Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 33 The fat cat turns into a big fat cat

Yi Shi is playing with her red nails not far away. He said, "It's a pity! It's useless for you to be poisoned. They like men.

"He**, dead shemale, I'm fighting with you." Xiao Cao was so angry that he was about to rush over. Shangguan Binger hurriedly hugged her tightly. If it is the most dangerous one in the sky bow camp, it is definitely a beautiful shemale snake-dressed poem. Shangguan Bing'er is used to their fights.

"Okay. Shut up." Rowing and drinking.

The eyes of the two female demons couldn't help but focus on him. They looked at Shangguan Bing'er and said, "Bing'er, your third bead rubbing has been completed?"

Shangguan Binger nodded and said, "Yes, teacher. It has been successfully completed."

The wind nodded slightly and said, "That's good. You and Xiao Wei also have the ability to protect themselves. In terms of arrows, you have already got the true biography, and the difference is just the fire. It's been two years since you came here. It's time to leave.

Shangguan Binger was shocked, "Teacher, do you want me to let Xiao Pang go?"

said helplessly, "You can also see that the little Vina stinky boy and Mu En and Rock enemy are together. The Tiangong camp chickens and dogs are restless. Originally, I wanted to keep you for a few more months, but now it seems that it's better to let you leave early, otherwise, our bow camp will be separated by him sooner or later. It just so happens that you are back. Pack up with him and leave tomorrow. Come in with me, and I have something to tell you.

Shangguan Binger nodded. She knew very well that her teacher never made a decision easily, but once she made a decision, she never changed anything. I couldn't help but walk into the wooden house with a gloomy look.

Xiaocao looked at Yishi and said doubtfully, "The boss doesn't really want Zhou Weiqing's little bastard to leave, will he?"

Yi Shi said, "Isn't that what you want? What? Can't bear it again?"

Xiaocao straightened up the wet hair on his head and muttered, "Although this boy is annoying, with him, don't you think our Tiangong camp is much more angry?"

Yi Shi smiled and shivered with laughter, "Silly girl, do you think the old congress drove away his crush on his lover's son because of one sentence? He obviously planned it a long time ago. Fortunately, you have liked the boss for so many years, why can't you even figure out his idea? Although Zhou Weiqing is cunning, who of us is not jealous of his talent? In two years, from the fifth practice of heavenly energy to the eleventh practice, the old scoundrel's arrow skill has also gained some essence. If he continues to stay here, he can't learn anything from us. What's more, he will not be limited to our heavenly bow camp, and Zhou Buffalo still needs his son to replace him.

There was a trace of worry in the grass's eyes. At this time, her bad temper seemed to calm down a lot, "Yes! The situation of the empire is really worrying, and the Baida Empire seems to have more and more support for Crecy. Although Zhou Buffalo is disgusting, I have to admit that without him, I'm afraid we would not have been able to carry it.

Two years ago, after the end of the battle of hunting ice bear, after Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er woke up everyone, they did not expose the situation of the little white tiger, but told the rowing wind and others why the ice bear suddenly left. After returning to the Tiansong camp, he practiced for two years. While practicing the painful but rapid improvement of immortality, he learned the archery with Mu En. Now it is also a small success. What surprised everyone in the Tiangong camp is that in two years, his heavenly power has broken six times in a row, and now he has reached the eleventh level of heavenly energy. Although Shangguan Binger is also a genius, now he has just broken through the twelfth weight of heavenly energy, has the third bead, and began to enter the level of heavenly power It is about to be caught up by Zhou Weiqing.

In order to let Zhou Weiqing use his spirit to practice arrows. In addition, he was afraid that he would not be able to chew it, so although he had a second pair of original beads, he had not condensed or sealed. And his strength is naturally far from comparable to two years ago. Now, even in the face of the enemy of Rock, the body pearl master who is still in the five-bead cultivation, Zhou Weiqing will not fall behind. Several skills for the first stone cat's eye rubbing are already like an arm. Everyone in the Tiangong camp knows very well that whether it is Zhou Weiqing or Shangguan Binger, as Tianzhushi, their future achievements will never stop at the Tiangong camp or the perverted heaven. They have a wider stage.

The next day, early morning. In front of the Tiangong camp.

The commander of the Tiangong Battalion stood in a neat row, the deputy battalion commander's beautiful woman shemale snake-dressed poem, female tyrannosaurus rex grass, arrow tower Han Mo, fort Gaosheng and drunken hooligan Rock enemy and god-eyed scoundrel Mu En stood in a neat row.

