Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 2 Demon Black Bead 1

Star Forest, Ice Spring Lakeside.

Zhou Weiqing's body is almost lying on the ground in a large shape, and his whole body has fallen into a deep coma. However, at this time, strange changes have begun to occur in him.

The first thing that appeared on him was a layer of black light. Although the sun reappeared in the sky, the dark smell from him was still so deep. The black light was like a silkworm cocoon, quietly wrapping Zhou Weiqing's body. His skin, which had been bombarded by the bursting fireball before, was blooming, and the heavy injuries that had even exposed his ribs in some places were healing at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to tell. The most shocking thing is that when the muscles and meridians behind him heal, it can be faintly seen that his bones, muscles and meridians are rendered with a thick layer of gray.

It is a hard-to-describable color. The gray feels colder than the black layer on the surface of Zhou Weiqing's body, but it is full of lively vitality. However, when this layer of gray gradually spreads from Zhou Weiqing's body to replace the black light on the surface of his body, the surrounding plants appear strangely. Change. It can be clearly seen that starting from the plants around Zhou Weiqing, all the plants were rendered by the gray on his body. Then, these plants quickly withered in the gray and spread outward. It was only for a while, with Zhou Weiqing's body as the center, and all the plants had withered within a radius of five meters. The inexplicable evil spirit was crisscrossing in the air, while the wound behind Zhou Weiqing healed faster.

The gray-black light gradually became stronger, cold, domineering, evil, evil, and the four breaths kept hovering around Zhou Weiqing's body. His body also began to tremble slightly, and then, from the black and gray, three rays of light quietly appeared, swaying slightly above his body. These three rays of light are exactly the cyan, blue and silver on the strange black bead he swallowed in his stomach before.

The warm light of the sun has never been able to enter Zhou Weiqing's body. On Zhou Weiqing's forehead, a black king character slowly appeared, and on his skin, there is also a curly black magic pattern. Under the black magic pattern, there is also a layer of identical gray magic pattern, and the two layers of magic patterns are superimposed Strong three-dimensional effect. These magic lines were not only densely spread on Zhou Weiqing's body, but also spread to his face.

After half an hour, all the colors gradually faded and reintegrated into Zhou Weiqing's body, and the strange double lines on his body also disappeared.

Zhou Weiqing's originally healthy bronze skin looked a little whiter, and even his facial contour seemed to have become more handsome. His back, which had been bombarded by a bursting fireball, had completely returned to normal at this time, and his skin was smooth, leaving no trace. It's like I've never been hit.

After a while, Zhou Weiqing's fingers moved, and his deep unconscious consciousness gradually woke up.

When Zhou Weiqing subconsciously opened his eyes, he couldn't help shivering. Although he had fallen into a deep coma and didn't know what had happened before, he still felt a chill all over his body when he woke up. The heart is cold, the cold feeling makes him very uncomfortable, and there is also an unspeakable emotional change.

I'm not dead? Zhou Weiqing sat up suddenly. He only felt that his body seemed to be much more relaxed. He hurriedly raised his hand and touched his back. The smooth touch of the skin on his back made his eyes wide open.

"Is it just that I fell asleep and had a dream?" Zhou Weiqing looked around and suddenly found that there were still some traces of broken clothes, especially the traces of plant withering around the ground. Obviously, this is not a dream.

After patting his forehead, Zhou Weiqing's brain gradually became clear, recalling what had happened before.

"That weird black bead seems to have got into my stomach?" Soon, Zhou Weiqing recalled what happened at the moment before he fell into a coma. At that time, he only felt a cold air rush into his stomach, and he lost consciousness as soon as his whole body was cold, and he did not know what happened later. As for the withering of the plants on the ground, he subconsciously thought that it was caused by the burning heat attached to the fireball after Difuana's bursting fireball bombard him.

Because the innate meridians are blocked, although Zhou Weiqing is an aristocrat, she only goes to an ordinary school. She only knows a little about the ability of the imperial pearl master, otherwise he would not have such a big error in judgment. If the skill of Difuya's first life pearl can produce such a terrible power, then she can' He is a genius, not to mention that if that were the case, his body would have been blown up at that time.

"What the hell is that black bead?" Although other judgments are not correct, Zhou Weiqing made it clear that the serious injury caused by the bursting fireball must have been cured by the black beads.

"Am I that good at character? What adventure did you get?" When Zhou Weiqing thought of this, his heart suddenly became hot. Although he was open-minded, he was born in such a family, and he actually looked forward to having strong power more than anyone else in his heart.

Turning his head and looking around, he immediately locked a tall star tree next to him as his target.

The reason why the star tree is named is that its leaves are pentagonal, like a star in the sky. The trunk of the star tree for more than a hundred years has become a material. It is extremely hard but not lacks tough. It is the best material to make a strong bow.

Zhou Weiqing ran to the star tree in a few steps, drew his fist, and punched the rough and uneven trunk of the star tree.

"Bun--, ah--" The first sound was the sound of his fist colliding with the tree trunk, and the latter sound was like a cat being trampled on its tail. The scream was already sad and not like a human voice.

Zhou Weiqing has been afraid of pain since he was a child. With this punch, the thick star tree did not move, but he had already jumped in place with his right hand in his arms. The severe pain made his right fist a little paralyzed, and the surface of the skin was even more open and fleshy. As the so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, the severe pain made him jump in place for more than ten minutes before he recovered.

"I'll give it to my job!" The guy kept blowing on his hand while scolding, "**, it seems that the pie from the sky will not appear on my head."

Fortunately, he was young, and the strength of this punch was not great after all, so he didn't hurt his bones. After the pain eased, he pulled off three or two broken clothes on his body, picked up his coat from the side of the ice spring lake, and then walked away.

However, he did not know that about a quarter of an hour after he left, on the big tree he had previously bombarded with his fists, leaving a trace of blood when his fist broke, the tough trunk of the star tree had begun to rot quietly, and a faint black-gray smell followed. After spreading, about three days later, the star tree, which had grown for at least 50 years, disappeared into the star forest forever. These are all later words, and Zhou Weiqing will never know.