Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 46 Don't submit, I'll support you

"Why?" Zhou Weiqing looked at the cold teenager. He said faintly, "Just because my fists are harder than yours. I have the final say in this class in the future. At least in the next four years. No one can join the nobles and the Tuoyin Palace. Four years later, I graduated, and everyone went their separate ways. I don't care what you want to do.

As he spoke, he walked slowly towards the cold teenager. The cold teenager stared at his eyes with burning eyes, and the horses beside him also frowned. Zhou Weiqing is no longer ordinary arrogant. Even Kou Rui's face was very ugly at this time. And the old students on the other side looked at Zhou Weiqing like a madman.

Shangguan Binger grabbed Zhou Weiqing's arm and said, "Xiao Pang, what's wrong with you? We are all classmates. Don't do this.

"It is precisely because we are all classmates that I have to do this." Zhou Weiqing's eyes coldly swept over the students in the freshman civilian class. He saw all kinds of frightened, angry and frightened eyes. "As a person, first of all, you have to stand up your backbone. If even the backbone is not straight, why do you talk about becoming a strong man? Have you ever heard of a strong man in the world of the Royal Pearl Master who is enslaved? I want to teach you a truth. As a man, you should stand up. Straight up your backbone. Therefore, I don't allow my classmates to be enslaved by others. I don't want to see you dwarfs.

Although he was pulled by Shangguan Binger, he still walked to the cold young man, who was also a strong man. In the face of Zhou Weiqing's magnificent momentum, he did not give up and did not take a step back.

Zhou Weiqing stood still until he was only a foot away from him, "You just asked me, why, right? Well, I'll tell you now."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and touched the storage necklace on his chest, and a stored value card was in his hands. He handed the stored value card to the cold teenager, "There are at least 400,000 gold coins in this card. Starting from today, all the students in Class 1 of Civilians need to go to the Tuoyin Palace to print the skills, all from here. If it is not enough, I will continue to deposit it. I don't need you to submit to me. I will support you in the next four years. I just need you to stand up and be a person with me instead of being a dog.

As soon as this statement came out, the students who could be heard around were immediately in an uproar. The first thought of those old students was that this guy's brain was in water, and he actually gave money to the civilian students in a class to expand their printing skills. There is no need for others to pay any price. Isn't that there is water in the brain?

The students of the freshmen civilian class were stunned at this time. Their eyes at Zhou Weiqing changed, even if the guy in front of them was a madman. He is definitely a lovely madman in their eyes. If possible, who is willing to submit to others? Especially at the cost of the dark seal that cannot be sentenced.

The cold teenager subconsciously took over the stored value card in Zhou Weiqing's hand, and his originally stubborn and reticed eyes also became a little stunned. "You should know that Yizhu rubbing is not the most difficult, and the body bead condensation is the biggest problem. Now even the price of the primary condensation scroll is 50,000 to 100,000 gold coins. 400,000 gold coins are far from enough. Moreover, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy so many condensation scrolls.

Zhou Wei smiled lightly, "I said, I'll support you. Kou Rui." "

"Huh?" When Kou Rui heard Zhou Weiqing suddenly calling himself, he quickly walked over and said, "Big boss, you call me."

Zhou Weiqing patted him on the shoulder, "Do you believe me?"

Kou Rui looked at Zhou Weiqing's eyes, blurted out and said, "Sinto. Now that I have chosen, I won't regret it. My father said that there are always several opportunities in one's life. Don't let go easily if you catch it. I believe it's my chance to hang out with you.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said, "I'm also convinced of this. Take it for me." As he spoke, he wiped the storage necklace again. A piece of paper appeared in his hand. He asked Cory to pull two of the horns, let Shangguan Binger pull the other two horns, and flattened this special square piece of paper.

Turn to the cold young man, "Do you know what this is?"

"Is this? Condensed paper?" The cold young man was shocked.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "Look." As he spoke, his wrist turned over, and everyone didn't see clearly when he had an extra pen and a small bottle in his hand. Uncow the bottle cap and dip a little condensed liquid in the bottle with the condenser in his hand. Zhou Weiqing took a deep breath. At this moment, his eyes became extremely sharp, his pupils contracted, and his spirit was completely focused on the condensed paper in front of him.

At this time, the guy Ye Lou came back, and seven or eight college teachers came back with him. Ding Chen's injury is not serious, and he can use this to make a fuss. The boss didn't attend the opening ceremony. If he went back and let him know, he would be miserable. I can't clean up Zhou Weiqing by myself. The teachers of the college can do it. First fire him on the grounds that he beat him, and then slowly concocted the boy.

