Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 71 The narrow road of double enemies

Although these people are following Bai Jiu, they have a feeling of turning a blind eye to Zhou Weiqing and the other three, as if in their hearts, there is no joy, anger, sorrow or even no emotion. This is the most alarming thing for Zhou Weiqing.

Bai Jiu raised his head and said proudly, "Of course. Can our Crecy Empire be compared with the Tiangong Empire? These people behind me are all Tianzhushi. Do you have the Tiangong Empire?

Shangguan Binger said coldly, "I didn't betray the Tiangong Empire. I won't do it now, and I won't do it in the future. Does your Crecy Empire have the strength to participate in the Tianzhu Competition? I think it's the second team of the Baida Empire, right?

"So what?" A strong trace of hatred flashed in Bai Jiu's eyes. He still remembered the matter of peeing his pants at the beginning! For such a beautiful woman as Shangguan Binger, he was full of resentment, and there was no feeling of pity for the jade at all. Even if we are the second team of the Baida Empire, at least the Baida Empire is willing to support us. What about you? Even in the Philippe Empire, with your little cultivation, I'm afraid it's just a substitute. At least I'm the leader of the Crecy Empire. Even if I can't play, it's better than you.

Shangguan Bing'er wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Zhou Weiqing, "Bing'er, let's go." With that, he walked out with Shangguan Binger and the crow.

When passing by Bai Jiu, Zhou Weiqing's eyes narrowed slightly, "I hope I can have better luck in the lottery and draw a group with your Crecy team." Although he really wants to kill the guy in front of him, this is the gate of the registration office of the Tianzhu Competition, and now is not the time for revenge.

"You..." When Bai Jiu wanted to have an attack, Zhou Weiqing and the other two had already gone out. He hurriedly said to his class, "Your Highness, don't be as knowledgeable as them, and don't affect our plan."

Bai Jiu looked at the handsome little follower, and his face calmed down a little. He touched his face and said gently, "Then let them go for the time being. Humph, I should be looking forward to meeting them in the Tianzhu Competition."

Luo Xiaoye's face blushed slightly, and his eyes at Bai Jiu were suddenly a little confused.

Stepping on Zhongtian Square again, Zhou Weiqing exhaled a turbid breath. Shangguan Binger clearly felt that at this time, his muscles all over his body were tense.

Zhou Weiqing looked high in the sky and muttered, "In the next Tianzhu Competition, I will definitely lead the Tiangong team to this stage. At that time, we will have only one goal, that is, the final champion.

This is the last sentence Zhou Weiqing said before returning to the hotel. He did not buy those snacks or anything else, but returned to the hotel as soon as possible and plunged into his room to practice. Shangguan Bing'er did not comfort him, but she knew that her man had been aroused by a strong fighting spirit. It's not because of the ninth prince, but because of the weakness of the Tiangong Empire.

Three days came in an instant, and it was time to draw lots for the Tianzhu Competition.

Early in the morning, the inner city of Zhongtian City became lively. Since last night, the inner city has controlled the flow of the number of people entering the city. The Tianzhu Competition is open to the public, but there are too many residents in the outer city. If they are all allowed to enter the city, I'm afraid the whole inner city will be out of water. Although the competition officially starts tomorrow, today's lottery ceremony still attracted a lot of people to watch. Many people want to know the grouping situation. There are not a few people who bet on the Tianzhu Competition.

The Zhongtian Square in front of the Zhongtian Empire Palace has long been under martial law, and great changes have taken place in the main entrance of the palace and the huge statue.

In front of the palace gate, a 20-meter-high platform has already been built, which is used to watch the ceremony. It can accommodate hundreds of people to watch the battle at the same time, and only the senior officials and some bigwigs of the Zhongtian Empire can climb the rostrum.

In front of the rostrum, a square platform 50 meters long and 50 meters wide has been built. The platform is five meters away from the ground and can be clearly seen from the rostrum. There is no doubt that this is the platform used in the preliminary and quarterfinals of the Tianzhu Competition.

The whole competition platform is built of a whole piece of hard diamond, in order to prepare for the strong destructive power of the Tianzhushi during the competition. The spare diamond rock block is also ready to be on the side of Zhongtian Square. Once the stage is seriously damaged, it can also be repaired in the shortest time.

In addition, around the competition platform, in addition to one side of the rostrum, there is also a newly built bungalow hut on the other three sides, which is used for participating teams to rest and watch the battle.

