Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 56 The Battle of the Condensation Master

Seeing that Zhou Weiqing began to concentrate on the design of the condensed scroll. The people who watched the battle confirmed his identity as a condenser. The onlookers who were not optimistic about him couldn't help but waver in their hearts. After all, if Zhou Wei is really an intermediate condenser, he is too young. The future is absolutely unlimited.

In terms of design, Yunli, as a senior condenser, designed an intermediate condenser scroll drawing. The natural speed is not slow. On the other hand, Zhou Weiqing can slow down his own speed, half a quarter of an hour slower than Yunli to complete the design.

The two exchanged each other's design drawings. When they saw each other's designs, their faces couldn't help changing. Although the bow design drawing given by Zhou Weiqing is complex, what Yun Li gave him is by no means a simple thing. It is a large shield design drawing. Zhou Weiqing saw at a glance that this kind of condensation scroll is only suitable for the Tianzhu master with earth attributes, and it must be the Tianzhu master to use it. It is a little reluctant to say that it is an intermediate condensation scroll, but it is really one line short of line to reach the category of advanced condensation scroll. Yunli looks very arrogant, but in fact he is also quite cautious. After all, this bet is the freedom of his life.

Yun Li looked up at Zhou Weiqing quietly, and Zhou Weiqing was also looking at him. The two looked at each other, and Yun Li said in a low voice, "Let's start."

Zhou Weiqing said, "Okay."

After simply signaling to the other party, the two turned around almost at the same time and quickly said to Zhou Changxi and Qin Feng about the various items they needed to make condensate.

"Three red pheasant feathers, one piece of green peak stone, one piece of glutinous jade, one carat of diamond, one core of the earth giant lizard..." Zhou Weiqing quickly reported what he needed, "..., grind it into powder, and then give me a bowl of earth giant lizard blood."

Qin Feng quickly recorded what Zhou Weiqing needed and turned back to prepare. After all, it's just making intermediate condensation scrolls, and this is the imperial center. They need no less materials.

On the other side, Yun Li also reported everything he needed to Zhou Changxi. While Zhou Changxi and Qin Feng went to prepare the condensation material, Zhou Weiqing and Yun Li looked at each other again.

Yun Li said lightly, "It seems that I underestimate you. From this design drawing, I admit your status as an intermediate condenser.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Do you want to know how old I am this year? It's nothing to tell you. I'm not yet seventeen years old. Have you ever seen a 16-year-old intermediate condenser? If you haven't seen it, why do you say that I can't become a priest in the future? Zhou Xiaopang will never be stingy when attacking his opponent, especially in this case.

Yun Li's face changed slightly and said coldly, "It's too early to say anything. After this bet is over, you will know which is better or worse."

Zhou Weiqing smiled, and there was a little obscene in his eyes.

After a while, the condensation fluid on both sides has been prepared. The final preparation of the powder made by the material must be done by the condensator himself. It must not only be injected with space attribute natural forces, but also the concentration must be just right. This is also an important lesson for the condenser.

In this regard. Zhou Weiqing is obviously not as good as Yun Li. In terms of experience, he is more than inferior to others after all.

Seeing that Yunli had prepared the condensation liquid and began to make the first scroll, Zhou Weiqing's condensation liquid was still carefully modled, and Shangguan Binger and Qin Feng couldn't help frowning. And all the passers-by watching the battle took the initiative to keep quiet. They all knew that they must not disturb the two condensers at this time. Not to mention public morality, the risk of offending the condenser alone is not what any of them is willing to bear.

For any set of condensation scrolls, the first one is the most difficult to make. Yun Li saw that his condensation liquid was much faster than Zhou Wei's, and he was even more relaxed. He was not in a hurry at all. He drew the first bow condensation scroll very slowly. He wanted to focus on stability and successfully draw the first scroll as much as possible, and the next production speed would naturally be faster. According to his estimate, it takes about four hours to make such a set of intermediate condensation scrolls. This is the ultimate he can achieve as a senior condenser. Moreover, for such a high-speed scroll production at any cost, he has to rest for at least half a month to recover his energy.

It is extremely consuming for the condenser to make condensed scrolls, otherwise Huyan Aobo would not have made two or three sets in a year.

Zhou Weiqing is an absolute alien. Any set of scrolls is made by him. From the second one, it is completely mechanically machined. With the accurate control of time attributes, there is no need to concentrate, so he can make condensed scrolls at high speed. Unless someone can have the same attributes of time and space as him, it is possible to copy his method of making scrolls. And the time attribute can be said to be the most rare Yizhu attribute in the world. How can Yunli guess it?

