Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 74 Dark sacrifice skills

Sitting in the middle of the lounge of the Denton Empire is a long-haired beauty. She looks very young. If she only looks at her appearance, she looks like eighteen or nine years old, but she has a quiet face, and her pretty face always has a faint smile. Between her hands and feet, she seems to care about everything.

"You can't say that. Aren't the two three-bead-level Tianzhu masters of the Philippe Empire also very interesting? One is powerful, and the other is also good at archery. The key is that the mind is good, and the Philippe Empire will not send only four of them. The game has just begun, and everything is still unknown. Unfortunately, before entering the top eight, we can't see the battle situation of the three teams of Zhongtian, Blancpain and Wanshou. In this year, we can never be at the bottom of the top four.

As soon as the pale young man heard the girl's mouth, his face suddenly looked a little more respectful, "What the captain said. At present, after we are the first in the group, after the top eight and the top four, we are likely to meet the Beast Team.

The girl frowned slightly, "Team of Beasts. It's very troublesome."

After successfully passing the first round, Zhou Weiqing and the four of them were very happy. In any case, they had been fighting for at least three days for Lin Tian. In the second round, their opponent is also a kingdom team, and their strength is also not very strong. The most important thing is the third round of the competition with the Baida team. And they are in the last battle against the group seed Denton Empire. Luck can't be said to be too good. The most important battle with the Baida Empire is not at the end, which makes Lin Tian's rest time slightly insufficient, but it's not too bad. At least it's not the first round to face the Baida team.

"Let's go, let's go back. Tell the captain the good news." Zhou Weiqing stretched out and said leisurely.

Ye Paopao said, "Don't you want to watch the games of other groups? Especially the Baida team.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "I won't watch it. It's easy to be confused. The Baida team must also regard us as the main competitors. We will definitely have reservations in the previous game. It's better not to watch it. When the game is over, just go all out. What's more, you can watch the second round in three days. It's not easy to come to Zhongtiancheng. I'll take Bing'er around and combine work and rest. If you don't want to turn around, go back to the hotel and bring back the news of our victory.

Ye Paopao laughed and said, "I've never seen anyone with a bigger nerve than you. OK, then let's go. I'll go back and report it, and you can transfer it. Crow, how about you?"

The crow smiled and said, "I saw so many delicious food near our hotel yesterday. I'm going to eat some. I seem to have lost a little weight recently. Hey, when can I weigh more than 1,000 pounds!"

Zhou Weiqing and the three of them looked at her speechlessly, a thousand catties... Is the Ujin really human?

At this time, another game has begun on the stage, but many people have noticed the departure of the four players of the Philippe team. Although you can move freely after the game, generally speaking, each team will choose to stay and watch the game. As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy to win every battle. Today, the Philippe team is definitely the first to leave.

However, no one thinks how arrogant the Philippe team is this time. Although they won the previous game, the strength they showed was not very strong, and they lost one game. In the eyes of many people, the victory just now obviously has a little luck. In particular, Zhou Weiqing's last game against Xiaochong, he exhausted his opponent's strength and barely won. Therefore, they just left like this. More people think that the people of the Philippe team are crazy, and no one will take good care of them. Together with the other weaker teams in the group, they felt confident to defeat them. And the Patek's team was even more confident. One by one, they sneered and saw the four members of the Philippe team leave.

With the participants, they left Zhongtian Square. The four of them parted ways. Ye Paopao and the crow walked in the direction of the hotel where they lived, while Zhou Weiqing took Shangguan Binger's little hand and walked towards the street.

The bustling Zhongtian City is much cleaner than usual now. Many people go to Zhongtian Square to watch the Tianzhu Competition, and naturally there are fewer pedestrians on the streets.

Zhou Weiqing held Shangguan Binger's tender little hand and walked a few steps. He stopped a passer-by and asked, "Brother, is there a place in Zhongtian City to sell condensation scrolls or the items needed to make condensation scrolls?" Zhongtiancheng is known as the first city in the mainland. It must be very complete. Although Zhou Weiqing still does not lack materials and condensation paper to make condensate, it is quite good if he can buy some rare materials here. You can't do it for nothing.

The passer-by looked at Zhou Weiqing strangely and said, "Little brother, you must not be from our Zhongtian Empire, are you?"

Zhou Weiqing said doubtfully, "How do you know?"

