several losses, I should always regret it. Now it seems that I really didn't know him before, and only Yang can't see such a wolf-hearted thing now. RS