Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 34 Disguise the Ring

Shangguan Binger's beautiful eyes also showed a trace of struggle. But she finally made up her mind, "Xiao Pang, my mother is the only family. Can you understand me?"

Zhou Weiqing gently pulled her into his arms. This time, Shangguan Binger did not resist and leaned against his broad arms, "Xiao Pang, I can't bear to part with you. Since I met you, although you always make me angry, I have been used to the days when I have you around for more than two years. Although you are afraid to death, shameless, and always bad, I know that your heart is actually very kind. If the two love each other for a long time, how can we be together again when we get to the college?

Zhou Weiqing rubbed his face on her hair, "Bing'er, how can I stop you from doing your filial piety? If it hadn't been for the appointment with Mr. Huyan. I should spend more time with my mother. After I leave, you can also visit my mother when you are free. Oh, no, it's our mother. Dad is on the front line all year round, and she is also very lonely.

Shangguan Bing'er nodded gently, "I will definitely go. Go back quickly, otherwise, I will be reluctant to be separated from you.

Zhou Weiqing grabbed her shoulder, lowered his head, looked at her eyes that were a little weeping, kissed her lips, and whispered, "When we go to the Philippe Royal Military Academy, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and no one cares about us. Can we do that?"

"You can't miss dirty thoughts in your mind at any time." Shangguan Bing'er burst into tears and hit him on the shoulder.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said, "This is my happiness. How can I not fight for it?" All right, I'm leaving." After saying this, he turned his head and ran away. As soon as he turned the corner, he had disappeared.

Looking at the back of his departure, Shangguan Binger stood still for a long time, with tears in her eyes. It took a long time to recover and walked to her home.

Zhou Weiqing ran very fast, in fact. He was only much more reluctant to give up than Shangguan Bing'er, but he was more afraid of seeing Shangguan Bing'er crying. He was afraid that he could not help but give up his agreement with Huyan Aobo to stay with her.

He went home and stayed with his mother for two days. On the third day, Zhou Weiqing decided to go to the palace. One was to say goodbye to his godfather, the imperial emperor Fengling, and the other was to solve his marriage contract with Di Fuya.

"What? Do you want to terminate the marriage contract? No way." Tiangong Imperial Palace, in the study. Di Fengling sat in front of his dragon book case in a gorgeous suit, and refused Zhou Weiqing's request without hesitation.

Zhou Weiqing said with a bitter face, "Godfather, you know, Di Fuya doesn't like me at all, and even looks down on me. Look at me like this, I'm not worthy of her!"

Di Fengling snorted, looked up and down at Zhou Weiqing, and said, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with the tall and handsome young man? Doesn't it look like she can have the final say? What's more, today is different from the past. You have now awakened to become a Tianzhu Master. Can you find a better young man than you in our Tiangong Empire? Don't think about the withdrawal of marriage. Don't you know what Jinkou Yuyan is? I'm your father-in-law. Do you feel wronged?

"I..." Zhou Weiqing looked at Di Fengling with a tongue open mouth. Although Di Fengling was not a royal pearl master, Zhou Weiqing had no temper in front of him. From childhood to adulthood, Di Fengling can be said to have watched him grow up. His godfather is even more conscientious than his own father. Even if he knew that Zhou Weiqing's meridian was blocked and could not be practiced, he still did not change. It can be said that in addition to his own father, Zhou Weiqing was most afraid of this majestic godfather.

"Godfather, I already have a woman I like." Zhou Weiqing said tentatively.

"Oh? Who is it? Is it more beautiful than my Fuya? Xiaowei, Fuya did hurt you at the beginning, but she has also changed a lot in the past two years. As a man, can you still hold a grudge?

Zhou Weiqing said helplessly, "Godfather, let me tell you the truth. I have made a private life with another girl. And it's already there. I'm about to give you a grandson. I always have to give them an explanation!"

"What?" Di Fengling stared at him. Although he knew about the awakening of Zhou Weiqing and Tianzhu, he naturally did not know how embarrassing the things that happened between Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger were for Marshal Zhou.

"Bad boy, how old are you? It's already with that person. You, you." Di Fengling stood up from behind the dragon bookcase. Just when Zhou Weiqing thought he was going to scold himself, he heard his godfather sigh and said, "It can't be completely your fault. The children are developing too early now. If I had known, I would have asked you and Di Fuya to get married first. It also saves you from going out to make trouble.

"Ah?" Is that all right? Zhou Weiqing even doubted whether Di Fuya was his own or his own. It can be said that Di Fengling is completely doting on him.

"Xiao Wei, remember, as a man, you must first have strength. Only when you have strength can you have self-confidence. Only a confident man can have the characteristics of attracting women. Godfather does not object to your three wives and four concubines, but you must be temperate and not excessive. Do you understand?"

