Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 113 Legendary Set! Under the yin and yang giant palm

Killing three people in a row, Zhou Weiqing's blood-red eyes have long been full of violence. The worries, pain and sadness these days have been released in the process of killing.

The yin and yang giant spirit palms hit each other in front of the chest, making a sonorous explosion. Zhou Weiqing shouted at the three people who had just escaped from the resistance ring of fire: "Come on"

Looking at the companion's torn body in half in front of them, the limbs were even twitching. The remaining three men in black only felt a cool air rising from the vest. At this time, they already had a feeling of fear. In their eyes, Zhou Weiqing is no longer a four-bead master, but a demon-like existence. His violent power has completely made up for the gap between the two sides, and those amazing skills are beyond the imagination of these superiors.

With a schie, two figures flew from the back of the yard, which were the two people who were hiding in the dark before to prepare for a sneak attack. They heard the screams and violent collisions in front of them clearly. According to the strength of the two sides, they thought that the battle that should have ended long ago was still going on. Moreover, the screams did not seem to come from outsiders, but from their familiar companions.

With the loud noise, the two people couldn't stand it any longer. They also appeared in front of Zhou Weiqing, one seven beads and one six beads, with a strong natural fluctuation to meet the remaining three people before.

"What's going on?" Looking at the flesh and blood of the ground, the seven-bead master asked angrily.

"Big boss, be careful, this boy is very evil. Old 2 and several of them are dead." Previously, the melee Tianzhushi, who was good at flexibility, said that there was obviously a little trembling in his voice.

The seven-bead Tianzhu master saw Zhou Weiqing's yin and yang giant palms at a glance. Of course, he knew what the dark golden luster meant, and his pupils contracted for a while. "All long-range attacks, don't get close to him, don't care about the consumption of heavenly power. You rubbish people, against a four-beaded boy, even three people died.

He saw Zhou Weiqing's weakness at once. Although the power of the power gap can be made up for by strength and equipment, the continuous attack and skill power are still there. As long as he relies on remote consumption, how can Zhou Weiqing resist them?

While speaking, the seven-bead master first took action. Suddenly, his right foot stamped heavily on the ground. Suddenly, a layer of strong yellow light spread rapidly from his feet in the direction of Zhou Weiqing. Where the yellow light passed, thick earth thorns kept emerging from the ground. This It is a range-based attack skill, and you want to dodge unless you are in the air. And once Zhou Weiqing takes off, he will immediately become their target.

Zhou Weiqing's mouth showed a trace of disdain, nobility, arrogance, and the spirit of staring at the world suddenly burst out, and a purple shadow about five meters high slowly emerged behind him. The human snake's tail, long hair is elegant, and it is the dragon demon girl.

Of all Zhou Weiqing's skills, this is the only skill that can produce celestial skill images. After he reached the four beads, he wanted to find the god-level heavenly beast on Tianzhu Island for rubbing, but he still failed after all. One is that the cultivation of the heavenly beast is too horrible. With his current strength, even if there is Children's help may not be successful in printing, and it is also easy to suffer counterattack. The other reason is that Tianzhu Island has a clear rule that without the approval of the owner of the Haomiao Palace, no matter how much you pay, you can't seal the god-level heavenly beast.

All the skills of the god-level beasts are completely different. From Zhou Weiqing's dragon demon ban, it can be clearly seen that the dragon demon ban is not a god-level skill. It can only be said to be half the god-level, but it already has the strength. The power to turn the tide, the real god-level skills can be imagined to what extent they are.

Seeing that the enemy's hidden in the dark had come out, Zhou Weiqing no longer kept it at this time. As soon as the image of the dragon demon Wa's heavenly skill came out, it immediately shocked the whole audience.

If Zhou Weiqing's Tianli cultivation can also have the realm of six beads, he is completely sure to kill all these people in front of him with his own strength. His advantage in the beads is too obvious. Coupled with the demon change and the legendary suit, how can these ordinary Tianzhu masters be compared? Tianzhushi, who has the same level of cultivation, wants to fight with him, at least because he comes from the Holy Land. At the same time, the magic master-level condensed equipment on his body can only be less than him. Zhou Weiqing's dragon demon ban is too domineering. If you want to dodge, the possibility is extremely low. Only some special skills are possible, which also depends on the ability of both sides to control the skills.

