Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 137 Triangle Basin, Heaven of Beasts

"Hmm." Zhan Lingtian raised his head and didn't even look at Zhou Weiqing. Naturally, I won't shake hands with him.

Shangguan Feier stood aside and watched coldly. She used to have a good impression on Ling Tian. He is handsome and powerful. In the young generation of the Haomiao Palace, he is even more of the dragon among people.

But at this time, she was surprised to find that looking at Zhan Lingtian and Zhou Weiqing face to face, her heart completely turned to Zhou Weiqing's side. In her eyes, Zhan Lingtian's energy was too narrow and her thinking was too simple. Joy and anger are revealed on the surface. On the contrary, Zhou Weiqing smiled sincerely. Although she knew that this guy was pretending, in the face of the hostile Zhan Lingtian, he could do this, which proved that his mentality was much better than Zhan Lingtian. In contrast, the gap between the two is obvious.

My little fat is the best. Shangguan Feier couldn't help saying this in her heart. She didn't know that this was completely in the eyes of her lover. In terms of appearance, Zhou Weiqing is really not as good as others.

In the face of Zhan Lingtian's hostility, the smile on Zhou Weiqing's face became stronger, "Brother Zhan, don't do this. The Tianzhu Competition was a last resort. Everyone wanted to win the championship, so I accidentally injured my brother Zhan. It was really a misunderstanding. In terms of strength, how can I compare with my brother-in-war brother? You are the future successor of Haomiao Palace. You won't be as familiar as me.

Hearing what he said, although Zhan Lingtian knew that the boy did not hold his fart, he was really useful. Of course, Zhou Weiqing's simple smile still made him want to slap him.

"Zhou Weiqing, don't think I don't know what you're doing here. If you want to use the power of my Zhongtian Empire to restore your country, don't daydream. Zhan Lingtian's sharp eyes fell on Zhou Weiqing, as if to pierce his body.

Zhou Weiqing suddenly showed a grievance, "How can I have such an idea? How can I restore the country by myself? I ran to join the army, but because the Philippe Empire could not tolerate me, I had to come to the northern Xinjiang of the Zhongtian Empire. Fighting in the battlefield can not only hone myself, but also persist in cultivation. After the destruction of the country and the death of my family, I have no home, and I don't know where to go. Only by sending my love to the battlefield and fighting against the killing of foreign enemies can I reduce my pain a little. But who knows, the commander of the 16th Division didn't like me, so he sent me here. It's freezing here, completely isolated. Who can be worse than me? Although he became a battalion commander in the field of the army, what's the use? Brother Zhan, you don't think I'm going to run back to the country with this thousand people, do you? Let's not talk about whether these brothers are willing to come with me. It's not realistic."

Zhou Weiqing's words were full of emotion, and he almost burst into tears. Not to mention Zhan Lingtian, even Shangguan Feier, who knew his details, was almost cheated by him. She was very suspicious that in the past three months, Zhou Weiqing did not practice his various skills, but facial expressions. The performance just now was definitely at the level of the best actor.

Looking at Zhou Weiqing, who may turn into tears at any time, Zhan Lingtian's face softened a little. "If you are willing to fight in this battlefield, no one cares about you. I'm sorry that a little lower master can't afford to make any wind and waves. Be careful and don't think about Miss San anymore. What is your identity? Do you also want to join our Haomiao Palace?

Zhou Weiqing blinked his eyes and said, "This matter, I don't count, but you don't say it."

A cold light flashed in Zhan Lingtian's eyes, "As long as you stop pestering the third lady, nothing will count. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you.

Zhou Weiqing glanced at him and said, "Brother Zhan, you seem to have made a mistake. I heard from Fei'er that what you like is Bing'er's eldest sister. Shangguan Xueer, the heir of Haomiao Palace, is not my Binger. Why do you bother me? In fact, there is something wrong with your idea. You should have a good relationship with me as much as possible. If I become the uncle of Haomiao Palace in the future, Bing'er and I will support you to be with Shangguan Xueer, it will still be helpful to you. If we all become the son-in-law of the Haomiao Palace, the relationship is still very close.

"Huh?" Zhan Lingtian really never thought about it in this direction. Hearing what he said, he was immediately moved. Because he knew very well what the position of Shangguan Bing'er, the third sister, was in Shangguan Xue'er's heart, and he almost had no contact with Shangguan Bing'er. It was really appropriate to get Shangguan Bing'er's support through the boy in front of him.

However, although his heart was a little loose, his mouth did not relax much. "It depends on whether you can get the recognition of the two palace masters."

Zhou Weiqing smiled secretly in his heart. Under the influence of his own temptation and words, the mentality of Zhan Lingtian has changed. At least he will not think too much about himself and the Unparalleled camp.

