Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 82 Evolution! Did the devil change or Zhou Weiqing? Next

This situation occurs in the evolution of the heavenly beast itself, and it is also one of the fundamental factors limiting the power of the heavenly beast. When it evolved, didn't it attract a lot of clan-level heavenly beasts in places where there are few beasts tomorrow, and even little witches?

However, Zhou Weiqing's evolution did not have this problem. The inch of gray evil light on the surface of his skin completely protected his body without any breath. In the eyes of the fat cat, this can only prove one thing, that is, Zhou Weiqing's evolution is more powerful than its original evolution.

That is to say, Zhou Weiqing, who is evolving, is, in a sense more advanced than it.

It is because of this that the fat cat is extremely puzzled. As a sacred Heavenly Tiger, it has stood at the top of the pyramid of heavenly beasts in the world. It is a mythical beast in the true sense. It can be completely compared with human beings, and its cultivation is even greater than that of human beings. It is a powerful mythical beast that can reach the level of heaven!

Standing at the top of the pyramid, it will feel that Zhou Weiqing's evolution is more advanced. What does it mean?

The fat cat was confused and couldn't react for a long time. The only thing it can recognize now is that Zhou Weiqing gave it a very dangerous feeling at this time. This feeling only appears when the lower heavenly beast meets the upper heavenly beast. No, it's even more obvious than that.

The gap between the lower heavenly beast and the upper heavenly beast mentioned here does not mean the cultivation of both sides, but the bloodline. It's like the gap between the sacred Heavenly Tiger that can be cultivated to the level of heaven and those heavenly beasts that can only be cultivated to the clan level.

The incredible color became more and more intense in the eyes of the fat cat, and it even muttered to itself, "Impossible, it's absolutely impossible. How can it be a more advanced beast than me? He is clearly a human being! What's more, in this world, there can never be a heavenly beast stronger than my blood.

However, no matter what it says or what it is thinking, it can't change the facts in front of it.

With the gray light spreading to Zhou Weiqing's whole body, Zhou Weiqing's clothes quietly dissolved and disappeared. Fortunately, he was in a coma and fainted directly on the ground at that time. Otherwise, I'm afraid that even the bed would be dissolved because of him.

The gray light became stronger and stronger, from one inch to two or three inches. After a whole hour, there was only a trace of wisdom left in Zhou Weiqing's eyes. When the whole person was numb because of the extreme cold, the gray light around his body had also reached a foot of thickness.

The fat cat clearly felt that he should benefit from Zhou Weiqing's evolution, but at this time, he dared not approach it. Even its bloodline and cultivation are not sure what kind of consequences it will have if it sticks to the past. Therefore, it can only wait.

After the gray light reached a foot of thickness, it no longer deepened rapidly. The black tiger skin magic pattern, which made the fat cat very familiar with, finally began to ooze from under Zhou Weiqing's skin, still from the right leg, and in a blink of an eye, it was everywhere in Zhou Weiqing's body.

The only difference from the past is that at this time, the magic pattern of the king character on Zhou Weiqing's forehead is no longer the original black, but gray, crystal clear gray.

It's not a dead gray, but full of indescribable spirituality. The gray character of the king is like a special eye, feeling everything around him.

Zhou Weiqing's bones began to make a series of crackling sounds, and the gray light around his body also began to move in an orderly manner. The biggest change was Zhou Weiqing's arms. At this time, his arms began to expand slowly.

At the beginning, the fat cat could see that the blood vessels under the skin of Zhou Weiqing's arms gradually grew, thus propped up the skin. Gradually, those blood vessels disappeared under the thick muscle fibers.

In a while, Zhou Weiqing's arms have doubled from the shoulder position, and the strong tiger skin magic pattern is constantly rhythmic like waves on it, and a strong sense of power continues to rise from these arms. And Zhou Weiqing's body also moved at this time.

The gray airflow supported him, slowly floating from the ground, his left foot supported on the ground, and his right leg was raised high, especially his right foot, which had even been raised not far from his head.

In addition to the male symbol that the fat cat clearly saw, the fat cat was surprised to find that Zhou Weiqing's whole right leg had turned dark.

In the dark right leg, the bones seemed to begin to mutate. The right leg gradually extended, and the foot was extended by about half a meter. His right foot slowly bent and turned into a huge black hook. At the moment when the hook was formed, all the gray light in Zhou Weiqing's body swarmed up as if he had found the source and condensed towards his right leg. At this time, Zhou Weiqing's thick and powerful arms also supported the ground.

