Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 47 Mysterious White-haired Girl Next

said to himself here. A strong evil spirit flashed in Minghua's eyes. She was suddenly shocked and hurriedly closed her mind, and the evil spirit gradually faded.

"Is there any way to make this guy submit?" Minghua gradually fell into meditation.

On the other side, Zhou Weiqing walked downstairs and struggled in his heart. Shangguan Binger once told him that the owner of the evil attributes, especially the Tianzhu Division, who has evil changes, is not allowed by the rubbings of the seal palaces of the mainland. Once exposed, even if he can survive, I'm afraid there will be no place to stand in the future. I can't even go back to the Tiangong Empire. This life can only be hidden in the dark.

No, absolutely not. Although he can be ambitious, his greatest wish is to make the Tiansong Empire strong, so that every citizen of the Tiansong Empire can be proud of being a member of the Tiansong Empire.

With a deep breath, Zhou Weiqing told himself in his heart that in the face of such a serious crisis, he must not be soft-hearted. Even if Minghua is Ming Yu's own sister, he must not let her go. Be sure to take advantage of her when she is not sure that she really has evil attributes. So that the crisis was strangled in the cradle before telling others about it.

The strong murderous intention flashed from Zhou Weiqing's heart. Although he didn't want to kill a woman, he didn't want to kill a beautiful woman like Minghua. But it is related to the future of himself and his motherland, and even the safety of Shangguan Binger. At the moment, he has made up his mind. Tonight, as long as Minghua dares to come back to live, she must finish this matter completely. Otherwise, I will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"Zhou Weiqing." Just then, a low voice woke him up from his mind.

When Zhou Weiqing looked up, he found that he had unconsciously returned to the first floor of the teaching building. Zang Lang was standing at the top of the stairs and looking at him.

"Let's talk about it." Zang Lang's eyes were slightly gloomy.

"If you have something to say, just say it." Zhou Weiqing was not in a good mood because of Minghua at this time, and he didn't want to pester him too much.

Zang Lang said, "You were very similar to me when I first came to college, but at that time, I was far less powerful than you are now, let alone the ability to have a condenser like you. Do you know? If there is a choice, no one is willing to be enslaved. However, as a royal pearl master, if you can't condense and seal, you will never be able to come out. Therefore, many civilian students who have suffered too much from an early age and are not determined will will choose to turn to the aristocracy or the Tuoyin Palace, so as to improve their strength as soon as possible. Of course, it is also because of this that they give up their future freedom. No matter what they achieve, they belong to their employers. Therefore, although I don't like their behavior. However, I can't stop their choice. Because I don't have the ability to help them.

Zhou Weiqing said lightly, "What's the point of saying this to me?"

Zang Lang said, "I don't have the ability, but you do. Zhou Weiqing, when you showed your identity as a condenser, you may not have noticed that all the civilian students looked at you with extremely hot eyes. I came here on behalf of the senior students who did not submit to the aristocracy. There are 44 of us in total. As long as you are willing to help us like the students in your class, then all of us can be loyal to you.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and looked at Zang Lang's eyes a little jokingly, "Allegiance to me? Zang Lang, you're not joking, are you? How can I believe that you will be loyal to me? Your choice is just because I can't limit you. There is no binding of the seal. Isn't it that you can leave whenever you want? Do you know how much it costs to feed more than 40 royal pearl masters? It will not be less than five million gold coins every year, and even my motherland Tiangong Empire can't afford to support so many of you, including Tianzhushi. And such a huge price is just a simple promise of allegiance. Do you really think I'm crazy?"

Zang Lang was stunned for a moment and said angrily, "Zhou Weiqing, you are insulting my personality."

Zhou Weiqing snorted disdainfully, "Personality? How much is this thing per catty? What I am willing to do, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how much I pay. I will try my best to do it, but absolutely no one can force me to do what I don't want to do. I feed the students in our class because I don't want to see the people around me submit to the nobles. And what is the meaning of your verbal promise? It's not impossible to get my help, but I also want you to accept my seal. Do you dare? In that case, what's the difference between surrendering to the nobility?

Zang Lang took a deep breath, and there were faint blue veins beating on his bald head. He clenched his fists tightly and stared at Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing came down the stairs and came to him, "I know, you want to say that only when we ordinary students are twisted into a rope can we compete with the noble students. However, I really have no reason to believe you. It's obviously not a pleasant thing to let me pay tens of millions of gold coins just because of your empty mouth and white teeth. Senre, do you think so? You are so self-righteous."