The passer-by laughed and said, "If you were from the Zhongtian Empire, you wouldn't have asked what you just said. Our Zhongtian Empire has a condensation pavilion, where we buy and sell items related to condensation scrolls. It's like the role of the Tuoyin Palace on Yizhu Tuoyin. Of course, this is unique to our Zhongtian Empire, and other countries do not have this national strength. If you want to go to Ningxing Pavilion, follow this road. Turn right at the third intersection, and it's not far from the tallest building.

After saying this, the passers-by left, but left Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger standing there in a little confusion.

Condensation pavilion? In this Zhongtian Empire, there is a place specializing in the sale of items related to condensation scrolls. In other countries, it is not a matter of money at all to buy condensation scrolls. What kind of national strength is this?

More importantly, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger were deeply infected by the pride of the passers-by just now. Be proud of your country. That's just an ordinary person who is not a royal pearl master. The strength of the country makes the waist of these ordinary people straighter!

Shangguan Binger felt that Zhou Weiqing held his hand tightly and listened to him say lightly, "In my lifetime, I will definitely work hard for the citizens of the Tiangong Empire to have such pride."

Shangguan Binger took his hand, put it on his face, and said softly, "My little fat can definitely do it."

According to the direction pointed by passers-by, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger quickly found the Ningxing Pavilion.

As the passer-by said, this Condensing Pavilion is the largest building on the whole street. It looks about the same size as the Top Seal Palace of the Philippe Empire. It takes nearly 30 steps to come to this quaint building. The Condensed Pavilion building has six floors, five ridges and six beasts, and glazed tiles in Under the light, it seems that there is a precious light emanating out, which can be said to have reached the peak of architecture on the mainland today.

There is a guard in front of the door. You need to register and get a number plate to enter, but there is no charge, which is much more generous than the Royal Center of Philippe City.

As soon as you enter the door, the spacious hall is antique, simple and elegant. It doesn't feel like a place to buy and sell things, but a little like a library. Zhou Weiqing took a closer look at the wood used for decoration inside, and was surprised to find that the columns, wood carvings and walls for decoration in this hall were all very familiar to him, only produced in the Tiangong Empire.

In the Heavenly Bow Empire, it is a strategic material, a star wood specially used to make bows and arrows. When it comes to others, it has become a building material.

Shangguan Binger also found this and couldn't help but be surprised. While the two were inexplicably surprised, a young man in a white robe walked to them. After a slight salute, he said, "What do you two want? I'm the guide of the Condensation Pavilion, and I can help you introduce it.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "I want to buy some materials to make condensate. I don't know where it is."

The young man in white said politely, "Sir, you should be the first time to come to our Ningxing Pavilion. Let me give you a brief introduction. Our condensation pavilion is divided into six floors. Except for the sixth floor, which is an auction house, which is auctioned once a week, all other floors sell items related to condensulation scrolls. Each layer is divided into five areas, namely, condensation paper, condensation liquid material, finished condensation liquid, finished condensation scroll and body bead condensation consultation. The five floors are divided in this way, but according to different permissions, customers can go to different levels. The higher the floor, the higher the level of things for sale.

While secretly admiring in his heart, Zhou Weiqing asked the young man in white, "So on which floor can we shop like this now?"

The young man in white said, "At present, the two of you can only shop on the first floor. You need to spend more than one million gold coins to reach the second level. The third layer needs 10 million gold coins.

Zhou Weiqing was dumbfounded when he heard it, "Do you want so much? Is there no discount?"

The young man in white said, "There is no discount. If you two are Tianzhushi or Condensing Master, you can join China's Tuoyin Palace or Condensation Pavilion, and you can shop on the first three floors without any conditions."

Zhou Weiqing sighed secretly. The more profound the great power is, the better the way to attract the strong, but they also have enough background!

Shangguan Bing'er asked curiously, "What's on the fourth and fifth floors?"

The young man in white smiled and said, "The fourth and fifth floors are the VIP areas of our Ningxing Pavilion. There are many requirements. If you want to climb to the fourth floor, you must be someone from the Tuoyin Palace in your country or our Ningxing Pavilion, and you must be Tianzhushi, and your cultivation must be above the lower Tianzong. Otherwise, no matter how much money you spend, you will not be able to enter the fourth floor. The requirements of the fifth level are higher. You need to be promoted to Tianzong's cultivation, and have made certain contributions to the country, and be recommended by two five-level VIPs to enter shopping.


The topless outbreak begins, and the first update is guaranteed.