The breath of terror kept bursting out from Zhou Weiqing's body. His hands doubled, and his nails grew to about two inches, shining with black and gray brilliance, extremely thick and powerful.

Demon change, there is no doubt that Zhou Weiqing is now in a state of demon change.

However, he has seen his demon become a fat cat more than once. At this time, he is completely different from before.

The fat cat suddenly understood that Zhou Weiqing was not only evolving his body at this time, but also his demon transformation.

How much cultivation does he have? But it's just three beads. His demon change actually evolved by itself, and it naturally evolved without any cultivation of evil attributes.

The fat cat found that his brain was a little insufficient and even a little numb. From Zhou Weiqing, she has seen too many incredible situations.

As time passed, Zhou Weiqing's mind gradually returned to normal. When the gray airflow began to concentrate on his right leg, the extreme cold he felt also quietly faded.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing, raised high on his dark right leg, shining with a thick gray light. The gray light wrapped his right leg in it, showing a spiral rhythm, and then slowly penetrated into his right leg.

The cold has passed, and it has been replaced by a crisp feeling. Zhou Weiqing only felt that his bones were constantly coming from a special feeling of soreness and numbness. It's a little itchy, but more like the comfort after expansion. Just like the first time he made a demon change, Tianzhu woke up with the help of Shangguan Binger, so that the meridians were widened.

What's going on? Isn't it crazy?

The original fear in Zhou Weiqing's heart gradually faded, and was replaced by a feeling of more and more excitement, because he clearly found that with the gradual fading of the crispness, a stronger sense of power began to appear on him. In particular, his arms felt the strongest, and his enlarged hands had easily grasped into the solid ground. Up to the wrist position.

Zhou Weiqing's face showed a soft brilliance, and his eyes were shining. He only felt that the attribute wheel in front of him was constantly rotating and replacing.

He has three pairs of heavenly beads, which are constantly replaced by the attribute wheel brought by his three Italian beads.

At the beginning, the replacement speed of the three Italian beads with different attributes was very fast, and gradually, this replacement began to slow down. He is also gradually able to see them clearly.

Zhou Weiqing was surprised to find that when the attribute wheel rotated to the gray area, the gray area on his first bead turned into a claw-shaped shape, and there was a circular hole in the center of the claw shape.

Does this mean devouring?

Attribute roulette will change with the skill of Yizhu rubbing, and the area of the attribute and what skill of the rubbing will change accordingly.

For example, in the first stone cat's eye bead, the dark attribute is the touch of darkness. Then, when the attribute wheel of this bead rotates to the black area, you can see an octopus pattern with a purple edge and a black body in this area. It represents the skill of Dark Touch. The same is true of other skills.

Before today, only the gray area was unchanged. Even in the colorless area of the time attribute, there is a water wave spiral pattern in the colorless area of the first stone cat's eye, which represents absolute delay.

At this time, there is a change in the evil attribute gray area of the first pearl, with the claw-shaped pattern. What does it mean? Does it mean that you can take the initiative to control and use the devouring skill?

At the thought of this, Zhou Weiqing's heartbeat accelerated unstoppably. He didn't know what the star rating skill of this devouring skill was, but he deeply remembered that when he first used this skill in the state of demon change, he abruptly killed a group of grassland Sirius. The most important thing is to rely on this devouring skill. Moreover, it has also resulted in the improvement of one's own cultivation.

Just as Zhou Weiqing was inexplicably surprised, he suddenly found that there was also an extra pattern in the gray area of his second stone cat's eye beads. This pattern is a sphere, the whole body is gray, when the attribute wheel turns to this area. A strange scene appeared.

The two kinds of light, black and blue, are quickly added, and superimposed with the gray to form a gray, blue and gray three-color photosphere.

What does this mean? Zhou Weiqing was even more puzzled.

From the perspective of attributes, gray represents evil, black represents darkness, and blue represents thunder, which are the three attributes he has. Oh, my God! It doesn't mean that this skill is supposed to combine three attributes, right?

At the thought of this, Zhou Weiqing's heart became hotter and hotter. And at this time, a name, a name exclusive to this skill, quietly appeared in his heart.

"Dark demon evil god thunder."


Hey hey, powerful skills have appeared. In order to celebrate the appearance of the dark demon evil god thunder, let's reward a few monthly tickets and recommended tickets!
