Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 110 Entering the Level

The full power of heaven stirred in his body. At this time, Zhou Weiqing's hair was scattered on his shoulders and back. Although he was in the dark room, he could still see his blood-red eyes.

Every time Tianli is promoted to the next level, the Tianli required to be promoted to the next level will increase greatly. Zhou Weiqing's original predicted ten-day breakthrough did not appear, and it took 23 days. Coupled with the accumulation of the previous 37 days in the three masters, he finally had the opportunity to break through again.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Weiqing immediately began to rush the acupuncture point. At this time, he was actually not very weak.

The heavenly power is the heavenly pearl master absorbing the power of heaven and earth, which itself has great benefits to the human body. With these heavenly and earth power, even if you don't eat for a long time, it will not have much impact on the heavenly pearl master. Although you can't really eat secular things like Tian'er, it will never threaten your life.

Zhou Weiqing is constantly practicing. Although this sleepless cultivation method puts a lot of load on his body, it is also a continuous tempering process on his body.

Twenty-three days have passed. Now Zhou Weiqing's body has become tougher and his natural strength is stronger. However, he is also facing a great problem, that is, his spirit.

Twenty-day sleepless practice has made his spirit on the verge of collapse.

Normally, it is nothing for a Tianzhu master to practice for more than 20 days. After all, in the process of practicing Tianli, it is a kind of rest in itself. But Zhou Weiqing is different. He devours it to the extreme and then digests and absorbs it. In this case, his body may have problems at any time. Therefore, he must be highly concentrated at the beginning of digesting foreign natural forces. Only in this way can he digest it slowly and increase himself.

Therefore, Zhou Weiqing's mental consumption is also considerable. Only in the second half of each practice can he have a slight rest, and the recovery is far from catching up with the speed of consumption. If the persistent belief in his heart had always supported him, he would not have been able to hold on.

But even in this case, when Zhou Weiqing felt that he had enough natural power, he resolutely chose to punch the acupuncture point.

Boom--, the sixteenth death point was broken. Under the violent shock and strong pain in his body, Zhou Weiqing lost control of his body almost in an instant, but his spirit was still condensed. At this time, his heart echoed with the face of his father and mother, as well as every family and friend of the Tiangong Empire. .

Tears flow down your cheeks. Dad and Mom, you must live, you must live. When I go back, I will definitely restore the country for the heavenly bow, and I must avenge you.

Although Zhou Weiqing knew that the possibility of his parents' life was infinitely close to zero, he still had extravagant expectations in his heart. After all, he still didn't get the real news of his parents' death.

On that day, when he sat in the room, only despair rose in his heart, because he knew his father's character too well. With his father's cultivation, it was no problem to escape, but he would never do that. With his father's character, even if the last drop of blood was dry, he would not leave the battlefield. Live with the soldiers.

Where is the mother? What will happen to my mother? Zhou Weiqing knew that his mother would definitely accompany his father. No matter how well he was protected, when his father died, his mother would definitely go with him.

At that time, Zhou Weiqing had only one idea in his mind. He wanted his father to beat him like when he was a child, no matter how hard he was. He wanted to listen to his father's scolding and think about his father's old-fashioned iron face.

However, all this is moving away from him.

Dad and Mom, if you all die, I will definitely make the Baida Empire and the Cresi Empire pay a thousand times the price. Dad, mom, wait for me to go back, wait for your Xiaowei to go back.

It was because of the worst-case plan that Zhou Weiqing decided to stay. Only Sanzhu's cultivation can he do in the face of thousands of troops and horses? Only by improving your cultivation, printing some more useful skills in this Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace, and returning to the Philippe Empire to find a way, is the most correct choice.

Zhou Weiqing, who finally calmed down with despair, made the most correct choice. He had already thought that it was impossible to continue the study of the Philippe Royal Military Academy. After returning to the Philippe Empire, he must first go to Philippe City to find out the situation of the Tiangong Empire, and then he had already wanted a A road, a road that should not have been taken, or should not be taken so quickly.

As the saying goes, mourning soldiers will win. Although Zhou Weiqing's spirit is likely to collapse at any time, his persistence in revenge and infinite yearning for his family make him persist. It was not until the broken acupuncture point was sealed, the sixteenth cycle began to take shape, and the fourth pair of heavenly beads began to condense on his wrists, that he gradually couldn't hold on and went to a coma.

