Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 50 Challenge! The upper Tianzong lower

At this time, Zhou Weiqing finally couldn't completely calm down. From Mingwu's words, the only thing he can be sure of is that Mingwu will never kill himself.

Is there really nothing we can do? Zhou Weiqing's heart was full of obsession. He doesn't want to die, and he can't die. There are too many expectations on him. However, he really doesn't want to give up his freedom! At this moment, Zhou Weiqing has made up his mind. No matter what the result of today's event, I will never agree to Mingwu's request. The difference in strength is extremely different, but he still has to fight for his freedom.

In the face of such great pressure, the violence hidden in his blood was gradually released. Zhou Weiqing's eyes began to become fierce, and the faint red was constantly increasing.

If Zhou Weiqing scolded angrily at this time, maybe Mingwu would feel better, but Zhou Weiqing didn't say anything, just stared at him silently. For a strong man like Mingwu, the suffering in his heart at this time can be imagined. However, he has no other choice. Zhou Weiqing's ability is really excellent, and his mature mind. There is no doubt that as long as he is given enough time to grow up, he will become a strong man in the future. The first generation of awakened evil pearl masters is really too important for the heavenly cult. If this bloodline can be passed on, then, as long as Zhou Weiqing leaves enough seeds, it is of extraordinary significance to the future strength of the heavenly cult. This is also the reason why Mingwu promised him to choose girls at will. No matter from which perspective, Mingwu must not let him go.

The light flashed, and the overlord bow had once again appeared in Zhou Weiqing's control. At this time, he was only 20 meters away from Mingwu. The strong natural power quietly emerged, and a titanium alloy arrow had been put on the bow string to fight against the underworld. With Zhou Weiqing's achievements in archery, at such a close distance, even Mingwu has no chance to dodge.

"If you want me to submit, just rely on your force." There was an evil breath in Zhou Weiqing's voice. Under the urging of Tianli, his right leg hidden under his trousers was covered with tiger skin magic lines, and the blood in his body was beginning to boil because of the violent breath.

Where Zhou Weiqing held the overlord's bow in his left hand, the two stone cat's eyes had quietly slid into the inlay hole. The light flashed, with a harsh roar, and the long arrows sent by the twisting method had gone straight to Mingwu.

At this time, Mingwu felt ashamed and had no intention of killing Zhou Weiqing. Now he just wants to take Zhou Weiqing back first. As for how to persuade him to submit to the heavenly cult, there is no need to worry.

At the moment when Zhou Weiqing took out the overlord bow. Mingwu's air machine was locked on him. With his cultivation at the peak of his virtual strength that day, Zhou Weiqing could not escape his sense at a distance of 1,000 meters. Even if he is slowed down by the strange skill, he can fully catch Zhou Weiqing again. In the absence of betting restrictions, Jiuzhu against Sanzhu, Zhou Weiqing didn't even have a chance.

Mingwu took half a step forward slightly, and his right fist flashed out like lightning. His reaction and speed were really too fast. Even if the ability he was good at was not speed, his natural power had reached such a strong level, which could no longer be measured by ordinary imperial bead masters.

In the front of the dazzling white light, the titanium alloy arrow turned into powder in an instant. The ability of double blasting cannot break through the celestial forces that are like substance, but illusoryly fill the whole space. Even the sound of the explosion was easily erased by Tianxu's power.

However, the look on Mingwu's face suddenly stalled. Because, just as he smashed the titanium alloy arrow with one punch, the dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly spread all over his body. With the cultivation of Mingwu, the whole body was suddenly paralyzed because he didn't expect that there would be a thunder attribute in advance. Then, a layer of round silver light has suddenly completely enveloped his body, which is the space cage.

That's right, Zhou Weiqing's arrow. It can be said to be his peak work. In this arrow, he not only used the twisting method and the increase of the overlord bow, but also used two inlay holes to inject two skills at the same time. After using the additional mosaic scroll, this is the first time that Zhou Weiqing has used two skills to work on the overlord bow at the same time, but the effect is surprisingly good.

The thunder in the palm of the hand paralyzed Mingwu's whole body unexpectedly, and the space cage took the opportunity to go up and really covered Mingwu.

At the next moment of the first arrow, Zhou Weiqing's second arrow had already been shot out. The arrow came out like lightning, and the third arrow was only half a beat slower than the second arrow. He did not escape, because he had no possibility of escaping at all. Even if he can escape, he will not escape. He's gone. What about Shangguan Bing'er? Therefore, he has to work hard. Although he knows that it may be more useless to do so, even if there is only one in ten thousand chance, he will fight to the death.

