Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 76 Shangguan Xueer Next

Shangguan Tianyue's face showed a gentle smile. In the face of his daughter who had been separated for many years, he only had endless kindness in his heart. "Silly girl, although our father and daughter have just met, how can I not see your affection for him? Dad is helping you. It should be noted that an excellent man is like a sharp blade, and the more he sharpens, the sharper he becomes. Only when it is not easy can he cherish it more and more. Of course, there is a saying that I'm not joking. It's not so easy to be my son-in-law. I'm your father. Shouldn't I test the man my daughter likes?

Shangguan Binger chewed Shangguan Tianyue's words, and her face calmed down. The next moment, the soft white light that made her feel very comfortable had wrapped around her body again, and everything around her became illusory. Father and daughter disappeared in an instant.

Shangguan Tianyue actually has a sentence that he would not say to his daughter. If Zhou Weiqing hadn't got Shangguan Binger's red pill, Shangguan Tianyue wouldn't have even given him a chance.

Shangguan Tianyue and the other three left. Zhou Weiqing stood in place and gasped gradually calmed down, but his whole body entered a strange state.

There is no anger. At this moment, there is no anger or other negative emotions in his heart. In his eyes, there was a calmness that had never appeared before.

Shangguan Tianyue said that and took Shangguan Binger away, but Zhou Weiqing didn't hate him at all. The reason was very simple. Just when he was choked by Shangguan Tianyue, Zhou Weiqing suddenly thought that if he was Shangguan Tianyue, what would he do in this situation? Maybe I will do more than Shangguan Tianyue.

Any father will feel uncomfortable when his daughter gets married, and he will be more cautious when choosing a son-in-law. What's more, Shangguan Binger is still so beautiful. Shangguan Tianyue has been separated from his daughter for many years. It can be imagined that his love for Shangguan Binger has reached the extreme, and at this time, he It's strange that my future son-in-law, who is not outstanding, can be angry with himself. He must be thinking that the daughter he finally found must not be easily taken away by another man.

It is precisely because of this thought that Zhou Weiqing doesn't hate Shangguan Tianyue at all, but not hating does not mean that he doesn't care. Shangguan Tianyue's words deeply hurt his heart.

From the appearance of Shangguan Xueer to Shangguan Tianyue taking away Binger, the whole process brought a lot of information to Zhou Weiqing. At this time, he calmed down and could analyze everything before.

Leaving aside the strangeness of the fat cat, there is no doubt that Shangguan Xueer and Shangguan Binger are compatriots and sisters. Moreover, from Shangguan Xueer's words, she seems to have a younger sister, and she calls Shangguan Binger the third sister, that is to say, it is likely that they are not twins, That is to say, there is also a girl who is exactly the same as them and ranked second, and her name can be inferred from Shangguan Xueer's words. It should be called Shangguan Feier.

Shangguan Xueer, Shangguan Feier and Shangguan Binger are actually three sisters. Zhou Weiqing touched his still red and swollen face and couldn't help but be speechless. When I see Shangguan Bing again next time, I must figure it out. Don't make a mistake and get beaten again. This is a beating in vain!

Thinking of this, Zhou Weiqing's mouth rippled with a strange smile, and the tingling in his heart faded a little, because at this time, he was thinking, if Bing'er married himself in the future, would he also give birth to twins and triplets? She has her inheritance!

What is the identity of Shangguan Tianyue? This is the second question that Zhou Weiqing thought of. Previously, the people in the condensed pavilion called him the Lord of the Second Palace. There is no doubt that in the Zhongtian Empire, the status of the Ningxing Pavilion will never be inferior to that of the Tuoyin Palace. Even if it is inferior, there will not be too much difference. Therefore, if Shangguan Tianyue is only the second palace owner of the Tuoyin Palace, she should never be seen as fearful as all the condensation pavilion guanke.

It's not from the Tuoyin Palace, so what other palace can accommodate a strong man like Shangguan Tianyue? There seems to be only one answer, that is, the guardian of the Zhongtian Empire, the big boss behind the Ningxing Pavilion, and the Hao Miao Palace, the head of the five holy places on Tianzhu Island.

If Shangguan Tianyue is the owner of the second palace of Haomiao Palace, then all explanations will naturally be reasonable. Judging from the name, according to the order of sun, moon and stars, he is likely to be the elder brother of Shangguan Tianxing, the contemporary emperor of the Zhongtian Empire. Above him, there is probably another elder brother. Are they also triplets? Shangguan Tianyue's brother won't be called Shangguan Tianri, will he? It sounds terrible.

