Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 60 Who is more perverted? Medium

Although the space cage is an excellent skill, it also depends on when it is used. No matter how good the skill is, it will not work if it is not applied properly. For example, this space cage fell on Lin Tianwei, which simply gave him an extra layer of protection.

Hearing Zhou Weiqing shouting loudly, Yun Li knew that Zhou Weiqing should have found an opportunity. As the saying goes, you can't miss the opportunity, and you can't lose it again. There was no hesitation. In order not to be won again for the rest of his life, Yun Li also fought for his life this time.

The body jumped up and let out a fierce roar in his mouth. The strong silver light once again covered the whole body, and all four golden-green cat eyes on the left hand were shining at the same time. Under the effect of the condensive spikes in the hand, the four skills pointed directly at Lin Tian's left foot, desperate.

While Zhou Weiqing shouted loudly, his continuous shooting also stopped, and the strong natural power burst out in an instant. The two stone cat's eyes had fallen into the inlay hole, and his left hand could not be seen from the outside.

Zhou Weiqing's voice reminded Yun Li and was also equivalent to reminding Lin Tian. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the skills attached to the shield were released almost at the same time, so that the body's defense and the five-bead combination of the condensed shield were leveled. Without looking at it with his eyes, he could also feel that Yun Li, who was rising up, was about to make a full blow. He knew better that after this blow, Yun Li would no longer have any threat. In this case, it is worth spending more energy.

The overlord bow finally fired an arrow again. At the moment when Zhou Weiqing released the bow string, the man in red watching the battle next to him suddenly had a tinnitus. Then, his brain ached, and everything in front of him became blurred.

Zhou Weiqing never thought that Tianer's help to him was not to help him deal with Lin Tian, but to help him confuse the man in red who was responsible for the referee and watching the battle, so as to avoid the leakage of his multiple skills of the stone cat's eye.

This time, the arrow shot from the overlord's bow was as dark as ink, and what was even more strange was that there was a twisted bright blue on the dark feather arrow.

It is absolutely impossible to dodge. The distance between the two sides is too close. Not to mention hiding, even if you look at it, Lin Tianshi can't see it.

With a loud bang, the terrorist explosive power of double blasting fell on Lin Tian's heavy shield again, which was no different from before. The strong attack power was completely blocked by the shield. However, in the next moment, Lin Tian's face suddenly changed.

While the arrow was released, Zhou Weiqing pedaled on the ground with his right foot and rushed himself. The storm raid and the force of his right leg made him come to the position above Lin Tian in an instant.

Yun Li, who was behind Lin Tianmeng, was also shocked, because he suddenly saw that Lin Tianmeng, who was originally covered with heavy armor of earth-yellow rock, suddenly turned bright blue. With a roar, the rock armor on his body disappeared. At the same time, two other defense skills were released on their own.

Not to mention that, Lin Tianshi has a touch of black on his body, and there is a black symbol above his head to release the breath.

Cursed, this is the curse effect. Yun Li suddenly judged the reason why the black symbol appeared on the top of Lin Tian's head.

Zhou Weiqing has dark attributes. Yun Li already knew it when he was on the No. 77th store before. Zhou Weiqing relied on the blood deed! The dark mark bound him in a contract. But he didn't expect that Zhou Weiqing still had very rare curse skills in dark skills.

Cursed skills are simply speaking, they are actually reverse auxiliary skills. The auxiliary skill is to increase itself, while the curse skill is to weaken the opponent. The greater the degree of weakening, the longer the time, and the more attributes are weakened, the more powerful the curse skill will be. There are three obvious red light marks in the center of the black symbol above Lin Tian's head, which clearly shows that this curse skill has the ability to weaken three attributes. At least it is a powerful dark skill at the nine-star level.

As for why all the defense skills on Lin Tianshi's body were suddenly scattered, even Yun Li didn't know. But no matter what, this is of great benefit to his attack. No matter how strong Lin Tianshi's own defense is, it is impossible to use his body to block Yun Li's such a strong attack. If you hit the critical point, it will also be fatal.

Zhou Weiqing naturally used two skills with one arrow, and the inlay of two stone cat eyes, which made him use two new skills that were printed after coming to the Philippe City. Both skills can be summarized as auxiliary restriction classes. The curse skill itself is also a kind of auxiliary skill.

