Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 106 Master of Haomiao Palace

Walking to the palace like a fairyland on earth, Zhou Weiqing was shocked and was also full of curiosity about the Haomiao Palace. Let's not talk about anything else, this appearance alone is worthy of the name of the Holy Land.

Soon, they came to the palace. Zhou Weiqing couldn't help asking the man in white who led the way, "Senior, don't you have a guard in the Haomiao Palace?" Because he found that there was not even a guard in front of the huge palace.

The man in white turned his head and looked at him and said indifferently, "I don't need a guard."

Zhou Weiqing secretly scolded himself as a fool. This Haomiao Palace is completely in a separate space. Unless there are the gems that have just entered here, who outsiders can easily enter here?

It was not until he entered the palace that Zhou Weiqing saw the existence of others. Four young men in light blue robes stood on both sides of the entrance hall of the palace.

The decoration in this palace is not very gorgeous. The whole is a light blue tone, but there are a few gem inlays in some positions as the finishing touch. But these gems are enough to shock Zhou Weiqing, because their size is amazing, and any one that is taken to the outside world is the best of the best.

The man in white walked to the center of the hall and raised his right hand. He had a light blue gem in his hand. Then, a layer of light blue halo emanated from the gem in his hand and instantly spread to every corner of the hall with at least thousands of square meters.

A magnificent scene appeared. With the release of the light blue light, around the hall, at the top more than ten meters high, all the inlaid gems seemed to be infected, and the magnificent lights lit up, making the whole hall colorful and colorful.

On the ground, strange and complex circular arrays of different colors also appear one after another. The strong fluctuation of Tianli made Zhou Weiqing's heart even more shocked.

The man in white made a gesture to Zhou Weiqing, signaling him to stand beside him and walk to the middle of the hall, in a golden circle.

Zhou Weiqing subconsciously followed, and then he didn't see what the man in white had done at all. A golden light flashed, and the surrounding space was distorted here, and it was actually another transmission.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing already had a certain understanding of the structure of the Haomiao Palace. He understood that whether the Haomiao Palace was in this palace or not, the palace hall was a transit station. If you want to reach some important places in the Haomiao Palace, you have to pass through the magic arrays here. According to the different status in the Haomiao Palace, the transmission permissions should also be different. No wonder Haomiao Palace doesn't need guards at all. How difficult it is to break these transmission arrays.

With a flash of golden light, Zhou Weiqing and the man in white have come to another space. This is also a wide hall, but the color has changed from the previous light blue to light gold, surrounded by a faint fog, and in the middle of the hall, there are three huge high-backed chairs. There are also three people here at the same time. Zhou Weiqing found that he actually knew two of them.

One of the three backrest chairs is empty, and the two people in the center and the left head are sitting. Another person stood under the left backrest chair.

Zhou Weiqing, the person standing, is most familiar. It is Shangguan Longyin, the owner of the Tuoyin Palace of the Zhongtian Empire.

You know, the Tuoyin Palace of the Zhongtian Empire can be said to be the strongest and largest Tuoyin Palace in the whole continent. It can serve as the owner of the palace. Shangguan Longyin, not to mention his own strength, the strength and resources he can mobilize can definitely be described as horror. But even so, in this hall, he doesn't even have a seat. He can only stand there and stand with his hands down.

Zhou Weiqing, the two people sitting there, know one of them. This person sits on his left hand, dressed in a moon-white robe, with a carved dragon and golden crown. He is young and handsome, but his eyes are extremely mature and profound. From the appearance alone, it is difficult to tell his real age.

This person once left a very deep impression on Zhou Weiqing, because he is the father of Shangguan Binger, Xue'er and Fei'er triplets sisters, and Shangguan Tianyue, the owner of the second palace of Haomiao Palace.

The identity of the above official Tianyue and Shangguan Longyin cannot sit in the main position here, and the identity of the person in the main position is ready to come out.

Sitting on the main seat is also a middle-aged man. He looks like a seven-point image with Shangguan Tianyue's appearance, but he should be more gentle and looks like a harmless soft feeling for people and animals. Especially his eyes, when Zhou Weiqing saw his eyes, he suddenly felt like a spring breeze. It is easy to have a feeling of closeness in your heart.

After the man in white who came with Zhou Weiqing bowed 90 degrees and saluted the first three people, he slowly retreated and sank into the clouds behind him in a blink of an eye.

After making a judgment in his heart in a short period of time, Zhou Weiqing quickly adjusted his mentality, bowed slightly, and said neither humble nor arrogantly, "I have met three seniors."

