Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 80 Life and Death! Baida Team on

Although Ye Paopao was cursed by a dull curse, he was already fully prepared for his tactics. When the three ice shields exploded under his urging, he had released another fast freezing technique into the air. The thick ice fog froze around the shallow body like that.

The audience on the periphery can clearly see that in the sky, a huge piece of ice is gradually forming, and in this piece of hard ice, there is a thick black light.

With a bang, the ice fell to the ground. Ye Paopao stepped forward and had come to the hard ice. His hands did not hesitate to put his hands against the hard ice. He could carry out continuous fast freezing without reservation to enhance the hardness of the hard ice and reduce the temperature of the hard ice. His own natural power is also released like a tide, without half of the reservation.

The wolf under the stage frowned, "What is he doing? Does a subordinate Tianzun want to win with this freezing technique? It's simply whimsful. At most, it just consumes some shallow natural power.

Of course, Wolf Evil doesn't know that Zhou Weiqing's task to Ye Paopao is only to consume the shallow power of heaven.

Time passed minute by minute, and the situation on the court was also in a stalemate. However, everyone can see that the black light in the hard ice is getting stronger and stronger, and a trace of cracks has begun to appear on the hard ice condensed by leaf bubbles. Obviously, it won't take long for his hard ice to seal the shallowness inside.

Suddenly, Ye Paopao laughed, all the condensation equipment on his body disappeared, and his face was a little pale and stepped back a few steps. "I have no power. I admit defeat." After saying this, he jumped under the stage and went straight back to the lounge before the ice was completely broken.

Boom--, the strong black light scattered on the stage, and countless hard ice also splashed everywhere. The shallow body was exposed from the inside. The thick black light keeps corroding and disappearing the ice in the air. In her eyes, she even spit out a little dark red light.

"The Philippe Empire, are they all such cowards?" Despite winning the first game, Qingqian was very depressed.

When Ye Paopao jumped off the stage, she felt like she had been fooled. This game looks like a win without any suspense. But in fact, she didn't use any skills at all. At the beginning, Ye Paopao greatly consumed Tianli, but it caused a situation in which both sides competed with Tianli to determine the outcome. So that although Qingqian won him, the loss of his own natural power is also quite small. At that time, she had to release her dark power with all her strength, otherwise, the temperature in the ice would affect her body, and the situation would only be worse.

It can be said that from the beginning, Ye Paopao only had to consume her natural power to cause such a situation.

With a shallow shout, there were also boos around Zhongtian Square. The wonderful game they expected did not appear. The performance of the Philippe Empire in the first game disappointed every audience, especially the civilians who had made heavy weight on them.

Zhou Weiqing stretched out his thumb to Ye Paopao, "S senior, you did a good job. Your control over your skills has improved again. I believe that if you really fight, you will definitely bring her more trouble.

Ye Paopao listened to the boos outside and said with a wry smile, "I just hope that I won't be scolded to death by my father after returning to the Philippe Empire. Don't come to me for this shameful thing next time. In the next game, find my face for me.

Zhou Weiqing nodded, his eyes were shining, and he shouted in a low voice, "Second scene, crow, you go."

"Good." The crow jumped up from the seat excitedly, and the chair that had been overwhelmed by her weight of 600 catties was suddenly turned into pieces by her force.

Zhou Weiqing said in a low voice, "Crow, this second game is very important to us. In any case, we must win. Do you understand?"

The crow smiled, looked at Zhou Weiqing with deep meaning, and said, "Don't worry. I will never lose."

As he spoke, the crow had strode to the stage.

The first game was won. Although Lang Xie felt something strange, he couldn't help smiling. This is not a lasting game. It's just three wins in five innings. Winning one first means that they take the lead. He immediately shot the second player according to the original plan.

The players of both sides played at the same time, and the Baida Empire came up. He was a short and strong man who was not tall but very strong. His height is only about 1.6 meters, but the width of his shoulders is about the same as his length. The arms are extremely thick. With a shake of the wrist, the two heavy hammers have fallen into control, and they are all condensed weapons.

Although his two heavy hammers are not as big as Zhou Weiqing's Gemini Hercules hammer, they are more than a foot in diameter. With his strong figure, they really have a little power. Four ice beads bloomed with it.