Yunli's judgment is very correct. That dark skill is a curse, called the curse of Dark Destruction, which is extremely powerful. The effect is to weaken the opponent's defense, attack and enhance pain at the same time. This skill is very strange. The higher the level, the shorter the time of action, but also the more powerful it is. At the first level, the action time is up to 12 seconds, and these three attributes are weakened by 10% at the same time. In addition to time, it doesn't seem to work very well. However, for each bead of cultivation, the curse effect will be increased by 10%, but the action time will be reduced by one second. That is to say, Zhou Weiqing, who casts this curse of annihilation at the level of three beads, can make Lin Tian熬 withstand the ten-second curse effect, and the defense and attack are weakened by 30% at the same time, and the pain is increased by 30%. This is already quite tough. If Zhou Weiqing can become a twelve-level celestial pearl division in the future, then this skill can turn the opponent's defense into a negative number. Although it is only a short second, it is enough to make him be hit hard under any attack.

The rarity of the Dark Spell is even more than the king-level skill that Zhou Weiqing imprinted from the Silver Emperor Heavenly Falcon. Even the beast he imprinted itself has this skill that needs to be displayed under extremely harsh circumstances. Under normal circumstances, there is not even a success rate of one in 10,000. But in the end, it was successfully stamped by Zhou Weiqing like peeling silk and extracting cocoons.

As for the defense skills such as rocking armor on Lin Tianmeng's body, it is another powerful auxiliary ability. This ability is a thunder attribute, called Tianlei Zhen.

In the eyes of many people, Tianlei Zhen is just a chicken rib skill. It does not have any aggressiveness. The only effect is only one effect, that is, shock scattering. It is only effective for rubbing skills. Moreover, there is another weakness in this thunderstorm skill, which is that it cannot be upgraded. Its scattering effect is always only three seconds. However, what is exchanged is the absolute effect, absolutely scattered.

As long as any royal bead master is hit by a thunderbolt, the rubbing skills that are being used or have been used attached to the body will be immediately dispersed. This is the full effect of this skill.

There are two main reasons for this skill. One is that it needs to be in direct contact with the opponent's body to release the effect. Second, although this skill can interrupt the seismic rubbing skill, it is not effective for the discrete skills that have been issued. For example, the other party sent a fireball, which has already flown in the air. At this time, the thunder shock affects the body, and the fireball will not disappear. And this skill itself is not binding. The thunder attribute royal pearl master is rare. He will choose this chicken rib skill, and there are very few people who evaluate the four-star level of Tianlei Zhen. After all, there are only a few skills that everyone can mark. Who doesn't choose some practical skills as much as possible? Only Zhou Weiqing, who has at least four times the number of rubbings of ordinary people, will pocket this skill.

It turns out that although the role of thunder shock is useless, if it is used properly, it has an unexpected magical effect. For example, now, the thunderbolt forcibly dispersed Lin Tianwei's rubbing skills, including the lithological armor. The curse of annihilation is weakened in half by the five-bead combination condensed shield, but this absolutely true thunder shock is not half weak. With the inlay of the overlord bow, Zhou Weiqing does not need to be close to use this skill at all.

These two skills work on Lin Tianwei. Although they have no effect on his shield, they greatly reduce his own defense.

Zhou Weiqing, whose body rose in mid-air, had already shot another arrow. This time, only a skill was attached to his arrow. Absolutely slow.

Lin Tianshi found that it was not good. When he was about to run the shield defense behind him, it was absolutely slow. He only felt that his whole body seemed to be suddenly heavy, and the speed of the shield movement slowed down in an instant.

At this time, Yun Li had arrived behind Lin Tian, and the silver spike in his hand pointed straight at his feet with a dimension.

The critical moment has finally arrived. If he is hit by Yun Li without any defense, without asking, Lin Tianseng will immediately lose the bet, and his lifelong freedom will also be lost. In this case, he no longer dares to make any reservations. The five-bead combination condensing shield suddenly lit up, and a thick layer of light and shadow appeared behind Lin Tian in an instant.

In the loud noise, Yun Li's body was bounced back, and a harsh sound of fragmentation also sounded. The yellow light that blocked Yun Li's attack for Lin Tian was suddenly broken, and even left a deep blood tank on his calf. However, in any case, Lin Tian's feet did not move after all.

Lin Tianshi finally breathed a sigh of relief. The yellow light is his card, which is the strongest of the additional attributes of the five-bead combination condensation shield, called the magic shield. The phantom of a five-bead combination condensing shield can appear in any position according to his wishes, with one-fifth of the full defense power of the shield. Each time the shield is combined, the magic shield can only be used once, and the consumption of his natural power is also quite huge. It is a life-saving skill, which is useful at critical moments.


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