Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 128 Dragon Demon God #2

The tunnel in front of us is only one of the many caves dug by the soldiers of the ruffian battalion in this hilly area. The height is only about one meter, and it is very difficult to bend down to climb in. At the entrance of the cave, there is a bunker designed by the soldiers of the ruffian battalion, which is difficult

After the tunnel of the cave has been looking in for more than ten meters, there is a large space, which can barely stand up straight, but it is not too big, and the air circulation is very bad.

Wei Feng smiled bitterly and said, "This hill is full of stone mountains, and it is full of hard diamond and granite. Brothers don't have enough to eat. It's good to dig like this. Anyway, I can barely settle down.

Zhou Weiqing frowned slightly and said, "This won't work. Once found, it can only be a dead word. Moreover, what if the war outside continues for a long time? What should we do? In the end, I can only starve to death here.

Wei Feng looked at Zhou Weiqing and said, "What do you think you should do?"

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "Dig a hole deep and accumulate grain widely. The hills here are all stone mountains, which have both disadvantages and benefits. If we can dig an underground world below and do enough defense, we don't have to be afraid of how many enemies will come. Now we have just entered the early spring, and it's not urgent. I will design it carefully first. We must expand our original tunnels and then connect them together. The underground world should also have enough space for activities, enough vents and multiple exits. This is the most basic. Deputy Battalion Chief Wei, does everyone usually practice?

Wei Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Living in such a place, who still has the heart to practice? In fact, there are many people with good talent, but they are all grinding here without edges and corners, just eating and waiting to die.

Zhou Weiqing's eyes showed a bad light, "It doesn't matter. Let everyone eat and wear warm clothes first. At that time, I will have a way to make them angular.

In the position of commander of the Wushuang Battalion, Zhou Weiqing is temporarily stable. He knows that many things can't be done in a hurry. If you practice these people now, the effect will not be very good. After suffering from the cold and hunger for so long, the most important thing for them now is to take care of their bodies, and then talk about other things.

"Vice Battalion Chief Wei, I'm going to Tianbei City tonight. Take care of the money." As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing pointed to the two carriages in front of him that he specially asked Wei Feng to get. The two carriages were tightly closed, with the appearance of about 20,000 gold coins. It was originally the military pay on the other side of the warehouse, but Zhou Weiqing got part of it. He doesn't have much cash on hand. He has to use his interests to give benefits to these soldiers and ruffian, and he always has to pay some cash. There have been thousands of gold coins before the reward was issued.

He went to Tianbei City this time. One was to contact Lin Tian to make them, and the other was to get some gold coins back. Of course, there are other things to deal with. Zhou Weiqing's plan for himself is to put Wushuang Camp on the right track of a virtuous cycle within three months.

Wei Feng nodded and said, "Okay." He would not ask Zhou Weiqing how he got through the barracks. Since he came here, Zhou Weiqing has brought them a sense of omnipotent.

"Brait commander, battalion commander, the 16th Division has come." With an urgent shout, a soldier of the Wushuang Battalion rushed down.

"Huh? It came very fast," Zhou Weiqing said in surprise. After looking at Wei Feng, he rushed out.

"Zhou Xiaopang, come out for me." Zhou Weiqing pedaled up the hillside and saw Shenbu at a glance.

Shenbu did not wear the dress of the head of her division. She was just dressed in strong clothes, and she did not bring a personal guard. There were only eight people behind her who were just dressed in strong clothes but had no armor.

Although there were only individuals, when Zhou Weiqing saw them, his heart sank slightly. He understood that Shenbu had thought of a way to deal with himself. It's definitely not possible to send troops. This time, she will rely on the personal force of a few people to deal with herself.

"Shenbu Division Leader, I haven't seen you for a long time." Although Zhou Weiqing had a judgment in his heart, he still smiled and walked down the hillside calmly.

The soldiers of the ruffian battalion can now be said to be de moraleless. Half of them have diarrhea, the stench all over the mountains has not yet dissipated, and the other half has just gathered together to watch the bustle. Anyway, the battalion commander has said that he will not do anything that has no interest, not to mention that

If his eyes could kill people, when Zhou Weiqing came down from the hillside, Shenbu's eyes had pierced him countless times.

A few days ago, when Shenbu sent Zhou Weiqing to the ruffian camp, she never thought that Zhou Xiaopang would be so difficult. He dared to pick up the equipment of his 20 soldiers. A heavy cavalry squadron sent the next day actually suffered the same, and even his sister was also unarmed. This is simply a great shame.

