Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 130 Under the Blue and Golden Flame

Zhou Weiqing was originally an affectionate person, but he would never be promiscuous, otherwise he would not have accepted the little witch at the beginning. What he loves most is undoubtedly Shangguan Binger. Between Tian'er and him, it is an emotional explosion that has been together for many years, and at this time, Shangguan Feier is another indescribable and unclear feeling.

He led Shangguan Feier out of the tent, but Zhou Weiqing didn't know what to say to her. He looked at her in a daze without saying a word.

"I'm asking you. Do you still like the girl in Snow God Mountain? Shangguan Feier continued to ask angrily, but she let go of her hand holding Zhou Weiqing's front. She had never seen Zhou Weiqing's eyes as confused as he is now.

"Emotions are sometimes uncontrollable. When it comes, whether it is reasonable or not, no matter how you suppress it, it will still come. I love Bing'er, and I also love Tian'er. Yes, I admit that I'm an asshole, but I will never give up any of them. Speaking of this, Zhou Weiqing's voice paused and looked at Shangguan Feier with burning eyes. "Just like the moment I saw you cry for me today, I won't give up on you either."


Shangguan Fei'er's strong anger originally inspired by Zhou Weiqing instantly came to an end after the addition of his last sentence.

"Phil." Zhou Weiqing stepped forward to take her hand.

Shangguan Feier took back her hand like an electric shock. Her expression was obviously a little flustered. "Didn't you, didn't you say you want to go to Tianbei City? Let's go now." As she spoke, she turned around and bounced up. In the air, she released her devil horse on the ground, landed on the horse, and ran wildly.

"Bang." Zhou Weiqing slapped himself and muttered, "Zhou Weiqing, you are such an asshole. People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. They are too greedy. But what if I really like each of them? Instead of making them refuse painfully, it's better to be more philate and work harder. Those who can do more work."

Scratching his head, he himself feels that his theory is a little shameless, but if he wants to have a face, he will have no wife. So who wants that thing? Bold, careful and thick-skinned, he has always been a magic weapon for picking up girls.

The one-horned devil horse seemed to be more horizontal in the dark. He took Zhou Weiqing and went straight behind Shangguan Feier to chase him.

Along the way, Shangguan Feier was always controlling the horse. Zhou Weiqing tried several times, but she ignored him and refused to speak.

The distance of more than 200 miles was under the speed of the devil's horse, and it soon arrived. Far away, the brightly lit northwest camp was already in sight. When it was more than ten miles away from the camp, Shangguan Feier stopped first. Zhou Weiqing followed her all the time, and naturally stopped. If she moved forward, she was about to be found by the soldiers on the watchtower.

The two turned over and got off the horse. They had a tacit understanding and put away the devil's horse at the same time. Shangguan Fei'er said angrily, "How can that shameless go over?"

Zhou Weiqing suddenly became angry, "What is that shameless person?"

Shangguan Feier snorted, "It's just shameless."

Zhou Weiqing said, "Don't you have wings? Take me and fly over, it's the most convenient. Otherwise, it would be more troublesome to cross the barracks.

"Hold you. It's almost enough to hold you. As she spoke, her master-level condensed wings had been quietly released. Before Zhou Weiqing could react, her body flashed and had reached behind him. Her hands passed under his armpits, and she hung Zhou Weiqing's body with her arms. The wings behind her back were slapped hard. Under the power of heaven, she had already taken Zhou Weiqing

Such a posture, as long as Zhou Weiqing does not take the initiative to touch it, he will naturally not touch Shangguan Feier's body. His whole body is hanging in the air, and it doesn't feel good.

"Hey, beauty, you hold on to the ground..." Zhou Weiqing's heartbeat accelerated a little. He was already a little afraid of heights. The cool night wind blew on his body, and there was no strength around him. The taste was never good.

"Humph. Don't worry, I won't die. To tell you the truth, my strongest ability is not close combat, but air combat. Shangguan Fei'er's cold voice came from above her head.

"Huh? Air war." Zhou Weiqing was shocked, "Who are you going to deal with in the air war?"

Shangguan Fei'er said, "It's not the people of Xueshen Mountain. Xueshen Mountain, as the strongest individual strength among the five holy places, in fact, they have no human beings. They are all a group of high-level heavenly beasts who have cultivated into human form. Therefore, in addition to the strength of the normal Tianzhu Division, they can also convert the cost body to fight. Among them, the biggest advantage is in the air. The suit customized by the three masters for me is matched with my double beads. The main goal is the air. Therefore, my suit is called the Kongba Brilliant Suit. The three masters hope that I can have the hegemony in the future with this suit and compete with Xueshenshan.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "It seems that your air combat ability is really strong. When you go back, show me a show."

Shangguan Feier snorted coldly and said, "Why show you the performance? You don't have flying wings. Can you fly in that suit? Why don't you perform now?"

