Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 472 Advance

When it was about to dawn, Cui Wei had already made people start to put things out. The stream also got a group of people to guard around from nowhere. He personally took a long knife and stood aside. The cloud turned around and went out. Soon, the sound of gongs sounded in the distance. With the sound of shouting porridge, he woke up many disaster victims who were huddled under the eaves and starved to death.

In the early morning, they were knocked by the sound of the gongs. When many people heard the shout of the porridge, they were a little unbelievable. After a long time, the sound went further and farther, and then someone jumped up like crazy. While shaking themselves in the face, they asked in surprise, "What? Is it porridge? Where can a good man want porridge?

"Our wife is compassionate and misses everyone's suffering, so she didn't sleep last night and specially cooked porridge. She was afraid that you would be hungry, so she is there now!" The cloud was full of breath. Although the voice was a little feminine, everyone was so hungry that they were dizzy at this time. How could they pay attention to these? They were surprised and inexplicably chased after the cloud. Many people even held their own bowls and asked each other in disbelief.

"I don't know who the good man is?" Not long after the cloud, the black crow followed a large group of people. Looking around, they couldn't even see the end. People squeezed people side by side, and many people coincidentally wanted to know who the kind-hearted person was. Yin Yun sneered and had already expected this problem. He glanced at the people in the crowd and winned at them again. Then he smiled and said, "Our wife is the judge of Dingzhou, the wife of Lord Nie. Lord Nie was blessed by heaven for a long time. He had a divine metaphor. He wanted to bring disaster to heaven, so he was extremely anxious. He scattered all his family's wealth and borrowed it everywhere. Fortunately, with the help of Master Changping, he dug the river, which made the flood much smaller. However, Lord Nie cherished the world in his heart and was Money, I bought rice just to wait for today!"

The words made everyone's blood boil! Many people couldn't help kneeling on the ground and began to knock their heads, shouting long live Mr. and Mrs. Nie. The person in the crowd who exchanged glances with the cloud paused. When everyone knelt down, they deliberately asked, "Since Mrs. Nie has been prepared for a long time, why didn't she take out the rice earlier instead of waiting until now?" The man had long been arranged by the undercurrent to sneak into the exiles. Now he deliberately asked this question in order to prevent artificial rumors in the future. You should know that it's too late for Cui Wei to take out the rice and grain. Of course, people are grateful to hear that they have food, but they are afraid of feeding the white-eyed wolf, so they should prepare early and take this question-and-answer opportunity to explain the matter. At that time, as long as everyone believes that Nie Qiuran and If you want to spread rumors and make trouble again, it will be even more difficult!

"That's a good question!" Once the man opened his mouth, many kneeling people began to be a little curious and dissatisfied. Yin Yun glanced at these ragged people and sneered, "This world is the emperor's world. Although my wife is kind-hearted, she always thinks that the emperor will ignore you, so she has waited until today. After all, the emperor is too big. If the emperor didn't open his mouth, madam would not dare to take the lead. You should understand! Otherwise, Lord Nie and his wife asked for the crime, and you said, didn't you do something and still have to be punished?"

When some suspicious people heard this, they suddenly felt ashamed. They all lowered their heads and couldn't speak, but their hearts hated the emperor enough!

Yes, this is the emperor's world! However, the emperor didn't care about the lives of ordinary people like himself. On the contrary, he wanted to make Lord and Mrs. Nie take this risk. Now he wants to eat and drink for himself and others, and it is possible to be brought to prison by the emperor. Where in the world does such a truth come from? The exiles were grateful, ashamed and a little angry. As they stood up, many people shouted at the same time: "Let's protect Mrs. Nie!" If anyone wants to be unfavorable to Mrs. Nie, we will protect her even if we don't want to die! Even if the emperor comes, he can't take it away!"

The person who had just opened his mouth in the crowd exchanged glances with the cloud again, and then shouted loudly, "Our lives were saved by Lord Nie!" If Dingzhou did not have Lord Nie's wealth and dug those rivers, we would have died as early as Dingzhou! When the villagers left, they also saw the scene of Dingzhou. Now the houses and fields have been flooded! Lord Nie saved our lives, but now he is still so thoughtful. If something happens to Mrs. Nie because of us, are we still human? Do you have a face to see the relatives who died in the flood?

The words made everyone ** surging. Seeing that the kung fu is almost done, the cloud doesn't say much. As long as some of them help spread the news, sometimes the more they say, the more wrong it is. It's better to let them pass it on themselves. On the contrary, they can imagine everything. For example, Nie Qiuran is the story of the heavenly star king who came down to

When a large group of people poured into the door of the small yard temporarily bought by Cui Wei, people there had already begun to set up stalls, and they were really pouring porridge. The porridge was still hot. When many people were holding the porridge, they were so excited that they burst into tears. After such a long rain, the weather was cold and humid, and they could drink a mouthful of hot porridge. As the adult just said, Mrs. Nie didn't sleep all night and was busy working for them!

