Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 21 Stealing the Heart, Stealing Camp 4

The feather arrow was shot almost at the same time as the other two dark whistle necks were caught. The three secret whistles of the Crecy Empire died like this. Although it could not be said that there was no sound at all, the slight sound had long been covered by the sound of insects and birds in the jungle. The tacit understanding of cooperation is breathtaking.

There is no doubt that Zhou Weiqing was naturally the one who rushed up from behind. His method was very simple. He circled to the back of the dark whistle and exerted force with his right leg, which instantly burst out at an amazing speed. At the same time, he pinched the opponent's neck so that he could not make a sound, and pressed his His body beads are pure power attributes, not to mention the fragile cervical spine, even the thick thigh bones are also crushed.

However, even he didn't expect that Shangguan Bing'er's cooperation with him was so tacit, and his right leg was ready. Once Shangguan Bing'er's feather arrow came late, he swept it up with one leg, and he couldn't care about the noise.

The sound of broken bones in his hand and the feeling of the passage of life flashed a trace of blood in Zhou Weiqing's eyes. This was the first time he killed, and it was such a direct killing, and there was an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Raising his hand, he gave a thumbs-up to Shangguan Binger, who was hiding in the dark. He casually pulled out the feather arrow on the left dark whistle and wiped off the blood on his body and merged with Shangguan Binger.

"Bing'er, it's really timely. Three." " As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing inserted the feather arrow back into Shangguan Binger's arrow pot.

Shangguan Bing'er closed her eyes and showed a trace of unbearance in her beautiful face. Fortunately, she shot from a long distance, otherwise, the pain after killing would be more obvious.

Zhou Weiqing patted her on the back, "Be kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Think about our dead soldiers. If we kill a Crecy soldier, we Skybow soldiers may die one less. Let's go.

"Hmm." Shangguan Binger cheered up and thought to himself, is he not as good as Zhou Weiqing, who is a few years younger? He is not yet fourteen years old, is he?

Soon, Zhou Weiqing found the second dark whistle. Those responsible for the dark whistle were all sentries composed of more elite soldiers in the light infantry. They are excellent in ordinary infantry, but they are fragile in front of the two Tianzhu Divisions.

Perhaps because Shangguan Bing'er formed a body when he helped Zhou Weiqing awaken his life beads, the two had an amazing tacit understanding. Shangguan Binger was responsible for the long-range, and Zhou Weiqing attacked at close range, and the dark whistles were solved by them one after another.

When they finally crossed the Crecy Imperial sentry post, there were as many as thirty-four dark sentries who had died in their hands. Most of them were killed by Zhou Weiqing.

In the dark, looking at the rolling barracks in front of them from afar, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger silently restored the previously consumed natural power.

"Xiao Pang, what's your plan?" After this period of cooperation, the two became more and more tacit, and the leader was not Shangguan Binger, the Tianzhu master of the two beads cultivation, but Zhou Weiqing.

Shangguan Binger found that as soon as Zhou Weiqing entered the jungle, he was like a fish in water, and many details were far beyond his reach. In particular, his perception, which is much stronger than himself, can always find the enemy at the first time, so that they can not scare the enemy to lurk here.

Zhou Weiqing asked Shangguan Binger to take out the map. With the help of the faint light of the stars and moon in the sky, he pointed to the map and said, "You see, we are currently in this position. Although there are many soldiers patrolling in the other party's barracks, but now it's I'll be in charge of the raid attack. After you cut me off and get it, we can't go back the same way. We have to go here. I have measured it carefully and returned to our camp from here, which can save 50 miles. Moreover, you said that in this hilly forest, there will be heavenly beasts, and it will be greatly difficult for the other party to chase us.

Shangguan Binger was surprised to find that every time Zhou Weiqing's finger pointed on the map, the position was extremely accurate, especially the grasp of the distance. The retreat route he pointed to was not a straight line, but a curve, but this curve was absolutely the closest, which was relatively small affected by the terrain and was stationed from Crecy. The farthest route of the army. Obviously, this is the result of his calculation with a map before departure.

"Bing'er, are you listening to me?" Zhou Weiqing raised his hand and shook it in front of her.

Shangguan Binger looked at him with complicated eyes and said in her heart, "It turns out that you are really a genius. Even if Tianzhu does not wake up, you are an excellent commander.

"I'm listening, but what if we are blocked by the heavenly beast? With our current cultivation, even the weak division-level heavenly beasts will bring us great danger. Some of the exclusive talents of the heavenly beasts are extremely powerful, and most of the heavenly beasts have a strong sense of territory. Once we break into their territory, we will be attacked immediately.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said confidently, "Don't worry about this. Haven't you always wanted to know how I was successful? I can tell you now. The original owner of the black bee who swallowed the black bead should be a black tiger, and the breath of the black tiger seems to scare all animals, and the heavenly beast is no exception. My skills are all stamped from clan-level heavenly beasts, mainly limited skills, and they did not resist at all in the process of rubbing. Although those clan-level heavenly beasts are sealed, my breath can obviously affect them. As long as we don't take the initiative to attack them, they should not feel uncomfortable when they feel my breath. Moreover, the route I chose is basically on the opposite edge of the hills, mountains and forests. Generally speaking, the more powerful the beast is, the more he likes to choose his territory in the central position. However, if it is a division-level beast, at our speed, it is not a big problem to simply escape. With this pair of insurance, it should be safest for us to leave this way out.