Seeing Ding Chen lying on the ground, two teachers immediately rushed forward to diagnose and treat him, while the others came towards Zhou Weiqing. Just as Ye Lou was about to speak, he was stopped by a teacher of about 50 years old who led the team. He looked at the condensed paper pulled by Kou Rui and Shangguan Binger in surprise, "Wait a minute. Let's see what he wants to do. In his hand is a condensed pen, which is condensed paper. It's still blank condensed paper, does he..."

At this time, Zhou Weiqing moved. His movements are not fast, on the contrary, he is very soothing. At this moment, it seems that things from the outside world have nothing to do with him, more like nothing has happened before. The condenser in his hand fell steadily, and the condensed liquid with a light silver halo flowed quietly, and a steady sketch of light lines was drawn on the suspended condensed paper.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Zhou Weiqing's movements, and many students had already stood up. Although the students in the distance did not know what had happened here, because of the previous movement and the strange silence at this time, there were also a lot of them.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing seems to have entered a special rhythm. Every stroke is drawn, leaving a trace of thick ink and heavy color on the condensed paper. With his outline, the figure of a small round shield slowly leaps on the paper, and the strange lines are arranged in an orderly manner. Although the whole process is not fast, it is like The clouds and flowing water are ordinary. His movements did not stop at all, but each stroke seemed to follow the trajectory of heaven and earth.

Zhou Weiqing was condensing on the condensed paper, but Shangguan Binger's eyes completely fell on his face. It was said that serious men were the most handsome. At this moment, Shangguan Binger deeply felt this. At the same time, she also vaguely understood some of the deep meaning of what Zhou Weiqing had done just now. Yes! My little fat has never been a reckless person. How could he be aimless?

Finally, when Zhou Weiqing's last stroke outlined the edge of the round shield pattern, the brilliant golden light suddenly bloomed, and the unique breath of the condensation scroll instantly bloomed. Although it was only fleeting, everyone present deeply remembered what happened in that scene.

Although condensation scrolls are scarce, there are also a large number of pearl masters here. After all, some people have used condensation scrolls. However, it is absolutely rare to see the production process of condensation scrolls with your own eyes. But even if they haven't seen it, they have always heard of it. When the golden light flashed, the fool knew that Zhou Weiqing's condensed scroll was successfully made.

Zhou Weiqing picked up the scroll from Kou Rui and Shangguan Binger and turned to look at the cold teenager again. What he saw was a look of surprise, and the original coldness had disintegrated.

"Italian beads rubbing, body beads condensation, my classmates, what else do you lack? I am an intermediate condenser. As I said, I will support you without asking for anything in return. The same is true for condensation scrolls. I am a civilian, but I believe that with my level of making condensed scrolls, I am qualified to say this. Would you like to stay straight with me for the next four years? Don't let anyone bully us."

After making a condensed scroll, Zhou Weiqing was not half tired, but energetic. His eyes were full of confidence. The eyes are more firm than ever.

"I do." Kou Rui will always be the first person to support Zhou Weiqing. As for Shangguan Binger, she doesn't need to speak at all.

"My name is Yan Zhexi, and I would like to." The second official cold teenager who opened his mouth.

"With this kind of free condensation and rubbing, it is a fool who doesn't want to. Hey hey." Don't look at it. As soon as Zhou Weiqing heard this tone, he knew that it was Ma Qun who opened his mouth.

The students of the freshmen civilian class stood up one by one. No matter what their original personality was, when Zhou Weiqing took the successful condensation scroll and asked the sentence: Would you like to straighten your spine with me for the next four years, their blood was ignited.

No one wants to be enslaved, let alone with the support of such a strong backing. I don't know how many people want to follow any condenser. What's more, the person in front of him is their classmate and is willing to help them without any cost. At this time, how can they have a second choice?

"Yes, we do." One passionate voice after another sounded. At this moment, the hearts of the freshmen who had just met each other condensed in one direction, and the center of this cohesion was Zhou Weiqing, who was holding the condensation scroll.


I wrote this chapter very well. I don't know how everyone feels. I wanted to issue a monthly ticket, after all, it's the end of the year. We still want to rush up. But in order not to let everyone get bored, I still don't open a single chapter. It's right here.

Shout, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, hand it over. It's not kind to vote or not. Hey hey.