The owner of the second palace of Haomiao Palace, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help twitching in his heart when he thought of this title. His own ice is not only the princess of the Zhongtian Empire, but also seems to be the direct descendant of the Haomiao Palace. How powerful is the Haomiao Palace? You can see a lot from Shangguan Xueer. She and Shangguan Binger are compatriots and sisters, that is to say, she is only 19 years old, but her cultivation has reached the realm of seven beads, 19 years old! Zhou Weiqing asked himself that he had good talent, and he practiced fast skills such as immortality, but he also knew that from the current situation, it was impossible for him to practice to the realm of seven beads at the age of nineteen.

After making the above judgments, Zhou Weiqing deeply understood what Shangguan Tianyue said before. It was not easy to be his son-in-law, or the son-in-law of the Haomiao Palace.

"Bing'er, wait for me, I will definitely let your father recognize my strength. You are my wife, and no one can take you away, even your father. Moreover, I am not married, but married.

Saying this to himself, Zhou Weiqing waved his right arm hard, and the stubbornness in his bones had been stimulated. He is more and more brave, which is very similar to his father, Marshal Zhou. At the beginning, the reason why Marshal Zhou made him worship the rogue Muen was because he was afraid that his son would look like himself, and his personality was too rigid and easy to suffer losses.

However, although Zhou Weiqing learned from Mu En that he was afraid of death, learned all kinds of survival ability and rogue skills. However, many things in their bones cannot be completely changed. In him, after all, there is the blood of Marshal Zhou Buffalo Zhou!

When Zhou Weiqing returned to the hotel, he went directly to Lin Tianwei's room. When he pushed the door and entered, he found that everyone in the Philippe team, except the crow, was here at this time.

It's natural to see Zhou Weiqing coming back, but when everyone saw the slap on his face, he looked wonderful.

Zui Bao raised his eyebrows and said, "Wei Qing, what's wrong with you? Look at the swollen face. The palm print is so slender. It was beaten by a woman. Hey hey."

Xiao Si was even more direct. He laughed and said, "Wei Qing, you have ice, and you still go out to make trouble. If it really doesn't work, there are still crows in our team. Why give up the near and seek the far? Well, it's right if you don't look for the crow, the crow's big hand, if you slap it up, haha.

Ye Paopao and Lin Tianshi didn't say anything, just looked at him playfully. The final concluding speech was Xiao Yan, who usually doesn't like to talk. He said, "I don't know if the swelling can be reduced in three days."

If the woman's palm print can't be lowered for three days, Zhou Weiqing will take it to participate in the later competition. It's not only him, but also the whole Philippe Empire.

Zhou Weiqing said with a depressed face, "Can't you have a little sympathy? Anyway, I just led the team to a victory!"

Xiao Si hugged Zui Bao's shoulder and laughed, "Who has compassion for perverts? Looking at you like this, although you were hit in the face, there was no hatred in your eyes, and it was a woman's slap. There is only one possibility, that is, you tease others and then get beaten, which is a loss in your heart. Who will sympathize with you?

Zhou Weiqing said angrily, "You guys, let's not talk about this. Captain, I'm here to tell you that I'm afraid Bing'er won't be able to participate in the next game. Just now we met her relatives who had been separated for many years and were taken home.

Lin Tianshi said doubtfully, "Meet your relatives? This should not affect the competition. Although Shangguan Binger's single combat ability may be the weakest in the team, if it is a group battle or a two-on-two battle, her magical archery can definitely have an excellent effect. It is excellent for suppressing opponents, harassing opponents, and assisting partners. It can be said that when the fat cat evolved before, if it hadn't been for Shangguan Binger's overall suppression, they would not have been able to survive at all. Losing such a combat power is by no means a good thing for the Philippe team.

Zhou Weiqing was also very depressed and said, "It doesn't matter if this relative is someone else. The problem is that her relative is from Haomiao Palace. And she is still a close relative who has been separated for many years. I don't know when she will come back. Therefore, it's better to be prepared that she can't participate in the competition.

Hearing the three words of Haomiao Palace, everyone's faces suddenly tightened. Lin Tianwei thought for a moment and said, "Wei Qing, what are you going to do in the second round of the game?"

Zhou Weiqing said, "To be on the safe sight, the captain will come with us. If the three of us can't stop it, you will come out."

Lin Tianshi nodded and said, "That's the only way. Well, Wei Qing, you can treat the wound on your face first. Go to the Tuoyin Palace to spend some money. If you want to find a life attribute Tianzhushi, you should be able to quickly reduce the swelling. Speaking of this, he couldn't help showing a trace of smile.


A more exciting game is about to begin. Yesterday, there was a fifth update. Although it was a little hard, I really want to fight this month. Come on, brothers and sisters, the second update is over. Ask for a monthly ticket.