Shangguan Binger nodded and said, "Okay, that's what you say." In the dark night, she did not find that there was a faint layer of blood in the depths of Zhou Weiqing's eyes. And Zhou Weiqing himself did not feel that his bloodthirsty was getting stronger and stronger in his emotions.

The more powerful the ability is, the more powerful the crisis is also hidden. Just like the danger of immortality, the side effects brought by black beads to Zhou Weiqing are gradually emerging.

After a while, after both of them regained to their peak state, Zhou Weiqing made a gesture to Shangguan Binger and quietly touched forward.

The main gate of the military camp of the Cresi Empire is extremely open, 40 meters wide, so that the army can quickly complete the army outside the camp when attacking. On both sides of the camp gate, there is a 20-meter-high watchtower. Around the camp, there are angry wind lanterns lit to illuminate the situation in the camp. There is an archer at each of the watchtowers on both sides to monitor the situation outside the camp. Once found, they will knock on the gongs on the watchtower as soon as possible, and the soldiers on the night can respond as soon as possible.

Shangguan Binger was lurking at a distance of 500 yards away from the Crecy barracks. There was a feather arrow between the tail finger of the right hand and the ring finger, and between the index finger and the middle finger. The Zichen bow slowly opened, and the feather arrow between the index finger and the middle finger had been placed on the bow string

Zhou Weiqing was getting closer and closer to Crecy's barracks, and there was gradually no bunker around to cover his figure. At this time, Shangguan Binger's Zichen bowed.

With two shots, the two feather arrows almost came out one after another. When shooting these two arrows, she used a very clever technique. The power of the first arrow was slightly different from that of the second arrow. The first arrow was relatively light, and the second arrow was stronger. In this way, the two feather arrows reached the two watchtowers almost at the same time. In order to ensure a fatal blow at such a long distance, Shangguan Bing'er has used her own wind power to assist.

Pooh and Pooh sounded softly. At such a distance, two feather arrows penetrated the heads of the two soldiers on duty at the same time. One was shot from the temple position, and the other shot directly from the mouth, instantly penetrating the brain. The feather arrow entered the brain, and the wind force quietly broke out. Although the power was very small, it was still terrible for the fragile brain. They could not make a sound at all, and their bodies had fallen softly on the watchtower.

At the same time, Zhou Weiqing burst out in an instant, urging Tianli to accelerate in an all-round way. The distance of 300 yards was already crossed with only five sprints. Before the other party's patrol arrived, he clicked the ground with his right foot. With the help of the powerful power of his right foot, he jumped five meters Climbed up a watchtower.

Shangguan Binger in the distance has raised her heart to her throat at this time, bent her bow and arrow, and was ready to support Zhou Weiqing at any time.

The plan was successful. When Zhou Weiqing came to the top of the watchtower, he was still not found by anyone. He also felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, but more excited.

Counting the two soldiers on the watchtower, they have killed 36 people, only more than 60 people away from the revenge target. Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath and looked into the distance from the watchtower. Because of the shining of the wind lamp, the barracks had a panoramic view of everything from this height.

The situation of Crecy's barracks is similar to that of Tiangong barracks. Heavy infantry is a tent for ten people, and light infantry is a tent for 30 people. Zhou Weiqing naturally has no fixed target. After careful observation for a moment, he has locked the target.

After all, he has just come to the barracks. He doesn't know much about the situation in the barracks. Moreover, due to the restriction of the power level, he has only one chance to take action here, and then he must leave and keep a certain ability to withdraw. Therefore, he directly chose the largest and largest tent. The camp is nearly a kilometer away from the watchtower where he is located, but it is surrounded by bright lights. At least one squadron of soldiers is on patrol, which is obviously an important place.

That's it. Zhou Weiqing raised his right hand, and the only ice jade bead on his wrist bloomed. The overlord's bow quietly unfolded, and it had condensed in a blink of an eye. The attribute wheel rotated to the blue area in his eyes. Suddenly, a strong electric light lit up on Zhou Weiqing's left hand.

In Zhou Weiqing's rubbing, among the six attributes, there is only one attack skill, that is, the thunder attribute...


I'm very sorry that today's second update came late. Today, I went to help my mother issue a VAT invoice. I came back late. I wanted to finish two chapters and upload them together, but it was too late. I wrote more than 3,000 words, which is equivalent to one and a half chapters. I hope everyone can read it better, hehe.

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