Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 112 Three-and-a-half-year agreement

Compared with that time, Zhou Weiqing is obviously much calmer. Occasionally, a cold light flashing in his eyes can make him palpitate.

Originally, Ma Qun thought that he had also broken through to two beads, and his cultivation should have been closer to Zhou Weiqing, but now he found that this was not the case. Judging from the pressure from Zhou Weiqing's body, the gap between himself and him not only did not narrow, but on the contrary, it seemed to be further. This also made him feel a little more afraid of Zhou Weiqing from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Weiqing stood at the door, looking at the small courtyard outside, with his hands behind his back, standing there quietly, with his eyes slightly closed.

Sixteen heavenly forces, the sixteen dead point cyclones quietly operated, and the heaven and earth gas in the air kept converging into his body. At this time, Zhou Weiqing suddenly had a feeling, as if his body had been fully integrated into the heaven and earth, as if it was a part of the heaven and earth force.

Is this the feeling that it appears on its own after reaching the level of cultivation? Zhou Weiqing was slightly puzzled, and when his thoughts fluctuated, the natural feeling just now suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly, Zhou Weiqing's eyes lit up, and his eyes looked in one direction. He said coldly, "Since you are already here, why do you have to hide your head and tail?"

With a series of swoos, a total of six people jumped into the courtyard from all sides, faintly facing the direction of Zhou Weiqing with a semi-encirclement momentum.

These people were all dressed in black, covered with black cloth, and looked at the murderous intention in Zhou Weiqing's eyes.

Hearing the sound outside, Ma Qun also rushed out quickly. When he poked his head out from Zhou Weiqing's back, he couldn't help taking a breath, because he clearly saw that the six people who appeared in the yard were actually Tianzhushi. Moreover, all of them have six-bead-level cultivation. Everyone's right wrist is shining with pure body beads.

The six superiors are quite powerful in any country, but at this time they appear here, and the target is obviously Zhou Weiqing.

Previously, Ma Qun felt that Zhou Weiqing's words were a little alarmist, but now it seems that his judgment is extremely correct, and the enemy came faster than Zhou Weiqing's judgment. As soon as they entered the door, they already appeared.

Among the six people in black, the leader said coldly, "Are you the remnants of the heavenly bow, Zhou Weiqing?"

Zhou Weiqing curled his lips disdainfully and said with his lips, "You are the garbage of the Baida Empire, six shady mice?"

The man in black said coldly, "He still speaks fluently when he dies."

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said, "Just rely on you garbage?"

"Do it." The leader, the man in black, knew that there were many dreams at night. After all, this was the Philippe Empire. With an order, six people in black had rushed to Zhou Weiqing at the same time.

Zhou Weiqing's first move was not to attack the enemy, but to kick him back, kicked him in the horse group's chest, and kicked him back to the room. In the face of so many strong people with Liuzhu cultivation, if Ma Qun participates in the war, he can only die.

The six people in black cooperated very tacitly to deal with Zhou Weiqing's so many famous Tianzun, and they are already quite optimistic about Zhou Xiaopang.

Two men in black in the center rushed forward at the same time and went straight to Zhou Weiqing to force him. Another two people jumped up and rushed to Zhou Weiqing from the air. The last two had a staff in their hands. One of them raised the staff, and a blue light went straight to Zhou Weiqing. This skill Zhou Weiqing is very familiar with it. It is also the bondage skill of the wind that he has. The firelight of the staff in another person's hand spewed out, and a series of bursting fireballs went straight to Zhou Weiqing.

Near-range, long-range and air, three directions launched an offensive against Zhou Weiqing at the same time.

If it was Zhou Weiqing in the face of so many strong enemies, his first idea must be how to escape. But now Zhou Weiqing is completely different. Not to mention that his strength has made a qualitative leap, his hatred for the Crecy Empire and the Baida Empire has reached its peak these days, and he will not retreat easily.

With a flash of his body, Zhou Weiqing did not retreat, and his whole body was like a cannonball, straight to the two people who wanted to attack him.

At the same time, a distorted light lit up on Zhou Weiqing, making the bondage of the wind that fell on him have no effect. It is one of Zhou Weiqing's powerful skills of time attributes, time and space chaos.

In the view of these people in black, Zhou Weiqing's only possibility is to return to the house and use the room to escape as much as possible. And they didn't come six people this time, but eight people. These people also came from the Baida Empire. Because Zhou Weiqing's performance in the Tianzhu Competition was too dazzling, the Baida Empire had issued a final order to him. Therefore, a total of eight people came this time, and the highest one reached the seven-pearl level. Once Zhou Weiqing retreats into the room, the two people hidden behind the room will also be launched. In addition, the first six people will be able to kill Zhou Weiqing in a short time.

Unfortunately, it's counterproductive. Even in the face of six strong enemies, Zhou Weiqing still chose to confront head-on. Who would have thought of such a situation?

Four ice jade beads have quietly appeared on Zhou Weiqing's right wrist, blocking the shackles of the wind with the help of time and space, and the two heavenly pearl masters with six bead cultivation have also been close.

The combination of these two people is also quite good. One is strong and the other is flexible. The man in black with flexible attribute beads on the left directly pressed against Zhou Weiqing's body. There is a broken blade in each of his hands. His goal is naturally the key to Zhou Weiqing's body. The other person hit Zhou Weiqing with a heavy shoulder. On his shoulder, there was an extremely thick condensed shoulder armor. At this time, the two people in the air were also rushing down, completing the siege of Zhou Weiqing.

The demon change appeared at this time. Zhou Weiqing's already very strong body became more majestic in an instant. His hands and right leg changed the most, as well as the tiger skin magic pattern, trousers and a pair of sleeves burst instantly, revealing almost horrible muscles.

At this time, rich practical experience and unparalleled skills show the strongest strength.

The curse of annihilation fell on the man in black who hit the heavy shoulder for the first time. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing's right claw had been patted.

That man is also strong. His pearl attribute is earth. When Zhou Weiqing released the curse of annihilation, he was already covered himself with a rock armor.

However, Zhou Weiqing was still Zhou Weiqing after all. The dark golden light suddenly rose from his body, and the condensed body protection light was released at the most critical moment.

The series of fireballs were all bombarded on the condensed body protection light. With the cultivation of these people, it is not enough to break this layer of defense that can only last for one second, but this second has determined the fate of the man in black with power beads.


This is the second update.