At this time, after all, he has just entered the realm of four beads, and his cultivation is far from enough, although with his devouring skills, he can greatly enhance his continuous ability in battle. But after all, those natural powers are equivalent to borrowing, do not belong to himself, and his own natural powers are also in the process of continuous consumption. In this process, Zhou Weiqing's load on the body in order to convert the devoured natural power is quite small. Therefore, it is impossible for him to continue to fight so endlessly by devouring.

Heavenly skill image, this kind of skill, which is close to divine skill, is not something that these ordinary six or seven pearls can see? At most, they have only heard the legend.

Therefore, when these Tianzhu masters from the Baida Empire saw the image of Tianji, they were not as shocked as Zhou Weiqing in the final of the Tianzhu Competition. As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless, that's what it is.

A purple-red vortex mark appeared above the head of the seven-bead master almost in an instant. The next moment, Zhou Weiqing patted in front of the giant Lingyang's palm. At the same time as the purple light flashed, the earth thorn that had been about to spread to his feet suddenly stopped.

At that moment, he was very arrogant and planned to kill Zhou Weiqing's subordinate Tianzong in one fell swoop. At this moment, his face was full of shock.

The condensation equipment and the skills he had just released disappeared. He only felt as if he was immersed in a special whirlpool, and he could not connect with his body beads and beads at all.

At the moment when the skill was interrupted, the other four people had found something wrong. When they looked back at the subordinate Tianzong, they were immediately shocked by the purple color of his whole body. At this time, Zhou Weiqing has already launched.

The dragon demon ban of the dragon demon girl has been launched. At this time, Zhou Weiqing is the strongest. The body flashed, and the storm raid has been used again. Under the sudden increase in speed, as if he had not seen the other four six-bead cultivation in black, he rushed straight to the Tianzhu master of the seven-bead cultivation. The indomitable momentum, coupled with the strong murderous spirit of him killing three people in a row, made these people in black, who had to be above him regardless of their age and cultivation, have a feeling of fear in the cold.

However, after all, they have cooperated together for many years, and they still have a tacit understanding. Although their hearts are full of shock, their movements are not slow. They all greet Zhou Weiqing with their strongest skills.

The advantages and disadvantages of the storm raid skill are quite obvious. Naturally, the advantages are the sudden increase in speed and the increase of power when attacking. Its disadvantage is that after launching, it must be attacked in a straight line. The middle picture cannot be turned, so it is called a raid.

Most of these people in black don't know Zhou Weiqing's high-level skills, but they are still very clear about the skill of Storm Raid. Because Zhou Weiqing's forward rushing speed is too fast, when they launch an attack, their skills are the only way for Zhou Weiqing's forward.

However, when they came here to assassinate Zhou Weiqing, they were doomed to fail, because they knew too much about Zhou Weiqing's skills.

The storm raid only rushed forward five yards with Zhou Weiqing's body. Zhou Weiqing did not launch any attack, but his body suddenly changed its direction because his right leg pedaled on the ground.

If Zhou Weiqing forces him to do so according to the characteristics of the storm raid, then he will definitely suffer from his skills and suffer considerable trauma. However, Zhou Weiqing also has a time attribute skill that seems to be useless but the evaluation star rating is also up to ten stars, and the time is blocked.

With time to block, Zhou Weiqing easily interrupted his skill, and then rushed calmly, completely violating the state that the skill should have produced. The benefits of doing so are very simple to describe and unexpected.

The sudden horizontal pull was extremely fast, which completely disrupted the judgment of the four six-bead master, and the seven-bead master was still shocked by the dragon demon ban at this time. Even if he could break free from the shock, he could only use Tianli so far away from Zhou Weiqing, and he could not do anything.

The giant spirit's yin and yang palm rushed to the man in black who had been raised in the air before like a hungry tiger. Zhou Weiqing's skills have been used one after another.

From the beginning of the battle, Zhou Weiqing did not stop, not only because he wanted to give the enemy a continuous blow, but also because the natural power swallowed into the body if the swallowing skill is not used without transformation, the faster the better. Otherwise, the longer he stays in Zhou Weiqing's body, the more it will generate for himself. Naturally, the load will be greater.

The bondage of the wind was branded on the man at the first time, with the increase of the giant spirit yin and yang palm. Even if the cultivation of the two sides was two beads, it still made the body of the man in black pause for a moment. In an instant, Zhou Weiqing was able to do a lot of things.

Absolute slowness and then the shackles of the wind fell on the opponent. Zhou Weiqing tried to avoid the reuse of skills during the battle, because there are many benefits of doing so, which can not only make the other party unable to distinguish his skills, but also avoid the buffer time required for the reuse of skills.


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