Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 447 Clear

In this group of people, Cui Wei seemed to feel that someone's eyes were not the same as those of the villagers. The two husband and wife looked to the southeast, but they saw that there was a newly built house over there, which had been completed most of the time. A figure in navy blue clothes picked up something and looked this way. The drizzle was a little unclear, and the fog was hazy, but Nie Qiuran frowned and whispered, "It's Nie Qiuwen." That day, after Nie Fuzi and Nie Qiuran said that they didn't know the Sun family at the same time, Nie Qiuwen ran out by himself. Nie Fuzi didn't care. Anyway, it was not his son, and he didn't like it since he was a child. Even if he died outside, Nie Fuzi didn't care. Now it'

Cui Wei has been busy these days and didn't notice Nie Qiuwen. Unexpectedly, she saw it now. She subconsciously looked up at Nie Qiuran, but Nie Qiuran tilted the corners of her mouth: "Regardless of him, he is building a house for Gu Ningxi now. It seems that he is going to be self-reliant. In this case, it's really not good if I don't help him." Cui Wei was a little hesitant. Although Nie Qiuwen was a little unreliable, he grew up with him. Now when he saw him like this, he also felt sad. After thinking about it, as soon as she moved, Nie Qiuran had quickly pulled her: "No matter how he is, he should suffer a little. Don't do it before. He is spoiled out of tune. Look at what he did before. Which one can get on the table? It's okay to suffer some hardship now. If you help him, you will hurt him.

This is also a way. People don't grow up in adversity. If people like Nie Qiuwen are not bullyed, they really can't be changed. But Cui Wei looked at Nie Qiuran's look and gloated. No matter how she looked at it, she didn't seem to help Nie Qiuwen change. The corners of her mouth twitched, and after a long time, she said, "Brother Nie, take it easy and don't do it."

"I have a sense of proportion. At the beginning, he was spoiled like that, but he was not really good to him." Nie Qiuran said a few words and didn't want to mention this question anymore. He pulled Cui Wei and urged, "It's raining heavily outside. Go back quickly." Cui Wei looked over there again, but saw that Nie Qiuwen had turned around by himself. Someone in the carriage was looking this way. When he saw Cui Wei's eyes, he shrank back.

The things at home have been packed for a long time. Since I have to leave, I decided to go back to Beijing earlier. Anyway, Nie Fuzi has already greeted him, and there is no need to delay any longer. It's just that when it comes to the people who stay to take care of the family, some of the people are willing to stay, and some are unwilling to stay. Cui Wei can guess some of the thoughts in the hearts of most of the people who stay, which is nothing more than the same as Liu's. She thinks that she doesn't have to wait for anyone to stay. If the master doesn't come back, in fact, they are the masters here. They can do whatever they want. Although the life may not be as beautiful as In this kind of life, many good people may not be so comfortable.

Those who don't want to stay, in addition to some of the family members who are really loyal and reluctant to be in Beijing, I'm afraid that they are also reluctant to follow Nie Qiuran's side. For those who don't want to stay, the twisted melon is not sweet. Naturally, it is impossible for Cui Wei to force people to stay. But for those who want to stay, she will not stay anywhere. After all, she has suffered the loss of Cui Shifu's lack of personality. If she neglects it now, I'm afraid she will have to raise someone like Liu.

hesitated for a moment, and finally, to Cui Wei's surprise, Bi Liu, who had been waiting for her, took the initiative to stay.

Biliu is lively and has a calculation in her heart. She usually doesn't talk much. She only knows that she is delicate. Except for going to Dali Temple to protect herself because she was worried about Cui Jingping before, she hasn't seen anything out of line. If she keeps her down, it's naturally good, but Cui Wei is a little hesit .

"You know, in fact, although you are a maidservant, you don't have much to do with me all day long. What's more, after returning to Beijing, you are not bad at eating and dressing. It's not bad compared with many ordinary people. If you stay in the village, you will have a lot of things to do every day. I'm afraid you have to eat and make a fire. There are a lot of things to do all day long. She lives here now, and it's not her turn to cook and do laundry, but if she and others leave, she will only leave a willow. At that time, she will have to do everything by herself. It's better to say that it's better to be in Beijing, at least there are laundry clothes and a pulp room.

"The maidservant knows, but the maidservant still wants to stay." Biliu bit his lip and whispered, "The maidservant guards the house for you. If the wife finds the right person, the maidservant will go to the wife again." In fact, there is no need for her to wait for Cui Wei now, and it is useless for her to stay. What's more, although the life here is a little hard, the people in Xiaowan Village have been simple and straightforward these days, and they are not like some people in Beijing. Even if some people look at her as Cui Wei's maid on the surface and smile at her, in fact, she is still a maidservant and a servant in other people's hearts. But in this Xiaowan Village, no one regards her as a servant, and they all smile at her. These days, Biliu has found a sense of satisfaction in Xiaowan Village. Even if she knows that she is a slave, she still wants to feel this kind of life a few more times.

