Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 69 The Powerful Little Witch On

Xiaoyan is a five-bead-level Tianzhu master. When he shows a skill with a desperate attitude, the power is so strong that even if her comprehensive ability is one level higher than him, the girl in black has to pay attention to it. After all, Xiaoyan's teacher is the strongest of the Philippe Empire, a king-level super strongman.

Of the ten heavenly beads released by Xiaoyan, the color of the five body beads has been completely covered by the five beads. As a fire attribute celestial pearl master, his pearl is a gorgeous starlight ruby. Compared with ordinary rubies, in addition to the color of their own rubies, starlight rubies will also flash dazzling rice star lines on the surface, which is also the origin of the name of starlight rubies.

The five star rubies seem to be about to explode at this moment. As the backing of the rising fire phoenix, the hot airflow makes the temperature of hundreds of meters rise sharply, and the water-like ripples are completely distorted within 100 meters.

"Blue rain hibiscus." While the girl in black interrupted the blade and cut forward under the gray-black brilliance, she also shouted softly.

A huge hibiscus flower shining in a dark blue glow bloomed behind her, and blue light quietly floated out like rain, looking so weak, but when this slender blue light floated out, the blazing heat in the air stopped.


In the buzzing sound of heaven and earth, a strange scene was staged. In the strong firelight, countless blue slender light actually bloomed from the huge strange blue hibiscus flower, wrapping the fire phoenix flying in the air and hitting the girl in black.

You know, it's a pure energy form and has a fire phoenix with a high temperature! At this moment, I was bound by those subtle blue light and shadows. At this time, the gray broken blade in the hand of the girl in black had been scratched out of thin air.

As soon as the light flashed, it suddenly dimmed in the air, the fire phoenix turned into countless light spots scattered, and the blue hibiscus behind the girl in black faded at the same time.

"The little witch is going to be angry to hit me with the flame of life." The girl in black pouted her red lips, her body flashed, and she had already fallen.

In the flame of life exerted by Xiaoyan just now, there are also some light energy added by Zui Bao. Although the girl in black, who claims to be a little witch, is strong, she still consumes her own natural power under such a collision.

However, with Xiaoyan's coma, the situation of the Philippe team has also deteriorated to the extreme. Now there is still combat effectiveness, only Lin Tianmiao, Xiao Si, Shangguan Binger and Crow.

In the face of the little witch's ability to incarnate smoke, the three of them can almost be said to be helpless. Everyone's heart sank to the bottom. They never thought that after three days, they did not die in the mouth of the beast, but to die under a girl who looked so young.

The black smoke rose again. This time, the target pointed directly at Lin Tianmeng. The gray blade loomed in the black smoke, looking for Lin Tianmeng's fbreak like a fang.

Lin Tianmian's face was still very calm at this time, and it could even be said that the calm was a little terrible. The combination of five beads in his hand smashed the condensed shield on the ground, and the five beads embedded in it lit up at the same time, and his whole body was also covered with a thick layer of rock armor.

It is unimaginable that at this time, he closed his eyes and no longer looked at them. The huge shield in his hand waved up and down, moving firmly and steadily, facing the attack of the little witch.

The sound of ding, ding's collision, and the harsh sound of cutting metal kept ringing, and the black fog kept colliding with Lin Tianmuring, separating, colliding and separating again.

At this time, in the long roar, Xiao Si, who had been looking for opportunities and accumulating strength, fell from the sky. His body had been completely shrouded in a thick silver light, looking like a silver ball of light. He threw himself into the battle group like lightning, exerting his agile body beads to the fullest.

In Xiao Si's right hand, there is a broken blade, and the wings behind him keep opening and closing, controlling his body to jump from the air. His whole body is like a silver whirlwind, full of cutting power. Constantly attacking the black fog.

The little witch can not care about the general physical attack, but the attack like Xiao Si, which is infused with strong space power, can't help but pay attention to it. Although her main target is Lin Tianshi, Xiao Si's harassment has also had a certain impact on her.

The crow also moved. Her melee advantage could not be fully exerted in the face of the black fog, and her Yizhu attribute was finally shown.

Like Xiaoyan, the crow's pearl is also a starlight ruby with fire attributes. Without any external skills, the skills imprinted by her starlight ruby beads are actually auxiliary. Moreover, at this time, her strength was fully demonstrated.

