Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 124 Ruffian Battalion Leader Middle

Listening to Zhou Weiqing's words, most of the soldiers of the ruffian battalion were a little stunned. Over the years, the ruffian battalion has also been several battalion commanders, but none of them can hold on. They also killed one of them. None of those people are like Zhou Weiqing.

Although these soldiers and ruffian battalion are arrogant, they do not dare to attack the regular army. You know, the army in the northern border of the Zhongtian Empire is the most elite army of the whole empire. They are originally guilty. If they provoke that place again, it is likely to bring the disaster of killing. Before being sent to the ruffian camp, each of them had been removed from the army.

The strong man like a black iron tower jumped off the hillside and walked to Zhou Weiqing with his giant mace, "Zhou Xiaopang, right? Do you know that if you do this, it will kill us. Since these guards are from the 16th Division and robbed their equipment, won't the people of the 16th Division find them? We are very remote here. Even if it is completely erased, no one will know.

With the strong man coming, the people around the ruffian camp also surrounded Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er in the center.

Zhou Wei glanced at them, and there was a trace of deep disdain in his eyes. "No wonder you have only lived here for so many years. You are still a ruffian camp. How dare you be called a ruffian?"

"Kid, are you looking for death?" The black man roared, and the mace in his hand had already been lifted.

At this time, the soldiers of these ruffian battalion saw a scene that surprised them.

Zhou Weiqing's body trembled, the armor on his body had been taken off by him, the helmet was also thrown aside, and the lower body's combat skirt and combat boots were also taken off one after another.

Then, Zhou Weiqing took off his upper body's military uniform and, like the black man, he luo his upper body.

Strong and strong, Zhou Weiqing is still much worse than the black man, but the muscle lines on his body are also quite strong.

Shangguan Feier spat softly and turned her head. The face hidden under the mask was a little more blushing.

"What are you going to do? Sell your body? Although we are all exiled, we are not interested in men. The black man said coldly.

Zhou Weiqing shook his head at him and said, "Listen to what you just said, you seem to be afraid of death, right? It's nothing. As long as it's a human, I'm afraid of death, and I'm no exception, and I'm especially afraid of death. I think that for you, no matter how many words there are, it is better to prove it with practical actions. You are afraid of the revenge of the 16th Division, right? So, I now tell you that from this moment on, if you don't obey my orders and rely on me alone, I can let the whole ruffian camp disappear from the world.

"Hahahaha." The black man laughed wildly and said, "Do you think you can show off your power in our ruffian if you knock out those twenty guards? Let's disappear from the world, and you won't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue..."

The black man's strong voice suddenly stopped here, because he was surprised to see that Zhou Weiqing's eyes had turned red in such a short time. Bright red, bright red.

An unparalleled violent breath suddenly burst out from Zhou Weiqing's body, his muscles suddenly expanded, and black tiger skin magic lines emerged from under his skin like water waves. If these people in the ruffian camp are fierce, then, at this moment What Zhou Weiqing exudes is fierceness.

Well, Zhou Weiqing's right foot suddenly raised, so that everyone could see the change on his foot. Then, his right leg was split like a tomahawk, and his right foot stamped on the ground so fiercely.

Shangguan Fei'er knew Zhou Weiqing's strength best, and she jumped up gently, one meter from the ground.


The earth seemed to have been bombarded by a 10,000-pound hammer, making a deafening roar. People who were close to Zhou Weiqing only felt a burst of dizziness in their brains, and a huge shock came from their feet at this time.

More than 100 people were shocked like a blooming flower at this moment. On the earth, the traces of cracks quickly extended to the distance, and the farthest spread nearly 100 meters.

The roaring echo echoed in the mountains, and Zhou Weiqing suddenly clenched his big hand like a tiger's claws. No one could see clearly how he acted. The mace in the black man's hand had already reached his hand.

Zhou Weiqing just carried the mace and bombarded himself with his backhand. The sound sounded like gold and iron. The black man was shocked to see that the spikes on his giant mace had disappeared.

Zhou Weiqing threw it to the ground casually. With a pop, the giant mace disappeared, leaving only a black hole on the ground.

Not to mention the people in these ruffian camps, even the 22 horses were staggered by Zhou Weiqing's earthquake and finally fell to the ground. The power of that kick made these ruffian campers in front of them couldn't help but look unbelievable.

