Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 20 One arrow to determine the universe 1

"I x, what kind of skill is this? Young master, let's go. Another string of fireballs rose from the opposite side. This time, there were five in total. Although they were not as big as the previous one, the color was also orange.

Zhou Weiqing did not shoot the fireball this time. The overlord bow opened one after another, shooting three feather arrows in a row. These days, he asked Xiao Ruse for advice on the bead arrow method. Although he could not be accurate, the rate of fire was improved. With the attack effect of the explosive power of the overlord bow, he did not need to aim, as long as he felt an approximate range.

Sure enough, three arrows were fired, and the opposite side was suddenly a piece of chicken and dog jumping. The fireballs fell crooked around, but not even one flew back.

At this time, about 50 yards away from Zhou Weiqing, the two young people were in a mess.

One of them wears a white suit without armor. He holds a golden short bow in his hand. On his right wrist, four body beads are dazzling. His body beads are also composed of two kinds of jade, namely, the dragon stone jadeite jadeite with agile attributes and the糯 seed jadeite with flexible attributes. This man is handsome, but it's a pity that his face is full of awkwardness at this time. What is more striking is that his blonde hair shines with the color of the bow.

Beside him was a servant in ordinary cloth. Like his young master, he looked like he was in his twenties. His left wrist and three ruby beads were shining, and the fireball was what he kept sending out.

Under Zhou Weiqing's series of overlord bows, the two masters and servants were embarrassed, rolling and crawling around and running.

Zhou Weiqing successfully suppressed the silent arrow on this side, but the battlefield on the other side was still a one-sided situation.

Under Xiao Ruse's dispatch, the army of the Tiangong Empire was no longer panicked, but the sudden appearance of more than a dozen people were all imperial bead divisions. In the case of their full release of their natural power and skills, ordinary soldiers could not pose any threat to them in a short period of time.

"Bion commander, retreat." The silent pressure suddenly disappeared, and Shangguan Binger was finally able to relax. At this moment, Xiao Ruse's voice also came.

Competition is competition, but Xiao Ruse also knows the importance of Shangguan Binger to the Tiangong Empire, not to mention that she is Xiaowei's girlfriend.

Although Xiao Ruse's reminder was timely, Shangguan Bing'er's situation was not good at all. It was not that she did not want to withdraw from the battlefield, but while the silent pressure disappeared, the other party had rushed over three body pearl masters to surround her. Two of them are mainly agile and four-beaded.

Although Shangguan Bing'er is an extremely rare double bead pure sensitive attribute, she still has only two beads after all, which is just an intermediate master's cultivation, and the enemy is a four-bead-level body bead master. Whether it is natural power or body bead condensation, she can suppress her. She can only quickly release the wind blade to launch an attack. At the same time, she can deal with the other party with the royal boots and her own speed, but it is extremely difficult to break out of the encirclement. However, the other party's sneak attack royal pearl masters are constantly approaching this way. Once a few more rushes, Shangguan Binger can't resist it at all.

Xiao Ruse can only be in a hurry now. In their army, there is no equipment of the Royal Pearl Division at all. The enemy came too suddenly, and it happened to be a sneak attack when they were about to arrive at the barracks and the guard was relaxed. If Zhou Weiqing hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid that Shangguan Binger might have been injured when the first arrow was shot, and he couldn't even hold on to this time.

The bang sounded continuously, trying to stop the other party's heavily loaded infantry from being constantly smashed away by the pair of big hammers. The middle body of the five-bead cultivation is really too fierce, and its own strength and defense are extremely amazing. The double hammer has a strong layer of white light, Tian's energy has reached the level of Tian's power, which is invincible. Even the heavily loaded infantry can't stop him. Only Xiao Ruse's arrows can bring him some harassment. At this time, he is getting closer and closer to Shangguan Binger's war circle. Once he really rushed over, the result can be imagined.

At this moment, the middle body suddenly shouted, and the two hammers were swung up, and the whole body rotated violently like a storm. The heavy infantry who besieged him were immediately smashed away. He suddenly jumped up, and the two hammers swung out at the same time and went straight to Shangguan Binger At the same time, two body bead masters also rushed over at the same time. Together with the other three body bead masters who had besieged Shangguan Binger before, they stuck all the routes that Shangguan Binger could dodge. The cooperation was extremely tacit understanding, and the full output of the attack, whether it was from the double hammer in the air The blow must be given to Shangguan Bing'er.

"It's over." Xiao Ruse closed her eyes directly. Although it was right, she couldn't bear to see Shangguan Bing'er being smashed into meat.

Shangguan Binger herself was also desperate. She had tried her best, but at this time, there was no room for her to use it. The other party's targeting is too strong, and her actual combat experience is not rich enough, and she is about to die.

At this critical moment, suddenly, a fierce roar resounded through the sky. A violent roar sounded in the air. A dark feather arrow hit the heavy hammer that fell in the air, and the strong explosive force abruptly suppressed the momentum of the middle body. What was more powerful was that in the center of the explosion, twelve black lights shot out like a python, within a radius of 25 yards, including the middle body, one A total of twelve imperial bead masters who came to attack were swept by the black man and forcibly pulled.

The mid-level body was better. He was the center of the pull, but the six bead masters who besieged Shangguan Binger were greatly affected. Four of them were pulled over in an instant because of the sudden attack. One of them was unlucky, and his head hit the huge iron. On the hammer, although the body of the body bead master is strong, the result of the iron ball touching the meat ball is still very tragic, and he directly knocked unconscious and his head is bleeding. Although the other two four-bead-level lower body were not directly pulled over because of their strong cultivation, their attacks were also bound in an instant, and their bodies were also pulled and staggered a few steps towards the mid-level body.

How could Shangguan Binger let go of such a good opportunity? She was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time and suddenly erupted.


The second update is coming. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas again. The mistress will continue to code words, and there will be another update in the evening. Ha ha. Everyone must have a good time today! Ha ha.

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