Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 35 Additional Mosaic Scroll

When Huyan Aobo said that he spent two years making additional inlaid scrolls to improve his strength. Zhou Weiqing only felt an uncontrollable heat rushing up from his body. Looking at Huyan Aobo's obviously much older face and a much gloomy light in his eyes, his heart throbbing fiercely. He didn't know how to express his gratitude and emotion, so he knelt down in front of Huyan Aobo and made such a solemn oath. This time, he swore with complete sincerity and did not commit any fraud.

Huyan Aobo was stunned for a moment. After an unusually bright light flashed in his eyes, he sighed and pulled Zhou Weiqing up, "Xiao Wei, in fact, I'm struggling in my heart. I really hope you can inherit my mantle, but in this way, it is likely to delay your future. With your talent, you can become a powerful bead master, but if you spend too much energy on the profession of condenser, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Weiqing didn't expect that Huyan Aobo would be so frank. His words were almost the same as what his future mother-in-law Tang Xian said.

With a laugh, Zhou Weiqing said, "Teacher, you said it's too late. I swear by my life that I can't go back on my word. Let's talk about it. Maybe your apprentice and I are a genius when I learn to make condensed scrolls? There is no delay."

Huyan Aobo shook his head helplessly and said, "You are optimistic. I hope you can continue to maintain this mentality after you start learning to make condensation scrolls. If it were so easy to become a condenser, the price of the condenser scroll would not be so expensive. Come on, you use this additional inlaid reel first. Starting tomorrow, I will teach you how to make the condensed reel.

"Good." Zhou Weiqing raised his right hand and moved his mind. The two beads of the body had been released at the same time, but this time, it was no longer one, but two each. At the wrist of the right hand, two pure ice jade beads rotated, almost just a flash of light, and the overlord bow with a thick smell of ice fog had already appeared in his hands.

The current overlord bow has obviously changed compared with the previous one. The whole bow body looks thicker, and the golden lines extending to the whole bow have now spread to the bow string. The golden bow string looks very eye-catching, and the halo flows, which adds a bit of domineering.

That's right. With Zhou Weiqing's second pair of original beads, all the skills of his overlord bow and the first stone cat's eye rubbing have evolved, and now they are equivalent to the second level. He has many rubbing skills, so he is not in a hurry to let him continue to print new skills.

"So fast? Xiaowei, how heavy are you now? Feng Yu next to him saw that Zhou Weiqing released the overlord bow so quickly and couldn't help asking.

Zhou Weiqing grinned and said, "The eleventh weight. After one more level, you can complete the cultivation of heavenly energy and break through to the heavenly power.

As soon as he said this, he suddenly heard two strong inhalings. Hu Yan Aobo and Feng Yu were shocked. More than two years have passed. In their opinion, Zhou Weiqing is only 16 years old, and it is quite good to be able to practice the second Tianzhu. Tianli's cultivation has been improved by four times in just two years, Other than that, they never thought that in just two years, Zhou Weiqing's natural power had been increased by sevenfold, reaching the eleventh level. He was only 16 years old! But it's only one step away from entering the range of God's power. Once he enters the heavenly power, then he will also enter the realm of Tianzun from a heavenly master. In the heavenly pearl master, he can no longer be regarded as a rookie.

Feng Yu muttered, "Old man Huyan, I feel more and more that it is a mistake to let Xiao Wei learn to make condensed scrolls with you."

Huyan Aobo smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know whether I'm lucky or unlucky to choose this boy."

In the time of their words. Zhou Weiqing has picked up the additional inlaid scroll. Under the signal of Huyan Aobo, he urged the heavenly power and slowly injected it into the scroll.

When Zhou Weiqing's heavenly power was just integrated into the small metal piece, the whole metal piece lit up like a dazzling gem, the light of various colors flashed alternately, and the strong energy fluctuation seemed to lift the roof open.

Huyan Aobo's face looked solemn. With a wave of his right hand, a layer of silver light spread out of his body, wrapping Zhou Weiqing in it, so that he could not expose the breath of the inlaid scroll. You know, there are so many condensers around him. Once this breath is exposed, I'm afraid trouble will follow.

"Put it on the top of the original inlay hole, one inch apart." Hu Yan Aobo shouted in a low voice.

The light flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, and Tianli maintained the continuous output. At the same time, it was injected into the overlord bow and the additional mosaic scroll. The left hand pressed it calmly and quickly. When the additional inlay scroll contacted the overlord bow, Zhou Weiqing himself and the overlord bow trembled violently. Then, he clearly saw that on his overlord bow, the inlaid scroll was slowly integrated, and a small groove gradually appeared on the overlord bow.

