Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 78 Self-created combination skills on

Zhongtian Square is still crowded. In order to get a good place to watch the game, many people came to seize it last night.

Today is the second day of the Tianzhu Competition. After the first round of the competition, the interest of the people in Zhongtian City has been fully mobilized.

The official of the Zhongtian Empire is very interesting. They do not charge anyone's viewing fees, but strictly prohibit any private gambling, but set up special gambling with the power of the country. How many people are there in Zhongtian City? There are tens of millions, and this kind of officially opened market is absolutely safe, not to mention the ordinary people, even to the nobles. This is also a national gamble that the Zhongtian Empire must experience every three years.

Moreover, the Zhongtian Empire official is very humane. There is no market in the first round of competition, in order to let the public know the strength of the 24 participating teams through the first round of competition. The official market starts from the second round. Therefore, more people came to watch the game today than in the first round. Around Zhongtian Square, even the whole central area of Zhongtian City, is completely overcrowded. For the sake of safety, the Zhongtian Empire officially mobilized nearly 100,000 soldiers to maintain order. The official market is as high as 3,000, scattered all over Zhongtian City.

This market is not only available in Zhongtian City, but also in the whole Zhongtian Empire. How about gambling for all the people?

Zhou Weiqing, Lin Tianwei, Crow and Ye Paopao went out very early today. When they learned that there was a market opening today, almost everyone did not hesitate to take out all their savings to win.

Today, the opponent of the Philippe team is the Tiecheng Kingdom team. The market is that the Philippe Empire pays one to three, and the Tiecheng team pays three. That is to say, if the Feili team wins ten gold coins, if they win, they can get 13 gold coins back and earn three. If the iron team wins, ten gold coins can be exchanged for thirty, and twenty gold coins can be made.

In a sense, the comparison of odds is generally a comparison of the strengths of the two sides.

Zhou Weiqing specially sold the remaining sets of intermediate condensation scrolls on his body for money, and he collected 400,000 gold coins himself. This is the advantage of the condenser. Condensation is a profession that will never lack money.

Compared with Zhou Weiqing, the other people are much more shy. In addition to Ye Paopao, the remaining people only collected 200,000 gold coins. Ye Paopao is worthy of being the son of the prime minister. He took out 500,000 gold coins leisurely.

There is a special place for participants to bet, right next to the competition venue, and there is no need to queue up like civilians. After several people finished betting, they came to the competition rest area.

Ye Paopao said depressedly, "If I had known that I could gamble here, I would have brought more money. Just bring these 500,000 yuan."

Lin Tianshi glanced at him speechlessly, "Is 500,000 still less? I only have 20,000 gold coins with me, which is the reward I have received for doing a lot of things for the college over the years. You nobles are really full of men who don't know how hungry they are.

Zhou Weiqing doesn't care much about the bet. Money is extremely important, but what is more important in his heart is the Tianzhu Competition. He said with a rare face, "I'm the first to go today." His body's self-healing ability is really strong. In three days, unconsciously, the swelling on his face has subsided.

Lin Tian nodded and said, "Then you go first, the crow is the second, look at the results of the first two games, and then decide the second-to-two candidates for the third game. I'll suppress the battle."

Zhou Weiqing asked, "Captain, how much has your strength recovered?"

Lin Tian said, "More than 80%. I was the main defense. Although I was injured that day, it was a little lighter than Zui Bao. Xiao Si was just overdrawn, and he almost recovered. Zuibao has recovered 70%. Because Xiaoyan has overdraw his vitality, the situation is relatively bad. At present, he has only recovered 60%. In the next round, we will play against the Patron Empire. Try not to let him and Zui Bao play.

"Hmm." Zhou Weiqing nod and closed his eyes. He was not interested in the previous game at all. He sat there and turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside the window and continued to think about the wonderful feeling brought to him by the space split in those two days of hard work. At the same time, it is also to nourish your energy and make your state reach its peak. If he is facing a strong five-bead cultivation today, he will never retreat. He believes that Shangguan Tianyue will definitely send someone to monitor his every move. He wants to prove to his future father-in-law that he will have the strength to marry Shangguan Binger.

With the cheers of the public, the competition on the second day of the Tianzhu Competition officially began. As in the first round, at the beginning of the second round, the opponent of the seed team still wisely chose the option.