When Shenbu saw that the heavy cavalry of the squadron turned pale with cold and returned to the camp of the 16th Division wearing only his trousers, he almost broke a silver tooth. Don't mention the hatred for Zhou Weiqing. Shen Yi told her that Zhou Weiqing actually asked her to spend money to buy those equipment back. This bastard is simply a scumbag.

However, just as Zhou Weiqing judged, Shenbu really did not dare to mobilize the army to destroy their unparalleled battalion. Shenbu still knows more or less about the strength of the soldiers and ruffian of the Wushuang Battalion. If you want to kill all these people, you may have to lose more than one battalion. Moreover, if she mobilizes a large army, she will definitely be known by the military department. Although something may not happen, she can't afford to lose this face

After thinking about it, Shenbu invited several friends he was familiar with to find a place.

"Zhou Xiaopang, I won't talk nonsense to you. Hurry up and hand over the equipment you robbed in the past two days and honestly send it back to the 16th Division. I will pretend that nothing has happened. Otherwise, I will flatten your ruffian camp today.

Zhou Weiqing looked at her in surprise and said, "I'm so afraid of the commander of the divine division. However, we are friendly. If you do this, you have to go to the military court. Although our ruffian battalion was exiled, it was at least a special first battalion in the army. I'm afraid it's not good for you to make trouble like this."

With a bang, Shenbu jumped down from the horse's back and raised his finger to Zhou Weiqing, "Don't mess with me. Will the military take care of you ruffian? I'll give you one last chance, otherwise, I'll let your blood flow in your place immediately.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "No, commander, calm down. You also said that we are just a group of ruffians. It's not worth it if you are angry with us. However, I can't give you the equipment you mentioned. I'm afraid you have to spend money to buy it. After all, I can't let my brothers work hard for nothing. What do you mean?

"Babu, what else do you have to say to him?" The other eight people who followed Shenbu had also diseed at this time, and they fought behind Shenbu. It was one of the middle-aged people in his forties who spoke. This man's skin is dark and his face is majestic. At first glance, he is a man in the army, but he doesn't know what the position is.

"Brother, if you do it, everyone should pay attention to moderation, and don't kill people. After all, it's a friendly army anyway. Shenbu looked very respectful to the strong black-faced man who opened his mouth and said in a low voice.

"You, you, a small ruffian camp has made such trouble. If you let the master know, just wait to be scolded. You are about to mention the deputy commander. At this time, you have to think twice about everything, you know?

"Hmm." Shenbu answered a little aggrievedly and stared at Zhou Weiqing fiercely.

The strong man in black strode out, crossed the divine cloth, and said coldly to Zhou Weiqing, "Zhou Xiaopang, right? This time, Shenbu rushed you to the ruffian battalion to be the battalion commander, but there was a mistake first. Return the equipment, and you can also go back with us to redistribute your position.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, "Can you make the decision on this?"

At this time, the soldiers of the ruffian camp couldn't sit still, and the originally joking eyes suddenly turned into attention. Anyway, although Zhou Weiqing, the battalion commander, came for only two days, the benefits he brought to them were never before. Hearing that Zhou Weiqing might be reassigned to their posts, they all felt a little reluctant.

The strong man in black said faintly, "I'm the commander of the Seventh Army. Do you think I can make the decision?"

The 16th Division is subordinate to the Seventh Army Corps. Hearing what he said, Zhou Weiqing suddenly looked linched. A corps commander was in charge of 100,000 troops. There are only 1,000 people in his ruffian camp. This magic machine can't be compared with Shenbu. If he wants to be unfavorable to his ruffian camp, he can calm himself by mobilizing the troops of the Seventh Army.

"It turned out to be the commander of the legion. Zhou Xiaopang, the commander of the special first battalion under his subordinate, has met the commander of the corps. Zhou Weiqing hurriedly saluted the magic machine.

Shenji waved his hand and said, "Get your things ready quickly and go back with us."

Zhou Weiqing said a little awkwardly, "But, you see, the head of the Shenbu Division's attitude towards me, if I go back, can I still have good fruit to eat?"

"Huh?" Shenji is also one of the top figures in the Northwest Army. Even in the whole military community of the Zhongtian Empire, a general like him who control 100,000 troops is also a high-level military. No one below has ever dared to bargain with him like this.

"So what do you want?" A trace of chill flashed in the eyes of the divine machine, and the strong pressure exclusive to the superior suddenly permeated.


This is the first update of the outbreak, brothers and sisters, it's a new month, and we must fight to the end. I will definitely do what I promised everyone. It's still an untilled outbreak. Let's send it to the sixth update first. Fight with me and let our Tianzhu reach the peak. Come on, vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket in your hands.