"Brother Zhan, I'm going to go on a long trip in a few days. I don't know if you will continue to stay here or go back to Haomiao Palace?" Zhou Weiqing raised such a question at this time, and he was really a little worried about letting Zhan Lingtian stay here.

Zhan Lingtian said without hesitation, "It's time for me to go back to my life. Miss, pack up your things and go back with me. Both palace owners are very anxious when you run away from home this time.

Shangguan Fei'er was shocked, "No, I'm not leaving. I have something else to do."

"What can I do for you? Supervise this boy? Even so, there is no need for you to supervise him here in person. I will explain it to the Northwest Corps. Zhan Lingtian suddenly frowned.

Shangguan Fei'er shook her head and said, "No, I'm going to the Beast Empire with him."

"What? No way." Zhan Lingtian said categorically, "What is your identity? How can I go to the Beast Empire? In case the people of Xueshen Mountain find out and arrest you, the two palace owners will be very passive. You must go back to the Haomiao Palace with me.

Shangguan Fei'er's eyes suddenly turned red and said aggrievedly, "Brother Zhan, didn't you figure out what he was going to do to stop it?"

Seeing that she was about to cry, Zhan Lingtian suddenly frowned. Although Shangguan Feier and Shangguan Xueer looked exactly the same, he did not have a good impression on Shangguan Feier. Since he was a child, there were too many people who were tricked by Shangguan Feier. He was also one of them. To this vast witch, he

Shangguan Fei'er said, "Dad's birthday is coming. I went to the Beast Empire with Zhou Weiqing and others this time in order to find some rare heavenly beast cores and give it to my father as a gift. This is my filial piety. Do you want to stop it? You don't have to say anything. If you don't let me go, I'll tell my sister when I go back. As you know, the eldest sister is the most filial, hum.

"You..." Looking at Shangguan Fei'er, Zhan Lingtian really had a headache. He frowned and said, "How long are you going?"

Shangguan Fei'er said, "I have asked the Northwest Army to handle the business relationship. I will leave in three days, one month as soon as soon as one month and three months later. I'm sure I'll be back. Brother Zhan, you can go back to Haomiao Palace first and tell your father that I will go back in a while.

Zhan Lingtian looked at Shangguan Feier, looked at Zhou Weiqing, who lowered his head and couldn't see the expression next to him, and hesitated in his heart.

Zhou Weiqing lowered his head. In fact, he was laughing secretly there. He was acting just now. Isn't Shangguan Feier at this time?

"Forget it, I'll go with you. Just go back like this. In case something happens to you, how can I explain it to your sister and the two palace owners? When you come back from the Beast Empire this time, you will return to the Haomiao Palace with me. I will send a letter back first to reassure the two palace owners.

Zhan Lingtian finally made a decision, but this decision made the two people who were acting just a little speechless.

"Do you also want to go to the Beast Empire with us?" Shangguan Fei'er said reluctantly. She didn't do anything else. She was afraid that some of the intimacy she showed with Zhou Weiqing would be seen by Zhan Lingtian. What's more, with Zhan Lingtian, she can't get close to Zhou Weiqing, so how can she be willing?

Zhan Lingtian snorted coldly and said, "What's wrong? Don't want me to go. Do you have a ghost in your heart? Miss, you have only two choices now, either go back with me or let me go with you. Don't think it's useful to put on airs in front of me. I've seen a lot of your behavior since I was a child.

"Go and go. You can do whatever you want." Shangguan Feier said angrily. She really couldn't find a reason not to let Zhan Lingtian go to the Empire of Beasts together.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "In that case, let's go together."

The matter was settled like this. Shangguan Fei'er didn't know why Zhou Weiqing agreed so happily. Looking at his expression, it seemed that he really wanted to go with Zhan Lingtian.

Zhou Weiqing handed over the matter of Wushuang Camp to Wei Feng and Tiangong Camp. Three days later, he took six people, including Lin Tianwei, Zhan Lingtian, Crow, Ma Qun and Shangguan Feier, and quietly went on the road. He returned to Tianbei City first, and then took Zhongbei City, the first town in the .

Because all the procedures were complete, their actions were very smooth. In order to improve the speed, they even gave Zhan Lingtian a devil horse all the way north and gradually went deep into the hinterland of the Beast Empire.

In fact, the reason why Zhan Lingtian decided to follow him has a lot to do with himself. He is also very curious about the Beast Empire, and this is also his first time to come here.

On this trip, Zhou Weiqing's destination was a place called Beast Paradise in the north-central part of the Beast Empire.

There are hundreds of tribes in the Beast Empire, large and small, of which more than a dozen are the most powerful tribes. The dominant one is the Lion Heart Tribe.


The second update is sent.