Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 122 Beated by the Head of the Division--Part 1

The woman in purple snorted angrily, "My name is Shenbu. Now that you are ready, let's start the game." As she spoke, her sharp eyes had been swept at the captain who was the referee.

"Uh... start, the game begins." The temporary referee was complaining in his heart. He looked at him, hurriedly said something, and immediately retreated to the edge of the stage.

The atmosphere in the fighting arena is a little strange. Since the woman in purple came to the stage, the whole field has become extremely quiet, and no noisy sound can be heard except for breathing.

Almost at the moment when the four words sounded at the beginning of the game, Shenbu's body had already emitted a fierce breath covering Zhou Weiqing.

The strong murderous atmosphere is mixed with strong oppression, which generally impacts the spirit of Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on his face. He had faced many strong opponents, including Shangguan Feier, Zhan Lingtian, Shen Xiaomo and other young strong men from the Holy Land. However, the woman named Shenbu in front of him gave him the strongest feeling.

It is not that Shenbu's cultivation is more powerful than those young and strong people in the holy land, but the momentum. She has the momentum that those strong in the holy land have never had. There is no doubt that this momentum comes from experience on the battlefield.

Only by experiencing the training of blood and fire and crossing the battlefield can we cultivate such momentum. There is no doubt that in this powerful momentum and oppression, as the opponent of Shenbu, it is difficult to exert all her strength, and she will certainly play at a super level.

Although the two sides have not yet made a fight, Zhou Weiqing has completely restrained his emotions and watched the divine cloth warily. Because of his ability to change evil spirits, he was not afraid of the momentum of Shenbu, but he asked himself that he could not release this murderous and fierce oppressive atmosphere. Compared with the divine cloth in front of you, the previous Shenyi is much more immature. After coming to this fighting arena, Zhou Weiqing finally met an opponent who was enough to threaten him.

Six pairs of heavenly beads appeared on Shenbu's hands and wrists at the same time with the fierce momentum, which is no different from Shenyi. It is still a dragon stone jade agile body bead plus starlight ruby fire attribute beads.

Six-bead-level Tianzhu Master, Zhou Weiqing's pupils suddenly contracted. With his four-bead cultivation, can he defeat the upper Tianzun in front of him without using his obvious superior divine master-level condensation equipment and multi-attribute skills? An answer immediately appeared in his mind, one word: difficult.

However, difficulties do not mean impossible. How do you know you can't do it without trying? Zhou Weiqing's character has always been more and more brave, not to mention that there is no threat of life and death on this stage. At worst, just be a squadron leader. He will never easily expose his multiple attributes, which is too dazzling, and I'm afraid he can no longer stand here under suspicion. Therefore, after a simple judgment on the comparison of the strength of the two sides, Zhou Weiqing immediately made up his mind to compete with Shenbu with his own wind attribute.

At this moment, the divine cloth moved, and she didn't see how she behaved. Her whole body seemed to slide close to the ground, almost just a flower in front of her eyes. She had already arrived in front of Zhou Weiqing and slapped her head.

Zhou Weiqing knows very well how the divine cloth moves. To achieve this kind of movement, it depends on the strong strength and control of the foot muscles.

Although he did not use any skills, the slap of Shenbu's palm gave Zhou Weiqing a feeling like a big axe. Moreover, he could clearly feel that the momentum of Shenbu suddenly changed from the previous sharpness to erratic. There was no doubt that this palm was a temptation to throw stones to ask the way. On the surface, Shenbu seemed to be irritated by herself, but when she really started, she was very careful. This woman's will has been so resolute on the battlefield.

Bang-, Zhou Weiqing put his hands on the shelf. With a muffled sound, he fell back four or five steps in a row before standing firm. This is not pretending. The difference between the two sides is more than eight, which can no longer be made up by pure strength. You know, the higher the cultivation of Tianli, the greater the gap between each weight. Zhou Weiqing can block the palm of Shenbu with four heavenly skills, which is already quite good.

Shenbu snorted coldly and didn't give Zhou Weiqing a chance to breathe at all. He walked with his palm and continued to chopping at him.

Zhou Weiqing's eyes showed a little panic. The stage was not big. If he retreated again, he would fall. In the case of some panic, he jumped directly to the side of a fish and rolled forward, with his hands on the ground. With his relatively agile figure, he barely dodged the attack of Shenbu. At the same time, the silver emperor wing chopping, which had been used before when dealing with Shen Yi, had also been urged again, with blue light blades in his Give the plate to the god.

