Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 25 Marshal Zhou is coming

"Touch you big-headed ghost." Shangguan Bing'er said angrily, "What happened to the fact that you touched my face yesterday morning? You asked me to cut off that damn thing. I'll give you a reward."

Zhou Weiqing almost subconsciously clamped his legs and retreated two steps quickly with a frightened face. "Bing'er, this can't be impulsive, for the happiness of the rest of your life. Can't I get a reward if I don't want it?"

"Just pretend." Shangguan Binger looked at him angrily and funnyly. All the things that had happened before flashed in her mind, and her eyes softened. Suddenly, the blue light flashed around her body. Zhou Weiqing only felt a flower in front of him, and a soft and delicate body had been thrown into his arms. He gently hugged himself and didn't wait for him to react. The next moment, the soft and delicate body had turned into blue light and disappeared. Only the curtain of the tent fell slowly.

"Hehe, hehe." Zhou Weiqing stood there with a giggle, bowed his head to the little white tiger in his arms and said, "See, she hugged me, and she took the initiative to hug me. It's good to be handsome!"

The little white tiger rolled his eyes and seemed to say: Look at your point. Then he ignored him and leaned against his arms and continued to sleep.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed. The Crecy Empire did not act because of the sneak attack, and the small-scale conflict between the two sides only happened occasionally.

For half a month. Shangguan Binger practiced behind closed doors. Except for three meals a day, he never went out of the tent. Zhou Weiqing was also happy to practice in his tent. In addition to practicing the heavenly power, he spent the rest of his time recalling the various means of facing the prairie Sirius when fighting instinctively on that day, and the cooperation of the first skill of contacting his various attributes. With the natural support that recovers faster than the original, he can barely cooperate with some of his own skills.

What surprised Zhou Weiqing most was that half a month later, the little white tiger actually didn't eat anything. At the beginning, he was a little worried, but as time went by, the little thing was always lively and not depressed at all. Zhou Weiqing has always been broad-minded and thinks that this should be the characteristic of the heavenly beast, so he doesn't care about anything.


"Xiao Wei, are you there?" Xiao Ruse's familiar voice came from outside the tent.

Zhou Weiqing's practice can be ended at any time. Moreover, after his own research, he found that as long as he fully stimulates the operation of the five dead points, the speed of absorbing natural power can reach the fastest. Therefore, whether lying or sitting, the effect is the same. He naturally chose to lie down. Of course, sometimes it is inevitable to fall asleep unconsciously.

Hearing Xiao Ruse's voice, he hurriedly answered, "Sister Ruse, I'm here. Come on in."

Xiao Ruse, dressed in a uniform, came in from the outside heroically. Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger are very idle these days. However, she was busy with the army, training the archers of the third battalion, and inserting the recruits into each squadron. At this time, Zhou Weiqing could obviously feel the majesty of the soldiers from her.

"Oh--" Zhou Weiqing peeked at the position of Xiao Ruse's chest armor and heart mirror, and couldn't help sighing.

Xiao Ruse didn't know what was on his mind, so he suddenly bumped up angrily, "Dead Xiaowei, where do you look?"

Zhou Weiqing said blankly, "No! Where did I see?" It's his strength to cheat.

Xiao Ruse snorted, "Stinky boy, come with me. I'm going to call Shangguan Binger.

Zhou Weiqing said lazily, "What are you going to do?"

Xiao Ruse's face suddenly became a little strange. He smiled and said, "Just come with me. The military department has appointed Shangguan Binger. Don't you want to listen to it? I'll take you there. Anyway, you are also Shangguan Binger's own soldier.

Hearing what she said, Zhou Weiqing's interest came. He told Guan Binger that she would follow whatever she did. But this is the army. Naturally, it is best to know her appointment earlier, and you can plan early. At that moment, he stuffed the little white tiger into his wide leather armor and followed her out.

Xiao Ruse turned to the tent next to him and called out Shangguan Binger, and walked in front of him. He took the two of them to the central army account where the commander of the fifth wing was located.

Shangguan Binger lowered her head and walked forward, looking a little pale. Zhou Weiqing gently touched her with his shoulder, "Bing'er, what are you thinking?"

Shangguan Binger sighed and said, "Your Majesty and the commander trusted me so much that they entrusted me to be the battalion commander, but I didn't do it well and took the initiative to resign..."

Zhou Weiqing said openly, "Don't be sad, it's not your fault. Obviously, they made mistakes in their own judgment. With such a gentle and kind nature, it is not suitable for commanding the army. A good Tianzhu Master does not let you practice steadily and has to send it to the army. How can it be your fault?

Shangguan Binger was shocked, covered his mouth, and looked at Xiao Ruse walking in front of him. "Xiao Pang, don't talk nonsense. Can you arrange your majesty and Marshal Zhou? What's more, it's my own fault.