The perverted heaven once had a record of killing the nine-bead-level Tianzhu master. Although there is only one person now, in terms of comprehensive strength, he is no weaker than any member of the perverted heaven. Only by killing Mingwu can he escape with Shangguan Binger.

Boom, the space cage only lasted for a moment and was broken. And Zhou Weiqing's calculation can be said to be wonderful. Just as Mingwu broke through the shackles of the space cage, his second arrow had arrived.

twist the string method and the overlord bow, the power of the attack is quite strong. In desperation, Mingwu had to punch out again and break the arrow. However, the look on his face showed uncontrollable shock.

Slow, the absolute slow skill that once made him lose the bet fell on him again. The absolute delay of the three beads level has increased the delay time to three seconds. Just like what Tang Xian said at the beginning, this skill is an anti-sky existence. No matter how high the cultivation is, it can't resist its slow effect.

Moreover, it is not only absolutely slow, but also a wind shackle that comes at the same time. It's another one-arrow double skill, but it's a completely different double skill from before. How can this not surprise Mingwu? How many skills does this boy have? How many attributes are there? At this time, he was even a little confused.

While being absolutely slow, he was shacked by the wind, and the power of the wind was greatly strengthened, making it almost impossible for the Mingwu to move in the slow state. He had to urge Tianli to release it outward and stare at Zhou Weiqing at the same time. In his opinion, Zhou Weiqing will definitely run.

However, just as he released his heavenly power, Zhou Weiqing's third arrow arrived again. At this moment, Zhou Weiqing. His face is already pale. Although he has many skills, the use of skills at such a frequency is unprecedented. The load on his body and the large output of natural power have had a serious impact on him. However, he can't take care of this much at all. He knows that for himself, there is only one chance.

While the third arrow was shot, Zhou Weiqing was already flashing. Crest the power of the right leg, advance instead of retreating, and rush to Mingwu at full speed.

Boom--, the third arrow fell on the heavenly virtual power of Mingwu to protect the body. In the violent roar, Mingwu only frowned slightly. With Zhou Weiqing's attack power, when he released the heavenly virtual power, the overlord bow could not break the defense.

In this third arrow, there are no other skills, but just a pure arrow attack, and the corners of Mingwu's mouth can't help but show a smile. I thought to himself, boy, after all, you still don't have enough cultivation! After using so many skills in a row, it can't be sustained after all. What's more, even if it can continue? You didn't hurt my strength at all.

One second has passed since the effect of absolute slowness and the bondage of the wind. And Zhou Weiqing's body has also rushed up. In the process of his charge, another second has passed.

Mingwu clearly saw that Zhou Weiqing's body bloomed with dazzling blue light. At this time, he chose to attack himself without cutting the more powerful space, but using wind attribute skills. It seems that there is really a lack of talent. This child is really excellent. If you catch him later, you will definitely not embarrass him. I hope he can follow the advice to join the heavenly cult.

At this time, Mingwu, who felt that he had no threat at all, was already considering how to persuade Zhou Weiqing. However, at the next moment, his face changed slightly.

Zhou Weiqing, surrounded by blue light, the speed of the charge has at least doubled, which is clearly the release of a skill. Moreover, his body did not rush straight to Mingwu, but leaned upward. At the same time, the dark golden halo suddenly burst out from him. The overlord bow disappeared. Under the cover of the condensed body protection light, the pair of Gemini Hercules hammers, which were so large and somewhat exaggerated, had appeared in Zhou Weiqing's control.

This is not the reason for the change of Mingwu's color. The reason why his face changed is that Zhou Weiqing's face at this moment is already covered with black tiger skin magic lines. The black king lines on his forehead and his bloody eyes told him one thing, and the devil changed.

Yes, while Zhou Weiqing used the skill storm raid from the ice soul bear with his second stone cat's eye, his body has entered a state of demonic change. The physical strength is tripled in an instant, the perception of the outside world is tripled, and the absorption rate of the essence of heaven and earth in the air is tripled. Most importantly, his mind is completely awake and controls the demonic state of his body.


There will be a third update at 12 o'clock tonight. At the same time, a refinement conference will be held. Continue to be wonderful, ** continue. Everyone is welcome to join us.