Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 16 New Soldiers 1

Please collect it. At 12 p.m., there will be two more updates.


The reason why Xiao Se is not optimistic about the recruit squadron of the third battalion is mainly because she looked on coldly in the training of the recruits and found that there are many talented recruits in the first and second battalions. Although it can't be said that it is accurate outside 200 yards, it is no problem to control the arrows in a certain range In contrast, the quality of the recruits of the third and fourth battalions is obviously worse. Although the Maori squadron leader has a good command ability, he has better talent. In just a few months, the new barracks can't change the strength comparison by being diligent enough to make up for their shortcomings.

Zhou Weiqing stood next to Captain Maori at this time and whispered, "Captain, please point me to the more eye-catching of the recruits on the opposite side."

Maori looked at him doubtfully and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Weiqing smiled, took off the Zichen bow on his back, and whispered, "Name them!"

Maori's eyes lit up, and he was also worried. He didn't think much about Zhou Weiqing's participation in the recruits. In his opinion, Zhou Weiqing is just a little strength to cultivate Tianli, but archery is a technical job, not a matter of strength. But when he heard Zhou Weiqing say the word "name" out, he was a big surprise, because the word "name" is a term in the hands of bows and arrows, which means shooting. Generally, only archers who have had masters know this statement. Obviously, the battalion commander's recruit and the little guy who has touched the battalion commander's mimi are not a rookie.

"Ap, I'll tell you now, you remember. Count the fifth and ninth on the left side of the opposite side..."

Shangguan Binger stood on the side of the archers' new position and looked on coldly. Naturally, what she paid most attention to was Zhou Xiaopang. At this time, when she saw him and the captain of Maori whispering there, she couldn't help wondering what they were talking about.

"Bracks commander, which battalion's soldiers do you think will win in the end?" The bleak voice habitually appeared in Shangguan Bing'er's ears.

Shangguan Binger turned her head and looked at him and said, "Of course, it's our third battalion. I have confidence in the ability of Maori Sgt. Captain."

Xiao Se curled his lips and said sarcastically, "This is just a new barracks. They are all a group of recruits who have never been to the battlefield and have never seen blood. How useful can simple training be? It still depends on talent. Of course, battalion commander, you haven't seen the recruit training ground. Naturally, you don't know which of the recruits is better.

Shangguan Binger frowned slightly and ignored the bleak. She took a step forward and shouted loudly, "The new recruits are big, let's start."

The number of recruits in the three areas covers a very wide area, but Shangguan Binger shouted, and the clear and pleasant voice made every soldier on the battlefield hear it clearly. The eighth cultivation of heavenly energy has made her natural strength very basic.

Xiao Se listened to Shangguan Binger's voice and clenched her fist hard. The biggest shortcoming in her life was that she failed to awaken her life pearl and became a royal pearl master. Although she worked hard in other aspects, she could not change this fact.

With the order of Shangguan Binger, the new recruits officially began. The light infantry and heavy infantry have begun to charge. And the four archers recruits also launched their first round of volley.

After all, after three months of recruit training, the first round of volley shooting was quite good. Two hundred arrows on each side were removed from the arrows stained with white ash and fired out and went straight to the opposite side.

Although the recruits have been practicing for three months, it is the first time to shoot with people like this in front of them. They are so excited that many feather arrows have missed. After shooting, they just stand there and look at the arrows they shoot.

Zhou Weiqing was not eye-catching among a group of recruits. A feather arrow shot out. When the other recruits were still stunned, he had quickly retreated and hid his figure behind other recruits. At the same time, he squatted down to minimize the chance of being hit by the other party.

"Ah, ah..." The exclamations sounded one after another, and the recruits were shot by feather arrows stained with white and gray. Under the command of each squadron leader, the person who was shot must immediately withdraw from the battlefield and no longer continue to participate in the new recruits's.

While listening to a series of exclamations, Zhou Weiqing stood up again. Zichen's bow was like a full moon. When others were looking for arrows, his second arrow had already rushed out. At the speed of Zichen's bow, how could these recruits dodge?

"Xiao Pang, good archery." Maori shouted in surprise. As Zhou Weiqing said before, when the first arrow was shot, he successfully named an excellent recruit in the opposite battalion pointed out by Maori.

However, compared with Maori's surprise, Shangguan Bing'er's face was much more ugly. As a Tianzhushi, she naturally had amazing eyesight. In this round of shooting, she clearly found that the third and fourth battalions had reduced their staff to as many as 40 people, while the first and second battalions on the opposite side were only more There is no doubt that this means a huge gap in the quality of recruits. No wonder Xiao Se is so confident.

After the shooting began, Zhou Weiqing seemed to be a different person. He was as flexible as a civet cat. The strong Zichen bow was in his hand, constantly opening and closing like lightning. Every time he shot an arrow, he could always find other recruits as his bunker, and only at the moment when he shot the feather arrow.

At the beginning, no one noticed him in the first and second battalions on the opposite side, but when the fourth and fifth rounds were shot, more than half of the recruits from the third and fourth battalions had fallen. Zhou Weiqing's firing speed, which was more than twice as fast as others, suddenly attracted the attention of the commanders in charge of

In such a while, as many as 11 people have been named and left the field by Zhou Weiqing. How strong the Zichen bow is. Even if the arrow is removed, it will be slow for a long time to be shot, and the rate of fire is obviously faster than the ordinary long bow. The recruits and archers of the third and fourth battalions can't dodge his arrows at all. Moreover, Zhou Weiqing's every arrow is extremely accurate, and the hit is the opponent's chest position. It is no exaggeration to describe it as a hundred steps through Yang.

"Focus on shooting that slippery boy." A squadron leader of the second battalion shouted.

Zhou Weiqing felt something wrong as soon as the twelfth arrow was shot. Since Tianzhu woke up, he found that his perception was many times higher than before, and the sudden attention of the other party immediately gave him a warning. Without any hesitation, this guy turned around and ran away.

There are still more than 70 archers left in the third and fourth battalions who participated in the new recruits' ratio. From so many people, they suddenly turned their heads and ran away, which naturally attracted the attention of a group of war-watching officers. At least two squadron leaders came to recruit each battalion. Except for one to command the new recruits, the rest gathered around Shangguan Binger. Because the archers must be the first to finish, they all watched here.


There are two updates at 12 p.m., and a total of four updates will break out today. A refining conference will be held at 12 p.m. tonight. Book friends are welcome to attend. At that time, there will be two more chapters to read, and there will be a large number of essences to be sent out. Please accompany the mistress to the list. Hey hey. I'll wait for you.