Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 110 Entering the Level

Zhou Weiqing stood up, took Tianer's little hand, put it on his lips and kissed gently. "Let's go to Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace."


After Zhou Weiqing said to Lin Tian, he took Tian'er into the Tianzhu Tuoyin Palace. This time, they stayed in it for three days.

In the past three days, Zhou Weiqing not only completed the rubbing of his fourth bead, but also completed the condensation of two legendary suits. When he took Tianer'er's little hand and came out of the Tianzhu rubbing palace, the whole person had a feeling of being reborn.

When he first came to Zhongtiancheng to participate in the Tianzhu Competition, he was only the cultivation of Sanzhu, and it was incomplete in terms of condensation and rubbing. But at this time, he is already the emperor of the four beads, and he has all the condensation and rubbing, with many powerful skills and three legendary condensation set components. The strength of the whole person has changed dramatically.

"Wei Qing, can we take a day off and leave tomorrow?" Tian'er said softly.

"Hmm." It was already evening, and Tianzhu Island itself was not safe at night. After Zhou Weiqing and Tian'er returned to the hotel, Zhou Weiqing found the staff on Tianzhu Island and asked him to tell Shangguan Longyin that their Philippe team would leave Tianzhu Island tomorrow.

The night was getting darker, and Zhou Weiqing stood in front of the window of his room and looked out. Due to the extremely high altitude of Tianzhu Island, he can see many stars that he can't usually see here. The stars all over the sky are like shining pearls in the vast sky, magnificent and spectacular.

Looking at the direction of the Tiangong Empire, Zhou Weiqing's fists unconsciously clenched. Dad, mom, godfather, I will definitely avenge you. Even if I am alone, I will destroy Crecy and the Pattda Empire.

At this moment, he can't help but think of the scene in the light and shadow space, the god-level dragon blasponely released powerful skills and covered the whole sky. Although the god-level strongman can't completely go against the sky to deal with millions of troops, it doesn't work once or twice, which doesn't mean that he can't do it for a lifetime. Zhou Weiqing has made it clear that if possible, he will have his own army as much as possible and seek to restore the country. If not, then he will continue to practice, and then turn into a blade of killing, buried deep in the enemy country.

The soft body came from behind and gently hugged Zhou Weiqing's waist. Zhou Weiqing slowly turned around. Under the starlight, today's sky was particularly beautiful, wearing a long snow-white dress, with her long snow-white hair and purple eyes that were brighter than the stars.

This is my woman. Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but feel a trace of pride in his heart. Gently hold the sky in your arms. At this moment, he suddenly had a luxury in his heart. If one day, everything could be settled, he would take Bing'er and Tian'er to settle down on this picturesque Tianzhu Island.

Tianer slowly lowered her head, hiding her sad eyes, buried her head in Zhou Weiqing's arms, and muttered in a low voice, "Weiqing, take me."

How could Zhou Weiqing refuse such a request? With both hands, she had picked up Tianer, felt the slight trembling of her delicate body, suddenly put aside all the negative emotions in her heart, and devoted herself to the blend of spirit and desire.

This is destined to be a sleepless night, for Zhou Weiqing and Tianer, and for the people who are also in this hotel. When the wild moaning on that day was released uncontrollably, Zhou Weiqing thought that he must find an empty one in the future. Live in a place.

Tonight's day is particularly wild, but when she first tasted the forbidden fruit, she turned passive to active and kept asking Zhou Weiqing for it.

It was Zhou Xiaopang, who was just old, who was naturally unwilling to show weakness. Under the war between the intestines, the white tiger could not defeat the black tiger after all, and finally lost in the begging for mercy...

"Huh?" When Zhou Weiqing was awakened from his sleep by the warmth of the sun outside the window, he subconsciously hugged him, but he hugged him empty.

It turned out that Tian'er's words were right. At the second time of the two, Tianli had no breakthrough growth. But Zhou Weiqing, who woke up early in the morning, still had a light and comfortable feeling all over his body.

Tianer was not around. Zhou Weiqing turned over and sat up, stretched his body hard, and felt the faint fragrance left by Tianer in the air. A strong sense of satisfaction rose from his heart.

At the most painful time, she is by her side. When she was about to collapse, it was she who comforted her painful heart with her gentle body. Perhaps the future between him and her is difficult, but no matter what, Zhou Weiqing will not retreat at all. She is his woman, and she will always be.

A plain paper lay quietly in **, replacing Tian'er's position. Zhou Weiqing picked it up casually and unfolded the letter paper in it. When he saw the first line recorded above, he suddenly straightened his waist and his body was obviously stiff.