Zhou Weiqing took the opportunity to grab her hand and pinched it. He smiled and said, "Forget it, no matter what the appointment is, I will go with you."

Xiao Ruse, who was walking in front of him, looked back at the two of them, with a playful smile at the corners of his mouth.

Shangguan Binger was shocked by Zhou Weiqing's action. This is a military camp! He quickly pulled his hand back and stared at him fiercely, "You are my soldier now. Don't make trouble."

While talking, they have come to the tent of the 5th Wing. This is the first time that Zhou Weiqing has come to the Chinese military tent at this level. This huge tent is made of cooked cowhide with a fine steel skeleton in it, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of people to discuss it.

The curtain of the big tent was raised to both sides. Xiao Ruse stopped and said loudly, "Three battalions, Xiao Ruse, report."

"Third Battalion, Shangguan Binger, report."

Listening to the two of them shouting there, Zhou Weiqing peeked into the tent. It didn't matter, and he was immediately scared out of the sky.

I saw a person sitting in the middle of the tent. This person is like an iron tower. He looks like a fifties. There is a faint halo under the bronze skin. He has a Chinese character face, a pair of tiger eyes, and a straight nose. Although he is sitting, he can also see the grandeur of his body. The rock-solid muscles completely propped up the black suit, the eyes were bright, and the black eyes exuded a deep luster.

This face. Zhou Weiqing has seen too many times, but isn't it his extremely strong father, the strongest man in the Tiangong Empire, Zhou Buffalo, and Marshal Zhou?

On both sides of Marshal Zhou, Gao Sheng, the captain of the Fifth League, and Qian Zhantian, the captain of the Fifth League, stood respectfully. At this time, they were like senior generals commanding a division. Standing on both sides, they did not even dare to breathe.

"Come in." Marshal Zhou's strong voice sounded.

Zhou Weiqing had this regret in his heart. He peeked at Xiao Ruse and said in his heart, like Sister Ruse. You killed me. If my father catches me, I will peel off the skin if I don't die.

The boy was very clever. He subconsciously flashed to the side, lowered the hood on his head, and planned to retreat to the soldier outside the big tent door next to him. In this way, Dad naturally would not notice him.

Xiao Ruse naturally saw that the boy was secretly trying to slip away, and said in his heart: Xiao Wei, it's not that my sister doesn't help you, but Uncle Zhou is the only son like you. If he doesn't come, it's okay. He has arrived at the military camp. What if I don't report to him again What's more, you and Shangguan Binger are too bold to attack Crecy's barracks without permission. Do you really think it's seamless? How can such a big thing be hidden from the top ten grain depots of Crecy's barracks being burned? It turned out that the tall tent hit by Zhou Weiqing's thunderstorm arrow that day was one of the ten granaries of Crecy's barracks, which stored a large amount of grain. As a result, the thunderbolt caused a fire and burned most of it. The spies on the side of the Tiangong Empire have already sent the news back. Simply investigate which imperial pearl division in the Tiangong barracks went out that day, and you will naturally know the answer. Xiao Ruse knows that this was by no means done by Shangguan Binger alone.

When Xiao Ruse and Shangguan Binger heard Marshal Zhou's words, they hurried forward and walked into the big account. At this time, Zhou Weiqing had also quietly retreated to the side of the big account. Just as he was relieved and was about to wipe the oil on the soles of his feet and slip away. In the account of the Chinese army, Marshal Zhou's voice with a little anger had sounded again, "Little bastard, why don't you come in? Can't I still let me catch you?

Zhou Weiqing's body stiffened, and then he realized that he had been completely betrayed by Sister Ruth, and he couldn't avoid it. Do you want to run when Dad is close at hand? That's like a dream. He bowed his head and drooped into the tent like an eggplant beaten from the frost.

Xiao Ruse naturally guessed that all this happened. There was nothing to say, but Shangguan Bing'er was greatly surprised. If it hadn't been for Marshal Zhou's too much power, she would want to rush over and ask why Marshal Zhou would have known him now.

Marshal Zhou didn't even look at Zhou Weiqing and said coldly, "Get down on your knees." I'll deal with you when I'm done with the business."

Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to walk aside and kneel in the direction of his father, bowed his head, and the hood on his head blocked his wonderful expression now.

Marshal Zhou's eyes returned to Shangguan Bing'er and suddenly became much milder. "Bing'er, tell me, why don't you want to be this battalion commander?"

Shangguan Bing'er lowered his head and said, "Marshal, Bing'er is sparse and has never learned the real way of leading troops. Unable to hold such an important position as the battalion commander. I'm not afraid of death. As a soldier, if I can die in battle, it will undoubtedly be the best ending. However, I can't watch my friends die in vain because of my unfavorable command. So, please ask the marshal to remove me from the position of battalion commander. Captain Xiao is more competent than me.


Second update.