Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 474 Maintenance

What's more, if Cui Wei is taken into the palace, is there anyone to provide relief? Now some rich people are all like turtles and huddled in their shells. These days, no one will kindly reach out to help them like Cui Wei and give them a bite to eat. In addition, these people can survive, but it's all because of Nie Qiuran. When many people think of this, they say loudly:

"We can survive because of Lord Nie. If Lord Nie hadn't scattered all his family's wealth and dug the river to save our lives, could we still stand here now? At the beginning, we scolded Lord Nie for disturbing the people, but the Lord didn't say a word. He was such a good man. He would rather be blamed by himself than defend a few words and only did things silently. I saw that this adult was much better than these dog officials! Our lives were saved by Lord Nie. Now Mrs. Nie has been captured into the palace by the emperor because she is preparing food for us. Are we still human? If Lord Nie returns to Beijing, can we be against Lord Nie?

A speech made everyone begin to nod together. These people's eyes turned red and stared at dozens of Yulin soldiers, Su Quan, Gu Yannian and others in the middle with hatred, and said in unison, "Fight these dogs!"

After saying that, it surged up! This is a completely unequal competition. The exiles have long hated Emperor Zhengde for not caring about themselves and others for a long time. At this time, it is naturally not important to start, and they just vent their anger on this thing that is not male or female. Although most of the Yulin Army are trained soldiers, it is still possible if it is a pair of three, but compared with tens of thousands of people, even one person spit on them, which is enough to drown them. A group of people rushed up and beat Su Quan and others until they cried, crawled all over the ground. Finally, the Yulin army They were also beaten very badly. Many of them, who could not beat Su Quan and Gu Yannian, vented their anger on the eyes of the exiles, the so-called imperial eagles and dogs, which made these people look different, and many people's bright clothes were peeled off by which plague.

Su Quan was still clever. After being beaten, he took off his clothes and sneaked into the crowd with severe pain. He found a Yulin army to hide under his back, and the others did not have such good luck. Fifty people from the Yulin army came. I'm afraid that 30 people were killed by these angry exiles, and the rest were Can't afford to fall to the ground!

After a fight, everyone gradually dispersed, and spontaneously began to patrol near Cui Wei's house. Su Quan waited until people left*. It was almost evening that he got up with some people who pretended to be dead. The people in the field were crooked, and many people could not recognize him. His heart was ached. I hate it again, but I want to find Gu Yannian, otherwise I will go back to work like this. If the matter is not done, I'm afraid I will be punished by the emperor.

Gu Yannian was beaten to no human form at this time. If he hadn't looked at his figure, Su Quan really couldn't recognize him. Not to mention that his face was deformed. Most of his beard and hair on his face were caught, which was simply miserable. And most importantly, he has no breath! Su Quan was afraid and hurriedly greeted the Yulin soldiers who had just got up, lifted Gu Yannian's body, and was ready to go back to the palace to complain.

Yinliu stood high on the roof, looked at Su Quan, smiled, and simply jumped down. He was already good at it, and Su Quan and others were also hit too badly during the day. At this time, they knew that someone would come and did not dare to resist. The rest of the people looked at their companions who fell to the ground and died miserably. They all felt cold. They had been scared out of their courage for a long time, and the In addition to the crystal worms, the rest of the people ate a dark thing, and the sewer told them again before letting go of the frightened Su Quan and others.

Cui Wei stayed outside for a day. At this time, her bones were scattered all over. She didn't sleep well yesterday. In addition, she was worried about her husband and others these days, so she lost a lot of weight and looked very haggard. At this time, the exiles outside were finally settled, and some people began to try their best. When she got up from the tent, they all regarded Cui Wei as a god. They were so grateful that Cui Wei just went back to the room. The hot water was ready. Before it was delivered, Bizhi gently took the beauty and beat her on her legs. Cui Wei rubbed her head and sat up straight and said, "You go down and rest first. Everyone is tired today. How can't you come to wait for me now?"

Bizhi was moved. Hearing Cui Wei say this, she couldn't help smiling: "It's not tiring for me to be like this. Fortunately, I only follow my wife to have such a day. I heard that many servants in other families are now..." Many women who have been robbed by the exiles still don't know how to feel It's not just to please Cui Wei. Hearing what she said, Cui Wei sighed. The world was chaotic, and the exiles looked pitiful. In fact, it was extremely hateful for women, but she only had this ability, and she could only try her best to protect her place.

"How can I say this? As long as I'm fine, you won't be good enough. Go down and go to bed quickly. There are a lot of things to do tomorrow. Then put the bath water for me, and I don't have to stay here anymore. Everyone will sleep tonight." Bizhi also knew that there were still a lot of things to do tomorrow, so when Cui Wei said this, she didn't say more. She nodded and went out.