The evil bloody eyes swept and fell on the black and strong man, "What's your name?"

The black man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Are you really a human?"

In front of his eyes, the next moment, his body had been lifted off the ground by Zhou Weiqing. "Now I'm asking you, what's your name."

"Everyone calls me black bear or big bear. My real name is Xiong Guangming. The ruffian is not a death squad, and they are also afraid of death. Especially in the face of Zhou Weiqing after the change of evil spirits, everyone will have a feeling that they can't compete at all. In this case, isn't the hard top looking for death?

Zhou Weishao nodded, put him on the ground, and said, "Very good. No matter how you plan to deal with me, I will continue. Now, do as I order. Pack up the trophies and take me back to the camp.

"Get up, are you cheating the corpse? Why don't you do what the battalion commander said quickly? The big bear immediately ordered without hesitation, and the look on his face became much more respectful. In front of absolute power, it was a fool. He doesn't want to die yet. As for how much of his respect is true, that's not what Zhou Weiqing needs to consider. What he has to do now is to sit firmly in the position of battalion commander first. As for how to subdue these ruffian campers, he has a lot of ways. Don't forget that he was taught by a rogue and the most hooligan. The situation that those ordinary officers can't deal with is really not a big problem for him, because his way of thinking is closer to these ruffian.

In a while, the clothes, armor and weapons of the twenty soldiers had been taken away. Holding their flattery, under the leadership of the big bear, more than 100 ruffian camp soldiers surrounded Zhou Weiqing and walked towards the camp.

Zhou Weiqing dispersed the evil spirits, but he didn't put on his clothes. He just wore his upper body and walked in the front with Shangguan Fei'er.

Xiong Guangming said, "Bion commander, please go to my tent first to have a rest. We haven't assigned a battalion commander here for a long time, so there is no special tent."

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll come to your tent. You should be one of the squadron leaders of our special first battalion. You can call all the other squadron leaders. Of course, you can also tell them what happened before. As for the possible trouble caused by the 16th Division, I will deal with it myself. You don't have to worry. Since I am already the commander of the ruffian camp, I have to resist any problems, don't I? Since I dare to do that, naturally it's my reason.

"Yes, yes, the battalion commander is wise." It's funny that Xiong Guangming, who is as big as a big man, put on a respectful and humble look, but he made Zhou Weiqing look a little higher. The reason is very simple. Zhou Weiqing's personality is Zhou Weiqing's least favorite, because people with such a personality often can't live long. What he needs is a smart army, not an army that can only fight hard.

The camp is close to each other, and you can see the simplicity of those battalion commanders. Most of the camps are leaking. You know, this is northern Xinjiang. Now the weather is already very cold, and it's better during the day. People with strong natural power like Zhou Weiqing can not care, but at night, Wen The degree can be reduced a lot. How many cold winds can this kind of tent withstand? Fortunately, they stationed all the tents in the rifus between the mountain bags.

Xiong Guangming took Zhou Weiqing to a relatively complete camp and invited him in. The camp account is only about ten square meters, with at least six or seven patches. But it's still tighter. Even so, you can feel the ventilation everywhere. As a result, the air in this tent is good.

Zhou Weiqing frowned and said to Xiong Guangming, "Go ahead and call the other squadron leaders."

"Yes." Xiong Guangming turned around and went out. As soon as he got out of the tent, his eyes were full of cold light. Among the ten squadron captains of the ruffian camp, his strength is at the bottom of the ranking. Just now, he was intimidated by Zhou Weiqing and had to obey temporarily, but now that he has arrived in the ruffian camp, such a hairy boy in his early twenties wants to command these people? It's a daydream.

There are only Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Fei'er left in the tent. Shangguan Fei'er stared at him angrily and said, "I really don't understand what you're thinking. You have to come to this place where birds don't shit. What else can you do in this kind of place? I'm afraid if I don't leave on my own, I will always stay here as a battalion commander.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "Although this place is a little more dilapidated than I thought, it is not a bad thing. You should understand that what I want is not the army of the Zhongtian Empire, but my own. What's wrong with the ruffian camp? This will be the place where I rise. You can wait and see.


My wife is better. Her daughter's cold and fever are just over, and she has rubella again. She has always been sick this month. She is very distressed, but to no avail. I have to work hard to gritte my teeth and code words, and I have to work hard to break out. I'm so tired. I don't ask for votes for this chapter, but I feel tired.