Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 103 Heavenly Skill Image, Dragon Devil Girl Next

Moreover, the Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace has the strictest regulations. In addition to the direct members of the Tuoyin Palace who have passed the joint approval of the palace owner and the elders after their cultivation exceeds the Heavenly King level, they will never allow outsiders to make rubbing.

The number of god-level celestial beasts is so small. Although it is not as rare as human tian-level celestial beads, it can definitely be described as rare. It is only to find a god-level heavenly beast, but also to be sealed and can honestly accept the seal. On this whole continent, a slap can also be counted.

What can Weiqing do this week? Unexpectedly, I was able to find a god-level beast. More importantly, he also succeeded in printing.

You should know that even if the heavenly king-level strongman prints the skills of the heavenly beast, the probability of success is only one in ten thousand. That is to say, if a king-level strong man carries out rubbing, once you are unlucky, it will take more than 30 years of continuous attempts to succeed in rubbing. Even if you are lucky, you can't succeed without ten years.

The emperor-level strong man wants to seal the skills of the god-level beast. At present, the shortest record on the mainland is five years and nine days.

And in the final of the Tianzhu Competition, such a skill appeared. How can it not be shocking? Regardless of Zhou Weiqing's cultivation, when he released this skill that can produce the image of heaven, it has undoubtedly become the focus of the whole audience.

The virtual shadow behind Zhou Weiqing is not clear, and only a faint outline can be seen. The virtual shadow was a faint purple-red. The upper body seemed to be a human woman with long hair, while the lower body was a thick tail coiled together. It's the human snake's tail.

For the heavenly beast with this form, everyone present is at a loss. They have no idea which heavenly beast can have this appearance.

It's normal that they don't know. The heavenly beast printed by Zhou Weiqing really belongs to the Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace. Moreover, it is a heavenly beast that has never been successfully imprinted by others. And the Haomiao Palace has captured this heavenly beast, which has a history of more than 400 years. Not to mention that these people in the Zhongtian team can't recognize it. Even if Shangguan Tianyang, the owner of the Haomiao Palace, is here, they may not be able to recognize what kind of celestial beast Zhou Weiqing is.

In fact, the heavenly beast printed by Zhou Weiqing is not a god-level. If it is really a god-level beast, no matter how powerful the deterrence of him and the fat cat is, it is impossible to succeed with his current cultivation.

What he printed is a heavenly emperor-level beast, but it is the most powerful one among the heavenly emperor-level heavenly beasts. His strength is infinitely close to the level of the heavenly beast. Coupled with the role of double attributes, it makes him have a heavenly skill image when he exerted this skill.

The heavenly beast, which was printed by Zhou Weiqing, is called: Dragon Demon Snut Girl. It is said to be the half-human and half-dragon offspring born after the combination of the dragon and human beings. It has human wisdom and strength close to the dragon. Even if the god-level beast encounters it in its heyday, it is difficult to please it.

This dragon demon snail girl was four or five hundred years ago. It took nearly 30 years to plan and arrange, and finally succeeded in one fell swoop. Even so, at that time, the contemporary Haomiao Palace owner also died in its hands.

At that time, when he caught the dragon snail girl, Hao Mio Gong thought that he could extend it to powerful skills, but who knew that the attributes of the dragon demon snail girl were not as evil and dark as they judged before, but completely mixed together.

Therefore, in addition to the difficulty of the topograph dragon demon squirker itself, the topprinter must also have both evil and darkness. And people with two attributes at the same time are in the heavenly cult. The Haomiao Palace can't take advantage of the cult. Therefore, for hundreds of years, no one has been able to imprint skills from it.

When Zhou Weiqing first entered the Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace, he knew the existence of this dragon demon worm through the inquiry of light and shadow gems, so he paid attention to it until he went to the rubbing later. Although the dragon demon squirter had been sealed for hundreds of years and was dying, it still brought him great trouble. If it hadn't been for the full help of the fat cat, with the spiritual and sacred attributes to suppress the dragon demon squirt as much as possible, and let Zhou Weiqing swallow the remaining trace of her energy and then reprint it, he would There is no chance of successful printing.

This is also the reason why the members of the Philippe team saw him so embarrassed after his return.

Zhou Weiqing's right hand, the front finger of the Hercules hammer, the purple light suddenly lit up, and the place where the hammer pointed was the battle that had just displayed its power.

Zhan Lingtian's heart sank. In the face of Zhou Weiqing, which may be a god-level skill, he has no possibility of dodge at all. He can only fully release Tianli. At the same time, his body retreats rapidly, trying to open the distance between himself and Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Although his skill is not Heavenly God-level, because it is a Heavenly Emperor-level rubbing skill with a combination of double attributes, the effect is strong enough to compare with the Heavenly God-level skills.

