Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 123 Either be a groom or be assigned

Shangguan Fei'er blushed slightly. After hesitating for a moment, she gritted her teeth and got into the tent. It's right opposite Zhou Weiqing, sitting upright. Keep yourself as far away from him as possible.

Because the air and bedding in the tent were changed by Zhou Weiqing, although the place was not big, it was very refreshing and comfortable. Especially in such a narrow place, even the heartbeat could be heard clearly. Shangguan Fei'er only felt that her face was hot.

Starting from the neck, she carefully took off the human skin mask on her face. Shangguan Fei'er revealed her true face, her eyes flowed, and there was obviously a layer of blush on the delicate skin of her face.

Unfortunately, Zhou Weiqing didn't see this beautiful scene at all at this time. He was sitting there, urging his immortality and thinking about the ruffian camp.

Judging from Shenbu's story, the ruffian camp is undoubtedly the most suitable place for their own development, because it receives the least orders from the army of the Zhongtian Empire, not even within the rolling camp, and the people who can be sent to the ruffian camp must have some skills, quite ruffians and scoundrels are not Easy.

However, as Shenbu said, this ruffian camp is not so easy to control, and he has now made the worst plan in his heart.

Mu En once taught Zhou Weiqing that no matter what happens, think about the worst result first. If you feel that you can barely accept the worst result, then you can do it boldly, and vice versa.

Entering the ruffian camp, the worst result was nothing more than being expelled. Zhou Weiqing didn't think about dying there. Not to mention that his own strength was not weak, and he also had two ice-spirited bears and silver emperor sma little red beans with him. However, without calculating Shangguan Fei'er's strength, Zhou Wei

Shangguan Feier silently looked at Zhou Weiqing opposite. This guy actually began to practice without even looking at himself. Is he shy? Boh, if this guy is shy, there will be no one who is not shy in the world. Humph, this bad guy.

Before entering the tent, she was worried that Zhou Weiqing would do something bad to her, but at this time, looking at him being so honest, Shangguan Feier was somewhat disappointed. This is the woman's self-contradiction. In some special circumstances, they will have such a situation.

On this night, Zhou Weiqing was naturally extremely honest. His meditation practice did not end until dawn outside.

The barrier of light in this tent is really not flattering. When it dawns outside, the tent is also bright.

At the moment when Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes, he was suddenly in a trance, just opposite him, no more than a foot apart, and a familiar face made his eyes straight in an instant.

The light through the tent fell on her face, emitting a soft brilliance. What a familiar face. Zhou Weiqing's heart warmed up almost in an instant, completely subconsciously leaned over and carefully approached her red lips.

The closed big eyes suddenly opened, also a little hazy, but when she saw a face magnified several times in front of her, she suddenly exclaimed, her body fell back, and her right foot kicked forward, which was completely subconscious.

This foot just kicked on Zhou Weiqing's chest. He was full of tenderness. He was not prepared. With a tear, he broke the tent and fell out.

With a schie, Shangguan Feier also rushed out. Although her foot was not strong, it did not have the natural power to inject.

"Zhou Xiaopang, what were you bastard going to do just now?" Shangguan Feier stared angrily at Zhou Weiqing, who rubbed his chest and got up from the ground.

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said, "Well, I've got the wrong person. I didn't mean to."

Have you identified the wrong person? Originally, Shangguan Feier was not very angry. After all, she was not kissed by him. Even if she was kissed, she was not kissed anyway. But Zhou Weiqing's words recognized the wrong person, as if he had ignited a gunpowder barrel.

Shangguan Fei'er pounced on him like a little tigress, "Bastard, bad guy, I'll let you recognize the wrong person..."

The sound of physical contact with the ground kept ringing, but Zhou Weiqing did not dare to shout, because Shangguan Feier had not put on a human skin mask at this time. If it was seen by others, it would be exposed.

After persisting for a while, Zhou Weiqing couldn't stand it. Although he didn't use his natural power, Shangguan Fei'er was quite fierce in anger. He fell like a lot of meat and vegetables.

"Enough, why are you crazy? It's just a misunderstanding. I've said it. I've got the wrong person."

"Bun--"I asked you to recognize the wrong person, I asked you to recognize the wrong person..."

"Woman, it's almost done. Give me a break."


"Bun, Bang--"

"I x, the tiger is not powerful, you think I'm a sick cat." Zhou Weiqing finally couldn't stand it.

Absolute slowness, the bondage of the wind, the touch of darkness, and a multiple paralyzed thunder and lightning disease fell on Shangguan Feier almost at the same time.