Cui Wei looked tired. Many people were not as tyrannical as usual because of their gratitude. On the contrary, they lined up in a very regular way. After receiving the porridge, they took three or two sip and filled a little hunger. Then they sat aside and handed the bowl to others to fill the porridge. Many people even volunteered to help with the porridge. More than a dozen buckets of porridge soon came to an end. Fortunately, there were already girls in the kitchen. They cooked a few big pots and brought them over, and even soon sent steamed buns that had been steamed and poured into a large cage.

Now one person can barely fill his stomach with a steamed bun and porridge. Many people didn't leave after eating. Instead, they thought about what everyone said before that they couldn't eat and left the trouble to a good person like Mrs. Nie. Therefore, they consciously volunteered to stay around Cui Wei's yard and began to stand guard for her. I'm afraid that there are no more than 50,000 or 30,000 of these exiles, so many people stand around the house and block the streets.

In the morning, when the owner of the Gu family heard what his daughter Gu Ningxin said, he thought that the matter was extremely serious, so he went to the palace early in the morning and was ready to ask for credit. As soon as Emperor Zhengde heard that Cui Wei had returned to Beijing, he recently regarded Nie Qiuran as a thorn in his side. He wished not to push it quickly, but he did not dare to act rashly. Nowadays, Nie Qiuran's reputation is too great, and his achievements have even threatened his status and reputation. Emperor Zhengde naturally can't tolerate it. To put it rudely, although Nie Qiuran has dug the river and saved so many exiles, if he exchanges his own country status, Emperor Zhengde still hopes that these exiles will die. !

At this time, he was so hated that he had a headache. As soon as he heard the words of the old man Gu family, he gritted his teeth! It seems that Nie Qiuran had been premeditated for a long time, and even sent his wife and children to Beijing. This man was really too cunning. Why didn't he see that he had so much heart and was so bold before? Now that Nie Qiuran has a big reputation, he should also let him throw rats and avoid it!

Before, Emperor Zhengde was not used to Nie Qiuran's refusal to enjoy the kindness of the beauty. He refused Gu Ningxi. Instead, he only guarded the Cui family. He thought that he was short-tempered and had a long love for his children. But in this situation, he is really grateful to his children. If he hadn't Back to Beijing? It's really effortless! As long as you pinch Cui, you don't have to worry about Nie Qiuran's disobeyedient. Even if Nie Qiuran can give up this wife, he will let himself suffer such a big loss, and he will have to return him a gift!

Emperor Zhengde had an idea and wrote a decree with a happy face, so that Su Quan, the eldest eunuch beside him, and Mr. Gu went to deliver the letter together!

At this time, the Cui family's yard was surrounded by water, and some people living nearby did not dare to come out. They were afraid that as soon as they came out, they would end up like some other nobles in Beijing. Emperor Zhengde also knew that the outside world was very chaotic now, so although he attached great importance to this matter and wanted to invite Cui Wei into the palace to go under house arrest, he was also afraid that he would meet the exiles outside, and things would be difficult to do at that time. Therefore, when he sent Su Quan out, he also sent a team of Yulin Army It's not that he doesn't know how many noble families have been washed, but he just pretends not to know. These people are usually not easy for him to do, otherwise he would not want the Daqing Dynasty to raise this group of useless people long ago. Now he has used the hands of the exiles to execute these people, which is just in his heart.

This team of Yulin Army was about 50 people. Su Quan came with the owner of the Gu family and came magnificently all the way, but somehow, a large number of exiles along the road were also going with them to the place pointed by Gu Ningxin. Su Quan was a little surprised, but he didn't care, and raised his head arrogantly. The exiles along the road looked this way warily, whispering from time to time, and didn't know what they were talking about. The expression was very strange.

When Su Quan led 50 Yulin troops to the street mentioned by the owner of the Gu family, he was immediately shocked. The street is almost full of people from the inside to the outside. Looking at a large area of darkness, people's heads are side by people's heads. I'm afraid it's such a rough estimate that at least more than 10,000 people have gathered here! Su Quan was shocked, and even the owner of the Gu family turned a little pale. Su Quan was usually in the palace. He was served by the emperor. The palace people he saw were not respectful because he was the general manager. When could he be crowded with these ordinary people, especially these exiles fled for their lives in the area of CIZHOU. They fled all the way to the capital without even food, and there was no need to take a shower. So many When people get together, the smell also makes the general manager, who has always been respected, frown. RS