This sleep is three days and three nights. When Zhou Weiqing woke up again, he was already in the hotel room.

Tianer silently stayed in front of Zhou Weiqing's bed and saw him wake up from a coma. Tianer gently stroked his face, "I'll get you something to eat."

She didn't comfort him. At this time, it was futile to say anything. God knows that now, only by accompanying him and supporting what he has done is the greatest help to him. At least, it was like this until he completely calmed down.

Zhou Weiqing's mind gradually fully recovered. As soon as his mind moved, the force in his body operated, and the sixteen whirlpools coiled at the same time. A layer of white light quietly oozed out of his body, which was a further immortality.

The sixteenth death point was finally opened, and there was an extra bead on both hands and wrists. According to normal circumstances, it would take at least three months for Zhou Weiqing to break through, but he insisted on erasing these three months with his own efforts.

Four beads means that from the division level to the superior level, from the upper master to the lower Tianzun. This is not a difficult level, but for Zhou Weiqing, who breaks through with that cultivation method, it is a test of life and death.

Tianer brought in a pot of shredded pork porridge and took the porridge. Zhou Weiqing gulped it up. He was a smart man. After receiving a huge blow, hysterical practice was a kind of vent for him. The string in his heart would not be relaxed because of this, but his mood was finally much calmer.

"Thank you, my God." Zhou Weiqing quickly finished the whole pot of porridge. Looking at the sky, which was obviously a little haggard, his face showed a little apologetic.

Tianer shook her head with a smile and said, "Do you still need to say thank you to me?" Congratulations, you have broken through to the four beads.

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly, "It's still far away."

After a little silence, Tianer asked Zhou Weiqing, "When are you going to leave?"

A deep sadness flashed in Zhou Weiqing's eyes, "I'm afraid everything has already been settled on the other side of the Heavenly Bow Empire. It will take a few more days. I want to improve my four-bead skills, and then leave and go back to Philippe City.

Tianer nodded silently, "Let's go after a break. If you have another chance, the Heavenly Bow Empire really won't have any chance.

Zhou Weiqing forced a smile, "I'm fine. I'll go back earlier so that I can arrange all kinds of things. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

With that, he was about to stand up and go out, and go to Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace again to remark the skills needed.

However, this time Tian'er couldn't help him. He suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhou Weiqing's arm. In his stunned time, Tian'er's arms had wrapped around Zhou Weiqing's neck like flexible vines, stood on tiptoe, and took the initiative to kiss his lips.

The four lips were connected, and Zhou Weiqing's eyes suddenly had a loss of mind, but Tianer's body had been attached. Her plump body was extremely hot, like a ball of magma to dissolve Zhou Weiqing.

With a slight force at Tian'er's feet, Zhou Weiqing staggered under his feet, which had been overwhelmed by her **.

At this time, Tian'er blushed, and her whole body was like a bright peach, tightly pressing on Zhou Weiqing.

Lips, Zhou Weiqing looked at her in a daze. Tianer's breathing was obviously a little short, and he muttered, "As I said, you helped the dragon and wanted to reward you. Now give it to..."

"Tian'er..." Zhou Weiqing only had time to call out these two words, and his lips had been kissed by Tian'er again.

Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes wide and looked at her. At this time, what he saw from Tianer's eyes was a touch of purple, and the faint purple light flashed away. Zhou Weiqing suddenly felt a cool mixture of confusion, which gradually relaxed his spirit, while the feeling of the body was enhanced in geometric multiples.

Tianer's kiss is astringent, but extremely hot. Her figure is the busiest girl Zhou Weiqing knows, and only the Caicai dean can compare with it. The wildness brought by Tianer's sacred heavenly tiger is unmatched by anyone else.

The wild breath came to his face. Zhou Weiqing only felt that his whole body was going to be melted by Tian'er. After all, he was not a child. After a short loss of mind, a strong desire mixed with all the pain suddenly rose from his body. He hugged Tian'er with his backhand. The red in Zhou Weiqing's eyes Like the fire oil ignited by the sky, the hot breath rose in an instant.

Tianer's eyes closed slightly. At this time, she was actually a little panicked. Although she thought of what to do, in fact, she didn't know how to do it at all. For the things between men and women, her biggest source of knowledge was to secretly watch Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger's intimate appearance in the room when she


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