Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 121 Navel Outfit-- Medium

Every time the Royal Pearl Master improves his cultivation, he needs three heavenly power, while the Tianzhu Master is four. Therefore, even though the tyrannical bear is a six-bead cultivation, his heavenly power is only eighteen, and Zhou Weiqing, as the four-bead cultivation of the celestial pearl master, the heavenly power is at least sixteen, that is, the four-fold of the heavenly power. In addition, his complete increase is all power. Therefore, in

Zhou Weiqing raised his arms and blocked the fists of the bear, and the whole competition stage trembled violently with the roar.

Zhou Weiqing stood there motionless, and the tyrannical bear retreated four or five steps in a row before standing firm, and his face changed, "Tianzhu Master."

The tyrannical bear itself also has quite good strength. He is born with divine power. It is not an exaggeration to think that he has the power of the bear. In addition, the body bead master of Liuzhu cultivation is also the number one figure in the army. However, simply competing with Zhou Weiqing, the power he is best at is at an absolute disadvantage from the very high end.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing's four heavenly beads, it was not only the violent bear, but almost everyone's eyes widened. Even in the barracks of the Zhongtian Empire, the body pearl division and the Italian pearl division are common, but this Tianzhu division can't be seen casually. Moreover, Zhou Weiqing, who is cultivated by the four beads, is still a subordinate Tianzun. Compared with the six beads of the tyrannoy bear, at this moment, the people who had no hope for him turned around in an instant.

The previous two squadron commanders were even more shocked. With the cultivation of a four-bead Tianzhu master like Zhou Weiqing, once he joined the army, he was at least at the level of a squadron leader. Moreover, as long as he shows a certain military talent, the speed of promotion is quite fast. Zhou Weiqing looks so young, and at most he is only in his twenties. What is the future development potential of Tianzhushi? No one knows how strong his cultivation can be in the future. In the army, personal strength is one of the most important prerequisites for improving the military position.

Zhou Weiqing looked at the tyrannical bear with a smile on his face and said, "Do you want to continue?"

The tyrannical bear did not answer Zhou Weiqing's words, but rushed to him again. He could lose the game, but this face could not lose. If he was so timid, he would not fool around in the barracks in the future.

The tyrannty bear's thick arms hit Zhou Weiqing like two giant pestles. If the previous attack was just a temptation, then he had gone all out at this time.

Don't think that he knows that his strength can't be compared with a four-bead master, but as long as he can stick to it for a period of time, or even get a certain advantage on the scene, it's enough for him.

Unfortunately, Zhou Weiqing did not intend to have too much entanglement with him at all. The purpose of his coming to this military arena today is not to win such an intermediate challenge. Since the fighting arena has given him the opportunity to quickly become an officer, he will certainly not give up. He must get a higher military position before officially entering the army of the Zhongtian Empire. In this way, it will be of great help to his plan.

Bang--, there was still no fancy hard frame. With a loud noise, the tyrant bear was even more exaggerated this time, and his whole body was shaken to one meter from the ground. Zhou Weiqing took the opportunity to make progress. His right palm patted his chest, and the tyrant bear's body suddenly flew out like a ball and went

After all, this competition on the field is not a life-and-death battle. It is not allowed to use condensation weapons, let alone kill. It undoubtedly limits the performance of the tyrannical bear. Otherwise, it really takes a few tricks for Zhou Weiqing to defeat him without skills.

The Tyrant Bear was defeated in this way, and it was defeated by the power he was best at. The originally noisy field had completely quieted down at this time, and Zhou Weiqing became the only end of their sight.

In fact, the tyrannical bear is not wronged at all to lose to Zhou Weiqing. He is indeed born with divine power, but compared with the crow born in the Ujin clan, it is more than a difference. Even the crow and Zhou Weiqing are at a disadvantage, let alone him.

"Zhou Xiaopang won." The temporary referee, who had a hard time, announced with some difficulty.

Zhou Weiqing said, "If possible, then continue. Isn't it said that defeating five challengers in a row can be promoted to the squadron leader? I want to continue. There is no need to draw lots. There are still six intermediate masters. Let them do it one by one. I don't have to rest either."

First of all, his natural power consumption is not large. With the super recovery ability of immortal magic, even if the natural power has a certain consumption, it is nothing for Zhou Weiqing. He can naturally recover in a very short time. This is still on the premise of not using the devouring skill.

Zhou Weiqing's voice did not seem to be loud, but under the injection of Tianli, it spread throughout the field. In order to be promoted to the military position as soon as possible, he could not afford to offend people. What's more, he, who once served as a soldier in the Tiangong Empire, knew very well that in the army Zhou Weiqing didn't know whether he could continue the intermediate challenge in a day, so he simply used his manner to stimulate the other intermediate challengers who were also present to continue his intermediate challenge.