Zang Lang's clenched fists slowly relaxed, and his originally fierce eyes gradually became confused, constantly taking deep breaths to calm down as much as possible.

"So what are your conditions?" Zang Lang said in a low voice.

Zhou Weiqing said leisurely, "Everyone's thoughts will change with age, and promises are never more reliable than constraints. There are forty-four people in total. What I want are forty-four followers with seals. Zang Lang, I'm not a good person, but I'm definitely a person who protects my shortcomings. I'm not afraid to tell you that I was already an intermediate condenser before I was 17 years old, before I graduated from college. I can at least become a senior condenser. Within ten years, I will definitely be promoted to the master of condensation, the master of condensation. I don't know if I can become a priest in the future, but I'm 70% sure. It is also a seal. I believe I don't need to say more about the benefits of following a future priest. You don't have to rush to make a decision. I still need several years for the students. If I don't reach the level of a senior condenser before graduation, you can treat me as farting today.

Zang Lang hesitated. The reason was very simple, just because of the word the priest. In the history of the mainland, every divine master-level condenser is a legendary figure who dominates the world and no one dares to rebel. And those who follow the divine master are all powerful Tianzhu masters. Although Zhou Weiqing did not say clearly, he also knew that if Zhou Weiqing really became a divine master in the future, at that time, even the Tianzhu master at the level of Tianzong may not be qualified to be his followers. It is precisely because he has not reached that level now. At this time, these royal bead masters, including body bead masters. Only with Yizhushi can he be qualified to choose to follow. And once Zhou Weizhen becomes a divine master in the future, then. There is no doubt that his followers will certainly be able to become a generation of strong people.

"Zhou Weiqing, if you just follow you alone, then the necessary seal must be used by yourself. Although there are some sealing skills in the space system, they are extremely rare. Even if we choose to follow you, how can you complete the seal?

Zhou Weiqing raised his hand and patted Zang Lang on the shoulder. "Since I said so, I can naturally do it. Think about it." After saying this, he strode away. And at the same time. Zang Lang's heart has already turned up the waves.

The reason is very simple. Now he can't move, and a strong sense of restraint spread all over his body. The dark and cold feeling makes a layer of goose bumps appear on the surface of his skin, and he only feels that his body seems to be tightly tied by more than ten shadowless and invisible ropes.

As a heavenly pearl master, Zang Lang certainly understands what this is, darkness, which is obviously the binding skill of dark attributes! Isn't he a space master? This dark attribute, is it possible that his pearl has multiple attributes?

At this moment, Zang Lang's mind was blank, and Zhou Weiqing's playful smile when he left was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Zhou Weiqing walked to his class. The opening ceremony was over and there was nothing to do. He wanted to take Guan Binger home, and at the same time, he had to think about how to deal with Minghua.

In fact, everything he and Zang Lang said just now was improvised. According to his original plan, he should continue to influence those civilian students and gradually achieve his goals. However, after being stimulated by Minghua today, Zhou Weiqing deeply felt that he could not move forward too slowly.

At the opening ceremony, everything he did seemed crazy, but in fact it had a deep meaning. He hit Ding Chen hard, which was a demonstration of strength and a kind of deterrence. He told the civilian students and also told the noble students how powerful he was, and he would not show mercy to the enemy. In this way, it can not only leave a deep impression on them, but also greatly reduce those who dare to attack Shangguan Binger.

After that, he asked a class of freshmen not to submit to the nobles with an extremely arrogant attitude. At that time, everyone thought he was crazy, but because of his strength, only Yan Zhexi was the only one who dared to speak out against him. After that, Zhou Weiqing did not hesitate to show the strength of his condenser. This is the most important step.


Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Well, it seems that we are very close to 5,000 tickets. Let's smash it hard. Well, the little witch told me yesterday that what I said when I updated last night was not good enough, and I didn't make it clear how many chapters exploded. Well, I'll tell you the bottom first. I'm trying to prepare ten chapters to exchange for a monthly ticket. Two of them are guaranteed, and the other eight are exchanged for tickets. If the ticket is exceeded, I will pay it back, which is called no cap. I can't pay it back on the same day, and then return it until it is paid off. That's awesome. If you have the ability, you can smash it... I'll work hard. During the Spring Festival, I'll give you a happy and comfortable gift. How nice it is, haha.