In this Tianzhu competition, it happened that the teams from 24 countries sent to sign up. If it is divided into four groups, there are exactly six teams in each group. Therefore, there are 24 houses around here. Among them, facing the rostrum, there are four largest lounges on the other side of the ring. There is no doubt that this is for the four seed teams. Class exists at all times.

Three poles on the day.

After strict examination of the number plates, the teams sent by various countries entered the square. In front of each lounge, there is the name of the country and the right number.

The Philippe team came to Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger today. Most of the teams in other countries only sent one or two people. The appearance and temperament of Tianzhushi are sometimes easy to betray the ability they are good at. Now that the game has not officially started, it is naturally not in a hurry to appear.

Due to the excellent performance of the Philippe team in the last competition, it won the fifth place in the comprehensive evaluation. Therefore, the lounge of Philippe team is on the left side of the four seed team lounges.

Zhou Weiqing walked to the door of the lounge and stopped. He looked curiously in the direction of the four seed queue lounges. He found that there was no one in the four lounges at all. These four seeded teams didn't send anyone at all.

How arrogant is this? Although they are in a group and their positions have been set, they didn't even come to understand the interests of those who will compete with them in the same group. Self-confidence comes from strength, and Zhou Weiqing has always believed in this sentence. However, the unyielding idea in his heart also became stronger.

It was Bai Jiu and his little follower who drew lots on behalf of the Crecy Empire. Since they couldn't come to the competition at all in the last session, they are only at the outside this time.

Contrary to expectations, Zhou Weiqing finally failed to draw the signature of the same group as the Crecy Empire. However, as the saying goes, the mountains do not turn. When Zhou Weiqing got the signature of his third group, he suddenly found that the Philippe team he represented was divided into the same group as the team of the Patron Empire, which was a

The third group of the Philippe team, the seed team is the Danton team from the Danton Empire in the south of the vast continent. Behind the Danton Empire, there is a blood-red prison known as the first prison in the central and southern regions of the five holy places. The size of the Denton Empire is similar to that of the Philippe Empire, but because of the support of the Blood Red Prison, the overall strength is not comparable to that of the Philippe Empire, which monopolizes the vast land in the south of the mainland.

In addition to the Denton Team, the Philippe Team and the Patek Team, the other three teams in this group are the Mio Kingdom Team, the Tiecheng Kingdom Team and the Kashi Kingdom Team.

These three teams are all small countries from the east of the mainland. Although they are small countries, their national strength should also be above the Tiangong Empire and the Cresi Empire. The reason why they are called kingdoms rather than empires is because of their geographical location.

In the east of the vast continent, there are two powerful countries, the Blancpain Empire and the Griffino Empire. These two empires are extremely powerful people, especially the Blancpain Empire. Behind them, they have the support of the first valley of the Middle East. Under their oppression, some surrounding countries can only call themselves kingdoms and pay tribute to them. Just like the contradictions between Patek-Baita and Philippe in the West, the relationship between the Blancpain Empire and the Griffin Empire in the East is not very good, but the two countries are far away. In the southeast and northeast corners of the mainland, there are 17 small countries in the middle, and they are calm between them. And these small countries are very close to the Zhongtian Empire, and neither of these two empires dares to invade easily. This created a temporary calm.

Among the seven strongest countries on the mainland, four have the support of the Holy Land, namely the Beast Empire, the Zhongtian Empire, the Denton Empire and the Blancpain Empire. They are also the four seed teams, and among the remaining three powerful countries, Pateker and Philippe are actually drawn in one group. There is no doubt that the three groups have become a group of death, and the competition will be extremely fierce. What's more, these two countries are old enemies. However, no one knows that the current Philippe team is incomplete. It depends on Zhou Weiqing, the three-level Tianzhu master.

Next, the opponent of the first round is drawn. Compared with the previous Baida Empire, Zhou Weiqing's luck is much better this time, and he is drawn to the Miou Kingdom team of the three kingdoms with relatively weak strength in this group.

This also made him slightly relieved. If he was against the Baida Empire in the first round, he was really not sure at all when Lin Tianshi and others could not play. There is no doubt that the most important battle to decide whether they can enter the top eight from this group is facing the Baida Empire. The opponent of the first round of the Baida Empire is the seed of this group, the Danton Empire team.

The whole lottery process took an hour. At the end of the lottery, when Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger went out like others, suddenly, Shangguan Bing'er's delicate body trembled, her footsteps stopped, and her eyes suddenly froze in one direction, as if she saw something that shocked her very much. .


Guess who Shangguan Binger saw and would react so much, hehe. Can you guess?

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