Shenbu sneered and thought to himself, if he had just defeated my sister with this trick, would you still deal with me? No matter how strong the skill is always used, it will be seen as flaw. She made a judgment almost instantly. This silver emperor's wing is Zhou Weiqing's strongest skill. Of course, she doesn't know the exact name of this skill.

Without dodging, Shenbu suddenly squatted half, and his hands patted Zhou Weiqing's palms at the same time. At the same time, the air suddenly became hot, and two four-foot-long blue flame knives came out, hitting Zhou Weiqing's silver emperor wings.

It is also a flame knife. The skill of rubbing is the same as Shenyi. However, with six-bead cultivation, this flame knife has evolved to a quite powerful level, far from being comparable to Shenyi's blue flame knife.

In the loud noise, Zhou Weiqing's body turned back and was shaken upside down. The divine cloth looked surprised, but he did not chase it out. It's not that she doesn't want to chase, but because Zhou Weiqing's attack is too strong. The attack power of the silver emperor wing chopping exceeded her judgment. Although she defeated Zhou Weiqing with natural power, the sharp edge on the silver emperor wing chopping also broke her flame knife. In order not to be hurt by the residual sharpness, she had to Timing.

Even so, the next moment Shenbu still rushed out. Looking at Zhou Weiqing, there was a little disdain in her eyes. Do you want to show off in front of me with just one skill? You are still far away. Does the lower Tianzun also want to challenge me to the upper Tianzun?

Under the stage, among the spectators, there was the tall soldier who had introduced Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er to the battlefield before. At this time, his mouth was wide open and his eyes were full of incredible color. He also clearly remembered that he had laughed at Zhou Weiqing before and even wanted to challenge the master. But at this moment, on the central stage, isn't this scene being staged?

"It's broken. I forgot to tell him that as long as you stick to half a column of incense, even if the challenge is successful, you can get the position of battalion commander. After all, the master is..."

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Weiqing to hear the voice of the tall soldier under the stage. Otherwise, he will definitely change his tactics and say nothing. But now he is concentrating on the change of the divine cloth. When he saw the sneer at the corners of his mouth when Shenbu rushed to him again, he said in his heart: That's it.

After avoiding the remaining sharpness, Shenbu's body panped out again. This time, she did not have any reservations, and the speed was at least double that of the previous one. She knew very well that although Zhou Weiqing's Silver Emperor Wings was powerful, he wanted to use it again after using it once, which was impossible to complete in a short time. What she wants to catch is this time difference. She has been on the battlefield for nearly ten years. There are countless opponents she faces. She asks herself that she has a very accurate judgment on the enemy's strength. Zhou Xiaopang in front of her, except for the strange sharp skills, should not have any skills that can threaten her.

Shenbu's body came out close to the ground. This time, it was no longer a flame knife. A pair of huge flame wings unfolded behind her. The gorgeous wings were more than four meters wide, and the whole fighting arena was reflected in red by the flames on the wings.

Not only that, a special breath burst out on the divine cloth. After the huge wings opened, a dark blue fireball had already burned in the palms of her hands.

I x, she is going to kill me. Zhou Weiqing was shocked. He can clearly feel that the power of the dark blue fireball is extremely terrible, which has exceeded the level that the six beads can be released by the Tianzhu master. There is no doubt that the wings behind the divine cloth have the effect of enhancing the attack output in a short time. Even if you think you are not her opponent, you still use such a big move. As for it?

While Zhou Weiqing scolded secretly in his heart, he had already reacted at the first time. He must not let the skill of Shenbu be completed and burst out head-on. In that case, even if he wants to use the skills of other attributes, I'm afraid he can't resist it, and he can only release the condensed body protection

His right leg stamped fiercely on the ground. At the same time, a blue light emerged from Zhou Weiqing's body, doubling his speed in an instant. It was the storm.

Although the storm raid only accelerates in a straight line, the power can be doubled when the attack is launched in the process of acceleration. The advantages and disadvantages of this skill are obvious. The disadvantage is that you must attack in a straight line, and you can't stop by yourself. You must rush out at least ten yards to launch the next skill connection.

Seeing Zhou Weiqing using the storm raid, Shenbu was also stunned for a moment. In fact, she did not intend to use her powerful skill to attack Zhou Weiqing at all. What is her identity? How can you hit a recruit like this?


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