"I'll do it." A delicate shout sounded, and then a figure rushed to the central stage.

When he heard this shout, because it was a female voice, Zhou Weiqing thought that Shangguan Fei'er was going to lose his temper, which really scared him. But when the girl came to power, he was relieved. It was not Shangguan Feier.

The woman on stage is dressed in strong clothes and does not wear a military uniform. Her short light green hair looks heroic and cool. She looks like she is in her early twenties. She is slender and well-proportioned. Because she often stays in the sun, her skin is a healthy wheat color, and the delicate surface seems to be reflective. Her arms and sleeves were rolled up, revealing her little arms, clenched her fists with both hands, and stared coldly at Zhou Weiqing, like a little lioness who could lose her temper at any time.

"Zhou Xiaopang, right? You will regret insulting the tyrannical bear. I am his battalion commander. I will wash the shame you brought to our battalion with my own hands. Come on. I ranked first among the intermediate challengers in the 16th Division. If you can beat me, you don't have to continue this intermediate challenge. I'll make the decision. I'll give you 20 gold coins and promote you to the squadron leader. As she spoke, a faint layer of white light had emitted from all over her body.

Four pairs of heavenly beads quietly emerged. The right hand represents the agile dragon stone jade body beads, and the right hand is the starlight ruby representing the fire attribute of the heavenly beads. The cooperation of fire and agility.

A battalion commander is a four-bead-level Tianzhu master, which is hard to imagine in other countries, not to mention that the battalion commander is still a woman.

Looking at her, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help thinking of Shangguan Binger. Wasn't she also her own battalion commander at that time?

"Brother Zhou, can the game start?" The squadron leader, the referee, asked Zhou Wei.

Zhou Weiqing came to his senses. He looked at the heroic female battalion commander with a smile and said, "I haven't asked yet. What's the name of this beautiful battalion commander?"

The female battalion commander snorted coldly, "My name is Shenyi."

"The magic doctor?" Zhou Weiqing repeated in surprise.

"Get out. It's a reluctance. Aren't you arrogant? Don't grind, do you want to fight?" There is no need to ask Shenyi to know that Zhou Weiqing misunderstood his name. He was not the first and certainly not the last, so he immediately explained.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Then come on."

With the start of the game by the squadron captain who acted as a referee, the fifth battle that Zhou Weiqing participated in today began.

In the face of Shenyi, Zhou Weiqing was obviously not as casual as he had faced other opponents before. After all, the opponent in front of him was Tianzhu Master. Although his cultivation was four beads like him, Zhou Weiqing was not careless at all. Tianzhu Master and Yuzhu Master are different. Who knows if she has the same secret skills as herself? In the Tianzhu Competition, didn't many people lose because they underestimated him? Therefore, Zhou Weiqing himself will never make the same mistake.

On her toes, the delicate body of the female battalion commander Shenyi floated up like a butterfly and went straight to Zhou Weiqing's head. Her hands ignited two solid red flames almost in an instant, and went straight to Zhou Weiqing.

This is the advantage of Tianzhushi. He increases himself with body beads and attacks his opponent with Yizhu. In the face of such an attack full of strong fire attributes, even if Zhou Weiqing is far stronger than his opponent, he will never take it. He is not bad, and he will still be injured by the high temperature.

The wind-based Tianzhu Master must have the appearance of the wind-based Tianzhu Master. In the face of Shenyi's attack, Zhou Weiqing's body suddenly exploded. Under the increase of the wind attribute Tianli, his speed was not slower than Shenyi at all. At the same time, the two blue lights lit up on Zhou Weiqing's arms almost at the same time, and it could be faintly seen that the cyan light seemed to form a sharp cyan blade on both sides of his arm.

Shenyi's attack failed to hit Zhou Weiqing, but her attack did not end there. Her palms trembled, and two strong fireballs had caught up with Zhou Weiqing in an instant, just when the blue light condensed on his arms.

In the face of the impact of the two orange fireballs, which were obviously not the power of ordinary burst fireballs, Zhou Weiqing was not surprised at all. His arms waved gently in the air, and saw two blue lights staggered by. A strange scene appeared. The two fireballs in the air were chopped instantly like two tomatoes, and they Four petals, under the firelight, turned into invisible in the air.

"What skill is this?" Seeing that his fireball was chopped up like this, Shenyi's whole body was a little dull.


Our Tangmen's Wushuang camp is about to be established, with a short-term target of 1,200 people and a long-term goal of about 5,000 people. Let's keep watching. Hey hey, a more exciting plot is about to unfold.

Well, let's preview that after twelve days tomorrow night, it will still break out directly in the fourth update. If you have time, you can wait and have a good time.

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