Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 347 Against the Sky

In Xiaowan Village, the older generation also said that raising children with milk is to raise children with blood. Everyone knows that it is good to drink, otherwise how can the child grow up and grow well? Sun didn't say anything at this moment. In fact, his fist had been clenched, and he laughed and said:

"This is my first pair of grandchildren. My daughter-in-law is really blessed. She hugged her two at once. She is old and likes these little things. Why don't you put this bowl here? I'll guard it. I'll feed them. I'll stew and mail some food for her in the big kitchen. Go and see if it Has your daughter-in-law cooked the food well? As soon as the wet nurse Jiang heard that her grandson was a little thing, she immediately frowned, but she didn't expect anything else. After listening to Sun's words, although some of the Sun family regarded herself as an ordinary rough maid, she only regarded herself as a grandmother and wanted to get close to her grandson. After all, she was a relative. It was not easy for her to block it, so she stood up, squeezed her lips and smiled:

"In this case, the maidservant will go to the kitchen to have a look. Sorry to bother the old lady."

Sun waved her hand impatiently. The wet nurse Jiang hesitated for a moment before she went out, but she was a little relieved. When she went out, she didn't see Nie Qiuran outside. It was not easy for her to call the girl to stare at Sun. Her grandmother wanted to get close to her grandson. If she was a servant, If you have something to do, just do it. If you have nothing to do, you are not a person inside or outside. It's annoying!

It's better to do less than more! The wet nurse Jiang hesitated for a moment, but she didn't tell the people to stare at the Sun and walked away by herself. But she had a heart in her heart and didn't dare to be too far away. She only stood outside and didn't even go out of the courtyard door. Cui Wei's yard was very large. It was a five-entry door plus a small circular arch, with a total of six floors inside and outside. She usually cooks the water in the yard, unlike Sun and Master, it is much better to eat than the servants, but it is not as exquisite as Cui Wei. Sun said that she had stewed something for Cui Wei and wanted the wet nurse Jiang to run to the big kitchen. I'm afraid it would take half an hour back and forth. How dare she run? She only stood in the yard for about a quarter of an hour, and then got up and went back.

When Jiang came back, he happened to see Sun holding a baby in his arms and coaxing softly. He took a silver spoon in his hand and was feeding the child something. Judging from the color of the baby, it should be feeding Xiao Langjun. There was only about a small layer of milk left in the bowl. Jiang was relieved and turned to the little lady on the other side, but saw that there was still a trace of wet marks on the corners of her mouth, which made a red little mouth more delicate, and her little face slept red. Obviously, she slept again after drinking milk. The wet nurse Jiang only thought that she had thought too much, and couldn't help saying that she was suspicious. Could her own direct grandmother also harm her pair of grandchildren?

At this time, the baby was half full. Sun picked him up and patted him on the baby's back. Jiang's eyelids were beating wildly, and he stretched out his hand to Sun with some trembling:

"Old lady, why don't you let the maidservant hug Xiao Langjun, so as not to tire you." The child was slapped by her, and the milk she had just drunk overflowed out again. A trace of gloom flashed in Sun's eyes. She thought that Cui Wei had not asked her for peace since she married to the Nie family, nor served her. At the beginning, she dared to beat her. Now she over again and four times for Nie Qiuwen As he handed over his grandson, he laughed and said:

"I'm used to living in the countryside. My hands and feet have always been like this. How can children be so delicate? Our eldest son is also brought up like me. I don't see anything uncomfortable now, only she is poor and exquisite." In this sentence, she obviously referred to Cui Wei, and it was not easy for the wet nurse to interface. She just smiled twice, lowered her head to hug the baby, and gently patted him on the back. The child burp after a while, and gradually moved his little mouth, did not cry and went to sleep.

When Sun saw the wet nurse holding the child, she picked up the remaining milk in the bowl next to her and drank it clean: "It's a waste to pour it down. After all, it's a good thing." When she said this, Jiang almost vomited, but Sun deliberately wiped his mouth and said, "I have fed both children. The child has just been born and my stomach is bloated. Don't feed it now. I see them very much today. When I have to feed them again in the afternoon, I Come here." When she said this, Jiang didn't expect anything else. As long as she really liked her grandson, she naturally nodded. Before she opened her mouth with a smile, Sun's head had already cried, "But my daughter-in-law looked down on me as a country and looked down on me. Now that she is developed, my son is promising again, making her an official This mother-in-law is humiliated. A pair of grandchildren must not let me see it. I hope you don't tell her. I just want to get close to my grandchildren.