Shangguan Tianyue said coldly, "Zhou Weiqing, do you know the crime?"

Zhou Weiqing glanced at his future father-in-law with surprise on his face, "Father-in-law, I don't know what's wrong with the son-in-law?"

Zhou Weiqing's father-in-law's Shangguan Longyin and the middle-aged man sitting on the main seat were stunned, while Shangguan Tianyue's body was stiff. He never thought that in this Haomiao Palace, Zhou Weiqing dared to call himself so.

"Who is your father-in-law?" Shangguan Tianyue said angrily that his usual cultivation skills were actually quite good, but at this time, looking at Zhou Weiqing's surprised face and his name for him, he immediately made him angry.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Father-in-law, don't deny it. I don't marry Bing'er, and Bing'er doesn't marry me. Sooner or later, I will call you like this. Why do you care about the time sooner or later?"

Listening to his words, Shangguan Longyin and the middle-aged man in the main position couldn't help but show a trace of smile on his face.

Zhou Weiqing's rogue method was used at this time, which was intentional and not a sense of provocation.

Since Haomiao Palace is willing to distribute the rewards of the Tianzhu Competition according to the rules, it proves that they no longer want to embarrass themselves, but because they have destroyed their good deeds in the Tianzhu Competition, they always have to put some pressure on themselves. Even the cost of exchanging immortal magic skills may be reduced. And he is so shameless that he looks like Shangguan Tianyue's father-in-law. He can not only adjust the atmosphere, but also tell the three bosses in front of him not to scare me. My mentality is very good. Moreover, I am also your future son-in-law in the Haomiao Palace. We are all your own people, so don't be too harsh.

Shangguan Tianyue slapped the armrest of the seat, and a domineering atmosphere of pressure wrapped Zhou Weiqing's body in an instant, as if to tear his body to pieces.

Zhou Weiqing immediately felt that the air around his body seemed to be completely frozen at this moment, just like the squeezing force of the mountain coming from all directions, and the blood flow in his body seemed to solidify with the solidification of the air.

However, the smile on his face did not decrease at all. He still stood there and looked at Shangguan Tianyue with a smile on his face.

How could Shangguan Tianyue not understand the meaning of his smile? This boy clearly thought that he would not kill him. In fact, Shangguan Tianyue really can't kill him. Anyway, his daughter has let the boy take advantage of him, and he looks determined. What if he kills his daughter?

"Okay, Tianyue." The middle-aged man sitting in the main seat raised his right hand slightly, and Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt that his whole body was light, and all the pressure was instantly relieved. Shangguan Tianyue snorted angrily, stared at him coldly, and then turned his eyes elsewhere.

"Wei Qing, that's what I call you before you officially become my son-in-law." The middle-aged man in the main position said with a smile. It seemed that he would never lose his temper, and his voice was as soft as his eyes. Coupled with the closeness of the title, it was easy to give people a good impression.

Zhou Weiqing's observation was very amazing. When the middle-aged man in the main position opened his mouth, his heart was slightly shocked. Compared with Shangguan Tianyue, this middle-aged man with a smiling face and soft eyes put much more pressure on him. The reason is very simple. When he opened his mouth to talk to himself, Zhou Weiqing found that Shangguan Longyin, who was standing next to him, immediately showed respect. Before, when Shangguan Tianyue lost her temper with herself, Shangguan Longyin smiled. This means that Shangguan Longyin has far more respect for the middle-aged people in the main position than Shangguan Tianyue.

Zhou Weiqing's judgment was very correct. The reason why the eyes and demeanor of the middle-aged people in the main position were very gentle was not because of his personality, but because of the natural phenomenon of cultivating the vast infinite power of the vast palace to the extreme. Compared with him, Shangguan Tianyue's cultivation still has a considerable gap.

"My name is Shangguan Tianyang, the owner of the Haomiao Palace. You must be very clear about the reason why we invited you to come this time. The Tianzhu Competition is over, and the deal we negotiated can also be carried out.

The owner of the Haomiao Palace, the head of the five holy places, one of the strongest people in the mainland, said very lightly that Zhou Weiqing's action of fighting against the Lingtian and destroying the Zhongtian team in the Tianzhu Competition, as if nothing had happened. This demeanor alone is enough to make people feel broken.

Zhou Weiqing bowed slightly to Shangguan Tianyang again, "Hello, senior Shangguan. In this case, we can start trading. However, before that, I have a small request. I wonder if the senior can agree?


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