Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 4 The Mystery of the Pearl Master 4

"So fierce? So, isn't the one-bead-level Tianzhu master more powerful than the two-bead-level Yizhu master and the body bead master? Zhou Weiqing said in surprise.

Shangguan Binger said, "This is the case in terms of strength. However, the cultivation difficulty of Tianzhu Master is also much higher than that of a single Yizhu Master and Body Pearl Master. On the mainland, there are many people who can cultivate simple beads or body beads to the peak of nine beads. However, I have never heard of practicing Tianzhu to the peak. In fact, in a sense, the imperial pearl master only includes the Italian pearl master and the body pearl master, not the heavenly pearl master. The heavenly pearl master itself is a separate profession. Legend has it that the most powerful Tianzhu master can practice to twelve beads in each hand. At that level, it is already the creation of heaven and earth, which can change everything between heaven and earth. Speaking of this, she couldn't help but look yearning in her eyes.

Twelve beads, it turned out that the Tianzhu master was able to practice twelve beads, not the highest nine beads of the Italian pearl master and the body pearl master. It was not until he listened to Shangguan Binger's explanation at this time that Zhou Weiqing understood how powerful his marshal father was. You know, my father is a Tianzhu master with eight beads cultivation!

So, Zhou Weiqing asked tentatively, "I heard that Marshal Zhou of our Tiangong Empire is also a Tianzhushi. Is he very powerful?"

Shangguan Binger said without hesitation, "Of course it's awesome. Marshal Zhou is the person I respect the most. His cultivation is not only in our Tiangong Empire, but even among those big countries, there is no problem in serving as a marshal. Your Majesty once said that even if all the imperial pearls of our Tiangong Empire are combined, they are not the enemies of Marshal Zhou alone. Marshal Zhou Tianzhu has been cultivated to the eighth. He is a middle-level Tianzong. If you look at the whole continent, they are all first-class strong people. What's more, Marshal Zhou's Yizhu is still one of the four attributes of the upper position.

Hearing Shangguan Binger praise his father, Zhou Weiqing can't be happy now. The reason is very simple. In the running just now, he has almost exhausted his physical strength. He is sweating heavily, breathing more and more unevenly, and it becomes difficult to speak.

"Quicker." The whip appeared in Shangguan Binger's hands again. Seeing Zhou Weiqing's sweaty face, she couldn't help but feel very happy. This guy seemed to have good physical strength, and he could still hold on to it. It can be seen that the pain of being whipped in the morning was all pretended.

"Brigal commander, I can't do it. Let me rest for a while." Zhou Weiqing wiped the sweat off his face and looked at Shangguan Bing'er pitifully.

Unfortunately, this time Shangguan Binger decided not to be fooled in any case. Her face was cold, and a whip swept out. She twitched Zhou Weiqing's buttocks like lightning. Zhou Weiqing was suddenly in pain, and his footsteps, which had just slowed down, suddenly accelerated a few points. His inner armor did not protect his buttocks.

In contrast, Shangguan Binger, following Zhou Weiqing's side, is like a ghost. With a gentle tap on the ground, she can float more than ten meters, which can't be more relaxed. Her body beads increase speed, and Yizhu is the wind system that is the best at speed. It can be said to be the most perfectly matched agile Tianzhu master. If she really expands the speed in an all-round way, even the four-bead primary body bead master can't catch up.

"Ah! It hurts me so much." Zhou Weiqing was whipped and wanted to fall down. However, before he fell down, a slender jade foot had appeared in front of him. His toes hooked his chest and immediately stabilized his falling body. Then, another whip hit his buttocks, causing Zhou Weiqing to scream again.

"I'll let you pretend." Shangguan Binger gritted his teeth and said. In fact, she didn't use a little force to pull her first whip this time. Sure enough, she tried out that this guy was pretending.

In front of Shangguan Binger, Zhou Weiqing didn't even have a chance to fall down at all. Shangguan Binger followed him like a purple phantom. When the speed was slow, it was just a whip. He wanted to pretend to fall down, and it was another whip when he was hooked by other people's toes. This time, he suffered a great loss. His buttocks were hot and painful, his body was getting more and more tired, and his lungs seemed to be on fire, but he couldn't slow down.

"Band commander, I, I... wrong..." Zhou Weiqing is very good at soft words. The hero will not suffer the immediate losses. Unfortunately, Shangguan Binger, who has been fooled by him several times, will never be fooled again.

"Do you know it's wrong now? It's late." Shangguan Bing'er said with hatred.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Zhou Weiqing's military uniform was soaked with sweat, which was a load of 20 kilograms! Moreover, his actual age is only thirteen years old. How can he bear such a high-intensity run?

As soon as it darkened in front of him, Zhou Weiqing's body fell forward, and Shangguan Binger's feet arrived in time again. However, she hooked again this time. Before a whip went up, Zhou Weiqing's body had fallen backwards. Shangguan Binger was stunned for a moment. With a flash of his body, she He flattened it on the ground, and then he found that this guy really fainted this time.

"Hey, hey. Zhou Xiaopang. Shangguan Bing'er kicked Zhou Weiqing twice. The first emperor tourmaline on her left hand flashed red, and a faint red light shot out and fell on Zhou Weiqing's wrist. Naturally, she would not go on a blind date with Zhou Weiqing's skin to explore his pulse in this way.

"Are you really dizzy?" Shangguan Binger's natural power has been cultivated to the eighth weight of heavenly energy. Although he can feel Zhou Weiqing's physical condition through Yizhu energy, it is also very clear. This time, he is really not pretending. He is really out of power.



I'm very sorry, the public version can't be released regularly, and the mistress got up late. I won't say anything else. Two updates directly. Come on, everyone. Our recommendation vote is getting closer and closer to the previous one. Try to surpass it today. There will be another update in the evening, the third update today, and then the third update tomorrow, and the list will be on the list at 12 o'clock tomorrow night. At that time, brothers and sisters will come to support the mistress! If we click on the recommendation next week, we will be the first to thank the book friends for the third day for a week.