For seed teams, the opening method of the official gambling market is also special. First of all, the official market in the preliminary stage is whether the non-seeded team abstains when facing the seed team. You can only not abstain from this item, one for two. There are also regulations on this market that participating teams are not allowed to participate. Once it is found that there is a team to gain benefits, not only will the team be immediately cleared from the competition, but also the country where the team is located will also be listed as an unpopular country by the Zhongtian Empire. No country will take the risk of trying to steal profits. It is no joke to offend the Zhongtian Empire.

In the preliminary stage, if a team really decides to face the seed team, the odds will be very abnormal. If the seed team wins, the odds are one to 100, not the seed team to win, and the odds are as high as one to 100. That is to say, if the seed team wins, only a thousand gold coins can earn one gold coin. With such an odds, few people are willing to gamble. On the contrary, it is a bet that there will be more people who win the non-seed team, one hundred! Even if you only bet on a few gold coins, if you win, it will be a hundred times the profit.

Of course, this odds are limited to the preliminaries. After entering the quarterfinals, the odds will change.

The game is going smoothly, and those who can represent all countries to participate in the competition are the elites of the young generation of Tianzhushi from all countries. From the first round of the game to now, there has been no unpopular explosion. When the time was approaching noon, it was finally time for the third group of Philippe to play. This is also the last game this morning. After that, the rest of the round will continue in the afternoon.

"Wei Qing, it's our time." Lin Tian patted Zhou Weiqing on the shoulder beside him.

"Hmm." Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes, stood up from his seat, stretched his body hard, and then walked towards the ring.

Looking at his back, Lin Tianshou suddenly felt that after Shangguan Binger was taken away by his relatives that day, Zhou Weiqing seemed to have made some changes, mainly in temperament. Compared with the previous jump, it seems to be a little more calm now. Among everyone, he knows best what Zhou Weiqing's real strength is. The pearl that Zhou Weiqing has is the cat's eye! And there is also the magician-level condensation equipment. Not to mention the three beads, it is very difficult for him to win at the four beads level. As long as you don't match the strong five-pronged cultivation, Zhou Weiqing's chances of winning are still great. What he is most afraid of is that he is a defense-oriented opponent like himself. After all, the gap between heaven and strength is too big.

Zhou Weiqing walked up to the ring step by step. When he came to the ring, his opponent was already standing there.

"Philip's team, Zhou Weiqing."

"Tiecheng team, Lichuan."

The referee began to announce that the battle between the two sides officially began.

Four glutinous jade beads flashed on the young man named Lichuan at the same time, who looked medium-sized and in his twenties. The referee didn't shout until he started, and he had already rushed out. The whole person seemed to glide close to the ground, straight in front of Zhou Weiqing.

In the first round of the game, Zhou Weiqing did not pay attention to others carefully, but it does not mean that others did not pay attention to him. Although he lost in the two-to-two game, in the eyes of the Tiecheng team, Sanzhu's cultivation is still extraordinary. After all, his bow and arrow played a very important role in the two-to-two game. Therefore, when Lichuan saw that his opponent was him, he immediately made a plan for close combat. With flexible body beads, he is best at close combat, and it is very important to promote his strengths and avoid his weaknesses on the battlefield.

While his body rushed forward, Lichuan's left hand also raised towards Zhou Weiqing. The seven wind blades flew in a fan shape in the direction of Zhou Weiqing. In the middle of the flight, the seven wind blades suddenly dispersed, just like Tiannv scattered flowers, drawing seven never overlapping arcs in the air, and cutting Zhou Weiqing from .

This is the control of rubbing skills, which can control rubbing skills to this extent, which shows that Lichuan has spent a lot of effort on the low-level skill of wind blade.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger did not have enough skills, because when they were in the Tiangong camp, everyone in the camp was mainly based on bows and arrows, and all skills were for bows and arrows. In the past two years, they learned the arrow skills of **. Moreover, none of the Tiangong camp is a Tianzhu master, and they don't have much guidance for the skills of the Tianzhu master.

If Zhou Weiqing is changed three days ago, in the face of such an attack, he will definitely use space to dodge when the opponent's attack is about to come, and then attack with the attack, relying on the number of his own skills and the power of the skill itself to forcibly suppress the opponent, and win with limited skills.

However, Zhou Weiqing is no longer the original Zhou Weiqing. Three days of understanding makes him not only understand the mystery of many space fragmentation, but also understands the control of skills more than before.

His left hand was circled in the air, the silver light shone slightly, and a dark circle had already appeared on his palm in the silver light package.


The third update is coming. After the third update broke out, he straightened up and asked everyone for a monthly ticket.