Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 22 Life and Death 3

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er naturally did not care about the fate of the Crecy Pearl Master. These coyotes successfully helped them complete the break, but the two were also trapped on a big tree at this time.

Zhou Weiqing pulled off the Zichen bow and was about to try the defense strength of these coyotes, but was stopped by Shangguan Binger, "No. Coyote is extremely vengeful. Once you kill one of them, we will be in big trouble. Wait, maybe they will withdraw.

At this time, under the tree, a large number of coyotes have gathered. When they are close, Zhou Weiqing can also see them clearly with the help of the moonlight.

These coyotes are about 1.5 meters long, all blue-gray, and a pair of dark green eyes are particularly obvious. The most prominent feature is the cyan mane on their backs. The action was so fast that it was jumping up and down under the tree. But it was orderly. In addition to chasing Bai Jiu in batches, at least hundreds of coyotes gathered under the tree at this time.

Zhou Weiqing's heart moved, adjusted his heavenly power, and slowly injected it into his right leg. The right leg suddenly felt full of explosive power. You don't need to look at him to know that at this time, his right leg must have been covered with magic lines.

He is very clear that the breath from the black beads on his body is useful for the heavenly beast, but he can't control the breath. Only the right leg will show the strange tiger skin magic pattern after injecting the heavenly power.

Zhou Weiqing's attempt was successful. When he injected Tianli into his right leg, an invisible breath had spread. The grassland Sirius, who had been constantly restless and flashed on their backs, kept making a whimper-like sound and slowly retreating, and their green eyes were full of vigilance.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "It's really useful. When these wolf cubs retreat, we will go back to the path.

At this moment, suddenly, a loud wolf howling sounded, and the blue light flashed, and the whole forest seemed to be lit up.

It is a super huge grassland Sirius. Its body is more than three meters long. The most strange thing is that the fur on its body is not blue-gray, but shiny cyan. Its huge body seems to be carved with emerald. A pair of cold eyes shine with light red brilliance, and the shoulders are very wide. Around its body, there is even a faint blue light.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger looked at each other, "Isn't this the wolf king?"

Shangguan Bing'er's little face turned pale, "It's the Sirius King, my God! This is a respected heavenly beast. Not to mention us, even the four- or five-level royal pearl master will have a headache when he meets it.

"Wow--" With a long roar, the Sirius king's eyes turned to the tree, showing a look of surprise and uncertainty. It also felt the breath of Zhou Weiqing. However, it did not mean to retreat at all, but approached cautiously and slowly.

After all, Zhou Weiqing is still young, and one thing in his judgment is wrong. The reason why he dared to take Shangguan Binger into this jungle where celestial beasts live, the confidence naturally came from the cooperation of those clan-level celestial beasts when Yizhu was sealed. When he thought about it, even the clan-level heavenly beasts were afraid of their own breath. What's so terrible about entering this jungle?

Unfortunately, in fact, it is not as simple as he thought. Yes, those clan-level heavenly beasts are indeed allowed to be imprinted by him, which is also the reason for being affected by his breath, but they are the clan-level heavenly beasts that are sealed, and they are in extremely weak conditions, Qing comes from the breath of black beads. There is a special ability that makes them extremely afraid. Once this ability is used, they will definitely die in such a weak state. This will be extremely cooperative with him to complete the rubbing.

But the Sirius King in front of him is different. Although it is only a noble beast, it is an absolute king in the nearby area. Zhou Weiqing's breath is terrible, but it is not very powerful in its feeling. Ordinary coyote will retreat in fear, but as a wolf king with infinite pride, it will not. At least not until it proves that Zhou Weiqing has the ability to destroy it.

With the long roar of the Sirius King, the hundreds of grassland Sirius who were originally retreating stopped and leaned back towards the big tree hidden by Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger.

Women's nature is timid. Shangguan Bing'er almost subconsciously grabbed Zhou Weiqing's arm, "Xiao Pang, what should we do?"

Zhou Weiqing's face was ugly. He brought Shangguan Binger here, and even today's stealing camp was proposed by him. There is no regret medicine in the world. Naturally, he could see that the attacks of these grassland Sirius were about to begin.

At this moment, he can't help but think of what his father once said: Men are not afraid of making mistakes, but they should have the courage to bear mistakes, and they should be responsible for what they do.

He turned his head and looked at Shangguan Binger. What he saw was her panicked and a little desperate look. Zhou Weiqing stretched out his left hand, gently hugged her in his arms, hugged her tightly, and then kissed her gently on her smooth but cold forehead.

"I'm sorry, Bing'er, it's all because of me. I will take good care of you anyway. I'll lead them away. You can run all the way to the side from here, and you can return to the main road at most ten miles.

"Xiao Pang, you..." Shangguan Binger's eyes suddenly blurred. Is this still Zhou Xiaopang who is afraid of death?

Zhou Weiqing smiled, took off the arrow pot on his body, put the rest of the arrows into Shangguan Binger's arrow pot, and then took off the Zichen bow and hung it on the tree next to him.

Feeling his gentle but firm movements, Shangguan Bing'er's eyes gradually changed when she looked at him. She did not stop him from doing this, but watched silently. But at this moment, she had already believed in her heart that this was her man. No matter how the danger comes, when the danger comes, the man who was afraid of death is willing to pay the price of his life for himself. That's enough, it's really enough.

At this time, with the Sirius king roaring again, the blue light has condensed on those grassland Sirius. As wind beasts, although these ordinary grassland Sirius are only ordinary teachers, they also have the most basic wind blade skills. If hundreds of grassland Sirius launch the wind blade at the same time, there is no doubt that the tree where Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger are hiding in front of them will be torn to pieces.


Thank you for your push, collection and reward support. There's nothing more to say. I will continue to work hard to code words. Brothers, let's try our best. Again, the recommendation ticket is the first, and the fourth chapter is updated.