Two huge black gold slaughter axes unexpectedly came out of their hands and flew into the air. It can be clearly seen that after the two giant axes, they were connected to a scarlet chain, and the chain was ten meters long. Under the control of the crow, the black gold slaughter axe flew up and down, constantly changing various postures to cut into the black fog

At this time, the Wujin slaughter axe has completely turned into a fiery red. What the crow is best at is melee. In order to make her melee more powerful, several skills of her fire attribute rubbing are very rare auxiliary skills of the fire system. And that pair of chains is her body bead condensation equipment, which is specially used to connect with her own black gold butcher axe and inject fire attribute auxiliary skills into it.

At this time, the attack method used by the crow is the secret axe method that only the patriarch of the Wujin clan can learn: all beasts destroy and kill. The ancestors of the Wujin people once used this axe method to kill many heavenly beasts. It can be near or far, and the power is amazing.

Shangguan Binger also moved. Instead of using bows and arrows, she released her second body bead condensation skill, with inlaid holes.

Stepping on the wind boots, the all-sensitivity Shangguan Binger swims around the periphery like a breeze. The speed is extremely fast. In the interspersed, solid wind blades are constantly kicked out under her feet. Each wind blade is composed of seven small wind blades. Although she does not have the skill of superimpos The wind blade strikes in the same position in one direction. Maybe it can't cause enough damage to the little witch, but the harassment is absolutely no problem. Although she only has three beads, she is equipped with royal wind boots inlaid with pearls and uses all her strength. The speed is as fast as lightning, and the little witch can't catch her in the case of heart score.

For a while, the remaining four people of the Philippe team launched a full-scale siege on the little witch. They all knew that this was the last chance. Once some of them were hit hard, especially the mainstay of Lin Tianxuan, the whole army would be destroyed immediately.

The four people's efforts, coupled with the bright addition of the shining heaven and earth that Zuibao used all their strength before, the joint force is already quite strong, and even the clan-level heavenly beast may not be able to please it.

However, the little witch fully proved to them that human beings are not comparable to heavenly beasts after all, especially the extremely powerful heavenly pearl master with special abilities like her.

In the face of the siege of the four people, the little witch did not panic at all. She saw that the black smoke she suddenly condensed and showed her body. Her left palm had been patted on Lin Tianwei's shield.

In the harsh sneer, Lin Tian's face changed greatly, and his body stepped back three steps in a row. A deeper palm print than before had been branded on his shield. Just as he stabilized his feet and tried his strength to resist the evil spirit that invaded his body, the palm print imprinted on his shield suddenly roared, and the violent explosive force not only shattered the wind blade of Shangguan Binger's attack on the little witch, but also Lin Tianxuan also retreated five steps again, and the blood spewed out wild His whole body was cold, and his face had turned gray.

The little witch shook off Lin Tian, and her body did not stop. The gray short blade in her hand flashed 13 times like lightning, all of which were on the axe surface of the Wujin Slaughter Axe. It can be clearly seen that the flame red light attached to the Wujin Slaughter Axe faded like ice and snow melted, and The crow's body was forced away, and even the power of the crow attached to the chain was blocked by the gray airflow, and two black gold butcher axes suddenly hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, the little witch turned in place, like a black whirlpool, facing Xiao Si's attack. In a series of collisions, the little four monster shouted, his body flew out, and he rushed out for more than 20 yards before stabilizing his body. It was also a bloody spray, and the wings behind them disappeared because of lack of thought. There was a thick layer of gray on his face, and the guardian of the original shining celestial body attached to him was gone.

In a short time, the little witch defeated three people in a row, and her beautiful face also blushed. A thick blue light spread, and the huge blue rain hibiscus appeared again, floating like silk in the air.

It was too late for Shangguan Binger to retreat. She only felt that the space around her body was full of a cold airflow, which suddenly reduced her speed. Then, her body had been swept by the light of the blue rain and hibiscus and could not move.

The little witch's delicate body turned half, and the gray short blade in her hand had been cut out at Shangguan Binger. A black and gray light blade was coming like a groundbreaking. If she was hit by this blow, there was no doubt that Shangguan Binger would immediately disappear.


In the first update, the important little witch has appeared. Let's look forward to it. Yesterday, the little witch also complained to me that she was 1.79 meters, and I just wrote that she was 1.6 meters... The content is needed. Hey hey.

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