Dragon Devil Girl has many powerful skills, but if she wants to use its powerful skills, she has harsh conditions. Many of the requirements for natural power are above the king level. Therefore, even if Zhou Weiqing reprints its powerful skills, it will be as difficult to use as his dark demon evil god thunder.

Therefore, after careful consideration and judgment, for the sake of this Tianzhu competition, Zhou Weiqing acquired an auxiliary skill with absolute attributes, or a restrictive skill, from the dragon demon stle girl.

When his Gemini Hercules hammer pointed to Zhan Lingtian, everyone around him clearly saw a purple-red mark above Zhan Lingtian's head, which was a purple-red light like a whirlpool. No matter how Zhan Lingtian flew away, the light did not disappear. Then, a purple-red brilliance had been revealed from the Gemini Hercules hammer. Not to mention dodging, or even unable to see it clearly, Zhan Ling Tianhou's body stiffened and shrouded in the purple-red light.

A strange scene appeared. The four divine master-level condensation equipment that had been released on Zhan Lingtian disappeared in an instant like the melting of ice and snow, and his whole body turned purple.

Zhan Lingtian's fear found that he could not do anything, the condensation equipment disappeared and lost contact, and he actually lost contact with Yizhu, who wanted to use his rubbing skills. At this time, all he can do is his natural power.

"He can't use any condensation and rubbing ability in 30 seconds. Leave it to me. You deal with others." Zhou Weiqing shouted in the air, and at the same time, he also fell from the sky. His words were obviously shouted to the people of the Beast Team.

His skill from the dragon demon sago girl is called the dragon demon ban, and the strongest effect is also on the word absolute. The dragon demon ban is absolutely established. Once used, the opponent can't dodge or stop it. As long as he is selected by Zhou Weiqing, he must bear the effect of the dragon demon ban.

The dragon demon ban itself does not have any attack power, but it can restrain the selected person, so that he cannot use condensation and rubbing capabilities. Zhou Weiqing, who is at the level of Sanzhu, can ban the other party for 30 seconds. And another advantage of his dragon demon ban is that he does not consume any of his natural power when using it. In the case of Sanzhu cultivation, he can use it three times a day, that is to say, he can ban three people.

When he is promoted to a higher level, this skill will also evolve. According to the records in the Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace, after the dragon demon is banned to the king's level, it will change from a single prohibition to a group prohibition, which can be used in a range of scope.

Thirty seconds, it has been quite a long time. Tianzhushi has lost his condensation and rubbing ability, and his strength is ten to seven or eight. Although this skill itself cannot kill, its effect is more powerful.

The more powerful the dragon demon ban is for the Tianzhu master with higher cultivation. Because the cultivation of manuscripts means that the more ability of condensation and rubbing, the greater the dependence on them.

Zhou Weiqing's first dragon demon ban was given to Zhan Lingtian. Aren't you awesome? I have banned your condensation and rubbing ability. I think you are still awesome.

While the dragon demon ban was released, Zhou Weiqing had already rushed in the direction of Zhan Lingtian. Within 30 seconds, Zhan Lingtian turned into a toothless tiger.

Zhou Weiqing's natural power can't be compared with him, but Zhou Weiqing has an absolute advantage in power. The attribute of Yizhu is endurance, which is powerful in defense. But he himself is a Tianzhu master who focuses on Yizhu's ability, which is the opposite of Shangguan Fei'er on this point.

If Shangguan Feier is banned, the impact will be relatively small. After all, with her strong natural strength and melee skills, she can still exert some strength.

But Zhan Lingtian is different. His most powerful ability is the terrible power after the combination of light and darkness. He banned his Yizhu rubbing skills, and his two attributes of Tianli naturally could not be used. All you can rely on is natural power.

Zhou Weiqing was in the midst of demon change, and he held the Gemini Hercules hammer. After banning Zhan Lingtian, he had absolute confidence to fight with the other party. He will never let go of this opportunity.

As soon as he landed, Zhou Weiqing's right foot stamped on the ground fiercely, and at the same time, the storm raid skill was also used to chase Ling Tian.

The captain of the Beast Team was stunned for a moment when he heard Zhou Weiqing's cry, and then reacted quickly. As soon as he turned around, he rushed to another member of the Zhongtian team.

In terms of overall strength, in fact, he still wants to surpass Zhan Lingtian, because his heavenly beast is a giant ape fighting with Shangguan Feier. Although both sides were at a disadvantage, he also resisted the strongest two people in the Zhongtian team with the power of one blow. At this time, he recovered and immediately launched an offensive nearby.


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