The precious thing about this additional inlaid scroll lies in its absolute success. Although it is troublesome to make, it is very simple to use. That's why it's a rare treasure. Even the master-level condenser is extremely precious to this additional mosaic scroll. Which Tianzhu master doesn't want to have an extra inlay hole in his condensed weapon? If so. The level of Tianli and the number of pearls are hard power, so the skills of condensation and rubbing are soft power. Hard power is important, but soft power is often the key to victory, especially for Tianzhushi of the same level.

When Zhou Weiqing felt that his natural power had consumed about one-third, with a soft sound, the whole metal plate of the additional inlaid scroll had been fully integrated into the overlord's bow. The strong golden light instantly swept the whole bow body and then turned back against the current. The next moment, the overlord bow disappeared by itself. A ball of golden light returned to Zhou Weiqing's right wrist as an ice emerald body bead.

"It's done." Huyan Aobo said with a relieved face. Although he knew that the additional inlaid scroll he made would succeed, he was not relieved until now. The additional inlay has just been completed. Don't use the overlord bow in the next three days, give it a period of time to warm up, and then even if the second inlay hole is completely completed.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Thank you for your success."

Huyan Aobo waved his hand and said, "You go to rest all the way. I'm going to take a break, too." With that, he went straight to his bedroom. Zhou Wei clearly saw that with his cultivation, his footsteps were a little staggering. It can be seen how much effort has been consumed in the past two years.

Zhou Weiqing originally thought. When Huyan Aobo was so tired, he had to rest for at least a few days to recover, but who knew that the next morning, as soon as dawned, he was called up.

After a simple breakfast, Huyan Aobo followed Zhou Weiqing to the room where Zhou Weiqing had lived twice. A small table and a pile of unknown materials had already been placed.

Zhou Weiqing said in his heart, this teacher is really anxious!

The spirit of Huyan Aobo is still not very good, obviously. He hasn't been allowed to rest for a day. Xiaowei, your talent is excellent, and the stone cat's eye is a rare best attribute. The teacher doesn't want to waste more of your time. I just hope that you can take an hour every day to practice the production of condensation scrolls in the future. We will start today.

When it comes to the condensed scroll, Huyan Aobo's eyes obviously lit up a little. "Before I start teaching you how to make a condensed scroll, I want to ask you, do you know what the original bead is? Or, summarize the life beads in a simple sentence.

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "This life is a part of our body."

Hu Yan Aobo smiled and said, "That's right. The beads are part of our body, and the beads are not dead, they are alive. Whether it is a pearl or a body pearl, it is the same. When the original pearl is awakened, it is actually the release of our own innate power at birth, so that we have the corresponding ability. Let's not talk about body beads for the time being. In my opinion, body beads are like a piece of meat, a bone or an organ, and also like an embryo. And the condensation scroll made by our condenser is to make it finally formed. It can be said that we are a designer, and then pour the design scheme into the body beads, so that it can be completed according to our design when forming, and realize its potential as much as possible. And this design needs to be injected into the body beads by the power of space, so the basic requirement of the condenser is to have spatial attributes.

"Do you remember? I was very excited when I learned that you had both space and wind attributes. This is because the wind can accelerate for you, and the acceleration of the wind is not as agile as the body and is not easy to control. The acceleration of the wind can be controlled by your thoughts. In this way, as long as you complete the production of the first condensation scroll and the same condensation scroll is made again, the speed can be constantly accelerated, and it is easier to be more proficient than ordinary condensors. Naturally, you can get twice the result with half the effort. When many condensers practice, they will enter a misunderstanding, that is, to completely pursue quality rather than speed. I don't think so. I always think that speed and quality are as important. No matter how good the condensed scroll is, what's the use of only one work in a lifetime? Although the number of royal pearl masters cannot be compared with other professions, they also have a large base, and the demand for condensation scrolls is extremely huge. Many royal pearl masters' body beads have not been condensed at all, because they can't afford condensation scrolls.

Speaking of this, Huyan Aobo's breath has obviously become stronger. "I hope that one day every royal pearl master can use a condensed scroll. Xiao Wei, let me start to explain to you the most basic method of making condensation scrolls..."


I'm feeling better. Thank you for your concern. I seem to have a fever caused by a lung infection, and I have a cold. Let's see what's going on today. If it's not good, go to the hospital.