Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 92 Perfect Exchange Conditions on

The sun is shining in the sky, and the weather is clear and cloudless. Early in the morning, Zhongtian Square is already full of voices.

The top eight of the Tianzhu Competition have been decided in the last round of the preliminaries. As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried. Even if they enter the top eight teams, they are not excited, such as the Denton team.

Although he entered the top eight, the deputy captain Han Bing died in the hands of the fourth of the Philippe team. Although the captain Shen Xiaomo saved his life, his current physical condition is still unrelieved and unable to exert his due strength at all.

Although the suspense of the quarterfinals is not big, early this morning, the people have once again surrounded the periphery of Zhongtian Square. Over the years, the top four have not changed. And today, they all want to witness the birth of miracles.

There is no doubt that at this time, the popularity of the Philippe team has reached its peak. After Rick Denton's team, in the eyes of ordinary people, they can definitely kill the unknown Crecy team, which is close to the top four, becoming the first non-seed team to enter the top four in hundreds of years.

Even the officials of the Zhongtian Empire seem to think so. The gambling market has been completely closed and does not give people a chance to speculating. It is unknown whether it has anything to do with Zhou Weiqing, who made 100 million gold coins.

The rest of the national teams around the competition platform has been much empty. After the preliminary competition, although the teams that did not enter the quarterfinals can stay to watch the last game, more of the eliminated teams still chose to leave. I didn't even enter the top eight. Do you still want to be ashamed?

Denton Team Lounge.

Shen Xiaomo was still sitting in the main seat. Her beautiful face showed an unhealthy paleness. Looking at the bright sunshine scattered outside the door of the lounge, she couldn't help but show a wry smile at the corners of her mouth. If the weather was like this that day, how could she be succeed by that guy?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but recall the feeling when she was hit by the dark demon evil god that day. If you have to let her describe it, she will give a pervasive answer to these four words.

Although the blow has been weakened as much as possible with the fire of light, the violent attack with a feminine appearance and violent inside still fell on himself. Tianli can't stop its invasion at all.

Shen Xiaomo clearly remembered that when she was hit by the dark demon evil god, the first thing she felt was cold, extreme cold, and then her eyes had turned into darkness. The next moment, she only felt that all the meridians in her body had exploded. In the loud noise, she didn't know anything. By the time she woke up, she was already in the hotel.

Denton team members dare not hide the process of healing, and she already knows it. Naturally, she will not be grateful to Zhou Weiqing, only strong resentment. However, with Shangguan Longyin's guarantee, she can't "revenge kindness" after all, and the current Denton team does not have that strength. Let's wait until we return to the blood red prison.

Thinking of this, her eyes showed a strong resentment. Han Bing, don't worry, I will avenge you no matter what.

Just then, Lan Feng, standing at the door of the lounge, suddenly whispered, "They are coming."

Shen Xiaomo's pupils contracted in an instant, grabbed it out in one step, and happened to see the team of Philippe walking towards the lounge.

Her fist subconsciously clenched, and her eyes froze on Zhou Weiqing's body in an instant. She couldn't forget to see two dark blue claw marks on her chest when she washed her body after waking up from a serious injury...

In fact, Zhou Weiqing really didn't exert much effort at that time. It was only because the toxin of the dark demon evil god Lei came out of it that led to the appearance of the bruising mark. Of course, after all, Zhou Xiaopang also touched his chest more than once, and he was not wronged to be hated.

"Captain. How do we line up for today's game? Lan Feng asked cautiously.

As soon as he heard him mention today's game, Shen Xiaomo's body couldn't help shaking slightly. For the Denton team, after losing to the preli team in the preliminary round, they have no luck. In the quarterfinals, they will definitely face a seed team, and their luck is "good" to the extreme. As a result, the Beast Team. The Beast Team that competed with the Zhongtian team for the championship over the years.

As the captain of the seed team, Shen Xiaomo is very clear that in the battle for the championship of the Tianzhu Competition, the winning rate of the Beast Team is the same as that of the Zhongtian Team. The regular players who represent the Beast Team all have the strength of the six-bead level.

"No need to arrange, we will admit defeat. I will also bear all the responsibility for this halberd Tianzhu competition. Leaving this sentence, Shen Xiaomo turned around and walked into the lounge. Before returning to the lounge, she stared at Zhou Weiqing fiercely and kept his appearance in her mind.

No one will ever pay attention to the loser, and the aura will always fall on the winner.