As soon as she left to boil water, the room was quiet, and the dim yellow light made the room very bright. Cui Wei twisted a handkerchief on her face in the hot water basin beside her, and felt the hot air penetrated into the pores of her face, as if most of the whole person was relaxed. At this time, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly sounded, and then there was a woman's painful voice. Cui Wei suddenly pulled down the veil on her face, and happened to see the stream stepping into the room. When she saw Cui Wei writing her face, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and quickly lowered her head: "But Excuse me, madam?"

Cui Wei shook her head and threw the veil back into the basin. Then she began to look at the people lying on the ground. Her hair was scattered all over her body, but she blocked her face. The light in the room was shaking constantly because someone had just come in, shining brightly and darkly on the slender figure with long hair.

"Madam, this bitch dares to leak my wife's return to Beijing. My subordinates have brought her to her now. If my wife has no other instructions, my subordinates will definitely make her worse than death!" The stream was really angry at this time. Luo Xuan sent them to Cui Wei, but he didn't expect that such a mistake would have almost implicated Cui Wei's life. How could he stand it? Not to mention this trouble is not small. In case Cui Wei's accident because of this, I'm afraid the lord will not forgive him for the rest of his When the middle-aged man thought of this, he became more and more angry. He kicked Gu Ningxin fiercely and said, "In the brothel opened by the lord now, there are just such goods. If you pick the tendon and send it to Xiliang, it will be useful!"

As early as she heard Yinliu talking about punishing herself and revealing herself back to Beijing, Cui Wei guessed that she was afraid it was Gu Ningxin. Unexpectedly, when she raised her head in a panic when she heard Yinliu's words, she saw that it was indeed her. As soon as Gu Ningxin heard that she was going to send herself to be a girl, she suddenly panicked. She didn't even want to be a concubine for the powerful family. How could she be a woman who was a hundred times lower than that? At that moment, she hated her blood in her heart, but she had to kneel down and kowt ."

Cui Wei ignored her. If she wants to say who she hates most about this matter, it is obviously not Gu Ningxin, but the Nie Jiao who is still locked in the house! He occupied his daughter's body and enjoyed his love and the benefits of the Nie family. If he didn't do something good, he shouldn't have eaten like her. Now he leaked the matter. If he and Brother Lin died, would it be better for Nie Jiao? She just called Gu Ningxin to be her mother. From then on, as she said, her father only liked Gu Ningxin alone?

It's a kitten and puppy, so that it's time to have some feelings, but Nie Jiao is not familiar with it! Cui Wei felt cold in her heart, and she didn't bother to pay attention to Gu Ningxin, who knelt on the ground begged for mercy, and turned her head and stared at the vagina:

"Mr. Yin, why did you catch her too? The Gu family..."

"Madam, don't worry!" Before Cui Wei finished speaking, Yin Liu had already laughed: "The old man surnamed Gu is dead, and now he is carrying it back to prepare for the funeral. The Gu family is in a mess. She is gone. She is just a concubine's daughter. Who can find it?"

Although what Yinliu said was true, it was too shocking. Gu Ningxin's pale face showed a trace of embarrassment and complexity, biting her lips without a sound. Cui Wei was a little surprised to hear that the old man of the Gu family was dead. Before she opened her mouth, the stream seemed to know what she was thinking. She simply said that Emperor Zhengde came to announce the order during the daytime today: "In the morning, the old man surnamed Su in the palace came here and was beaten half to death by the exiles. The old man surnamed Gu also died because of this, so Gu Banniang, who will care about her life and death? As soon as the middle-aged man said this, he felt a little happy and said:

"Now we still have some food and so on. Although there are a lot of these exiles, if we save some, we can support it for a period of half. Once Lang Jun comes back, my wife will be safe." Nie Qiuran had already guessed that there was a flood. How could he not prepare food and fodder? In fact, he and Luo Xuan secretly prepared food and other things that the people of the Daqing Dynasty could eat for a whole year. At that time, he would be so meritorious. What could Emperor Zhengde do with him? I'm afraid it's not impossible to change the dynasty! As long as you can hold on for this period of time, it will be safe. I think Emperor Zhengde should also worry about Nie Qiuran's reputation, so I'm afraid that I will make mistakes during this period!

Cui Wei nodded and didn't speak yet. Suddenly, Bizhi stumbled in outside, and she couldn't control Gu Ningxin, who was kneeling on the ground. She said in a panic, "Madam, it's not good. Madam, she said she was going to hang herself!" RS