As soon as the crow saw the short and strong man's pair of hammers, which were obviously condensed by two beads, his eyes suddenly shone brightly. He smiled and also released his own black gold butcher's axe. "Dwarf, do you want to compare your strength with me?"

"Compariable is a comparison. Compared with strength, I haven't been afraid of anyone. Big girl, don't think we are small, but we are very strong in that respect. Have you never heard that sentence? Short and thick is powerful. Hey hey." As he spoke, the short guy showed a gloomy smile.

The crow's two axes touched in front of him, made a loud noise, and said brazenly, "Little dwarf, I'll kill you. Come on."

The referee listened to the conversation between the two and sweated on his forehead. He doubted what the two were doing. He shouted, "Two players, pay attention to civilization, or you will be sent off. Don't forget that you represent your respective countries. Name each other."

Hearing the referee's warning, the crow and the short team member of Baida restrained a little.

The crow shouted, "Philip's team, crow."

The short and strong man was unwilling to show weakness and shouted loudly, "Beda team, Lichuan."

The referee didn't bother to remind them of anything. After saying "the game begins", he immediately jumped back, lest he would be affected.

With the referee's shout, the short and strong man named Yuchuan suddenly stamped his feet and made a thump. His not-high body had ejected like a cannonball, and the two hammers in his hand fell from the sky and went straight to the crow's head.

Coincidentally, Lichuan's Yizhu attribute is also fire. In his seemingly simple and direct attack, there is a lot of knowledge in it. With four-bead cultivation, among the selected members of the Baida team, his cultivation is relatively backward, but as he himself said, like the crow, he is also good at strength.

When he tled up, there was a spherical shoulder guard on his shoulders, which was his other two condensing weapons. On his two shoulder guards and double hammers, there was an inlay hole, and the four condensing weapons were all printed by master-level condensing scrolls. At this time, the four pieces of condensation equipment glowed red at the same time, and the strong firelight rendered his arms red. When he rose in the air, it was like a huge fireball.

The crow's eyes were shining brightly, and his feet were slightly separated. The black gold butcher's axe in his hand was up and he shouted, "Open--."

I only heard a roar, and the violent collision instantly spread to the ears of everyone watching the battle in Zhongtian Square. The team members in the lounge were the closest. For a moment, I don't know how many people buzzed in their ears, and they hurriedly protected their hearing with Tianli.

Under the collision between the short and the crow hammer and axe, the body bounced upside down, and the crow's feet did not even enter the stage. The next moment, Yuchuan had fallen again, and the collision between the hammers and axes suddenly became fierce. The strong firelight, accompanied by a deafening roar, launched a pure power competition on the stage.

Xiaoyan, who sat next to Zhou Weiqing, said with a moving face, "This is a secret fire warrior. How can there be anyone practicing like this?"

Zhou Weiqing asked curiously, "What is a secret fire warrior?"

Xiaoyan said in a low voice: "The secret fire warrior first requires that the Tianzhu master must have both the power body beads and the fire attribute Yizhu, and the strength of his own body is also extremely strong. When practicing, all body beads must condense the equipment to increase the power, and all the beads have only one skill, that is, flame blasting. The effect of this flame blasting skill is very simple, that is, when used, it generates a powerful explosive force and drives its own attack to burst out a powerful force in an instant.

"Although the evaluation of this skill is only three stars, the increase in strength is quite obvious. In particular, all the skills of the secret fire warrior rubbing are this. Multiple flame blasting are combined. Although it is not like the boss's combination of condensed shields that can increase geometric multiples, it is also enough to elevate one phase. When it's horrible. However, this cultivation method is almost impossible to break through the nine beads. That is to say, his highest cultivation in the future is the upper Tianzong. However, the secret fire warrior is quite powerful at a low level, especially on the battlefield.

"It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was an army composed of secret fire warriors, all of which were cultivated to the realm of the upper Tianzong. Although the number is only 100, it is almost invincible on the battlefield, and even the king-level strongman is unwilling to face him. I just don't know how many combat skills this Yuchuan has mastered. But don't worry, the real strength of the secret fire warrior can only be exerted by at least the patriarchal cultivation.


Ah, ah, ask for monthly tickets, monthly tickets, monthly tickets, I hope our monthly tickets are as powerful as the Battle of Patek Philippe. Hey hey.