Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 15 Sect-level Heavenly Beast Yizhu Top Seal 1

In the early morning, Zhou Weiqing woke up from his practice.

He took a deep breath and only felt that his whole body was refreshed. The heavenly power in his body was bulging, and the upper limit of the total natural power seemed to have increased a little.

This is the first time he has replaced sleep with practice. Although it is not as comfortable as sleeping, the feeling of energy is better than a big sleep.

When I opened the door, the fresh air in the yard came to my face, took a deep breath, and then exhaled out the turbid air in my body. Suddenly, there was a new feeling.

Suddenly, he recalled what his first master said when he was separated from him two years ago. He said, "You are at most a little scoundrel now, and you are still far from the real realm of a scoundrel. The highest level of a scoundrel should be that you obviously play a scoundrel, but they think you are still a gentleman. In the face of a scoundrel, you have to be more scoundrel than him, and in the face of a gentleman, you have to be more gentleman than him. Only in this way can you become a real scoundrel and a real hooligan.

At that time, Zhou Weiqing was only twelve years old. He was just ignorant of this sentence, but he didn't know why, when he finished practicing and opened the door this morning, an indescribable sense of understanding made him seem to understand this sentence.

With a flash of inspiration, Zhou Weiqing suddenly said to himself, "Yes! I'm not the waste I used to be. I don't need those low-level scoundrels to cover up anything at all. I'm Tianzhu Master. What is Tianzhu Master? Isn't it just a hooligan who can really play a rogue? At this moment, he seems to have really grown up, farther away from the actual age of thirteen.

While he was muttering to himself, the door next to him opened. Shangguan Binger came out from the next door, raised her hands, and stretched her body hard. Under the light of the morning sun, her wonderful figure was undoubtedly revealed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes.

"It's so beautiful." Zhou Weiqing couldn't help admiring.

Shangguan Bing'er turned her head and stared at him coldly. Zhou Weiqing said with a big smile, "Bion commander, let's go to dinner."

After saying that, he walked out of the room first and walked to the dining room in the courtyard.

Shangguan Bing'er was stunned. At that moment, she even thought that she had identified the wrong person. Zhou Weiqing's smile was full of sunshine. Is this the obscene Zhou Xiaopang?

During the whole meal, Zhou Weiqing didn't say a word to Shangguan Bing'er. After eating breakfast quickly, he went to tell Hu Yan Aobo that he was going out with Shangguan Bing'er.

Out of the small yard, the opposite is the Tuoyin Palace. Before entering the Tuoyin Palace, Shangguan Binger finally couldn't help saying to Zhou Weiqing, who was three steps away from her, "Zhou Xiaopang, are you all right?"

Zhou Weiqing said curiously, "What can I do? I'm fine!"

Shangguan Binger can't ask him: Why don't you say bad things to me? With doubt, the two walked into the Tuoyin Palace again.

The Tianzhu master's robe on his body and the badge he just received yesterday were the best passes. The two successfully entered the lobby of the Tuoyin Palace.

"Band commander, how do you start rubbing later?" Zhou Weiqing asked Shangguan Bing'er.

Shangguan Binger said, "The rules of the Tuoyin Palace are very simple. Except for the one we registered yesterday, the remaining nine entrances lead to different captive beast areas. In order, there are eight attributes of water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, space and life. And in the last door are some heavenly beasts with special attributes or mutant attributes.

"In each attribute area, the heavenly beast is divided into three poles. Like our royal pearl master, they are division level, respect level and clan level. Enter the division-level area for rubbing, pay 500 gold coins at a time, the superior area is 2,000 gold coins, and the clan-level area is 10,000 gold coins.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "Will it be dangerous when rubbing?"

Shangguan Binger said, "There will be no danger. Do you know why four of the eight attributes are called upper attributes?"

Zhou Weiqing shook his head blankly.

Shangguan Binger said, "That's because these four attributes have a special ability. For example, as you already know, the space department can be cultivated into a condenser. Among the other three upper attributes, the light attribute and the dark attribute are characterized by the seal, while the special ability of the life attribute is resurrection. Therefore, these four attributes are also called the four upper attributes.

"Seal? Resurrection?

Shangguan Binger said, "The heavenly beasts kept in the rubbing palace are sealed by the bright or dark heavenly pearl masters with their strong ability, so there is no danger when rubbing. As for the resurrection ability of the life beads, it is more difficult to refine than the condensed scroll, and there is a chance of resurrection.

Zhou Weiqing said, "So, can't I choose the clan-level heavenly beast for rubbing? It's also a rubbing skill. What's the difference between different levels of heavenly beasts?

Shangguan Binger said, "Generally speaking, it is the same level of rubbing. If you go to the rubbing of the superior heavenly beast, then the probability of success will be one percent of the rubbing master-level heavenly beast, that is, one ten thousandth of the total probability. If it is the clan level, it will be one percent."

"In fact, the skills from the level of the beast to our Yizhu are the most basic, and these skills will evolve themselves as the number of our Yizhu increases. It's just that the higher the level of heavenly beasts, the rarer the skills. For example, the resurrection skill that the life attribute Yizhushi wants most is to get, and it needs to be printed from at least the heavenly beast above the upper clan level.

Zhou Weiqing suddenly said, "I see. Battalion commander, will you go in with me?

Shangguan Binger shook her head, "I haven't planned to reprint yet. I don't have enough money. Try the method you said yesterday. The rules here are very simple. As long as you go in, you have to pay. You can't stay in it for more than four hours at a time. Because everyone can only reprint once a day, it is called a share of money once you go in. If you go in the next day, you have to pay again.

Zhou Weiqing pondered for a moment and said, "Band commander, then lend me 10,000 gold coins first, and I will definitely pay you back in the future."

Shangguan Binger said in surprise, "You want to..."

Zhou Weiqing grinned, "Just think of it as seeing what the clan-level heavenly beast looks like. I will definitely return it to you."

After a moment of silence, Shangguan Binger took out a red card from her arms and handed it to Zhou Weiqing, "Here are 50,000 gold coins. You go. Whether it works or not, this card is enough for you to try five times, and return 50,000 gold coins directly when you pay me back in the future. Do you need me to wait for you?"

"Forget it, the battalion commander should go back and continue to condense." Zhou Weiqing knew that this was a gold coin stored value card, and the red limit was 50,000 gold coins. He didn't say anything more. After receiving the card, he walked towards the channel of wind attributes.


The update is a little late. Please forgive me, but it's just two chapters in a row. Ask for collection and recommendation tickets.