That's what she said, and Cui Wei naturally didn't persuade her. In fact, Cui Wei can also see that she is thinking a little, but the world is like this. Not to mention that she will not go to send her servants away with a good heart for no reason. She learns to be as self-reliant as Lu Jin's mother, Hou. Even if she is such a selfless good person and let Biliu go, it I can't say that she really let her go. She still doesn't want to. It's better to hang her own name now, and no one dares to bully her.

It's natural that it's good for Biliu to stay. In fact, Cui Wei doesn't need many people to wait on her. A group of people stand beside her all day long and don't hide at all. Fortunately, Nie Qiuran can't allow others to wait on her to take a shower, otherwise she doesn't want to. Bi What a big girl, Nie Qiuran knew what she was thinking, so she just answered.

Because everything was packed, it was ordered again. The next day, Nie Qiuran and his wife got up early and drove the carriage to leave. Cui Wei brought a lot of things back this time. In addition to some belongings she brought, there were also seven or eight baskets of newly picked oranges in the garden. This thing can be put away, and the taste is quite sweet, not to mention that she planted it herself. Cui Wei naturally wants to take it. Some of the jams made by my family were also taken together. Because Cui Wei was not sure whether Nie Qiuran would be in high school when she went to Beijing last time, so many things were not taken away. These jams have been marinated, and the longer they are kept, the more tasty they will be. Therefore, it is okay to put them for a while.

The orange-soaked wine was also all loaded. At that time, Luo Xuan once said that he wanted to taste it after soaking, Cui Wei would not forget it, so she took seven or eight carriages to load these things. The villagers got what Cui Wei and his wife were leaving today yesterday. Many people in the village came to see the couple away early.

At this time, the sky was just bright, and the rain was a little smaller last night. When I got up in the morning, it began to fog in the countryside. From afar, there was a hazy green shadow, and all the scenery in the distance was hidden in the fog. Judging from the fog, it is a beautiful day. It can't be said that this is a rare sunny day in the past two months. If the rain can stop when you go back to Beijing, the road will be easier.

Wang Baoxue's mother Liu led her eldest daughter-in-law over. She happened to meet Cui Wei who was pulled by Nie Qiuran to get into the carriage. She hurried over: "Dear Cui, let's go soon. We also think that you can play here for a longer time. Aunt doesn't have anything good. This basket of eggs Eat it." As she spoke, she quickly commanded her eldest daughter-in-law to come over and handed the blue son in her daughter-in-law's hand to Cui Wei.

In fact, after coming to Xiaowan Village, Liu was also very kind to Cui Wei because of the good relationship between his son Wang Baoxue and Cui Jingping. In addition to occasionally breaking their mouths, many people in the village usually have a good heart. At this time, when it comes to parting, they are a little sad, and the people who came After receiving the eggs sent by Liu, Cui Wei looked at Liu's eldest daughter-in-law, simply took out a jade gourd from herself and handed it to Liu: "Aunch Wang, I don't know when I can see it when I go out. I didn't have time to come back when Brother Wang married his daughter-in-law. I

Gourds generally represent many children. Liu was already very surprised to see Cui Wei giving him jade. Although most of the villagers in this countryside are poor and have no money. But the absence of silver does not mean that you have never seen silver. Many women still have one or two silver ornaments in their dowries, but for jade, it is rare. First, it is not easy to find a skilled craftsman to carve that thing. Second, it is generally said that jade has suppressed evil people, that Liu has not seen much of the world, She didn't expect that Cui Wei would give her such a thing, and she was a little stunned.

When she came here in the morning, she only sent Cui Wei two baskets of eggs. Now she doesn't eat this egg by herself, and it's only ten or six cents to get it from the town. How can it be worth the jade gourd in Cui Wei's hand? Liu looked at this piece of jade and wanted it. She was not a fool. When she saw a good thing, she was not moved, but she was moved. If she just gave some eggs and changed this jade, she was embarrassed to reach for it.

"It's just some eggs. It's not worth it. You can just leave it yourself." Liu thought for a moment and still shook her head. She had seen the longing in the eyes of her daughter-in-law behind her, but she didn't say yes.

Cui Wei smiled, poked out most of her body, took Liu's hand, and stuffed the jade into her palm: "You can take it. Aunt Wang took care of you before. Take care of yourself in the future." Liu held the jade in her hand. Hearing what she said, she did not refuse, but wiped her tears. Many people in the village were a little jealous when they saw that Liu had received something. At the beginning, Liu often sent Cui Wei some fruits and vegetables, and everyone didn't think so much, but they didn't expect that now it's Liu is smart. Now they have a piece of jade. It's foggy now, and the sky is not completely bright and transparent It's good to go to the jade head, and it's well carved. Some people who know the goods are more jealous when they see that the jade worn by Master Pan in the village is not so good.