Looking at Di Fengling's serious appearance, Zhou Weiqing's heart twitched. He suddenly felt that his godfather seemed to be no different from the teacher. He was extremely supportive of picking up girls, but one said obscenely, and the other said solemnly. In fact, the meaning was the same.

"Godfather, look at this marriage contract..." Zhou Weiqing asked without give up.

Di Fengling's eyes stared, "I don't care about your concubine. You are also poor with me. Get out of here. Let me tell you, Fuya is also at the Philippe Royal Military Academy. You can get along well. After graduation, I will personally host your wedding.

Zhou Weiqing wanted to say it again, but Di Fengling had already left, giving him no chance to speak again.

Depressed, Zhou Weiqing is quite depressed now. How can he explain this to Binger? However, he soon came up with a solution. Isn't Di Fuya at the Philippe Royal Military Academy? Didn't she say that she wouldn't marry me if she married a pig or a dog? I will let you know what a hooligan is, which makes her heartbroken. At that time, just tell her to her godfather to terminate the marriage contract. No matter how big it is, I will run away with Binger, hehe.

Di Fengling, who walked out of the study, also smiled at this time and said in his heart: Stinky boy, if you want to fight with me, you are still a little young. Fuya, you should also be competitive. Your father specially sent you to the Philippe Royal Military Academy so that you can tie the heart of this bastard as soon as possible. The wind has told me that Xiaowei's future is not limited to Brother Zhou's current achievements. My daughter is so beautiful, can't she hold this boy's heart?

If Di Fengling knew that Zhou Weiqing's private girlfriend for life was Shangguan Binger, the most beautiful woman in the empire, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so optimistic.

Out of the palace, Zhou Weiqing went straight to Shangguan Binger's house. In the past two years, he practiced in the Tiangong Camp. Every month, they would come back. He also accompanied Shangguan Binger back. Naturally, he was familiar with the road.

Shangguan Binger's family lived in a very ordinary private house. Even after being granted the title of viscount, their mother and daughter did not move away. Of course, this was not because Shangguan Binger did not want to move. She really wanted to give her mother a better living environment, but Tang Xian said that she was used to living here and did Open.

When Zhou Weiqing came here, Shangguan Binger was accompanying his mother to grow vegetables in the yard. The small yard was not big, and half of it was turned into a vegetable field. Zhou Weiqing stood at the door and looked at the beautiful mother and daughter in front of him planting rice seedlings, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Why don't you come in?" Tang Xian didn't look at Zhou Weiqing at all, but the voice had already come.

"Hello, aunt." Zhou Weiqing smiled and walked into the door. When Shangguan Bing'er saw him coming, she suddenly looked happy, but then she showed a little sadness. She was about to be separated for a few months, and her heart was full of reluctance.

Tang Xian straightened up. Although he was dressed in thorn cloth, it was difficult to hide her peerless glory. He smiled at Zhou Weiqing and said, "Xiao Pang, I heard from Bing'er that you want to go to Feituo City first?"

In front of Tang Xian, Zhou Weiqing was as honest as he was. He nodded quickly, "Yes! I'm 16 years old. I should go to Mr. Huyan and listen to his teachings.

Tang Xian nodded and said, "Xiao Pang, there are two things to keep in mind. First, don't waste too much thought on the condensation scroll. Making condensation scrolls consumes too much mental strength, which will affect your practice. Your own bead attributes are unique and should not be wasted.

"Yes." Zhou Weiqing hurriedly agreed. He was in awe of Shangguan Bing'er, a mysterious mother. My old ** words are still in my ears.

Tang Xian smiled and said, "Another thing is that when you carry out Yizhu rubbing, you should try to reprint control skills as much as possible. Remember, there are always not too many control skills. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhou Weiqing said honestly, "I don't quite understand."

Tang Xian laughed and said, "You are honest. In short, any skill that Tianzhushi has will have a short time that cannot be repeated after use, such as your dark touch. With your current cultivation, after using it once, it can't be used for at least ten seconds, right?


From this moment on, the mistress has become the third. From this moment on, there is no more time at the beginning of the word. When people reach thirty, they will stand at thirty. Thank you, my book friends who have been with me for so many years. Thank you all. There is no need to give a reward or anything. You just need to leave a happy birthday in the book review area and send you a recommendation ticket that doesn't need to spend a penny. Lao San will be grateful. Third, I think this title is awkward, but we can't pretend to be young anymore, can we? Ha ha. Will you continue to accompany me? I will always write good novels for you. Thank you all. Ask for a recommendation ticket. One more thing, I love you.