"Wei Qing, I'm leaving. Although this decision is extremely difficult, I have to leave you. I'm sorry, Wei Qing, I left when you needed me the most, but I can't help but go..."

The words left by Tianer were a little messy, which showed how complicated her mood was when she wrote this letter.

"In the final of the Tianzhu Competition, the people of the Beast Team have already seen me. When you learned from the three masters, they found me and asked me to go back with them, but I refused. However, they have found me and the unusual relationship between us. They left, and I have to wait for you to come out on Tianzhu Island. I'm afraid that my father's people and my fiance are already on their way to find me.

"You already have too much trouble, and I can't let you get hurt because of me anymore. So, I have to go. Fortunately, before I left, I had completely given myself to you. Don't worry, I'm already your person and will never change. No matter how they force me, I will only be Zhou Weiqing's woman.

"Dad has only one daughter. He won't force me too much. As long as I threaten with death, I will be able to persevere. But I'm afraid I can't find you in a short time.

"Don't come to me, can I beg you? I know that with your personality, it is easy to do something desperately. If you really did that, you would have failed me. You have more important things to do. At least, don't come to me until you don't have enough strength. I will try my best to convince my father."

"I'm gone, no regrets, only missing, Wei Qing, you haven't told me that you love me all your life, I love you."

The final signature is eight words: your God, your fat cat.

Holding the letter paper in his hand, Zhou Weiqing rushed out of the room and out of the hotel. The cold air made Zhou Weiqing feel a little more depressed with a little cold.

Bing'er couldn't go back with himself, and Tian'er also left. Although he knew that Tian'er's departure was all for himself, his heart still throated unstoppably.

God, I love you. Zhou Weiqing shouted crazily in his heart, but unfortunately, he can't hear it now. I don't know how long I have to wait if I want to say this in front of her.

Go to Tianzhu Island, buy more than ten horses, go out of Zhongtian City, seven people and seven riders, and go straight to Philippe City at the fastest speed.

Zhou Weiqing still didn't go to Tian'er after all. The feelings of his children are important, but the destruction of the country and the family affect his heart even more. Moreover, now he is not qualified to find Tian'er.

The reason why there are seven people is that Zhou Weiqing has one more person from Tianzhu Island, a 23-year-old girl. The name is easy to remember. It's called Doudou.

Doudou, a girl, does not belong to Haomiao Palace. She is the head of the three divine masters and the only direct disciple of Master Xing Tianyi.

Thirty-seven days after Zhou Weiqing studied with the three masters, Xing Tianyi said at that time that he hoped that Zhou Weiqing could take his female disciple out to travel the outside world.

Doudou has been adopted by Master Tianyi since he was a child and has always lived on Tianzhu Island. It can be said that he has never touched the outside world. Xing Tianyi hopes that she can go out for a walk. With the protection of Zhou Weiqing, he can also feel more at ease. This is what Xing Tianyi decided after knowing from the Haomiao Palace that Zhou Weiqing did not hesitate to turn against the Haomiao Palace in order to protect the light and shadow space.

Compared with strength, Xing Tianyi pays more favor of Zhou Weiqing's character.

Doudou, a girl, Zhou Weiqing also saw it when he left Tianzhu Island. The sudden situation in the Tiangong Empire made him confused, and he had already forgotten this matter. But Haomiao Palace knew that he was leaving, so he sent Doudou in person.

Zhou Weiqing told the master that he was afraid that he would face a lot of dangers when he went back, and taking Doudou might not guarantee his safety. However, Xing Tianyi insisted on letting him leave with Doudou, and said that Doudou had the ability to protect himself.

Zhou Weiqing finally did not refuse. In addition to feeling the kindness of the three masters, it was also because the Doudou girl herself was a master-level condenser. According to Xing Tianyi, she was not far from the master level.

You know, Xing Tianyi can be said to be the first divine master today. How can his disciples come out since he was a child?

This Doudou girl is not particularly beautiful. Compared with the three Shangguan sisters and the stunning beauties like Tian'er and the little witch, she is more than inferior. But she brought a completely different feeling to the Philippe team.

Doudou girl has one of her biggest hobbies, which is to eat, and because she doesn't touch the outside world all the year round, she is also a little confused. She doesn't know that the world is cold and warm. As long as she gives her delicious food, she will go with her. Zhou Weiqing can successfully take her out of Tianzhu Island


I don't want to open a single sheet to annoy everyone, but I also ask the brothers and sisters of Tangmen to give me some strength. Our monthly ticket has been exceeded again...

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