It was extremely lively nearby for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, Cui Wei said a few more words with everyone, but several people crowded in outside the crowd. Cui Shifu wrapped a white sweat towel around his head to block his forehead and came over with Yang's support. Since he went to run errands for Cui Shicai's family, but bumped into the bodies of Sun and the old man Huang, he came back and fell ill.

The villagers said that this is the Sun family looking for him, and Cui Shifu is a ghost! However, Cui Wei knew that Cui Shifu was scared and angry, so she fell ill. Cui Shifu is usually in good health. People like him are not sick. If he is sick, such as falling down in the same mountain, he has to rest well. At this time, I saw him coming. Although Cui Wei still had some bumps in her heart because of the house, orchard and other things, she suddenly sighed at Cui Shifu's dark face and worried expression.

"It's just a word to say that I'm leaving. I don't know if there is anything to take care of my home. Your father is sick now. Something happened to your uncle's place. Your grandmother is living in our house now." As soon as Yang stood outside, he heard that Cui Wei had given Liu a valuable thing. Suddenly, he was jealous, angry and hateful. She has been in conflict with Liu for several years. At the beginning, for the sake of a Shao family, the two still blushed. As soon as they saw it, they had to quarrel a few words. They had beaten themselves before. Cui Wei was her own daughter, but she didn't know that she was distressed by her mother. Instead, she wanted to make good things

Although Yang was angry and hateful, she thought about what she wanted to get, so she didn't dare to mention Cui Jingzhong when complaining. She knew that Cui Wei didn't like Cui Jingzhong the most. Although she thought it was Cui Wei's little weapon, after all, Cui Jingzhong had an idea at the beginning, but it didn't So many years? This girl has been small since she was a child, and she has a good life and married a good husband, otherwise she would not dare to show such a face in front of her now! Just to see how proud she can be. If one day the boy of the Nie family doesn't like her, let's see if she can go back to her mother's house!

After secretly scolding Cui Wei, Yang Shi stared at Liu again, and then said angrily to Cui Wei, "People say that the fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders. You're fine, just turn your elbows out!"

As soon as Cui Wei saw Yang, she was upset and didn't even have the mood to do the scene with her. She said directly, "I don't want to turn my arm out, but Aunt Wang came to give me two baskets of eggs. I don't know how many baskets did you send me?" When Cui Shifu's face was a little uncomfortable and his expression was a little guilty, Yang hurriedly said, "You don't lack these. What's the situation in our family now? It's not that you don't know. If you don't help, why say this?"

I didn't even want to pay at all, so I thought about picking benefits. If there was such a thing in the world, Cui Wei would go by herself. How could it be Yang's turn? Cui Wei couldn't help laughing and said, "It's okay if you don't give eggs. I don't want them. I really don't lack them, but since you don't have an expression, I naturally give them to whoever I like."

Like Yang, every time she asked for Cui Wei's things, she still thought about the future, and she didn't look good after taking advantage of her. Although she was the mother of Cui Wei's body, she was not born to her. She also paid enough for the original owner, but she never thought that she would be like the original owner in the future Be an ox and a horse, let people be docile and have no complaints at all. She and the Yang family no longer owe each other.

"You have such sharp teeth, and now you are proud. Let's see how long you will be in the future. In the future, your man will dislike you, so don't go back to your mother's house to cry..." Yang's face was blocked by her, her face was blue and white, and her lips were He took something out of his arms, took a few steps, and handed it to Cui Wei: "There is nothing good at home. I baked a few cakes. You can eat on the way..."

For Cui Shifu, Cui Wei was really angry and helpless. Now when she saw him like this, she couldn't bear to refuse. After thinking about what she came to ancient times, Cui Wei took a deep breath and suddenly reached out and took the cake in Cui Shifu's hand. Seeing that Yang's appearance seemed to be angry, she said, " Don't dislike me. That's our business. You don't have to worry about it. I just don't mind. I still have money. Unlike some people, I have nowhere to go. I have to rely on it. After she said this, Yang immediately realized that she was pointing at herself. Suddenly, she was angry and anxious. When she saw that Cui Shifu had just handed over the cake, she felt angry.

He was ridiculed by this dead girl. Cui Shifu not only didn't help her speak, but gave her something to eat!

Cui Wei looked at Yang's angry face, and then turned around and didn't know what she had said to Nie Qiuran. Before long, she had an extra pocket in her hand and handed it to Cui Shifu: "Dad, I'll help you for the last time. In the future, I won't owe the Cui family anymore. I' Whether you live well or not, it has nothing to do with me. Well, I don't want to get the light. If it's bad, don't always think that someone will be a cash cow. As she said, I'm a married daughter and spilled water. Since I'm already losing money, don't think about making money!"

Speaking of this, Cui Wei looked at Yang's face twice, and then smiled and said, "If it's difficult, it's better to find a way to find a son. Isn't Cui Jingzhong your heart and soul? He is also a scholar, and he can't stand it more than me." RS