Jiang himself is also a mother, and he also has children. As soon as he heard Sun's words, when he saw her anxious face, he suddenly felt a sense of sympathy in his heart. Sun hasn't slept soundly in recent days. The night before yesterday, he was angry that Cui Wei dared to do this to him, and hated his son's She was worried that Cui Wei would push her to the ground before causing premature delivery, so she couldn't sleep all night. Now she hasn't slept well for two days, and her mouth is almost blistered. It looks really sad and pitiful. Jiang hesitated for a moment and nodded. There was a smile on the corners of Sun's mouth, and he told Jiang not to feed the child again, so as not to make the child eat too much hiccups. Jiang naturally knew how to be measured, and of course, he agreed. Only then Sun left with a smile on his face.

Cui Wei seemed to be relaxed when she gave birth yesterday, but in fact she also hurt her body. After giving birth to the child, she sweated a lot of her body and lost too much blood. She fell asleep drowsily. She didn't even look at the child much. After sleeping all night, she was a little better. When she got up at noon, her chest was a little swollen again. Thinking of what happened yesterday, she hated it. She sat up and let Biliu bring clean hot water. After she twisted the veil, she applied it to her chest and gently wiped it a few times. She took the jade bowl handed over by Biliu and asked:

"Where is the uncle now? Did you go to the Hanlin Academy?" Nie Qiuran asked for leave from Hanlin Academy early because she had double happiness and had both children. She should stay with her at home. With Luo Xuan over there, no one in Hanlin Academy should embarrass him.

As soon as Biliu heard this, he immediately laughed: "Madam is obsessed with sleep. In the morning, the master just said that he had been at home for a few days. He accompanied his wife and looked at the little lady and Langjun. Now he is talking to Master Nie in the yard." As soon as Cui Wei heard this, her face suddenly sank: "Did you tell the uncle about his mother yesterday?" There was nothing she could do to give birth to a child. After giving birth, she fell asleep again. She didn't have time to mention it. Now she remembered it. Every time she thought of Sun's dragging herself, Cui Wei hated it in her heart, that is, that is, she survived because she had a big life. Otherwise, she would have stepped into the ghost The foundation of the small body is well laid, otherwise if it is weaker, it is really a weak girl in the boudoir. If you are made like Sun, you have to get out of trouble. If you can't say it, it will be a happy event and a funeral. It is possible for one corpse and two lives!

"I forgot!" As soon as Bi Liu heard this, she was stunned. She was really busy inside and outside yesterday, and forgot to talk about this matter to Nie Qiuran. At first, she wanted to say it, but later she was first scared and surprised. Finally, she wanted to leave Nie Qiuran to get along with Cui Wei and his wife. How can she remember the Sun family? Until now She just remembered, "Madam, forgive me."

"Forget it, I don't blame you." Cui Wei waved her hand and thought of the situation that Biliu and others had conceived her yesterday, and her face eased a little. Fortunately, she was conceivable yesterday, otherwise she would suffer a little no matter how well she was in good health. When she thought of Sun, she hadn't seen her today. I guess she also knew that she was guilty, and immediately sneered: "She can't avoid the first day of junior high school, but she can't avoid the fifteenth day! It's not so easy to finish. I'll call my uncle back later and say that I'm not feeling well!" She didn't believe it. Many people saw the matter of Sun's family with their own eyes. She couldn't rely on it. Now she told Nie Qiuran that they were husband and wife. Cui Wei also knew his character very well. She was sure that Nie Qiuran would never let her be more patient because of his mother's unreasonable trouble!

"Yes!" Bi Liu answered, and the people in the room heard the hatred for the Sun family in Cui Wei's words. They knew that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had no way to make up. Now everyone knows where the wind is blowing. Everyone can see Nie Qiuran's kindness to Cui Wei. The Sun family must have bad luck in this matter!

Several people quickly stood up. Someone hurried out to report the news. Soon, Nie Qiuran quickly stepped in, and the figure suddenly moved to the edge of the bed. His chest fluctuated, and his thick long hair was combed on the top of his head. The exposed smooth forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat: "Weier, what's "Is it?" The woman should take good care of her confinement, otherwise a bad one will fall into the root of the disease. As soon as he heard the little girl's report that Cui Wei was uncomfortable, he was so scared that his heart almost stopped beating. His whole body was cold, and the bloody night seemed to be paraly. When he came back, he reached out and poked Cui Wei On the one hand, he asked her to stick out her tongue: "Let me see, what's wrong? Hurry up and let someone go outside the palace to report to the inside and ask Luo Xuan to invite the imperial doctor!"

Readers usually have more or less medical skills. Nie Qiuran's little daughter-in-law's face is smooth at this time, and her skin looks like a delicate porcelain. It doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, but he can't let go of it. He is afraid that he will misread it wrong and care about it. At this time, The warm spring breeze-like expression on his face disappeared, and there was panic in his eyes. RS