The attention received by the Philippe team is not only on the side of the Denton team, whether it is the rostrum, other teams or those people, they all put their eyes on them at the first time.

The little witch walked magnificently in the Philippe team, and her competition clothes were specially customized by herself. Moreover, she still walked beside Zhou Weiqing without hesitation, but now she has put away her strange nature and looks very well-behaved, showing the four words harmless to the extreme. This ever-changing ability is not inferior to Zhou Weiqing.

When the little witch came to the hotel in the team uniform early this morning to find the Philippe team, the last worry in everyone's hearts had also been wiped out. Anyway, this little witch has an extremely important position in the heavenly cult. There is no need for her to use this method to cheat the Philippe team. After all, no one knows how to win or lose the game.

Under the announcement of Shangguan Tianxing, the quarterfinals officially began, but it seemed that today's quarterfinals would not be too wonderful. The first two rounds at the beginning of the competition disappointed the audience.

Crecy's team admits defeat.

The Denton team gave up.

The Philippe team and the Beast team won without a fight and entered the top four at the same time. And the next two games were also calm. The Zhongtian team showed strong strength and sent only one player. Under the rules of the continuous elimination system in the quarterfinals, they swept the opponent to advance.

The Blancpain team, which has the background of the Love Valley of the First Valley of the East in the five holy places, only sent two players and defeated the five opponents one after another. Because it is almost an overwhelming victory, the game process really lacks a little excitement.

In less than half a day, the top eight matches were all over. The top four are the Zhongtian Team, the Beast Team, the Blancpain Team and the Philippe Team.

Although they won without a fight, the Philippe team was still full of excitement. The top four have successfully entered the top four. They are already heroes of the Philippe Empire. Even the little witch can't hide her excitement. After all, the heavenly cult has not landed on Tianzhu Island for decades, and this time her mission has finally been completed.

Shangguan Longyin walked out of the rostrum. He stepped out directly from a high place. His whole body was empty, as if there were steps in the sky, and walked to the stage in the middle of the square step by step.

"The four teams of Zhongtian, Wanshou, Blancpain and Philippe successfully advanced to the top four. Early tomorrow morning, please report to the Tuoyin Palace, receive the Tianzhu Order, board the Tianzhu Island, and prepare for the next final stage of the competition. The rules of the final stage will be announced on Tianzhu Island.

"Promotion, we have advanced to the top four, haha--" The Philippe team, who had been full of excitement for a long time, jumped up almost at the same time. Cheers come from every population, even the little witch is no exception.

Along the way, even Xiaoyan and Zui Bao, who had not really participated in the competition, were seriously injured by meeting a little witch on the road. It can be said that everyone in the Philippe team was injured. Xiao Si and Zhou Weiqing almost died at the hands of their opponents. How difficult it is to get to where it is today.

However, when they heard Shangguan Longyin's announcement, it seemed that all the previous difficulties and pains had dissipated. In their hearts, there was only strong pride and excitement. The top four belong to their top four, and also belong to the top four of the Philippe Empire.

The other three seed teams were silently looking at the Philippe team, and no one sneered at their almost exaggerated excitement. Yes, the Philippe team can defeat the Denton team and get to the top four. They really have a reason to be proud.

Lin Tianshi raised his hand, and everyone put their hands on the back of his hand one by one. Looking at the calm captain's red eyes, everyone's emotions fell into extreme excitement.

Lin Tiansui shouted, "Tonight, we won't get drunk and won't come back."

The top four, even if it is only the top four, they have created the history of the Philippe Empire, which will be recorded in the history books of the Philippe Empire.

That night, these overenergy guys drank more than half of the drinks in the hotel restaurant and got drunk.

At the beginning, when Zhou Weiqing, Ye Paopao and Shangguan Binger joined the Philippe team as substitutes, they were rejected. However, with the subsequent bets and their gradually showing strength, they were accepted by the selected players of the Philippe team.

After the start of the Tianzhu Competition, the cohesion of the Philippe team has become stronger and stronger with the battle, and at this moment, they are already a whole that can no longer distinguish each other.

Em early morning.

Zhou Weiqing gradually woke up from his sleep. His body is different from that of ordinary people. After several transformations, he is much stronger than Tianzhushi at the same level. He has such a strong recovery ability for all kinds of injuries, let alone alcohol. Although he drank too much last night, he woke up as soon as the genius lit up.

Huh? Why is your arm a little numb?


Enter the final stage immediately, a different final, hey hey, ask for a monthly ticket.