"Don't, I'm afraid of you. I'm afraid of heights." Zhou Weiqing was speechless.

Shangguan Feier has taken him into the sky at this time, at least more than 500 meters from the ground. In the dark night sky, it is difficult to find below. Even if you find it, what can you do? This distance is already beyond the reach of ordinary bows and arrows.

A bad smile came out of Shangguan Fei'er's beautiful face, and she thought to himself that if you, the bad guy, were upset, you must teach him a good lesson. The magic of the vast little witch came out again.

Suddenly, Zhou Weiqing only felt that his body was crooked, and his whole body had fallen in the lateral direction in an instant, causing him to almost exclaim.

"Fier, what are you doing?"

Shangguan Fei'er sounded calmly with a little joking voice, "Let you see my hegemony and empty power. Be careful, Dragon Shadow Eighteen is coming."

As she spoke, the wings behind her began to change strangely. Under the control of her mind, the wings suddenly converged, but made a small swing, and her whole body also turned over with Zhou Weiqing in an instant. When the body falls down, it flips up like a whirlwind.

Zhou Weiqing couldn't tell the difference between the sky and the ground at this time. He only felt a whirlwind, as if his heart was about to jump out of his throat. His face turned pale.

When the 18th horizontal roll ended, Shangguan Fei'er's wings suddenly opened, and the whole person paused in the air. At the same time, he panped instantly and made a dazzling drifting action. Then he suddenly raised his head, pushed Zhou Weiqing's body up, turned up 90 degrees, and then soared vertically and rushed into the sky again.

With a person, her movements are still extremely fast, extremely coordinated and flexible. But Zhou Weiqing was already a little scared. This is hundreds of meters high in the sky. With his cultivation, if he falls down, he will also be crushed to pieces. Although he also knew in his heart that the above official Fei's air-making ability would not let him fall down. But people's fear is difficult to restrain, especially the first time he has suspended in such a high air.

After all, Shangguan Feier was reluctant to do too much. She rose into the sky again and stabilized her wings. "Let's see if you dare to make a crime next time. I won't beat you in the future. I will always save some face for you in front of your brothers. However, how exciting the game in the air is, but it can be played a few more times.

Zhou Weiqing didn't say anything and didn't do anything.

Shangguan Fei'er was slightly shocked, "Hey, aren't you scared stupid? Or are you scared to faint?"

He still didn't say anything, and he still didn't do anything.

"Xiao Pang, Xiao Pang--" Shangguan Fei'er's voice began to become a little anxious. He wouldn't be scared, would he?

At this moment, Shangguan Feier suddenly felt a change in Zhou Weiqing's body. His body trembled violently, trembling greatly, and an extremely cold evil spirit suddenly came from her arm, which made Shangguan Fei'er shiver.

What's going on? Shangguan Fei'er was shocked. Because of the cold evil spirit, he almost threw Zhou Weiqing out. I clenched my teeth before I forced to hold back.

And at this time, after the cold evil spirit, another extreme heat broke out in an instant. This time, Shangguan Feier could no longer resist. She exclaimed. Under the paralysis of her arms, Zhou Weiqing's body had slipped from her hand.

"Little fat." Shangguan Feier accelerated in an instant and hurriedly chased Zhou Weiqing, who fell down. At this time, they had just skimmed the northwest camp below, and it was more than 700 meters away from the ground. They fell from this height, and the result can be imagined.

Shangguan Feier did not exaggerate her ability in the air. Almost in an instant, she had caught up with Zhou Weiqing's body, but when she saw Zhou Weiqing's face, she couldn't help but be shocked.

At this time, the color of Zhou Weiqing's face is constantly changing, suddenly red, suddenly pale, and the speed of change is extremely fast, almost once in a second. And he himself closed his eyes, his fists clenched, and his body kept trembling violently. Obviously, he was suffering great pain.

How could this happen? Unparalleled regret rose in Shangguan Fei'er's heart. When he grabbed Zhou Weiqing's skirt and wanted to pull him, Zhou Weiqing's clothes turned into flying dust in an instant and dissipated in the air.

Yes, even Shangguan Feier can't stand the cold and scorching heat. How can his military uniform resist it?

The fall is very fast. In a blink of an eye, it has fallen 200 meters. And the speed of falling is increasing.

With a bite of silver teeth, Shangguan Feier took a deep breath. The vast infinite flame that had been used during the day was released again, and she hugged Zhou Weiqing without hesitation.


I will issue two chapters first to guarantee the bottom, because I am not at home. These two chapters are released regularly. If there are many monthly tickets on the first day, I will make up for the update after I come back today. Today's update is still 500 votes per chapter. The outbreak will continue without a cap. The corresponding number of votes will be updated according Go on, let's vote. Monthly tickets, as well as recommended tickets for the new week. This week, we are going to work hard to top the double list of the recommendation list and the monthly ticket list, and our crazy outbreak continues.