Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 374 Precursions

When Xu heard Huang Yu that she was going to arrest her husband and return to Beijing for interrogation, she immediately fainted. Now she really lost her daughter and her husband, and what's more, because Qin Gu's case was handed over to Dali and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Xu Miao, as an internal relative, naturally had to avoid danger. Therefore, the emperor simply handled Xu Miao's errands and asked him to go home and wait for a period of time, and then he would see. It's just that it's easy to be an official. If you want to be an official again, or to do it at the beginning, it's difficult, and it's more difficult to go to the sky. Since then, Xu Miao has also hated his sister. It's not good to get married. He insisted on marrying someone like Lu Jin. Now he has offended all the ministers in the court, but also a fold. Not only the Qin family is unlucky, but also with himself.

At this moment, there is no need to talk about the resentment and regret in Xu's heart. Although she hated her daughter, she also began to hate herself. If she had known that the dead girl was like this, why would she marry her to Lu Jin that day, which caused such a disaster to the Qin family. At the beginning, Cui Wei pleaded For impeachment, who should I go to to plead for mercy? The mother's family also chased the Xu family so hard that Qin Huai had to come out with the Xu family to live alone in a rented house.

Qin Huai himself was born as a Jinshi. Normally, it's not a problem to find a position. In three years, there were only 15 Jinshi. Originally, his big official position was not easy, but if he wanted to find a county magistrate, it was easy. Unexpectedly, because Lu Jin offended the officials in the court, he wanted Speaking of seven-grade officials, they are nine-grade officials, and they also pass the s-me. Qin Huai originally wanted to wait until his sister's wedding before planning his own business, but now it seems that the future is worrying.

And Cui Wei here also had a terrible headache at this time. At the beginning, Yang and others left, but in the same way, Nie Qing and Cui Mei both stayed. Because Cui Mei was not familiar with the place in Beijing and there was no outsider, she had to wait for Chen Xiaojun to come out, so Cui Wei had to leave her at home for a while. Although Chen Xiaojun was disgusting, he was not guilty of Cui Wei after all. He taught him a lesson and beat him to make him have a long memory. Cui Wei began I didn't want his life yet, but somehow, Nie Qiuran let people take away Chen Xiaojun and He Yuannian at the same time, and he didn't know what he was doing. He didn't release them during this period.

Cui Mei came to cry all day long, crying so much that she was upset. Cui Wei didn't want to see her recently. She began to cry as an adult, and she was so tired that the children also cried with her. It was like a water. After saying three words, she began to plead for Chen Xiaojun. Cui Wei was angry and disgusted. . Recently, she often lives together. Cui Wei can see it clearly. Cui Mei's experience is completely her own fault. Since she wants to treat herself as a shoe, it is not to blame for others for stepping on her every day. Chen Xiaojun's current appearance is half indulged by her. Since she is willing to be such a good wife and suffer, she does not stop She!

Yesterday, Nie Qiuran had told Cui Wei that Chen Xiaojun would be released today and hugged the two children for a while. When the girl outside said that it was Cui Mei coming, Cui Wei did not see her as usual. Instead, she handed over a pair of children to the wet nurse and said coldly, "Let her in!" The two wet nurses signaled to take the child away, but the children were more sensible now. When they saw that their mother was unwilling to leave, they all reached out to ask Cui Wei for a hug. The little look made people soft, but when they thought of Cui Mei, who was crying later, Cui Wei still waved cruelly to the wet nurse to take Come in.

I don't know if she has been beaten all the year round, and she has always been used to being bullied. Cui Mei has an extremely obvious sense of timidity and cowardice. As soon as she entered the door, tears have flowed out before she opened her mouth. Cui Wei looked at her indifferently. She didn't wait for Cui Mei to speak, so she said, "I have released Chen Xiaojun. Now I'll ask you to pack your luggage. You two find a place to settle in Beijing first." Cui Mei was fine, but as soon as she saw Chen Xiaojun, she felt nauseous. Naturally, it was impossible to live in a house with him. As soon as Cui Mei heard her words, she looked at her expression and shed tears, she choked and said, "Fourth sister, sister, isn't it? I kowtowed to you." After saying that, he quickly lay on the ground and knocked again!

Cui Wei looked at the scene in front of her with a headache and squeezed her lips without saying anything. The Biliu quickly frowned and said, "Mrs. Chen, get up quickly. Why are you kowtowing to your wife like this?" Isn't it a blessing to kneel down for a long time? If you hadn't known that Cui Mei was timid and cowardly and only knew how to kowtow in trouble, I'm afraid everyone would have to regard her on purpose. As soon as Cui Mei heard this, she immediately cried even more. Her tears were like broken beads, and she couldn't help sliding down her dry and thin face, which was annoying. Cui Wei didn't start and winned at Biliu. Biliu looked at Cui Mei and said, "Mrs. Chen, get up first. The maidservant asked someone to pack up the things for you, so I will send you to meet your husband." Cui Mei looked at Cui Wei timidly and whispered, "Fourth sister, I, I didn't go back. Can I come and talk to you again in the future?"