Shangguan Feier also forgot in anger that this was not her usual competition with Zhou Weiqing, and neither of them was allowed to use rubbing skills. Although her cultivation was much higher, she was hit by Zhou Weiqing's four powerful control skills unexpectedly, and her body suddenly froze.

Zhou Weiqing took this opportunity to grab her and pressed her left hand on the big vertebrae behind her neck, making her unable to move. He pressed her on his lap and slapped her upturned little buttocks.

"I asked you to beat me endlessly. This is the spanking you owe me, just return it to me."

At the beginning, Shangguan Feier still tried to struggle, but the big vertebra point was one of the centers of the whole body, and it was restrained and she didn't need to work hard at all. ** Under the palm, she didn't struggle, so she fell on Zhou Weiqing's lap and let him fight.

In fact, Zhou Weiqing used a little force in the first three times, and then it was lighter and lighter. For beautiful women, his immunity is already low, not to mention Shangguan Feier. How can you be willing to do it?

Ten** palms down, Shangguan Fei'er's body trembled slightly. Zhou Weiqing was stunned and stopped. What he heard was the sound of her crying.

"Uh-huh, why are you crying? You threw me so hard and beat me, I didn't even cry. Zhou Weiqing suddenly looked at Shangguan Feier lying on his lap with an embarrassed face and didn't know what to do. Loosen the hand pressed on her big vertebra.

"Bastard, you bastard." Shangguan Fei'er suddenly got up, kicked Zhou Weiqing, and ran back to the tent.

Zhou Weiqing scratched his head and said to himself with a wry smile, "It seems that I was beaten miserably. This small witch is really not easy to get along with. What's the matter?"

Just as Zhou Weiqing was about to return to the tent, a team of soldiers had already come this way, which was the guard of Shen Bu, the commander of the 16th Division.

The man in front of him held a set of armor in his hand, and the top helmet was inserted with an orange feather. Walking in the second place, he is holding several sets of military uniforms, talismans, tokens and so on.

Seeing them, Zhou Weiqing naturally would not go back to the tent and stood there waiting for the team to come closer.

The soldiers led by

met yesterday and handed the armor in their hands to Zhou Weiqing. They said jokingly, "Congratulations, Captain Zhou, you can take office at the ruffian battalion today. This is the military uniform and battalion commander-level equipment of you and your classmates. Please put them on, and we will escort you to the ruffian

What kind of escort is clearly supervision.

Zhou Weiqing did not poke them. He smiled. First, he took a few sets of military uniforms and threw them into the tent for Shangguan Feier. He himself fought outside and put them on, and then put on armor. He was tall. He put on this armor, and then put on a helmet with orange feathers. He was a little majestic The feeling.

In addition to the armor, there is also a long sword, a token made of metal that I don't know what kind of metal it is. The words on the token are, Special First Battalion. This should be the real establishment of the ruffian camp.

Zhou Weiqing thought of the token and hung up the long sword. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in his heart. The battalion commander, he is now the battalion commander who has a battalion's strength of thousands of troops.

When Shangguan Feier came out of the tent again, she had put a mask on her face again. Her figure was much thinner than Zhou Weiqing's, and her equipment was much simpler, including a set of military uniform, a leather armor and a simple knife.

There are a total of 20 guards. Naturally, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er were surrounded in the middle. The leading guards said, "Zhou Battalion, please. The horses are ready outside the barracks.

Zhou Weiqing said with a smile on his face, "Let's have some breakfast before we go."

Qinwei said, "I'm sorry, because Battalion Zhou is not affiliated to our 16th Division, so there is no breakfast for you here."

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "Very good, let's go." He grabbed Shangguan Feier, who was about to attack, and walked out surrounded by the twenty guards.

Outside the camp of the 16th Division, 22 horses have already been prepared, and there is still a long distance from here to the northern front-line ruffian camp.

Get on the horse, drive fast, with smoke and dust, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er can be said to be heading north in escort.

Shenbu and Shenyi sisters appeared at the gate of the camp in armor and saw Zhou Weiqing's departure. Shenyi frowned slightly and whispered, "Sister, isn't it too much for us to do this? Zhou Xiaopang's strength is not bad. After all, he is a talent."

Shenbu snorted coldly, "What about talent? What's the use of people who don't listen to the command? Let him go to the ruffian camp to have a good experience. Before long, he will run back and beg me. At that time, hum. Thinking of Zhou Xiaopang's hateful appearance yesterday, she was so angry that she didn't fight.


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