Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 23 Demon Change 1

"Run, run!" Zhou Weiqing shouted angrily. At this time, the Wolf King had released another twelve wind blades to attack him that day.

With Zhou Weiqing's current speed, there is no possibility of dodging at Zhou Weiqing's current speed. He can only use another space translation to dodge.

Shangguan Binger turned a deaf ear to Zhou Weiqing's words. At this time, she had rushed five yards away from Zhou Weiqing's side. With a wave of her left hand, three wind blades hit three grassland Sirius. With a flash of her body, she had already come to Zhou Weiqing's side. He said word by word: "Being, dying, and sharing."

At this time, Zhou Weiqing is already the end of the crossbow. He is only four heavenly power. Although he did not use the overlord bow, several successive skills have consumed a lot of his natural power. But the four words Shangguan Bing'er said seemed to ignite the blood in his body.

It's worth it. It's really worth it. Although I've only had such a woman in my life, and only once, it's worth dying for her.

The eyes of the prairie Sirius king are cold and cruel. Through several fights, it has accurately judged Zhou Weiqing's strength. Except for the right leg, this human has no ability to pose a threat to it at all. The heavenly power can't support it for a long time. Therefore, it is not in a hurry at all, and it He will approach and give Zhou Weiqing a chance, and the twelve wind blades will be released, but this time the goal is no longer Zhou Weiqing, but the cunning choice of Shangguan Binger.

No matter how good the space translation skill is, it can't lead people to translation, at least with Zhou Weiqing's current strength.

Seeing the twelve wind blades coming and sealing all the angles that could be dodged, Shangguan Binger had closed her eyes. She accepted her fate and came to him at least before she died.

"**, you stupid girl." Zhou Weiqing raised his right leg like lightning, swept under it, blocked at least six wind blades for him, and threw himself on Shangguan Binger at the same time, pressing her to the ground fiercely.

The wind blade touched Zhou Weiqing's right leg and burst into a series of puffs. His trousers were suddenly crushed, revealing the tiger skin magic pattern on the surface of the skin inside.

This demon's right leg is indeed domineering. In this case, it is unharmed, but it's just the right leg.

Zhou Weiqing swept away, used his right leg to use his six wind blades, flashed three wind blades, but there were still three wind blades firmly cut on him.

The harsh friction sound sounded, and Zhou Weiqing only felt hot on his back. Then, the inner armor of the titanium alloy on his body had been torn and smashed. Although the titanium alloy was good, it was thin after all. The magic snake was only a teacher-level beast, and its tendons could not stop the ravages of the Part of the attack power, but it is also fragmented.

In the muffled hum, Zhou Weiqing almost sprayed blood, and the huge impact and the strong feeling of cutting left three deep blood marks on his back.

With a buzz, Zhou Weiqing only felt as if something had been injected into his brain, and the attribute wheel in front of him had turned into a blood red. The heavenly power in Dantian rushed like an explosion, and the extremely violent and evil negative emotions exploded in an instant.

Shangguan Binger was pressed by Zhou Weiqing's body. She also snorted and subconsciously opened her eyes. What she saw was Zhou Weiqing's eyes, which had completely turned blood-red, even more bright than her ** night. The extremely cold breath suddenly burst out of Zhou Weiqing, and the extremely cold feeling made her shiver.

A scorching breath sprayed on Shangguan Binger's face. When her heart trembled, Zhou Weiqing's right hand had slapped the ground on the side of her face.

With a muffled bang, the ground sank three feet, and even Shangguan Binger's body sank, but she was not hurt at all. And Zhou Weiqing's body also turned over and rushed out under this shot.

Zhou Weiqing's body rolled out horizontally. In the whole process of rolling, his clothes had been shattered, and the bones of his whole body made a series of sounds like a burst of breath. The muscles obviously increased a little, and the surface of the skin was completely covered by tiger skin magic lines. What's more frightening is that at Some tiger skin magic lines seem to be alive, constantly rhythming on his skin.

The original beads on Zhou Weiqing's wrists have also changed. The ice jade beads became clearer and transparent, rotating rapidly around his wrists, and so did the stone cat's eye beads on the other side. The original ruby-like rose color seemed to be bleeding at this time, and the original shining The cat's eye marks have turned gray at this time.

After turning his body in the air for three weeks, Zhou Weiqing had already landed. His hands and left foot fell on the ground to support his body, and his right leg was raised high in the air behind him. It can be clearly seen that his whole right leg has completely turned black at this time, with a thick gray airflow on it. A short black hair has also turned gray at this time, and his bloodshot eyes are terrible.

"Evil-demon-transmation-." These three words appeared in Shangguan Bing'er's heart almost the first time. At this moment, her whole heart suddenly tightened. There is no doubt that Zhou Weiqing's appearance at this time is very similar to the legendary demon. As far as she knows, there are two situations of demon change. One is the temporary demon change after Tianzhushi, who has evil attributes, is strongly stimulated by the outside world. In the process of demon change, Tianzhushi will increase his strength but will also lose his mind, and kill everything around him crazily until there is no life around the body. This kind of demonic change is good, because after killing, Tianzhushi will regain his mind, but it will be weakened for a period of time.

But another situation is terrible. It is an irreversible demon change. The probability of this demon change is very small, but once it appears, it can only be described as a disaster. If the Tianzhu Master has an irreversible demon change, then it will be completely demonized and can no longer belong to the human category. His crazy killing will continue until his death, and the strength of the Tianzhu Master, which produces this irreversible demon transformation, will suddenly increase several times, and the destructive power will be super strong. This is also one of the important reasons why the Tuoyin Palace of various countries in the mainland joined hands to hunt down all the Tianzhu masters with evil attributes.


In this ** plot, two updates are directly released. The mistress is kind. There will be another update in the evening. If you can rush back to the top of the recommendation list, add another update.

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