In front of them, there stood two young men and women. The girl was Shangguan Binger. At this time, her beautiful eyes were tearful and her face was reluctant. Beside her, she was as tall as 1.9 meters, and Zhou Weiqing, who was as strong as a calf, looked sad. His simple expression was much more realistic than two years ago.

On Zhou Weiqing's shoulder, there is a little white tiger fat cat that is no different from two years ago. It still looks so lazy, but if you pay careful attention, you will find that the color of its eyes has changed from the original blue to lavender, and each hair on its body is more like a crystal brush. . If it stands there, it's like the most perfect handicraft.

behind Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger, a pair of black bears with golden hair on their backs are lying on the ground. Both of them are more than two meters long. The figure is quite strong, especially the big round head looks even more naive. However, as long as the imperial pearl master sees them, I'm afraid he will feel horrible. This is an ice bear! Even in his childhood, the cultivation of these two guys has reached the cultivation of the superior heavenly beast.

In fact, the growth rate of the ice soul bear should not have been so fast, but only two years, and it will not grow to a normal ten years. For this, the people of Tiangong Camp are also very strange, but they can't find any reason.

He sighed and said to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger, "There is a feast in the world. You have learned a lot after two years of practice in the Heavenly Bow Camp. I just hope that no matter how strong you are in the future, don't forget that your motherland is the heavenly bow.

Shangguan Bing'er nodded vigorously, "Teacher, don't worry. Everything about Xiaopang and I is given by the motherland. I will not let you down.

Xiaocao said angrily, "Brother Feng, when is it? You still say these great principles. Bing'er is the kindest girl I've ever seen. Do I need to talk about this? Bing'er, let my sister hold it again. As she spoke, she opened her arms. After giving Shangguan Binger a big hug, the tears in Shangguan Binger's eyes finally couldn't stop, and she fell on the grass's shoulder and choked. The grass's eyes are also filled with water mist.

For a long time, the two separated. At this moment, Rock inserted the facts of the enemy, opened his arms and hugged Shangguan Binger, "I want it too."

He hugged, but unfortunately, he did not hug Shangguan Binger, but more burly than him. Zhou Weiqing with a naive face.

Rock's enemy only felt that his bones were rattled by Zhou Weiqing's bear hug, and he couldn't help scolding, "I x, bastard, let me go."

Zhou Weiqing let go of the Rock enemy and asked with concern, "Uncle, are you all right? I'm leaving now. I'm so excited.

Rock's enemy snorted and said, "Come on, you bastard, I'll hold the ice, and she won't lose a piece of meat."

Zhou Weiqing shook his head repeatedly and said, "Sister Xiaocao hugged you. You can't do it. As long as you are a woman, even a sow may get pregnant if you hold her. Uncle, you forgot, your nickname is a hooligan! And he is the most hooligan.

"You..." Rock's enemy was furious and was about to clean up Zhou Weiqing, but when he thought of the current distance between the two, he finally died. Zhou Weiqing's current power is terrible. With the increase of two beads of pure power, he simply competes in strength. Unexpectedly, he even has half the strength increase of body beads, and Mu En, who is cultivated by six beads, is not as good as him. Although Zhou Weiqing's pure strength body beads increased by 1.5 times that of the body bead master, this situation should not have happened, but after his own physical strength inherited the demonic black bead, he grew up in the past two years, which was not ordinary strength. When he was free, he wrestled with those two little ice bears, and he still fell two.

"Xiao Wei." Han Mo came up. He didn't say much and hugged Zhou Weiqing directly, "Live well."

Zhou Weiqing also restrained the laughter on his face and hugged him tightly, "I will."

Gao Sheng then came over and gave Zhou Weiqing a hug, "Xiao Wei. I didn't say anything. Remember to kill more people. Men, you have to be murderous.

Next is Yi Shi, but Zhou Weiqing refused to let her hug anything, and Yi Shi trembled for a while.

Mu En and the wind came up together. The wind touched Shangguan Bing'er's head and smiled, "The teacher is proud of you."

"Teacher." Shangguan Bing'er finally couldn't hold back the sadness of parting in her heart, and suddenly threw herself into the wind's arms and cried bitterly.

Zhou Weiqing's eyebrows moved while watching. After all, he couldn't help pulling them away.

"Don't look at it, stinky boy. If you let me know that you have suffered a loss after going out, don't say that you are my apprentice. Mu En hummed and said.

Zhou Weiqing said carefully, "Teacher, it seems that your apprentice is not an honorable thing!"


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