"What does the lobby sister want to say to me?" Cui Wei took a look at Cui Mei and smiled, "Do you want to tell me that you are not doing well in the Chen family?" Her tone was gentle, and there was a smile on the corners of her mouth. Somehow, Cui Mei suddenly felt ashamed and nodded randomly. Cui Wei looked at her and smiled deeper: "If the lobby sister tells me this, do you want me to help you deal with Chen Xiaojun?" As soon as Cui Mei heard this, she shook her head in a panic: "No, no, he is my husband. My son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and the dog doesn't think his family is poor. How can I dislike my husband..."

"Then what's the use after you told me? Since you don't want me to help you rectify Chen Xiaojun, do you want me to help you rectify the Chen family? Of course, Cui Mei shook her head again. Cui Wei had nothing to do about her soft personality. The two of them had different ideas, and they should not get close to each other at the beginning. Cui Mei complained without changing. She regarded herself as humble, so she didn't think about how good others regarded her. Cui Mei shook her head and felt guilty in her heart. She looked up and saw Cui Wei looking at her with a smile. Knowing that Cui Wei looked down on her, she couldn't help but feel a trace of resentment in her heart.

She married a good husband by herself. How can she know the pain of being married by others? This woman married and regards her husband as heaven. Hasn't it been like this since ancient times? It's natural that there is no reason to be a wife who dares to let people punish her husband. If someone tells it, she won't have to ask Cui Wei for this. Cui Mei was resentful and said, "Fourth sister, you don't know that I also have difficulties..."

Cui Wei didn't care what difficulties she had. Seeing that she still thought like this at this time, the more she felt impatient and more she talked to her. She interrupted her words and said, "Since the lobby sister is in trouble, it's time to tell the Chen family to let them know. I still have something to do here, so I won't leave the lobby sister, Biliu, see me off!" Cui Mei's lips moved, and there was a trace of anxiety on her face. Just as she was about to speak, Biliu put on a show-off posture and said with a smile, "Mrs. Chen, this way, please." Cui Mei hesitated for a moment and still said bravely, "Then I'll go out to live in the store, silver..." The voice was as small as a mosquito, and Cui Wei just thought she didn't hear it.

Since Chen Xiaojun wants to follow Nie Qing all the way to Beijing and want to be a romantic lover, he should think about the consequences after going to Beijing. He wants to stay in the hotel. Of course, he has to find a way to chase women and let her pay for the accommodation. She is not the wrongdoer!

Seeing that she didn't answer, Cui Mei just thought Cui Wei didn't hear it. She was embarrassed to say more, but when she thought that she might live on the street after going out, she couldn't help but say more: "Fourth sister, can you lend me some money? I, I, I'll give it back to you later." Cui Wei didn't say anything. The Biliu had urged Cui Mei to leave, and she had to leave crying.

In the Dali Temple, since Nie Qiuran had already said hello, Chen Xiaojun, who had been locked up in it for more than ten days, was released. Because when he was imprisoned in the prison room, it was Cui Wei who deliberately told someone to deal with him well. Behind him, Nie Qiuran contributed to the situation again. Chen Xiaojun's life in prison was very sad. Many officers and soldiers saw his kind appearance and did not expect that he dared to break into the house to steal. Naturally, he had the bottom behind his I have to die. No one will believe how he says that he is a relative of Cui Wei. On the contrary, he is laughed at. If he is a relative, how can he be personally caught in prison? He must be a liar!

Chen Xiaojun had no money in his hand, and he was tortured by the people who wanted to please his superiors in Dali Temple. He couldn't stand it, so he talked nonsense and only asked for less punishment, and what he said was like splashed water. Now he has a reputation for stealing. I'm afraid it will be difficult to study again When Chen Xiaojun was brought up from the prison of Dali Temple, he saw Cui Mei standing outside at a glance, which was like a separation from the world. In the past, he hit Cui Mei a lot. Now that he has been beaten, he knows how uncomfortable it is to be beaten.

As soon as Cui Mei saw Chen Xiaojun wearing a white prison uniform, his hair was scattered, and his face was full of blood and mud. A stench came from her body. She couldn't help but feel sore and covered her mouth uncommentedly, and then she cried:

"Why is the fourth sister so cruel? It really makes people beat you like this!"

Now Chen Xiaojun is already afraid of Cui Wei. Before, he thought that Cui Wei was going to arrest him for jokes, but after more than ten days in prison, Chen Xiaojun had just come out of prison. When he heard Cui Mei's words, he wished to slap her to death and stared at her fiercely: "I just came out This nonsense, do you want me to go in again so that you can remarry later? At this time, Chen Xiaojun was scared. He even trembled when he heard Cui Wei's name. Cui Mei was scolded by him and did not dare to make a sound again. She only dared to take a handkerchief and wipe Chen Xiaojun's forehead with pain, but was pushed away by him impatiently. He staggered a few steps and RS