Time passed minute by minute, and it was half an hour in a blink of an eye. Yunli has been drawing the scroll for a long time, and Zhou Weiqing's condensation liquid has just been moderated at this time.

Just as Yunli wants to focus on stability, so does Zhou Weiqing. However, his stability is reflected in the modulation condensate. As long as the condensation fluid is not made wrong, who is he afraid of?

Except for Qin Feng and Shangguan Binger, who are anxious for Zhou Weiqing, and Zhou Changxi on the other side, who is proud, other viewers are open-minded. After all, it is extremely rare to see the condenser making condenser scrolls with their own eyes. As for the two condensers competing in public to make scrolls, it is unprecedented. No one is willing to leave, only more and more people are there.

Zhou Weiqing finally began to make his first scroll, and Yunli over there, half of the first scroll has been made. I have to say that Yun Li is very talented in making condensation scrolls, and there is no sign of failure. The condensation pen in his hand is very stable and slow. It won't take long for the first condensation scroll to be completed.

Zhou Weiqing didn't have time to see each other. The production of this first condensation scroll is equally important to him. He takes a deep breath, and the twelve dead points in the body run at the same time, crazily absorbing the essence of heaven and earth in the air. The attribute wheel is adjusted to the silver area. The faint silver light comes out from the tip of the condensed pen, slightly dipped in

In the production of the first scroll, although Zhou Weiqing has time attributes to help him grasp, his speed is not faster than Yunli. This is the gap between the intermediate condenser and the senior condenser, and it is also the gap in the experience of both sides.

An hour has passed.

With the golden light shining, Yun Li breathed a long sigh of relief, and his first bow scroll has been made.

Due to the pressure brought by the gambling contract, Yun Li felt that he had never made scrolls as fast as today, and his level had made significant progress. I thought to myself, it seems that I am one step closer to the Condensation Master, and I don't know if I can be promoted to the level of Condensation Master before the age of 35. If you can succeed, you may have a chance to hit the condensed master before the age of 50. The teacher said that only when you become a condenser before the age of 50 can you have the possibility of impacting the realm of the divine master.

Glancing at Zhou Weiqing, he was naturally very familiar with the scroll design he gave. Zhou Weiqing's first scroll has only drawn one-third until now.

The feeling of winning the game made Yun Li in a good mood and did not rest, and immediately began the production of the second scroll. At the beginning of this second picture, the speed was significantly improved. He saw that his pen was a dragon and snake, and the silver light under his pen was shining. It was done overnight. In a moment, the second condensation scroll had been completed, and it took only half a quarter of an hour.

The production of a complete set of condensation scrolls must be more and more proficient. Another half hour later, when Yunli finished the production of the sixteenth bow condensation scroll here, Zhou Weiqing finally completed the production of his first scroll.

At this time, no one is optimistic about Zhou Weiqing, including Shangguan Binger and Qin Feng. After all, Shangguan Binger has never seen the process of making condensation scrolls with his own eyes.

Looking up, Zhou Weiqing also breathed for a long time. He took a look at Yunli's side and was also secretly shocked. This boy is really awesome. It's almost 20 scrolls made!

Turned his head and looked at Shangguan Binger with a concerned face, showing a bad smile to her. Zhou Weiqing just took the second condensation paper.

The idea moved slightly. Under the cover of the sleeves, the three beads on Zhou Weiqing's left wrist have lit up at the same time. Of course, there is the effect of a camouflage ring, and they only flash the light of the golden green cat's eye.

In Zhou Weiqing's eyes, three superimposed attribute wheels appear at the same time, staying in cyan, silver and colorless areas respectively. Among all his six attributes, the three attributes of wind, space and time have been mobilized at the same time. There is no doubt that this is extremely exhausting. However, with the rapid recovery ability of immortality, Zhou Weiqing had no problem to support for half an hour.

The condensation pen was gently shaken and dipped in the condensation liquid again. Zhou Weiqing's eyes condensed. The process of making the first reel before flashed in his mind. The next moment, his whole body moved like a coiled machine.

With a wave of his right hand, under the dual effect of the acceleration of the wind attribute and the control of the time attribute, his condensed pen seemed to be alive, flashing like lightning. Ten breaths, after only ten breaths, the golden light flashed, and the second condensation scroll was completed.


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